Rekreačný šport, zdravie, kvalita života IV.



Jana PotočníkováPeter Bakalár (eds.)

Book of Abstracts from International Scientific Conference.

Book of abstracts includes abstracts of contributions presented as invited lectures, oral presentations and posters during 4th international scientific conference Recreational Sport, Health, Quality of Life. Conference was organised by Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice in cooperation with its polish partner organisation -  Institute of Physical Education, Tourism and Physiotherapy of Akademia im. Jan Długosz in Częstochowa. The aim of the conference was to create space for communication, and sharing experiences and underline the importance of recreational sport and rational nutrition in life of conteporary man.

Book of abstracts consists of 6 parts: fisrtly, inveted lectures, folowed by abstracts of contributions from 5 conference sections: 1. Lifestyle and health; 2. Diagnostics in recreational sport and physical recreation; 3. Sport and physical recreation in theory and practice; 4. Sport and nutrition; 5. History of sport and tourism.

Book of abstracts brings to the reader wide spectrum of views on the problematic of recreational sport, health and quality of life.

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Životný štýl a zdravotný stav vysokoškoláčok v...



Alena Buková

The aim of work is to broaden knowledge about selected lifestyle factors and subjective health problems of first-year university students at the two largest universities of Eastern Slovakia in the reflection of their sporting activity. We have analyzed questions about their eating habits, the quantity and quality of sleep, selected risk factors of behaviour - alcohol and smoking, and subjectively reported health. The weekly frequency of their sporting activity was considered to be indicative in order to emphasize the importance and necessity of regular physical activity in relation to selected factors of their lifestyle and health.

The set of cross-sectional research consisted of 1055 first-year female university students.

The research was part of grant project VEGA 1/1343/12 "Selected Risk Factors of Obesity and Physical Prevention". Collection of empirical data was facilitated by the means of a questionnaire compiled for the needs of the above VEGA grant project. For the needs of our study, we used a battery of questions about sporting activity, health condition and selected lifestyle aspects of the respondents. The results assess relationship between the examined lifestyle variables and sporting activity. Positive relation with sport activity was confirmed in the daily frequency of meals, the distribution of total food intake throughout the day and the presence of breakfast in daily regime. Negative relation has been proved between higher frequencies of sporting activity and fatigue after morning wake-up.

Although not all variables indicated relevant correlation with sporting activity, it is desirable to continue monitoring and analyzing various lifestyle factors of university students, especially in their first year of study. University attendance represents the final stage of formal education that allows for shaping healthy life habits. Potential intervention during the study involves, among others, influencing the health of undergraduates, their healthier lifestyle and prevention of many health problems at a later stage of life.

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Klasická a športová masáž



Agata Horbacz

Selected Chapters for Students of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Sports and Recreation.

The presented university textbook Classical and Sports Massage (2nd edition, expanded) is intended for students of the bachelor's degree program in Sports and Recreation. We focus in detail on classical and sports massage and other massage techniques most commonly used in sports and recreation. The learning texts provide extensive information on procedures, indications, and contraindications of massages, necessary for performing classical and sports massage in the sports field.

In the textbook, we describe the history of massage, general principles for masseurs in the sports field, basic strokes, and their transitional variants. Subsequently, we deal with the methodical procedure with illustrative images (own sources) for classical and sports massage of individual body parts. We address basic information on the application of massage in physical education, sports practice, and regeneration. We also add basic techniques for passive joint movements to the massage procedures.

Download the e-book for free  (pdf)

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