Právny štát, spravodlivosť a budúcnosť demokracie



Alexander Bröstl - Marta Breichová Lapčáková (eds.)

Collection of papers from session of the slovak section of the IVR

In accordance with its name, the collection is devoted to three framework areas consisting of the rule of law, justice and the future of democracy, reflecting the focus of the 31st World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR). Published contributions of the slovak section of the IVR are devoted to the present questions of the rule of law in relation to the democratic legal state. Principles of the rule of law and present questions connected to the democratic character of the Slovak republic, including the democratic procedures on the local level, are juxtaposed with shifts on the international and global scene. Individual contributions are thus devoted to the technical and biotechnological challenges of contemporary democracy, the manifestation of game theory in the search for consensus in collegial judicial bodies, or to the concept of loyal opposition in the ongoing judicial dialogue surrounding the application of law in the european legal space. Space is also devoted to the universal questions of the nature of legal science, and to the present and future of the rule of law. The collection thus goes beyond the borders of the slovak legal space and aims to understand current trends in a broader context.

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Edukácia, roč. 7, č. 2/2024



Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

Stránka časopisu >>>

Vedecký recenzovaný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.

Ciele vedeckého časopisu Edukácia:

  • prezentovať súčasné postavenie a funkciu pedagóga v edukačnej praxi a jeho perspektívy,
  • prezentovať aktuálne otázky vzdelávania a výchovy z pohľadu učiteľov, sociálnych pedagógov, špeciálnych pedagógov a psychológov,
  • prezentovať inovácie v edukačnej praxi; analyzovať stav a problémy prepájania teórie a praxe výchovy a vzdelávania vo vzťahu k moderným vyučovacím koncepciám,
  • prezentovať aktuálne trendy v pregraduálnej príprave pedagógov,
  • prezentovať výsledky empirických výskumov z oblasti pedagogiky, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky a psychológie v prostredí rodiny, školy a mimoškolských výchovných inštitúcií.

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Kozmológia čarodejných príbehov (ľudová...



Lukáš Šutor

Vedecká monografia Kozmológia čarodejných príbehov (ľudová rozprávka medzi kultúrou a umením) je pôvodnou prácou syntetizujúcou výskum o kozmologických štruktúrach archaických epických žánrov v interdisciplinárnom dialógu medzi literárnou vedou a kultúrnou antropológiou. Výskumne sa sústredíme najmä na ľudovú čarodejnú rozprávku, ktorá sa vždy dotýka základnej ontologickej problematiky, vytvára modelový a poetizovaný obraz sveta; predstavuje neteistickú formu hrdinskej kozmológie, ukotvenú v gnómickom časopriestorovom rámci. Pri jej výskume kombinujeme synchrónnu systémovú interpretáciu semiotických rovín s diachrónnou analýzou vývoja kultúr. Z nášho výskumu vyplýva, že základné konflikty medzi symbolickými formami čarodejných príbehov, tak ako ich poznáme z folklórneho prostredia, vykryštalizovali v epoche šírenia sa prvých historických národov ako dôsledok konfrontácie odlišných kultúrnych komplexov.

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Dejiny verejnej správy



Stanislav Konečný – Ivan Halász

Vysokoškolská učebnica Dejiny verejnej správy je svojou koncepciou i rozsahom doposiaľ najvýznamnejším a unikátnym textom tohto zamerania, publikovaným na Slovensku. Je zameraná na vývoj spravovania od antiky takmer až po súčasnosť. Venuje sa takým jednotlivým etapám, ako bola správa patrimoniálna, stavovská, absolutistická, napoleonská, konštitučná, totalitná a sovietska až po demokratickú, pričom si všíma nielen organizáciu správy a spravovania na centrálnej úrovni, ale aj na regionálnej a miestnej. Vývoj verejnej správy vníma v súvislostiach vývoja právnych, ekonomických, sociálnych i politických systémov. Aj keď takmer každá kapitola vyúsťuje do charakteristík vývoja verejnej správy v danej etape na území Slovenska, vždy je rámcovaná všeobecnými charakteristikami európskeho vývoja ako aj vývoja v niektorých ďalších relevantných krajinách. Publikácia má dobre usporiadanú a prehľadnú štruktúru, je písaná prístupným štýlom a jazykom, takže môže nájsť svojich čitateľov okrem vysokoškolských študentov aj v radoch širokej odbornej ale aj laickej verejnosti.

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1. svetová vojna a jej dôsledky v štátoprávnej...



Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška

The presented publication is the proceedings of the international conference held on 29.-30. September 2022 in Košice as an output of the grant project APVV-19-0419. The ambition of the project is to try to reconcile legal and general historians from Slovakia and Hungary in the difficult topic of looking at the Treaty of Trianon from 1920. The conference, held on 29.-30. September 2022 was the third in a series of conferences that for the purpose of assisting in the achievement of said goal. It was attended by legal historians and positive lawyers from several Central European countries. So let the collection serve as another step towards understanding between nations.

