Všeobecná fyzika IV, 1. časť: Atómová fyzika



Adela KravčákováStanislav VokálJanka Vrláková 

The presented “General Physics IV, Part 1: Atomic Physics” is intended as a basic study material for lectures from General Physics IV in the second year of bachelor-level study of physics and interdisciplinary study in combination with physics at the Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The content covers the first part of the given course of physics, devoted to atomic physics.

The aim of the course is to obtain basic information about the structure of the atom and the electron shell of the atom.

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Praktické cvičenia z röntgenovej difraktometrie



Karel Saksl

The aim of these study texts is to provide students in the second and third levels of higher education with specific guidance on processing 2D diffraction data, performing phase analysis from X-ray diffraction data, and refining microstructural parameters of identified phases using the Rietveld refinement method.

This guide is designed in the form of real-world tasks from materials research and leads the reader step by step through the processes of processing, evaluating, and interpreting the measured data. For this purpose, freely accessible programs such as Fit2D, QualX, POV-Ray, and GSAS II will be used, as well as a freely downloadable commercial program (Diamond) that allows for task execution in demonstration mode. Phase analysis will be conducted exclusively using the freely distributable crystallographic database Crystallography Open Database (COD).

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Praktické cvičenia z biochémie



Erik Sedlák - Rastislav Varhač -  Patrik Danko - Helena Paulíková - Dušan Podhradský

The presented scripts were created in an effort to update and especially clarify the tasks that are solved in the basic practical exercises in biochemistry students of the 2nd and 3rd year of the bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology and their combinations with other disciplines. Most of the tasks come from the original scripts "Podhradský, Mihalovová: Praktické cvičenia z biochémie, Košice 1989".

Some of them have been modified to a greater or lesser extent and adapted to current conditions in the laboratory. New tasks were also added, such as those dedicated to nucleic acids. The scripts are thematically divided into six separate units, each of which consists of several tasks. The names of the units correspond to the nature of the biomacromolecules, which form their central theme. Theoretical introductions at the beginning of the unit are newly constructed and their main goal is to provide a brief overview of the basic biochemical methods used in the study of biomacromolecules.

These scripts are intentionally only available in electronic form. The reason is the effort to continuously update and modernize individual tasks according to the changing possibilities of our laboratory. We hope that the scripts will fulfill their role and that students will have sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of basic biochemical methods after completing these laboratory exercises.

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Vybrané heterocyklické zlúčeniny



Mariana Budovská

The aim of writing the university textbook "Selected Heterocyclic Compounds" was to create a study aid for students of the Organic Chemistry program, which provides essential information in a clear format for the subject of Heterocyclic Compounds. In selecting the content of the textbook, the goal was to present basic information about the chemistry of the most significant heterocycles. Given that the summary of chemical knowledge about heterocycles is vast, it was not possible to include all heterocyclic compounds in the content.

The intention was for readers to orient themselves in the field of heterocyclic compounds. Separate chapters included in the content address the nomenclature of heterocycles, basic chemical properties of individual heterocycles, their synthesis and reactions, the occurrence of heterocycles in nature, and their practical applications (medications, dyes, pesticides, detergents, etc.).

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Book of Abstracts - Conference 70 Years of...



Lenka MártonfiováMartin SuvákPavol Mártonfi (eds.)

Conference 70 Years of the Botanical Garden of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University. Slovakia, Košice 3. – 4. September 2020

The book of abstracts from the conference with international participation includes 38 abstracts from a total of 76 authors from various botanical institutions from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

It presents an overview of knowledge and experience from the history and the present of botanical research and nature conservation. In addition to botany and nature conservation, the abstracts also cover the field of plant physiology, production of secondary metabolites, environmental studies, management of protected areas, bioinformatics and other topical research problems. The main paper is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the UPJŠ Botanical Garden, its history and the present and was prepared by the director of the UPJŠ Botanical Garden. It is completed by the papers from the staff of this botanical garden devoted to the current state of research and educational activities in the botanical garden.

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Catalogue of Plant Collections No. 7



Lenka MártonfiováPavol Mártonfi (eds.)

The Catalogue of Plant Collections contains a list of 4136 species, subspecies and cultivars of plants growing wild or grown in the Botanical Garden of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia). Among them 652 plant species endangered according to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) are grown in the botanical garden as well as 39 autochtonous plant species are protected by Slovak law.

