Philosophical Education in Košice in the...



Mária Fedorčáková - Miriama Filčáková

Current publication is dealing with the history of philosophical education in Košice since the beginning to the foundation of the Faculty of Arts at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in 2007. Beginnings of philosophical education in Košice are connected to the fundation of the University of Košice in 1657, which was originally founded as Jesuit university with two faculties – Faculty of Theology and Faculy of Arts. The publication is dealing with the philosophy teaching in the Faculty of Arts and examines the philosophy teachers and students. Another interest is given to decline of philosophy teaching caused by transformation of the University into the Royal Academy and the Academy of Law at the end of the 18 and during 19 century. The second part of the publication is dealing with the history of higher education after the second world war and the foundation of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice. The authoress focuses on circumstances of the foundation of the Faculty of Arts in Prešov and its history and later development after 1989, which included also division of the university in 1997. The last part of publication presents the history of the university buildings, in which the Faculty of Arts is situated.

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Truth vs. Post-Truth. „It is not true, but it...



Michaela Ružičková - Patrik Furik - Lukáš Jakabovič (eds.)

The collection of articles from the XI. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association, the Department of Security Studies of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Institute of Political Sciences and Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Institute of Social Studies, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University in Brno, and the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, University of Miskolc, held on 20 May 2022 in Košice.

The aim of this publication, entitled Truth vs. Post-Truth. „It is not true, but it could be.”, is to highlight the threats arising from the issue of the spread of disinformation, conspiracies and hoaxes today, reflecting not only on the national context, but also on the impact of these elements in the international environment.

The proceedings consist of 12 articles written in Slovak and English. The individual contributions deal with selected topics and aspects of the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories or hoaxes, among others in the context of elections, media landscape and politics.

The topics of the contributions are the limits of freedom of expression, media freedom and regulation in the media space, the issue of propaganda or information warfare. The present volume also includes papers focusing on issues in the field of political ideologies or the issue of false narratives about the COVID-19 disease.

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Občianstvo Európskej únie



Gabriel Eštok

The university textbook Citizenship of the European Union is structured into four parts. The first chapter focuses on the characteristics of citizenship in a historical context (concepts of citizenship in the ancient, medieval and modern periods). The second chapter deals with a theoretical introduction to citizenship. It comes up with the characteristics of citizenship, introduces the ways of acquiring and losing citizenship and the transformations of citizenship in the context of globalization and multiculturalism. The third chapter focuses on European Union citizenship itself, its historical development and the process of introducing and strengthening citizenship in the European Union. The fourth chapter presents the specific rights of citizens deriving from European Union citizenship - the right to free movement, the right to vote and stand as a candidate in municipal and European Parliament elections, the right to diplomatic and consular protection in the territory of a third country, the right to petition the institutions of the European Union, the right of access to documents of the institutions and bodies of the Union, and the right of initiative of the citizens of the European Union.

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Študentská vedecká konferencia XI.



Mikuláš Jančura - Maroš Melichárek (eds.)

The textbook is derived from the outcomes of the eleventh annual student scientific conference, which took place in December 2022. The student scientific conference is an integral component of the curriculum within the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, and has been implemented since 2011. Its primary objective is to provide a platform for Bachelor's and Master's degree students to present segments of their original research as part of their thesis development. The purpose of this textbook extends beyond the mere publication of these diverse thematic texts. It also strives to emphasize the significance of exceptional pedagogical initiatives and the added value of university education for students, manifested through the dissemination of their scholarly output.

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Kultúrne dejiny talianskej renesancie: Pojmy,...