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English Syntax in a Nutshell.A frame-to-chain...



Slávka Janigová

This academic textbook is addressed to students of English linguistics as an introductory course on syntax, but also to anyone interested in the composition of the English sentence, whether affiliated with academia, school teachers or practising translators. The textbook pursues the Prague Linguistic School tradition of functional structuralism along with an onomasiological perspective as the major methodological focus of the Košice Onomasiological School of Linguistics. Within an onomasiological approach to syntactic analysis the key to the identification of surface structures (ranked as Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences on the syntactic pyramid) is the syntactic meaning (a frame-to-chain approach). The syntactic analysis starts with identification of the arrangement of semantic roles (a deep valency frame) and proceeds to determine a surface valency chain, often several of them, by means of surface grammatical and structural tests. Readers are encouraged to use their intuitions in deciphering the syntactic meaning and identifying the surface chain capable of its activation in both the English sentence analysis as well as cross-linguistically.

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Verejná správa a spoločnosť 2/2024 (časopis)



Michal Jesenko (editor) - Eva MihalíkováDarina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.


Laboratórna technika a výpočty



Zuzana Jurašeková

Úvod k praktikám k experimentálnym metódam biofyziky

The university textbook titled Laboratory Techniques and Calculations is designed for the first-year students of the bachelor's degree in Biophysics at the Institute of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The objective is to equip students with fundamental knowledge and practical skills for the work in a chemical laboratory. It is essential for addressing different biophysical issues and experiments that students will have to solve later. The textbook comprises three principal sections: a theoretical part focused on the calculations, a section dedicated to laboratory work, and the last part offers a brief introduction to spectroscopy. The theoretical part summarizes the basic definitions and equations related to the characterization and preparation of solutions and mixtures. The second, most comprehensive part provides guidance and suggestions for safe and efficient practices in a chemical laboratory. The primary focus is on the manipulation of chemical substances and the use of specific small laboratory instruments and equipment. The fundamental laboratory procedure guides for the selected laboratory works are also provided. As part of a short introduction to spectroscopy, students can become familiar with fundamental spectroscopic concepts and principles. UV-VIS absorption spectrophotometry receives special attention, along with a brief introduction to fluorescence. The textbook is supplemented by various practical and theoretical tasks, as well as numerous web links to further explanatory texts and videos.

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Mám či nemám: Etika v psychologickej praxi



Monika Hricová

Despite the fact that a psychologist may have a good moral background, it is necessary for everyone to know and act in accordance with ethical professional principles in order not to harm the clients with whom they work in the course of psychological practice. There are many case studies in the professional literature that describe serious situations of violations of psychological ethics. On the one hand, they depict conscious professional misconduct or ignorance. On the other hand, they have contributed to the introduction of even legal standards for the ethical behavior of psychologists as professionals. Completion of a course or training in the topic of psychological ethics is required by several professional associations abroad, especially in the last years of undergraduate studies. Their goal is to supervise the quality and preparation of future psychologists. The university textbook Do I Have It or Not: Ethics in Psychological Practice provides a summary of essential information on the ethics of conducting psychological practice, the boundaries of the relationship with the client, and the rules of confidentiality. The goal is not for the student, as a future psychologist, to know ethical rules word for word, but for them to be sufficiently ethically sensitive.

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Index Seminum 2025



Lenka Mártonfiová

Index The Index Seminum 2025 of the Botanical Garden of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University contains a list of 243 seed samples offered for the international exchange among botanical gardens on the world. It includes seeds collected from the wild plants in natural localities of Slovakia with a detailed description of the localities with coordinates and date of collection (66 samples) and seeds of plants grown in the Botanical Garden (46 samples) and seeds from Exposition of the Tatra Mountain Nature of the State Forests of Tatra National Park, Tatranská Lomnica (73 samples) as well as 58 seed samples from Hrádocké Arboretum of the Secondary Forestry School of Jozef Dekret Matejovie in Liptovský Hrádok. The index includes a desiderata table that can be used when ordering seeds.

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G. W. Leibniz - filozofia raného a stredného...



Martin Škára

The presented university textbook is a reaction to two fundamental shortcomings. The first one is the absence of a similar, if not equivalent, textbook in the Slovak university environment. The second shortcoming is the mistake that Leibniz's philosophy is a system called monadology.

The presented textbook corrects this mistake and at the same time fills the gap of the absence of this kind of textbook with a Leibniz subject. For the above reasons, the presented textbook brings a new perspective on the philosophy of G. W. Leibniz, especially in the period of early philosophical beginnings with an overlap into the so-called Paris period and the De summa rerum period up to the first philosophical doctrinal formulation expressed in the Discours de métaphysique (Winter 1685-1686). The textbook is conceived as a selection of sections of source texts translated by the author of the textbook from French and partly from Latin and equipped with comments accessible to the target audience.

