English for Students of Geography and Ecology



Zuzana Buráková

Učebné texty anglického jazyka sú určené študentom geografie a všeobecnej ekológie na Prírodovedeckej fakulte UPJŠ. Ich cieľom je rozšíriť komunikatívne jazykové kompetencie na stredne pokročilej úrovni ovládania anglického jazyka s dôrazom na odbor, ktorý študujú. Jednotlivé kapitoly vychádzajú z potreby špecializácie sa jednotlivých prírodovedných odborov a pripravenosti študentov prezentovať svoje študijné výsledky nielen doma, ale aj v zahraničí. Učebný materiál obsahuje rôznorodé texty, kvízy, cvičenia, mapy a pod., ktoré svojim obsahom ešte viac približujú problematiku odboru. Tento učebný materiál má za cieľ slúžiť ako základ pre ďalšie vytvorenie ešte precíznejšieho materiálu potrebného na výučbu špecializovaného cudzieho jazyka.

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English for Chemists



Božena Velebná

The following material has been created during the two years of teaching English for Chemists at the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University and is therefore designed to meet the needs of this course. The main motivation was the lack of appropriate materials, especially as the groups generally comprise students with a very diverse level of English. This diversity therefore became the main criterion determining both the form and the content of this text.

In the ten units that provide material for a one semester course, the emphasis is put on teaching the students vocabulary and terminology, which is introduced via authentic texts, depending on the topic of each unit. Students are encouraged to learn the meaning of new words in context. Grammar is included too, with the aim of demonstrating and explaining grammatical rules by means of examples taken directly from the texts. For the more advanced students, grammatical exercises in this material can serve for revision while the beginners might need more supplementary materials.

I hope that this material, the preparation of which has been a challenging as well as enjoyable experience will be useful for future teachers and the students of this course.

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Roma Health Organizations Database



Kvetoslava Rimárová

This document is a part of the EU-funded project MEHO - Migrant and Ethnic Health Observatory and Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
This monograph includes a database of organizations dealing with Roma health and community issues and is part of the Interim Report 2007. The published monographs try to enclose all kinds of information about Roma health including organizations on national, international, governmental and non-governmental levels in Europe as well as international organizations such as WHO and UNDP.
The views expressed in this monograph are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the EU MEHO Project or Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
Kvetoslava Rimárová

Gender perspectives in slovak literature of the...



Ivica Hajdučeková

The development of this bilingual coursebook evolved as part of project KEGA Nr. 020UPJŠ-4/2013 headed by prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc., and emerged from earlier research which had successfully analysed realist and modernist Slovak literature from a gender perspective. Based on initial interpretations which drew from philosophical, sociological and historiographical approaches, we were able to anticipate the issues which could be raised in other texts and thus establish a hypothesis for the subsequent literaryscientific research. Our research has also been influenced by the continually evolving nature of gender studies, and we have therefore decided to adopt a somewhat unusual approach in this coursebook and briefly examine some contemporary texts thereby creating an intentional shift in our timeline. The modern works of Z.Kepplová and U. Kovalyk have raised a number of interesting issues, and a study of the interwar work of M. Urban reveals further interpretations on the basis of gender. After this brief overview, we return to the main focus of the study: gender approaches to Slovak literature of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The study focuses on the complexity of male-female relationships in the work of both male and female authors of realist and modernist literature at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Works by the founding generation of realism and late realism were analysed, with particular attention being paid to the fiction of M. Kukučín, J. Čajak, J. G. Tajovský, J. Jesenský, E. M. Šoltésová, T. Vansová, Ľ. Podjavorinská and B. S. Timrava. The works of H. Gregorová and Ľ. Groeblová were also studied as prime examples of Slovak literary modernism. 

We hope that this bilingual coursebook will allow realist and modernist Slovak fiction, and the Slovak national literary tradition in general, to receive wider critical renown beyond the borders of Slovakia and also to demonstrate its place in contemporary literary theory.

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Realism, Modernism, Postmodernism: Five Modern...