Peter Fedorčák

When studying the Renaissance, researchers utilize various critical and core terms and concepts which it is necessary to characterize. However, many such points, notably the following, are problematic: The relationship between the Renaissance and the antiquity; The connection with the Middle Ages; The transformation to Mannerism and Baroque; Realism and Secularism in Renaissance art; The individualism of the Renaissance artist; The reasons for the creation of Renaissance art in Italy, its determinants and stimulators; Distinguishing between the analysis of the genesis of the Renaissance and the analysis of the creation of the period’s art generally; Regional differences in Italy and their impact on the art; Chronological limits of the Renaissance and its milestones; The terms “Medieval Ages” and “Early Modern Period”; The impact, and its extent, of the artistic influences of the Byzantine, Gothic and Romanesque arts on the Renaissance. The term “Renaissance” itself, its content and existence, are also the subject of the discussion with students, alongside learning how such terms and definitions came about and continue to evolve, how they attain their content, how this content morphs in the historical discourse, what academical pluralism and freedom of thinking look like in the discourse led by historians, what the differences are between scientists and schools of thought on the same subject and how it is possible that they are so numerous. The students will come to recognize the leading scholars in the field, and follow their arguments and methodological approaches. They shall be invited to closely trace and scrutinize the logic which those historians use in building their argumentation. It shall be seen that the freedom to create terms, concepts and new definitions cannot stand on an ignorance of the (historical) facts, as becomes clear with expanding knowledge of those historical facts, the variability of their interpretation growing in tandem. This approach, actually used across the whole range of seminars and lectures, shall drive discussion on the topics covered, students being invited to formulate their own theses and antitheses.

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Mentor a mentee v profesijnej praktickej...



Renáta Orosová - Michal Novocký - Katarína Petríková

An integral part of the process of becoming a teacher is the mentoring of student teachers by mentor teachers, serving as guidance and support for future teachers. Developing mentoring skills and fostering reflective mentoring practices are means of enhancing the practical training of student teachers, their professional development, and improving the quality of their future educational practice. The foundation of the mentoring relationship between the mentor teacher as a mentor and the student teacher as a mentee is not to evaluate the student, but to analyse their learning and teaching and contemplate ways to enhance these processes. The university textbook represents a creative textual tool focused on innovations in strategies for supporting the development of mentoring abilities in mentors and mentees during professional practical training. This university textbook, intended for student teachers in the role of mentees and mentor teachers in the role of mentors, systematizes the theoretical foundations of mentoring, provides guidance and directives for mentoring in professional practical training. Furthermore, it offers the university teacher, in the role of supervising the student's teaching practice, an overview of techniques and methods pertaining to the mentoring relationship between mentor and mentee. It is applicable as a university textbook for student teachers, students pursuing supplementary pedagogical studies or advanced studies, as well as for mentor teachers in primary and secondary schools, and university educators involved in professional practical training. Its English version provides opportunities for utilization during study stays of student teachers abroad and for foreign students in Slovakia.

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Edukácia, roč. 6, č. 1/2023



Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

Vedecko-odborný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom, s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.


Historický prameň v súčasnosti – archívy,...



Mária Fedorčáková, Miriama Filčáková (eds.)

The theme of the conference proceedings is the issue of sources, their interpretation and use of current digital technologies in their research and access. The proceedings constit of 7 papers by authors working in Slovak and Czech universities. The digitisation of seals is the subject of the paper by Barbora Borůvková. Michael Dudzik deals with the problem of building the road network in modern France and written and cartographic sources. Trends of digitization in Slovak archives and their perception by researchers are elaborated by in Miriama Fialkovičová´s study. Miriama Filčáková dealt with sources on the history of tertiary education in Košice in connection with the establishment of the UPJŠ. The possibilities of researching sources on the electrification of Slovakia are dealt with in the study by Dominik Hrtus. Ondrej Šály in his paper treated the letters of serfs in the 18th century as a source for economic history. Vavrinec Žeňuch discusses the possibilities of researching the eclesiastical history of the Uh county in the modern period.

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Sociálna opora ako významná súčasť života...



Magdaléna Hovanová

The monograph is devoted to social support, set in the adolescent's environment. Social support can also be described as relational support from the environment in which the individual lives, and thus increases his resistance to stress and the desire to overcome life's failures and crises. It is for this reason that social support was also defined in the context of social-ecological theory. An innovation in the relationship with social support was the "Push-pull" theory, oriented to the individual's motivation. The defining anchoring of social support was built on its most famous theories. However, the greatest attention was focused on the possibilities of measuring social support, because its multidimensional measurement is necessary to determine the mechanism by which it works. The monograph therefore offered the author's validation processing and verification of psychometric properties of two separate methodologies Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) - (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, Farley 1988) and Social Support Survey (MOS) - (Sherbourne, Stewart 1991). The monograph results in two validation-verified separate methodologies for measuring types and sources of social support, which are reliable for use in a group of Slovak adolescents (MOS-SK and MSPSS-SK).

