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    Špeciálne praktikum školských pokusov z organickej chémie

Špeciálne praktikum školských pokusov z organickej chémie


Jana Špaková Raschmanová - Zuzana Kudličková - Kvetoslava Stanková

Organic chemistry plays a key role in our lives, from the pharmaceutical industry to the production of plastics and food additives. Additionally, it is essential in biochemistry, as it deals with the basic building blocks of living organisms, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. One of the best ways to teach organic chemistry and increase students' interest in the subject is through conducting school experiments. This study material presents a collection of visually striking practical experiments in organic chemistry that will help students better understand the chemical processes and techniques used in the field. This electronic study material is supplemented with visual material, allowing students to verify the results of experiments and better understand the individual procedures. At the end of each section, there are questions to help assess the acquired knowledge and encourage deeper understanding of the experiments conducted.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Jana Špaková Raschmanová - Zuzana Kudličková - Kvetoslava Stanková
Document type:
Academic textbook - scripts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Prírodovedecká fakulta
Vysokoškolský učebný text Špeciálne praktikum školských pokusov z organickej chémie vznikol vďaka finančnej podpore Vnútorného vedeckého grantového systému UPJŠ VVGS UPJS – IPEL č. VVGS-2022-2409.
CC BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)
- Free for download

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Matematická analýza 1



Božena Mihalíková - Ján Ohriska

This text is intended for first-year students in 76-12-8 ‘General Education Teaching’ in combinations with mathematics. It is based on the authors' lectures and their more than ten years of experience in teaching this subject at the Faculty of Education of the University of Applied Sciences. When writing it, the authors tried to take into account the specificity of mathematics teaching studies.

The present teaching text was not written due to the lack of textbooks on mathematical analysis. The reason for writing it was the authors' findings that the students do not have sufficient experience in working with specialized literature from secondary school, the difficulties for many of them (especially in the first semesters) are caused by even a slightly different interpretation, not rarely also by a change in labeling, which makes them miss the essence of the studied problem. The authors of the text did not set out to be original. Their aim was to make such a selection of topics as is necessary for a future teacher of mathematics and to choose such a method of interpretation which, in their opinion, is suitable for first-year students.

A good mastery of the curriculum (expansion of the mathematical apparatus and the related possibilities of applying other methods of proof as well as the acquisition of the necessary numerical skills) presupposes the use of other literary sources (textbooks, collections of problems) according to the teacher's recommendation.

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The textbook "Bioenergetics" should serve as an introduction to the study of bioenergetics. This field of science is currently highly actual, as the results of the bioenergetics research in recent years clearly show that bioenergetics processes in living systems can "serve" not only to transformation of energy, but also affect the course of processes such as apoptosis, aging, origin and development of many diseases (especially neurodegenerative).

These facts clearly indicate the need for the existence of quality teaching texts that would allow students to acquire the necessary information and knowledge in this scientific discipline in an acceptable way. For the above mentioned reasons, we decided to create these textbooks, which are in the form of ten chapters, which naturally and logically follow each other. 

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Internet vecí a jeho aplikácie



Ľubomír Antoni a kol.

In university textbooks, we present the basics of the Internet of Things, its origin and technological development, concept. We classify Internet of Things applications into the areas of healthcare, intelligent environment, personal and social areas, transport and logistics, smart cities.

We present an overview of university subjects in the field of the Internet of Things, which were created and innovated at Slovak universities within the national project IT Academy - Education for the 21st Century. We present extended subject annotations, application examples and case studies using various methods in the field of the Internet of Things.

University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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Základy znalostných systémov



Ondrej Krídlo

University textbooks present the basics of knowledge systems, which are divided into two parts. The first part of the publication is devoted to the basis of Formal Concept Analysis, ie the method of data analysis, knowledge representation and information processing, which is based on the formalization of the concept. In the second part we deal with the basics of logic programming, procedural semantics of logic programming, ie programs - theories, questions, SLD-derivation, SLD-tree, search strategies.

University textbooks are intended for students of master's degree programs in computer science.

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