Teórie správy, riadenia a byrokracie
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Teórie správy, riadenia a byrokracie

€11.57 €5.79 -50%
Availability: 42 In Stock

Bohuslava Mihalčová a kol.

Učebnica definuje rozdiely medzi správou a riadením, charakterizuje pojem byrokracia a pohľady na ňu. Ďalej podrobne rozoberá jednotlivé teórie týkajúce sa správy a riadenia, charakterizuje medzinárodný pohľad uplatňujúci sa aj vo verejnej správe a popisuje teórie financovania verejnej správy.


Finančné riadenie

Availability: 6 In Stock

Viktória Bobáková - Slávka Sedláková

Vysokoškolské učebné texty pod názvom „Finančné riadenie“ sa zaoberajú zákadnými aspektmi riadenia financií v organizácii. V samostatných kapitolách sa venujú finančnému plánovaniu nielen v podniku, ale aj na úrovni obce. Poukazujú na nevyhnutnosť manažmentu hotovosti, pozornosť je zameraná aj na tvorbu finančných politík, na spôsoby nakladania s majetkom, na nutnosť využívať vhodnú informačnú základňu pre finančné rozhodovanie.


Strategický manažment vo verejnej správe
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Strategický manažment vo verejnej správe

€11.67 €5.84 -50%
Availability: 32 In Stock

Slávka Sedláková 

Význam strategického riadenia vo verejnej správe v súčasnosti neustále narastá. Strategický manažment je vedou a umením formulovať, implementovať a evaluovať rozhodnutia, ktoré pomôžu organizácii dosiahnuť dlhodobé ciele. Je to proces, ktorý zároveň zahŕňa formulovanie vízie, misie a cieľov organizácie. Dôležitú súčasť strategického manažmentu tvorí interná a externá analýza, ktorá je východiskom pre tvorbu a výber samotnej stratégie.


Organizational Behavior



Gabriela Kravčáková a kol.

The second revised and extended edition of University textbook Organizational Behavior is the work of an international team of authors. University teachers of two Slovak universities and two Czech universities are the authors of this book. Problem areas of organizational behavior and its processing comprehensively was the intention of the authors. University textbook is complemented by 10 chapters, other chapters are significantly revised. University textbook is thematically divided into five parts. The first part treats the issue of organizational behavior as a discipline. Organizational behavior is theoretically defined, there is indicated the subject matter of the discipline, relationship with other sciences, historical and scientific foundations of organizational behavior. There are also presented knowledge about formal organizations and bureaucracy. Final of the first part is dedicated to social science research and social audit in organizations. The second part is called Individual aspects of organizational behavior and there are included themes as personality, work and its role in human life, job satisfaction, work motivation and loyalty of employees. This part is complemented by the issue of personality, competency and power of manager and career issues. Interpersonal interaction and group processes in an organization is the name of the third part of the book. It includes the chapters as working group, team and team roles, leadership and its impact on human personality, communication, performance management, friendships and loneliness in the organization. This section was complemented by the issue of interculturar communication in the international organizational context, conflicts in the workplace and workplace misbehavior. Fourth, complemented part is called Resources and means of ensuring employees and there are included themes such as external and internal mobility of workers, personal marketing, and unemployed as a potential source of workforce and talent management. The fifth part is called The organization as a culture and organizational dynamics. Authors included topics such as organizational culture, social responsibility of organizations and added the themes ethics on workplace, change management and radical change – reengineering. University textbook presents current theoretical knowledge and also the results of relevant research. Contents of chapters are complemented by practical examples of organizations. There are included questions for reflection and tasks at the end of each chapter. Tasks that help students and professional public apply the theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. This University textbook comes with support KEGA no. 013-UPJŠ 4/2013 titled Organizational Behavior - University textbook for the compulsory subject of the new study program.

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Availability: 1 In Stock

Dagmar Jakubíková - Eliška Vildová - Petr Janeček -

Ján Tlučhoř

Publikace zkušených autorů je jedinou komplexní knihou na téma lázeňství a řízení lázní na českém trhu. Autoři, kteří se problematikou lázeňství, podnikání, managementu i marketingu dlouhodobě zabývají a mají bohaté teoretické i praktické zkušenosti, se v knize věnují především marketingovému řízení lázeňských organizací a podniků, spolu s uplatněním nejnovějších poznatků.

Postupují od představení lázní a lázeňství v Evropě a České republice a služeb lázeňských zařízení, přes management lázeňských podniků, marketingový výzkum, analýzu prostředí a výběr cílových trhů, až po celý marketingový mix – produkt, cenu, distribuci a komunikaci. Speciální pozornost autoři věnují interní a externí komunikaci v lázeňských organizacích a lázeňských hotelích.

Výklad je doplněn mnoha příklady z české i zahraniční praxe, včetně obrazové dokumentace. Kniha je určena především studentům vysokých škol, vyšších odborných škol a středních škol, kteří studují cestovní ruch, pracovníkům lázeňských organizací a hotelů a všem dalším, kteří mají zájem se hlouběji seznámit s implementací marketingového řízení v lázeňství.

Organizačné správanie - cvičebnica



Gabriela Kravčáková a kol.