Soňa Šnircová

This textbook has been designed as supporting material for the postgraduate course on modern trends in European literature. It focuses on the presentation of five modern literary modes of writing: the realistic mode which was brought to its prominence by the nineteenth-century Realist movement; the stream-of-consciousness and ‘absurdist’ modes which were developed in the context of modernism; and the magical realist and metafictional modes which are associated mainly with postmodernist literary trends. Each mode is represented by a well-known text which demonstrates the formal aspects of each mode and deals with the thematic concerns typical of the literary movement that influenced its production. The textbook adopts an interdisciplinary approach, placing the chosen literary texts into the historical, philosophical and cultural contexts that shaped their characters, and thereby providing the background knowledge necessary for a deeper understanding of their formal and thematic aspects.

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Regionalism and Its Contribution to General...



Ján KlučkaĽudmila Elbert

The present monograph "Regionalism and its Contribution to General International Law" was written at the Institute of European Law and Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, as a part of the project (APVV-O823-11) carried out in 2011-2015, representing one of its final publication utputs. 

The main reason for choosing the topic was to evaluate regionalism in its various relationships and forms with respect to international law, and also to evaluate the place,importance and duties of international law in respect to the establishment and functioning of various forms of regionalgroups.

It is a fact that even though a lot of attention has been paid to regionalism, a more complex evaluation of the impact it has had on international law, and vice versa, is still lacking. The efforts of the present monograph are to partially eliminate this gap.

After giving a brief insight into how regionalism has developed, its content and terminology, the monograph studies in more details individual types of regionalism in the form of old and new regionalism, as well as treaty and institutional regionalism; its specifications and contributions to the international law.

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Philosophy of the history of philosophy



Vladimír Leško

Kniha je výsledkom dlhodobejšieho zamýšľania sa nad vzťahmi dejín filozofie a ich reflexiou vo viac či menej systémových, resp. asystémových podobách filozofovania najvýznamnejších filozofických učení 19. a 20 storočia (Hegel, Schelling, Marx, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Fink, Patočka a Gadamer). Základný cieľ práce spočíva v prezentovaní najvýznamnejších historickofilozofických učení 19. a 20. storočia vo formovaní a naplnení silných a slabých modelov filozofie dejín filozofie v koncepciách Hegela, Schellinga, Marxa, Nietzscheho, Husserla, Heideggera, Finka, Patočku a Gadamera. Prezentujú sa tu výsledky filozofie dejín filozofie ako metateoretického pohybu vo vnútri dejinnofilozofického myslenia, ktorého zámerom nie je empiricky opísať dejinnofilozofický proces, ale pochopiť ho a vysvetliť ako neoddeliteľnú súčasť tých najvýznamnejších filozofických problémov – čo je filozofia, čo je metafyzika a otázka bytia.

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Myths and Manipulation in Political Discourse



Jaroslav Marcin - Viktória Marcinová a kol.

This little book started out in a way that probably many other scholarly publications do: When the five of us met as doctoral students and instructors in the Department of British and American Studies, we soon realized that our research overlapped on a number of points. Most prominent among those was our interest in political or politicallymotivated discourse and the study of myths and manipulation that it employed. 

In the end, we decided to pool the results of our research together in order to create a more complex picture, providing a variety of perspectives and voices. In our endeavor, we were greatly aided by the financial support we received from a grant offered by the Šafárik University. The outcome of these efforts is the five chapters of this brief, but hopefully informative and insightful monograph.

In Chapter 1, Viktória Marcinová deals with the impact of totalitarian ideology on the translation of so-called “capitalist” drama during the first stage of normalization in Slovakia (1948-1968). In Chapter 2, the focus shifts to political discourse and manipulation in a democracy, as Jaroslav Marcin takes a closer look at the wartime rhetoric of American presidents. USA remains the focus also in Chapter 3, but this time the question, addressed by Martina Martausová, will be one of the myth of the American Dream and its presentation in post-9/11 United States. A similar idea, though in a different geographical-cultural context, is dealt with in Chapter 4, where Božena Velebná identifies myths of Scottish identity as portrayed in historic films. Finally, in Chapter 5, Eduard Soták will take a look at the role of the mass media within the topic of politically-motivated discourse and spread of political ideology.

It is our hope that in this way we can contribute to a better understanding of politically-motivated discourse, manipulation and the use of myths. Through interweaving the results of our research and our analyses, we hope to provide a more complex look at the topic in question, which we feel is missing at the moment.

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Qauntum theory of magnetism



Michal Jaščur

This is a supporting text for the undergraduate students interested in quan- tum theory of magnetism. The text represents an introduction to various theoretical approaches used in this eld. It is an open material, in the sense that it will be supported by appropriate problems to be solved by student at seminars and also as a homework.