It is therefore the author's wish that this textbook not only serve as a form of correction for the misinterpretation of Leibniz's philosophy, but as an inspiring text that will introduce the reader to the world of Leibniz's philosophy in its undistorted light.

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Základy zdaňovania (v interakcii ekonómie a práva)



Karolína ČervenáAnna Vartašová

The scientific textbook in the form of an electronic interactive publication is intended for university students who are interested in an interdisciplinary view of taxation in the context of linking the basic theoretical knowledge in the field of law and economics related to taxation with an emphasis on application practice. The content of the textbook primarily covers general theoretical knowledge in the field of taxation in terms of their historical creation and characteristics in the scope of the legal and economic framework of tax system in general, as well as that currently applied in the Slovak Republic.

The textbook also includes pictures and graphs (listed in the appendix), which interactively complement the text part, as well as a set of questions in (in the context of the scope of particular chapters), whose task is to contribute to the fulfilment of didactic goals of the textbook.

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Úvod do techniky potenciálu súvisiaceho s...



Steven J. Luck

Preklad: Július Zimmermann a Eva Kiktová

Kniha je slovenským prekladom anglickej monografie Stevena J. Lucka An Introduction to Event-Related Potential Technique (2014). Technika potenciálov, ktoré súvisia s udalosťami (ERP), je neinvazívny spôsob skúmania procesov percepcie a kognície ľudského mozgu. Subjekty – skúmané osoby, vnímajú špeciálne navrhnuté formy vizuálnych alebo rečových stimulov. Zo snímanej sústavy EEG signálov sa matematickými metódami extrahujú osobitné ERP signály, pričom sú u nich zaujímavé tri typy rozlišovacích schopností: časové rozlíšenie (latencia), amplitúdové rozlíšenie (magnitúda) a priestorové rozlíšenie (oblasť mozgu), v ktorej sa generujú ERP signály. Latencia a magnitúda signálov sú v tejto metóde unikátne parametre prezentujúce uvedené procesy, priestorové rozlíšenie je v tomto prípade menej dokonalé.

V knihe je výklad celého experimentálneho ERP výskumu: návrh a prevádzka laboratória, dizajn experimentov, akvizícia EEG signálov a korekcia šumov a artefaktov. Nasleduje detekcia ERP signálov: filtrovanie a Fourierova analýza, kvantifikácia amplitúd a latencií, osobitné metódy v časovej aj frekvenčnej doméne a podobne. Nakoniec štatistickou analýzou a interpretačnými metódami sa formulujú dosiahnuté výsledky výskumu. Pre čitateľa sú cenné aj poznatky v kapitole o tom, ako sa píšu štúdie s dobrým kreditným ohodnotením a ako sa takéto štúdie oponujú.

Kniha je cenným zdrojom pre výskumných pracovníkov, pre doktorandov a postdoktorandov, ale aj pre študentov, ktorých zaujala nesmierne zložitá a málo preskúmaná činnosť ľudského mozgu.

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Nadváha ako rizikový faktor vzniku...



Magdaléna Hagovská - Alena Buková - Ľubomír Lachváč

Overweight as a risk factor for the development of civilization diseases and urogenital dysfunctions

Overweight and obesity represent a significant risk factor for the development of several diseases of civilisation, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus and various forms of cancer. They also contribute significantly to urogenital dysfunctions such as urinary incontinence, overactive bladder and pelvic organ prolapse. Mechanisms that link excess weight to these dysfunctions include increased intra-abdominal pressure, hormonal changes, and chronic inflammatory processes that negatively affect the structure and function of the urogenital system. Prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity are therefore crucial not only in terms of reducing the risk of civilization diseases, but also in improving the quality of life through the prevention and treatment of urogenital dysfunctions.

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Praktikum z nukleárnej magnetickej rezonancie....



Mária Vilková - Zuzana Kudličková - Aneta Salayová - Tomáš Ján Liška

The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Practicum – Part 1: Quantitative NMR is designed for students taking the NMR Practicals course, which focuses on the practical aspects of quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (qNMR). This publication builds on previous NMR courses and assumes basic theoretical knowledge of the method, emphasizing experimental procedures, data processing, and result interpretation. qNMR is a precise analytical technique with broad applications in analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical research, biomedicine, and quality control. The script provides a detailed guide to conducting experiments, as well as procedures for analyzing and evaluating acquired data. This publication offers students methodological guidance and support in mastering qNMR analysis and serves as a valuable resource not only during their studies but also for further research in NMR spectroscopy.

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