Úvod do športu a rekreácie

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Ján Junger - Andrea Junger

Vysokoškolské učebné texty Úvod do športu a rekreácie sú určené študentom prvého ročníka v študijnom programe Šport a rekreácia. Svojim zameraním ponúkajú študentom základné informácie o orientácii daného študijného programu. Obsahom sú základné pojmy a tvorba termínov, systém vied o športe a jeho okolie, podstata a miesto športu a rekreácie v systéme spoločenských javov, šport ako špecifický druh pohybovej aktivity človeka, materiálne, ekonomické a organizačné zabezpečenie športu doma a v zahraničí a význam športu v medzinárodnom kontexte.

Informovanosť a odporúčania pre pohybové...



Alena BukováAgata Horbacz

This monograph aimed to determine the level of awareness and meeting of recommendations regarding the implementation of physical activity in selected chronic disease risk groups in eastern Slovakia. We were also interested in the role of physicians and healthcare staff in terms of recommending physical activity during the patients´ treatment and meeting these recommendations by the patients.

The presented cross-sectional study, conducted on selected chronic disease patients, found that most patients are aware of the importance of physical activity in the treatment of their conditions. We also found that almost half of the patients obtained only general information on the importance of PA. One-third of the patients was provided very detailed information. The majority of the patients in this study had sufficient information on the minimum requirements for PA - frequency, duration, intensity and were familiar with effective physical exercises in the prevention and treatment of their conditions.

These results underline the importance of education and awareness of a healthy lifestyle, inherently including physical activity, not only for the healthy population, but also for  people at risk of such diseases that do not prevent them from performing physical activity.

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Rekreačné otužovanie studenou vodou



Dávid Kaško

The monograph focuses on hardening through the aquatic environment, with a focus on recreationally hardening individuals. In the publication, we describe individual structures and processes in the human body that interact with the aquatic environment (how the organism tolerates different environmental temperatures, heat production and transport in the human body, fatty tissue, biorhythm, and others). We also discuss reactions and ways of adapting the human body to cold stimuli. For beginners, we provide recommended methodologies for starting water hardening. The conclusion of the publication focuses on the effects of cold exposure and its various variations with their impact when used in sports activities.

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