Chirurgická propedeutika

Availability: 50 In Stock

Jozef Radoňak a kol.

Skriptá chirurgická propedeutika predstavujú učebné texty prinášajúce pohl'ad do histórie chirurgie cez všeobecne platné princípy chirurgie, moderné diagnostické a terapeutické metó­dy. Patričná pozornost' sa venuje základom chirurgickej onkológie, úrazovej chirurgie, anesteziológie a resuscitácie ako aj liečbe krvácania, infekcie, šoku či transplantáciám. Súčas­ťou textu sú aj kapitoly z vojnovej chirurgie.

Elementary organic molecules in biochemistry

Availability: 45 In Stock

Vladimíra Tomečková

Nature, as well as the human body, contains an abundant quantity of organic molecules. This textbook describes selected oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds of their reactions, which are important in the human body or are found in pharmaceutical active substances, poisons, foodstuffs and heat-treated food. The last part of the textbook describes the isomerism of organic compounds, which enables dynamic changes in the structure of molecules that have different properties. Nature is filled with different plants and animals and is the first laboratory to produce bioactive organic natural compounds. These compounds are compatible with human cells and are applicable as therapeutic medicine. There is an effort to reproduce natural molecules in chemical laboratories, but they cannot be as perfect as the natural ones. Synthetic molecules can serve as a model for multiple studies, but there still does not exist a magic panacea pill or a perfect copy of nature, for the treatment of various diseases. Knowledge about the regenerative and toxic effect of medicinal substances in dependence on their structure (type and number of substituents) is very important for the understanding of their role in modulation of health and disease in dependence on their concentration. Compounds can be used daily only in recommended doses (higher doses can be toxic), but still will not replace a healthy diet. People need a varied diet to be healthy, in which are all necessary nutrients, what Hippocrates demonstrated long ago “Let food be the medicine, and let medicine be the food.” This book is written for students who select bioorganic chemistry subject during the study of general medicine or dentistry as well as for motivated students who would like to practice their knowledge and wish to improve in this subject and for students who would like to learn simplified basic organic reactions with their future application in biochemistry. Learn the simple models mainly through creative simple instruction by using different colours, by repetition, practice by drawing of formulas by hand (at least three times) and memorization of common names of compounds and their reactions which have application in biochemistry. Thus, establishing simple educational methods how to distinguish organic molecules according to the colours of a functional group can promote universal learning for all students who thought that chemistry is a difficult subject, but hopefully they change their opinion after study of this book.

Keywords: organic molecules, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds, chemical reactions, isomerism of organic compounds

Ochorenia obličiek v detskom veku vybrané kapitoly

Availability: 20 In Stock

Gabriel Koľvek

Tento učebný text je zameraný na najčastejšie ochorenia obličiek detského veku. Venuje sa vybraným vrodeným (ako napr. vrodené anomálie obličiek a močových ciest) ako aj získaným ochoreniam obličiek (infekcie močových ciest, nefrotický syndróm, hemolyticko-uremický syndróm a ďalšie), ktoré sú opísané komplexne od epidemiológie, patofyziológie, cez klinický obraz, diagnostiku až po liečbu a prognózu. Texty zahŕňajú najnovšie diagnostické a terapeutické postupy opierajúce sa o recetné vedecké poznatky. Informácie uvedené v texte môžu významne pomôcť k úspešnému absolvovaniu štátnej skúšky z predmetu Pediatria. Text je starostlivo vybraný a rozsah kondenzovaný tak, aby vyhovoval predovšetkým potrebám pregraduálneho štúdia a zároveň dopĺňal vedomosti a skúsenosti získané na prednáškach a praktických cvičeniach. Učebnica tiež poskytuje základné informácie pre lekárov v špecializačnej príprave.