The text consists of four chapters that form closed themes of the in- troductory quantum theory of magnetism. In the rst part we explain the quantum origin of the magnetism illustrating the appearance of the ex- change interaction for the case of hydrogen molecule. The second chapter is devoted to the application of the Bogolyubov inequality to the Heisenberg model and it represents the part which is usually missing in the textbooks of magnetism. The third chapter deals with the standard spin wave-theory including the Bloch and Holstein-Primakoff a approach. Finally, we discuss the application of the Jordan-Wigner transformation to one-dimensional spin-1/2 XY model.

The primary ambition of this supportive text is to explain diverse math- ematical methods and their applications in the quantum theory of mag- netism. The text is written in the form which should be sufficient to de- velop the skills of the students up to the very high level. In fact, it is expected that students following this course will able to make their own original applications of the methods presented in this book.

The reading and understanding this text requires relevant knowledges from the mathematics, quantum and statistical mechanics, and also from the theory of phase transitions. It is also expected that students are familiar with computational physics, programming and numerical mathematics that are necessary to solve the problems that will be included in the MOODLE educational environment of the P.J. Safarik University in Kosice.

Finally one should note that the text is mathematically and physically rather advanced and its understanding assumes supplementary study of the books listed in the list of references.

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Zborník príspevkov z 11. Dní doktorandov...



Martin Bačkor - Silvia Mihaličová (eds.)


1. Bunková biológia a cytológia: Michal Martinka
2. Vývinová biológia a morfogenéza: Alexander Lux
3. „Omiky“ – genomika, transkriptomika a proteomika: Boris Vyskot
4. Hormonálna regulácia rastu a vývinu rastlín: Jana Albrechtová
5. Fotosyntéza, tvorba a transport asimilátov: Jiří Šantrůček
6. GMO a rastlinné biotechnológie: Eva Čellárová
7. Biofyzikálne signály a optické vlastnosti rastlín: Jan Nauš
8. Fyziológia stresu: Ľudmila Slováková
9. Interakcie rastlín s organizmami: Martin Bačkor
10. Voda a minerálna výživa rastlín: Miroslav Repčák
11. Produkþná biológia rastlín a poľnohospodárstvo: Václav Hejnák
12. Ekologická biológia rastlín a globálne klimatické zmeny: Michal Marek

1. Molecular & Cell Genetics: Viktor Žárský
2. Developmental Biology: Alexander Lux
3. Biochemistry & Physiology: Jiří Šantrůček
4. Systematics & Evolution: Jana Albrechtová
5. Ecophysiology: Jana Albrechtová ​

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Exactly Solvable Models in Statistical Physics



Jozef Strečka

The present textbook deals with exactly solved models and their diverse applications in several branches of physics such as mathematical physics, statistical physics, condensed matter physics and so on. Exactly soluble models are currently considered as an inspiring research field in its own right, which regrettably requires a considerable knowledge of sophisticated mathematics. Accordingly, my primary ambition was to provide an intro- ductory course for undergraduate students that would cover the simplest exactly solved models, whose rigorous solutions are available even after modest calculation. The present textbook should be therefore regarded as an auxiliary graduate-level textbook, which should serve as the student’s guide on this beautiful but surely intricate subject.

Even although I attempted to write largely self-contained textbook for undergraduate students, it is worthy of notice that the course on Exactly Solvable Models in Statistical Physics demands essential knowledges from the quantum mechanics, statistical physics, phase transitions and critical phenomena, which are its indispensable prerequisities. The most crucial fundamentals of these theories are briefly recalled in introductory remarks just for remembering and not for substituting those comprehensive courses. The rest of this textbook is entirely devoted to exactly solved lattice-statistical models with the main emphasis laid on their possible applications in the condensed matter physics. It is the author’s hope that the presented exact solutions are detailed enough in order to be easily followed by undergraduate students even without a support of tedious proofs, cumbersome theorems, longer argumentations, or obvious facts. This rather necessary compromise has of course a certain unadvisable impact on ’exactness’ of the presented solutions.

Finally, it is worthwhile to remark that the present textbook makes just a slight introduction into the simplest exactly solvable models and thus, the interested reader is referred for the follow-up study to several excellent books on exactly solved models quoted in the bibliography list on the next page. Note that the listed books were the major knowledge sources used by creating this textbook and they might be regarded as more advanced literature on this exciting research field.