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Súčasnosť a budúcnosť sociálnej práce v...



Vladimír Lichner, Tomáš Šeďo

Peer-Reviewed Collection of Contributions from a Scientific Conference with International Participation Held on November 25, 2022 in Košice

"The presented peer-reviewed collection of contributions titled "Present and Future of Social Work in the Reflection of Social Changes" is the output of a scientific conference with international participation, marking the 10th anniversary of the Košické dni sociálnej práce, held on November 25, 2022. The conference was dedicated to the vision of social work, its methods, and techniques in the context of societal changes. With the changing times come new challenges to which social work must be prepared to respond. The central focus of the collection is the search for answers to pre-defined questions: "Is the current social work system adequately configured for current societal problems? Can social work promptly respond to new and unknown challenges? Are the known methods of social work effective in dealing with contemporary negative phenomena? Do we need additional methods? If so, what are they?" Individual contributions touch on theoretical concepts in the search for answers, but they also include empirically based contributions that reflect research results from various areas of society and problematic situations, with a view to providing recommendations for both the theory and practice of social work.

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Psychológia práce a organizácie 2023



Jozef Bavoľár

On June 8 and 9, 2023, the 22nd edition of the Psychology of Work and Organization conference took place at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice. The conference program was divided into six blocks and one poster section and supplemented by three invited lectures. This collection contains selected contributions from this conference, with contributions in English first, then in Slovak. The variety of contributions reflects the variety of topics in the field of work and organizational psychology, with the most represented topics being the quality of life and work load, aspects of the work of a school psychologist, factors affecting the achievement of work goals in emerging adulthood, and the presentation of new measures with possible application in the work environment.

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Malý anglicko-slovenský slovník verzologických...



Marián Andričík

Podkladom na vznik tejto publikácie boli jednak naše dlhoročné prekladateľské aktivity v oblasti anglofónnej poézie, jednak sústavný záujem o teoretické otázky z oblasti verzológie. Roky ukladania a zbierania materiálu napokon vyústili do tohto slovníka, ktorý predkladáme odbornej verejnosti s vedomím jeho neúplnosti a zavše aj terminologického tápania pri hľadaní ekvivalentu, keďže komplexnejšia komparatívna práca z tejto oblasti doposiaľ nevyšla. Aj preto popri ustálených terminologických ekvivalentoch sme sa rozhodli ponúknuť pri tých termínoch, ktoré zatiaľ slovenské ekvivalenty nemali, vlastné návrhy – tie sú graficky vyznačené kurzívou. Vzhľadom na úzko ohraničenú cieľovú skupinu používateľov sme upustili od slovnodruhovej charakteristiky jednotlivých heslových slov a okrem výnimiek aj od ich fonetického prepisu, teda javov bežných pri všeobecných slovníkoch. Okrem samostatných heslových slov slovník obsahuje aj ustálené kolokácie používané vo verzologickej literatúre. Keďže očakávame, že slovník bude aj študijným materiálom pre študentov anglickej a slovenskej filológie, k mnohým ekvivalentom sme do zátvorky pridali aj bližšiu charakterisiku alebo vysvetlenie daného termínu. Veríme, že tento slovník, prvý 1 Publikácia je výstupom z projektu KEGA č. 014UPJŠ- 4/2021 Preklad a recepcia viazanej poézie ako generačný problém. 6 svojho druhu v našom literárnovednom kontexte, sa stane dobrým základom pre ďalšie, rozsiahlejšie a komplexnejšie príručky.

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Pull and push factors of radicalization in the...



Dušan Šlosár

The monograph offers an insight into radicalization pull and push factors, influencing which is the competence of helping professionals.Radicalization is conditioned by the current social, economic, cultural and political context, i.e. the time-space in which radicalization occurs.It is this fact that directs the content of the monograph to factors that can be considered triggering and influencing factors of radicalization processes as well as radicalization itself.The monograph systematizes knowledge about radicalization from the point of view of pull and push factors, which have been identified as factors of radicalization in professional literature, research reports and other verified sources, including Internet resources focused on radicalization and processes of radicalization, as well as available interventions to influence or prevent radicalization.The monograph mainly focuses on the analysis of pull and push factors that are related to radicalization and radicalization processes.