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Dátová veda a jej aplikácie



Ľubomír Antoni a kol.

In university textbooks, we present the history of data science, basic concepts in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or deep learning. We describe the relationships between data science and other disciplines and summarize the tasks of the data scientist. We present an overview of university subjects in the field of data science, which were created and innovated at Slovak universities within the national project IT Academy - Education for the 21st Century. We present extended subject annotations, application examples and case studies using various methods in the field of data science. University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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Jarná škola doktorandov 2020



Peter Fedoročko (ed.)

Proceedings of the 7th Annual Doctoral Spring School 2020

From November 10 to November 11, 2020, the 7th annual Spring School for Doctoral Students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will take place in Košice in a modified mode in the on-line space. The scientific program of the spring school will comprise 2 plenary lectures by leading scientific experts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. Doctoral students will present their research papers in two sections: 24 doctoral students of Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts, and 22 doctoral students of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science.

The scientific programme of the spring school will also include a panel discussion with the management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Internet vecí a jeho aplikácie



Ľubomír Antoni a kol.

In university textbooks, we present the basics of the Internet of Things, its origin and technological development, concept. We classify Internet of Things applications into the areas of healthcare, intelligent environment, personal and social areas, transport and logistics, smart cities.

We present an overview of university subjects in the field of the Internet of Things, which were created and innovated at Slovak universities within the national project IT Academy - Education for the 21st Century. We present extended subject annotations, application examples and case studies using various methods in the field of the Internet of Things.

University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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Strojové učenie



Gabriela AndrejkováĽubomír Antoni

Machine learning addresses the issues of how computer programs recognize complex patterns and make decisions based on data. In these university textbooks, we focus on theoretical knowledge in the field of machine learning in which we present the creation of concepts for objects, the preparation of concepts, hypotheses and the process of learning from examples. We describe Boolean formulas and their representations, probabilistic learning, linear and logistic regression, linear modeling and classification. Clustering and the Bayesian approach to machine learning conclude this publication.

University textbooks are intended for students of master's degree programs in computer science.

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Juraj ŠevcFilip Mochnacký

Students studying biology as the single-subject or as a part of two-subject programs on various faculties of sciences are often encountered with the problem, how to limit the topics in the subject Human anatomy. This List of anatomical terms is aiming to help the non-medical students to get acquainted with the extensive anatomical nomenclature and to optimize the number of anatomical terms, which should be memorized, to preserve the sufficient capacity of the students for another knowledge of the field of systemic, comparative, developmental and functional anatomy. The emphasis on the arrangement of individual anatomical terms into the logical units supports the hierarchical view on the architecture of the human body.

Despite the common opinion, anatomical nomenclature represents a framework, which is during the further study gradually enveloped with the knowledge of more or less related disciplines concerning with the human body and its biological processes. Moreover, besides this ambition, which exceeds the area of the human anatomy, this List of anatomical terms continues the long tradition with respect to the valid Latin and Slovak anatomical terminology.

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Základy znalostných systémov



Ondrej Krídlo

University textbooks present the basics of knowledge systems, which are divided into two parts. The first part of the publication is devoted to the basis of Formal Concept Analysis, ie the method of data analysis, knowledge representation and information processing, which is based on the formalization of the concept. In the second part we deal with the basics of logic programming, procedural semantics of logic programming, ie programs - theories, questions, SLD-derivation, SLD-tree, search strategies.

University textbooks are intended for students of master's degree programs in computer science.

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The 4th International Conference on...



Jana ShepaIvana Šišoláková (eds.)

Abstracts of the 4th International Conference Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications (NFA) 2020 is the contributions summary of the conference participants. The conference will feature three invited lectures and eight registered lectures. This conference is a tool for creating a dialogue between experts in the field of nanomaterials, their use and overall application in various fields. Papers in the proceedings are thematically divided into 6 areas. All contributions are highly professional and interesting and can contribute to further creative scientific work.

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Prípadové štúdie v dolovaní údajov



Erik BruothJuraj ŠebejĽubomír Antoni

In these university-level textbooks, we present the fundamental concepts of networks and graph theory. We explore breadth-first and depth-first graph searching. We present static and dynamic network models. We describe the issue of detecting overlapping and non-overlapping communities in directed and undirected networks. Various approaches to anomaly detection in networks also form an important part of this textbook. The final chapter is dedicated to spectral clustering, which plays a significant role in data mining in network graphs for various application domains.