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Self-reflection teaching diary


Renáta OrosováKatarína PetríkováLucia Diheneščíková

Teaching belongs among the oldest professions in human history. Despite all efforts to innovate education by substituting the teacher using the products of the rapidly developing information and communication technologies in modern teaching concepts, the teacher continues to play a decisive role in the education process. If it is to be controlled, it cannot work without a teacher.

To be a teacher means to accept the responsibility for the education of the next generation: to prepare young people for their life and future profession. To be a good teacher means to possess certain characteristics related to professionalism, thinking, expectations and leadership. It means to master different teaching and learning strategies as well as motivation methods, endure the stress and pressure of the school environment, use basic social and communication skills actively and efficiently, follow the progress of their pupils to help them improve, and also to be capable of optimally resolving emerging educational situations and issues (Rovňanová, 2015).

It suggests that the teacher must be a “master” in their profession, i. e. they must never stop learning, improving themselves, creatively working with the educational content and innovating the process of education. Innovations can come along as early as during the initial stages of one’s teaching career. Practical professional training for future teachers largely focuses on the development of subject-related and didactic skills, however, self-reflection is paid little attention. Self-reflective techniques and methods may be incorporated in the practical professional training for students in model situations in the faculty environment as well as in the actual school environments during their teaching practice.

Based on the analysis of self-reflection competences in future teachers, opinions of the mentor teachers and their recommendations and the set of pupil-oriented and educational process-oriented competences, a protocol for using self-reflection methods has been created. More precisely, it is a self-reflection teaching diary. It is an innovative method of self-reflection competence development in teaching students in their practical specialized preparation, particularly the self-reflective observation practice and conversation.

The Self-Reflection Teaching Diary is the outcome of the VVGS “Innovation in self-reflection competence development teaching methods in the practical specialized training of future teachers” grant project solving. It is an innovative and creative text-based tool not only for teaching students but also for university teachers specializing in their practical preparation as well as mentor teachers in primary and secondary schools. Its English version can be used by teaching students on their study stays abroad. It is also a transparent and unified tool in the practical preparation of future teachers aiming at the development of their self-reflection competences.


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The place, role and significance of domestic law


Dominika BeckováAdam Giertl (eds.)

Collection of Papers of PhD. students and young researchers

Institute of International Law and European Law offered a place to PhD. students and young researchers to publish scientific outputs of their research. Submited collection of scientific contributions is the result of that initiative. Papers deal with the implementation of international law and law of the EU into the domestic legal system. Thematically is the collection of contributions divided into several parts, that are dedicated to contributions dealing with the issues of legal theory and international and european law. Contributions are addressing issues of human rights protection, they aim to the roles of international and supranational judiciary, environment, criminal and public law. Collection of contributions includes also chosen problems of private law and it also dedicates space for contributions focused on foreign investments.

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Methodological Inspirations in the Research of...


Ivica HajdučekováPeter Getlík (eds.)

Grant project VEGA No. 1/0736/15 Methodological Basis of Literary (re)interpretation in Slovak and World Literature (the head of the project: prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc.), whose realization lasted for four years (2015 – 2018) at the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication of Faculty of Arts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, brought several lecture events with the participation of experts from Slovak and Czech academical space. The original and progressively accomplishing project goal was to continue the tradition of exactness and support its implementation into our everyday scientific thinking and literary-scientific exploration. Each of fourteen invited lectures was a unique, professionally inspiring and humanly enriching meeting. On that account there is a nontraditional project output: the proceedings of selected lectures and abstracts (abstracts were translated into English language by Mgr. Dominika Petáková, internal postgraduate student of literary science at Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication) titled Methodological Inspirations in the Research of Literary Science I., which is intended for academical and study purposes at universities. The topics of the lectures were completed successively according to interest and demands of research team and current scientific research of invited guests.

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Zlomové osmičky


Tomáš DvorskýLucia LaczkóMária Petriková  (eds.)

The collection of articles from the VII. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, held on 17 May 2019 in Košice.

The aim of this publication, entitled The Turning Eights, is to point out the importance of the years ending with number eight, which have significantly affected historical development and appear to be justified in the current political context.