Neurochirurgia pre študentov medicíny

Availability: 50 In Stock

Miroslav Gajdoš - Vladimír Kaťuch

  „Neurochirurgia pre študentov medicíny“ je určená pre študentov lekárskych fakúlt. Základné informácie o neurochirurgii získajú aj študenti príbuzných odborov /zubné lekárstvo/, ale aj absolventi lekárskych fakúlt v začiatkoch svojej klinickej praxe.

Učebný text je rozdelený do desiatich kapitol. Tie sa ďalej delia na podkapitoly.

Prvá kapitola je zameraná na dejiny chirurgie, následne na dejiny neurochirurgie. V tejto kapitole autor pripomína, že operované lebky patria k najstarším dôkazom operačnej činnosti našich predkov. 

Druhá a tretia kapitola  je venovaná diagnostike a základným operačným výkonom.

Pre pochopenie patologicko-fyziologických dejov je potrebné pozorne preštudovať štvrtú kapitolu, v ktorej autor popisuje základné patologické mechanizmy, ktoré pôsobia na povrchu ale aj v hĺbke mozgových tkanív.

Piata kapitola je venovaná závažnej problematike  -  vrodeným chybám mozgu, miechy a ich podporných štruktúr.

Nie menej závažnou problematikou pre neurochirurgov sú nádory CNS,  periférnych nervov, lebky a chrbtice. Tie sú popísané v šiestej kapitole.                 

V siedmej kapitole sú popísané cievne ochorenia CNS: autor popisuje aneuryzmy mozgových ciev, ich diagnostiku a liečbu, ďalej cievne malformácie mozgu, artériovenózne malformácie mozgu a v neposlednom rade spinálne artériovenózne malformácie.

8. kapitola je čo do obsahu najrozsiahlejšia. Prináša informácie o poranení pacientov pri úraze. O ich závažnosti, diagnostike a možnej liečbe – konzervatívnej a chirurgickej.

9. kapitola je venovaná nie menej závažnej problematike, a to degeneratívnym ochoreniam chrbtice.

V 10. kapitole sa autor venuje najnovším metódam liečby chronickej bolesti a epileptochirurgii.

Sociálne determinanty zdravia školákov

Availability: 10 In Stock

Andrea Madarasová Gecková - Daniela Husárová a kol.

The aim of this publication is to present the latest findings of the international study Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC), regarding the health and health-related behavior of school-aged children in Slovakia.After four years, it again brings information on various topics covering physical and mental health, nutritional behavior, leisure-time activities, use of psychoactive substances, within social environment of school-aged children, including family, school and peers. The publication also presents newfindings connected to objectively measured physical fitness of these children. Finally, data about school-aged children with special educational needs are also presented.The findings play an important role in understanding the needs of the new generation of adolescents and are an important source of information for all those who work with them, not only professionals but also parents.Last but not least, they are also beneficial for all stakeholders and institutions who participate in the preparing of policies and strategies focused on supporting the health of school-aged children.

Psychology in Medicine



Martina Ružičková - Jozef Dragašek


Psychology is becoming increasingly important in people's lives. It is significant to research human behaviour and how people interact with their environment, as well as how they develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. A rising number of people have been both physically and mentally harmed in recent years as a result of cognitive, emotional, or behavioural disorders. It was determined that a study book on psychology for medical students was required. Presented study book Psychology in Medicine gives students a fundamental insight into patients´ behaviour in general, and demonstrates the role of psychology in relieving health concerns in particular. It includes topics of medical psychology and clinical psychology that are applied in health care. The chapters address the basic principles of human behaviour, communication between patients and physicians, personality psychology, psychodiagnostic techniques, psychotherapy treatment, abnormal psychology, dealing with stressful events and physical illnesses. The study textbook also emphasises the importance of good mental health and self-care in a doctor's practise. There is a hope that this book will provide both a source of information and inspiration for doctors and all health care professionals.

Základy histológie I. Učebnica a mikroskopický...