These textbooks are suitable for first and second-year university students in computer science programs. The study materials are also suitable for students in non-computer science fields, with the aim of improving their knowledge and practical experience in computer science-related areas, and provide an opportunity for students to find employment in IT companies to solve practical tasks.

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Pokročilé štatistické metódy



Daniel Klein

Statistics is defined as a scientific discipline based on learning from data and on finding, controlling, and presenting uncertainty. In these university textbooks we present the history of statistics, basic concepts of statistical modeling, measurement of dependencies, regression models, analysis of variance. We describe simple sorting, multiple comparisons, assumptions of the ANOVA model, Kruskal-Wallis test.

University textbooks are suitable for students of mathematics and computer science at the first and second level of universities. Study materials are also suitable for students of non-informatics disciplines with a view to improving their knowledge and practical experience in the fields of informatics and provide an opportunity for students to apply in IT companies in solving practical tasks.

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Praktické cvičenia z fyzikálnej chémie



Andrea Morovská TuroňováRenáta OriňakováFrantišek Kaľavský 

The university textbooks "Practical Exercises in Physical Chemistry" are intended as teaching literature for students of the 2nd year of the Chemistry study program and the 3rd year of the interdisciplinary study program at the Faculty of Science of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The three chapters summarize the basic knowledge of thermodynamics, electrochemistry and kinetics, the next chapter deals with the measurement of some other physico-chemical quantities. The tasks developed on the basis of cooperation with the Criminalistics and Expertise Institute of the Police in Košice, which also participates in the innovation of practical teaching, are also very attractive and interesting for students. Thematic units are updated and supplemented by new knowledge, principles as well as detailed working procedures using new instrumentation.

The aim of laboratory exercises in physical chemistry is to illustrate and confirm the physicochemical laws and correlations that apply to the quantitative description of chemical phenomena. Students will learn to use instruments and equipment that occur in physico-chemical laboratories, they will learn the principles of accurate and correct quantitative measurement of physical quantities, important from a chemical point of view. They can also develop professional and scientific communication skills, and we want to support their creative approach to making measurement protocols.

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Globálne navigačné satelitné systémy: GPS,...



Vladimír Sedlák

The university textbooks entitled Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONAS, Galileo, Compass present four navigation systems of the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems): American NAVSTAR GPS, Russian GLONASS, European Galileo and Chinese Compass. The Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) are also briefly explained. They provide regional service in augmenting the reach and support of signals from satellites of the GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass). Each satellite navigation system in the frame of GNSS is elucidated in terms of its principles of operation, structure, specificities, applications, and future perspectives.

The university textbook aims to improve the reader’s understanding of the principles and activities of the presented GNSS. The book emphasizes the possibilities of GNSS applications in geodesy and geography. The university textbook constitutes the basic study literature for the class Global Navigation Satellite Systems within the study program Geography and Geoinformatics at the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. For a deeper study of the GNSS issue, it is necessary to extend the study materials to include other educational scientific literature dealing with navigation satellite systems and their applications.

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New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education...



Zuzana Orságová Králová (ed.)

The scientific book of abstracts is a summary of the contributions of teachers, scientists and other conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. Their work will be the subject of the next domestic conference „New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education at Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice 2020“. The conference is a space for dialogue between scientific academics on the one hand and professional staff and students on the other.

The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry. All contributions are interesting and can be used in further creative scientific and research work, in the process of education and in practical work.

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Digitálna forenzná analýza I.



Pavol Sokol - Ladislav Bačo - Tomáš Bajtoš

In the university textbook, we present the theoretical foundations and technical details of the activities of a forensic investigator. We describe the identification and provision of digital tracks, file system analysis. analysis of various artifacts of the Windows operating system, analysis of the operating memory. The textbook is also supplemented by a chapter devoted to the analysis of malicious code (malware). University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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Autumn Electrochemical Meeting



Jana Shepa (ed.)

The book of abstracts from the first year of the international conference Autumn electrochemical meeting is composed of contributions from the participants of this student conference.

The conference consisted of one invited lecture and six student lectures. The message of this meeting is to create a dialogue between students of electrochemistry and the mutual exchange of knowledge. All contributions are professionally processed and inspiring.

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