University Exercise Book Organizational Behavior adds content as University Textbook with the same name and completes the overall view of the behavior of people in organizations with respect to the classical approaches and new trends on a subject. The authors are university teachers, scientific researchers of two Slovak universities and two Czech universities and their texts formed the basis of analysis and comparison of theoretical knowledge of both home and foreign resources, research results, as well as monitoring requirements of practice imposed on the behavior of employees organizations. Submitted publication has 26 separate chapters focusing on work, personality, work groups and teams, team roles, communication organization, social, communication and management skills, social audit, job satisfaction and motivation, loyalty to the organization, organizational culture, social responsibility organization, talent management, performance management, learning and learning organization, negative phenomena at work, unemployment as a social problem, acceptance of risk in the organization, system of strategic tuning of organization and empirical social research. Each chapter contains a brief summary of the information on the chosen theme, theses and questions to replicate the tasks and activities in which there are used innovative and creative teaching methods (case studies, role playing, mental mapping, etc.) With a view to increase the active participation of students or other participants, actors in addressing current issues and problems in practice. University Exercise Book may therefore serve not only as a teaching material for higher education, but also as a useful tool in various outdoor and indoor training activities in the process of learning in organizations, or. the interaction of academic theory and economic reality.

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Komunikácia v organizácii



Helena Harausová

Komunikácia je významnou a neoddeliteľnou súčasťou ľudského bytia. Dôležitú rolu zohráva aj v jednotlivých organizáciách výrobného a nevýrobného charakteru. Bez komunikácie by nebolo možné tieto organizácie riadiť a dosahovať stanovené ciele. Cieľom skrípt bolo spracovať problematiku komunikácie a aplikovať ju na organizácie verejnej správy. Skriptá začínajú rozpracovaním problematiky informácií, ktoré sú nevyhnutnou súčasťou každého komunikačného procesu. Obsah ďalších kapitol je zameraný na ciele a úlohy komunikácie v organizácii, na jednotlivé druhy komunikácie, na bariéry, ktoré sa môžu v komunikácii vyskytovať. Sú tu naznačené stratégie na zlepšenie komunikačnej účinnosti v organizácii a opísané špecifické komunikačné stratégie, ktoré sa v jednotlivých organizáciách pravidelne vyskytujú. Dôraz je kladený aj na komunikačné zručnosti manažérov, bez ktorých by nedokázali organizáciu efektívne riadiť a viesť svojich podriadených k dosahovaniu cieľov organizácie. Na efektívnosť komunikácie vplýva aj atmosféra, v ktorej komunikácia prebieha a získavanie potrebných informácií pomocou rôznych manažérskych informačných systémov, preto posledná časť skrípt je venovaná tejto problematike. Skriptá obsahujú 13 kapitol. Každá kapitola začína uvedením do problematiky a končí celkových zhrnutím obsahu kapitoly. Za každou kapitolou sa nachádzajú praktické cvičenia, ktoré môžu pomôcť študentom upevniť si obsah učiva a lepšie pochopiť jeho podstatu.

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Margita MesárošováJozef BavoľárMiriam Slavkovská 

The current situation in the world education system, which declares the need to educate students for knowledge society, for improving the graduate employability is behind the motivation of authors to address competencies and key competencies for the knowledge society. The authors present theoretical and empirical investigations based on the application of scientific methods of competency assessment and the use of contemporary scientific paradigms. The starting point is the concept of competencies in the context of current approaches of scientific psychology, which resonates in the official documents of the European Union and has been elaborated and enriched by the authors. The monograph focuses on a selected set of competencies, namely: competence to act as a self-regulated person, self-development, decision-making competencies, social and metacognitive competencies in the context of motivation. Knowledge about nature, the structure of competencies are presented, as well as their relations with personal and environmental variables. The effort of the authors is also aimed at making available knowledge about the possibilities of assessing these competencies using current methods. Authors communicate the results of the creation and verification of competency assessment methods. The implementation of the research results presented in the monograph is perspective in the education and counseling of the target group of university students.

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Development of professional competencies


Denisa Rovenská

The textbook focuses on development of professional competencies and analyzes fields such as communication, leadership, goal setting, decision making, time management, teamwork, conflict and conflict strategies and stress management. Particular chapters offer a summary of information needed to build a theoretical framework of the competencies along with various tasks or activities that should motivate to transform gained knowledge to practical level. The professional competencies need to be developed and maintain in practical level, because this is the only way how to spread potential of knowledge and become truly competent in professional and private life, as well.

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Manažment a marketing v športe - vybrané kapitoly



Iveta Cimboláková, Richard Melichar

University textbooks include, expand and deepen knowledge in the field of management and marketing. Considering the development of the needs of continuous education and adaptation to changes in cooperation with the provision of effective integration and use of management and marketing in sports industries, this issue is highly topical. Inserting modern trends into university teaching texts creates their "otherness", they are a prerequisite for better understanding, knowledge and the contribution of not only theoretical knowledge, but also significantly contribute to practice itself. The publication is a useful source of information not only for bachelor's students at the Institute of Physical Education and Sport of the UPJŠ, but also for students of interdisciplinary study fields and specializations.

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Manažment ľudských zdrojov



Gabriela KravčákováDominika Bernátová

The textbook addresses the issue of Human resource management and is intended for students and professionals. The purpose of the textbook is to present current knowledge about human resource management, a description of personnel processes and characteristics of personnel work methods so that the student can apply them in practice.

Text also focuses on personnel practice in state government institutions. The textbook contains ten chapters. The introductory part deals with the theoretical background and the contribution of human resource management to the organisation's success. Subsequently, individual personnel processes are processed. Attention is also paid to the use of modern technologies and artificial intelligence in personnel processes.

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