Iveta Domoráková - Štefan Tóth - Zuzana Fagová - Kristína Čurgali - Viera Eliášová - Alexandra Kunová - Monika Holodová

The peer-reviewed textbook and microscopic atlas is aimed at understanding the basic microscopic structure of cells and tissues in a light microscope. Texts in the textbook are complemented by a rich set of histologic micrographs with basic and specific staining techniques. All histologic micrographs were prepared by the author's team at the Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ.

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Chirurgia srdca pre medikov



Tomáš Toporcer - Adrián Kolesár

The textbook "Heart surgery for medics" was created in response to repeated requests from students of the Faculty of Medicine P.J.Šafárik University, for the surgery state exam study material. In terms of content, the text corresponds to the required knowledges in cardiac surgery, needed to pass the state exam in surgery. Orientation in the issue of cardiac surgery is not only necessary for students whose specialization will be closely related to the given field. Basic knowledge of cardiac surgery is necessary for every medical faculty graduate. Knowing the treatment options, but also the possible complications of individual cardiac surgical procedures, is necessary for most medical specialties. Only by mastering the basics of each medical field can the patient be properly, adequately and modernly managed.

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Kompetencie pre klinickú prax v oblasti...



Ivana Skoumalová - Zuzana Dankulincová

The publication entitled Competencies for clinical practice in the field of communication with the patient serves as the background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field and practical tips for training skills in practice. It provides clear information on individual parts of the training and is designed to acquire knowledge that is the basis for practical skills in medical communication, especially in communication with patients. It is intended for general and dental students to deepen their knowledge and acquire missing skills in medical communication, which are evidence-based and research-validated skills that have a demonstrable positive impact on patient communication.

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Databázy v MS Access - sprievodné texty k...



Jaroslav Majerník - Andrea Kačmariková

The university textbook "Databases in MS Access - accompanying texts for practical exercises" is intended for students of medical faculties, students of non-technical universities and all beginners in working with databases. It introduces the reader to the issue of database data processing and explains the basic principles that need to be known when creating relational databases. It is therefore suitable for those who have not yet worked with databases, or who have started thinking about managing their data using their own database. However, even more "experienced" computer users can find useful information here. The university textbook is written in the way that its content can be mastered with basic knowledge of working with computers and programs running in the environment of MS Windows operating system.

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Sociálne determinanty zdravia školákov HBSC -...



Andrea Madarasová Gecková - Daniela Husárová   a kol.

Národná správa o zdraví a so zdravím súvisiacom správaní 11-, 13-, a 15-ročných školákov na základe prieskumu uskutočneného v roku 2021/2022 v rámci medzinárodného projektu „Health Behaviour in School-aged Children“ (HBSC)

Štúdia nám už niekoľko rokov poskytuje kľúčové poznatky k lepšiemu pochopeniu správania našich mladých ľudí v súvislosti so zdravím. Skúma množstvo tém súvisiacich so zdravím, ako je spánok, duševná pohoda, nutričné správanie či fyzická aktivita. Dôležitou oblasťou skúmania je aj škola a sociálne vzťahy v nej, rodina a rodinné zázemie, či vzťahy s rovesníkmi.

Zistenia prehlbujú porozumenie mechanizmom ovplyvňujúcim rozdiely a zmeny v zdraví a rizikovom správaní mladých ľudí a sú kľúčom k tvorbe efektívnych programov podpory zdravia a so zdravím súvisiaceho správania, vzdelávacích programov v tejto oblasti, k sledovaniu ich účinnosti, a to nielen na národnej, ale i na medzinárodnej úrovni. Zistené poznatky sú dôležité pre lepšie pochopenie potrieb školákov a prispôsobenie služieb a systémovej podpory tak, aby boli tieto potreby v čo najvyššej možnej miere zohľadňované v súčasnom rýchlo meniacom sa svete.