The monograph offers the results of research carried out through qualitative methodology.The research focused on issues related to radicalization in the research sample consisting of radicalized and non-radicalized respondents.The research focused on the investigation of pull and push factors related to radicalization, which can occur in the family, school or work environment, among peers, in the wider social environment related to the social and political climate in society and the influence of mass media.

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Zborník prác z celoslovenského kola Študentskej...



Magdaléna Hovanová (ed.)

Zborník prác vznikol z podujatia osemnásteho ročníka Celoslovenskej študentskej vedeckej odbornej činnosti (ŠVOČ) v študijnom odbore sociálna práca, ktorý sa konal 12. mája 2022. Organizačne ho zastrešila Katedra sociálnej práce Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Každoročne je to príležitosť pre stretnutie vybraných najlepších študentov – budúcich odborníkov v sociálnej práci, ako aj šanca prezentovať úroveň vedomostí a schopnosť aplikovať svoje teoretické poznatky a nadobudnuté spôsobilosti do budúcej praxe sociálnej práce. Príspevky v zborníku pojednávajú o tematike rizík moderných technológií v kontexte sociálnej práce, sociálnej opory aj rizikových faktorov rodiny v kontexte procesu radikalizácie adolescentov, problematike kyberšikanovania na základných školách, študentskej ukrajinskej migrácie na Slovensku, faktorov ovplyvňujúcich pracovnú spokojnosť u pracovníkov v sociálnej oblasti, ale aj sociálnej opory rodiny ako klienta sociálnej práce v aktuálnej pandemickej situácii.

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Research Into Correlations Between Deformations...



Marcela Gbúrová-Daniel Dobiaš-Jana Šutajová-Gabriel Eštok-Ján Ruman-Tomáš Dvorský

Research Into Correlations Between Deformations of Political Awareness and the Increase of Political Extremism Among Secondary School Students in the Košice Self-governing Region and the Prešov Self-governing Region The issue of political extremism has a relatively long research period, and it should be emphasised that, especially in the recent period, it has received increased attention in the political science community not just in Slovakia but also abroad. Given the specifics of this anti-democratic form of political discourse, which has not only explicit forms, but also highly sophisticated manifestations against democracy (extremism of the centre, or centrist extremism), it is also addressed by experts of other humanities and social disciplines: history, psychology, anthropology, sociology, etc. The common interest of this professional community is both to analyse different forms of extremist discourses and narratives, to search for national specificities of extremism that are anchored in their historical, social and cultural contexts, but at the same time to reveal transnational extremist influences within a globalizing world and to propose evidence-based strategies to counter extremist discourses.

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Ľudová rozprávka v súvislostiach



Lukáš Šutor

Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodného vedeckého kolokvia Ľudová rozprávka súvislostiach (12. decembra 2022 v Košiciach)

Zborník príspevkov Ľudová rozprávka v súvislostiach predkladáme odbornej verejnosti ako výstup z rovnomenného medzinárodného vedeckého kolokvia, ktoré sa uskutočnilo 12. decembra 2022. Naším cieľom bolo aj touto cestou otvoriť diskusiu o slovesnom folklóre v širších interpretačných, transkultúrnych a v konečnom dôsledku aj medziodborových kontextoch ‒ čo sa podarilo naplniť najmä v poslednom bode. Aj keď prispievatelia východiskovo pôsobia v odboroch folkloristiky a literárnej vedy, ich metodologický záber z iných ‒ niekedy aj vzdialenejších ‒ disciplín roztvára aktuálny diskurz do pozoruhodnej šírky. Je to dôkaz, že výskum ľudovej rozprávky je naďalej živý a prístupný novým výzvam.

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Prípadové štúdie a cvičenia z pedagogickej...



Margita Mesárošová-Miroslava Köverová-Radka Miháliková

The publication is a follow-up to the university textbook Progress in Educational Psychology. It is intended for both bachelor and master degree students. It contains questions, tasks, practical exercises, case studies and topics for discussion in the field of educational psychology. The aim of the publication is to support the active involvement of students in teaching, consolidation and deepening of their theoretical knowledge in educational psychology, as well as practicing and improving practical skills.

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Edukácia, roč. 6, č. 2/2023



Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

Vedecko-odborný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom, s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.

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