Štúdia nám môže napomôcť porozumieť vplyvom pandémie COVID-19 na kvalitu duševného i fyzického zdravia. Pandémia a s ňou súvisiace epidemiologické a hygienické opatrenia za účelom obmedzenia šírenia vírusu znamenali významné obmedzenia v každodennom živote ľudí vo všetkých vekových kategóriách – vrátane detí a adolescentov. Štandardný výchovno-vzdelávací proces, sociálny kontakt s rovesníkmi, krúžková činnosť a ďalšie záujmové aktivity v škole i mimo nej boli výrazne narušené, čo výrazne ovplyvnilo prežívanie školákov.

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Psychológia zdravia



Zuzana Dankulincová, Daniela Husárová, Andrea Madarasová Gecková, Jaroslava Kopčáková

Annotation: The publication entitled Health Psychology serves as background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field, and practical tips. It provides comprehensive information on key areas of the field of health psychology and is designed for students to acquire and deepen their knowledge that could be implemented in their everyday practice.

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Ošetrovateľstvo v chirurgii I



Silvia Danková,Lucia Dimunová, Beáta Grešš Halász, Jana Sušinková

The present multimedia university textbook is intended for students of the bachelor's degree programme in nursing, not excluding both medical and nursing degree courses. The purpose of the present publication is to provide a comprehensive view of the nature of surgical nursing, focusing on the method of providing nursing care - the nursing process. It comprehensively describes the individual steps of perioperative nursing care and the subsequent possible complications associated with surgical procedures. Documents the depth of knowledge and skills training in chronic wound care management issues. Respects the culture of patient and healthcare professional safety. The college textbook uses e-learning methods in combination with traditional face-to-face education. Based on the latest resources, it respects the concept of health care delivery and professional training of nurses.

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Ošetrovateľstvo vo vybraných klinických odboroch



Silvia Danková,Valéria Parová, Gabriela Štefková, Libuša Tirpáková

This university textbook is intended for students of the field of nursing and brings closer the issues in selected clinical fields of nursing, namely dermatovenerology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology and dentistry. It focuses on the characterization, management of care, reporting and dispensing of specific diseases and nursing care of selected diseases in these fields. It provides important information on the implementation of specific investigative methods and nursing activities that reflect the latest knowledge of the profession, professional guidelines and evidence-based practice. The authors used relevant sources of domestic and foreign literature as well as electronic sources, which are listed at the end of individual chapters, when processing individual topics. The aim of the authors was to create a university textbook that would help nursing students to orientate themselves in the mentioned clinical fields, or could also be beneficial for nurses in practice.

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Rozvoj kritického myslenia vo vzdelávaní...



Lucia Dimunová, Jana Michalková, Gabriela Štefková, Mária Zamboriová

Following innovative trends in university education, this academic textbook offers guidance to update and make the educational process more attractive for all healthcare professions. It applies critical thinking and strategic method of concept mapping in teaching, which are suitable tools for the facilitator and the educant to achieve the desired goal. Critical thinking is an essential academic skill upon which other knowledge and intellectual virtues can be built. It is also an essential equipment for every graduate of the healthcare profession. The textbook is complemented by a chapter focusing on methods for structural and formative assessment of learning outcomes. The publication is also enriched with sample digital concept maps of which cognitive content can be edited and graphically modified. The aim of this academic textbook is to present a way of acquiring knowledge through critical thinking using concept mapping as a method, with the final goal of implementing the acquired knowledge into everyday practice.

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Medical Chemistry


Marek Stupák et al.

Medical Chemistry presents an overview of the most important topics of general, organic and bioinorganic chemistry for students of General and Dental Medicine study programs. Its aim is to provide a theoretical basis for the study of the subject Medical Chemistry and for understanding processes and chemical reactions which are taking place in the human body. Each topic directly links chemical principles to the processes in living organisms and thus can help the students to clearly see the application of the presented information. Therefore, it also provides a good starting point for further study of Medical Biochemistry, for which the knowledge of these principles is necessary.

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Nové poznatky v SMAD dependentnej dráhe...



Jana Mašlanková

Monografia podrobne analyzujúca nové poznatky v SMAD dependentnej dráhe transformujúceho rastového faktora-b je určená poslucháčom lekárskych fakúlt, lekárom v špecializačnej príprave, chirurgom, gastroenterológom, onkológom, úzkej skupine, ktorú zaujímajú najnovšie poznatky v SMAD dependentnej dráhe transformujúceho rastového faktora u pacientov s kolorektálnym karcinómom.

V tejto monografii sa autorka postupne venuje molekulárnym cestám kolorektálnej karcinogenézy, vplyvu jednotlivých genomických aberácií na vznik kolorektálneho karcinómu a hlavne úlohe TGF-b v supresii a taktiež v progresii nádoru. V samostatných kapitolách popisuje úlohy SMAD v procese karcinogenézy a v neposlednom rade sa hlbšie venuje liečbe a hlavne anti TGF-b terapii.

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KRUH SPOLUPRÁCE: Úloha rodičov, poskytovateľov...



Daniela Husárová

There is still little complete information about the system of care for adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems, especially in Slovakia. Therefore, the main aim of this publication is to summarize and present current findings of the Care4Youth project, not only about the system, but also about the role of particular actors involved in the care of these adolescents, including family, professionals and schools. In the chapters, we take a closer look at the cooperation of all involved actors and, from the point of view of care providers from different types of institutions, we will describe all barriers that negatively affect adequate and effective help as well as suggestions how the identified barriers could be eliminated.

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9. stredoeurópsky popáleninový kongres a 23....



Peter Lengyel - Eugen Frišman (eds.)

Zborník abstraktov


Lekárska sekcia
• Chirurgická liečba popálenín
• Popáleniny elektrickým prúdom
• Termické úrazy u detí
• Vojenské termické úrazy
• Varia
• Posterová sekcia

Sekcia zdravotných sestier
• Starostlivosť o detského pacienta s termickým úrazom
• Starostlivosť dospelých pacientov s rozsiahlymi popáleninami
• Význam práce sestier na operačných sálach
• Liečba pacientov v hyperbarickej komore

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Základy histológie II. Učebnica a atlas...



Iveta Domoráková-Štefan Tóth- Zuzana Fagová-Eva Mechírová-Alexandra Kunová-Kristína Čurgali-Viera Eliášová-Monika Holodová-Marianna Danková

V našej novej elektronickej učebnici ZÁKLADY HISTOLÓGIE II - Učebnica a atlas mikroskopickej anatómie orgánov predkladáme študentom a odbornej verejnosti základné údaje k mikroskopickej štruktúre orgánov spolu s bohatou obrazovou dokumentáciou štruktúry orgánov a prehľadnou legendou k mikrofotografiám. Všetky histologické preparáty pochádzajú z archívu Ústavu histológie a embryológie, ktoré sa používajú na praktických cvičeniach a sú zahrnuté aj do výučbových prezentácií. Elektronická učebnica je určená pre štúdium pregraduálnych a postgraduálnych študentov všeobecného a zubného lekárstva na lekárskych fakultách a tiež pre študentov veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie, študentov biológie na prírodovedeckých fakultách. Učebnica je koncipovaná tak, aby študenti našli jasné vysvetlenie väčšiny medicínskych termínov a tiež aby si mohli utvrdiť odbornú terminológiu v latinskom jazyku. Výhodou elektronickej učebnice je aj možnosť zväčšovania mikroskopických fotografií a tým sledovanie detailnej štruktúry, bez kvalitatívnej zmeny sledovaného obrazu. Mikrofotografie použité v atlase boli vyhotovené na zariadeniach: Zeiss Promicra a Olympus BX50 s digitálnou kamerou Canon EOS 2000D a softvérom QP Industrial 3.2.

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