The almanac consists of 11 articles, which are primarily in the Slovak language. The individual contributions deal with aspects of national and foreign policies that are united in theme called The Turning Eightswith the individual interest of each author.

The topics of the almanac are the municipal elections, the position of municipalities at the public administration system, development in self-governing regions and the non-governmental organizations. The presented publication also contains articles that deal with topics in specific countries, such as China, Israel and Russia.

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XXIII. slovensko - český kongres o infekčných...


Pavol JarčuškaPavol KristianIvan Schréter (eds.)

The abstract almanac was issued at the occasion of XXII. Slovak – Czech congress on infectoius diseases held in Jasná. Overall it contains 70 reports that cover current issues in infectology. Contributions are focused on patients with infections caused by multidrug resistant organisms, HIV infected patients, patients with hepatitis and infections in immunocompromised patients. Thers is a special section dedicated to new aspects in nursing care.

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Bibliography of the amphibian and reptile...


Marcel UhrinDavid JandzikAndrej ČerňanskýMichal RindošBlanka LehotskáStanislav DankoJán KautmanPeter MikulíčekPeter UrbanDaniel Jablonski

Bibliographies provide basic scientific information, illustrate quality and intensity of research in a particular topic, area, or time, and thus help build a cultural-historical perspective of society’s appreciation of knowledge and education. Here we provide a bibliography of herpetological research in the region of Slovakia between the years 1791 and 2017. We collected 2,183 references authored by 1,453 different authors and covering all species of amphibians (18) and reptiles (13) occurring in Slovakia and, in addition, amphibian and reptile taxa occurring in 94 other countries. Most of the contributions were published in popular magazines and non-indexed journals, while only about 12% of all references represent scientific articles from journals indexed in relevant scientific databases. The extensiveness of study on amphibians and reptiles has varied among different periods within the selected time frame. However, an obvious intensification in the field of herpetology can be observed, especially during the second half of the 20th century. While there have only been few professionals specialized in herpetology, an important role in promoting the research and conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Slovakia has been played by non-governmental organizations and hobbyists. The most frequent type of herpetological data in the referenced literature comes from faunistic research, followed by conservation and general information on herpetofauna, with the majority of published articles in indexed journals coming from the fields of palaeontology, phylogeography, and population genetics. The presented bibliography is the first step towards building a solid base for future systematic herpetological research in the country and Central Europe.

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Book of abstracts - New trends in chemistry,...


Zuzana Orságová Králová (ed.)

The scientific book of abstracts is a summary of the contributions of teachers, scientists and other conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. Their work will be the subject of the next domestic conference "New trends in chemistry, research and education 2019". The conference is a space for dialogue between scientific academics on the one hand and professional staff and students on the other.

The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry. All contributions are interesting and can be used in further creative scientific and research work, in the process of education and in practical work.

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Jozef SuchožaJán HusárRegina Hučková (eds.)

Collection of papers presented at an international scientific symposium LAW - COMMERCE - ECONOMY held from 23rd. – 25th. of October 2019 in High Tatras

This year's conference program and the proposed collection reflect current topics not only in domestic legal science (recodification of private law in the conditions of the Slovak legal order) but also in European and international legal science (legal and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence). The conference program is enriched this year by a section, which the organizers have prepared in cooperation with the International Arbitration Court at the Czech-Moravian Commodity Exchange and the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic.

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Vladimír BabčákAdrián PopovičJozef Sábo (eds.)

Within the project APVV-16-0160 "Tax evasion and tax avoidance (motivation factors , formation and elimination)" was organized conference called III. SLOVAK-CZECH DAYS OF TAX LAW " Positive and Negative Stimulation of the State in the Area of Taxation ". From this conference was prepared the eponymous output in the form of reviewed proceedings of scientific works.

In this publication is published the contributions from several prominent personalities of tax law science in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. lndividual contributions map tax legislation and also changes due to the development of tax legislation , especially under the influence of European Union law. Th ese changes are approached in the context of their specific economic impacts and their impact on status and legal relations in the business and social field . The main topics elaborated in the individual contributions are in particular: EU activities in relation to tax fraud and tax evasion, the impact of tax construction on the act of the addressees of tax law and tax policy of the state and its economic impacts.

The publication presents one of the most actual topics in the current legal and economic environment.

Prof. h.c. prof. JUDr. Vladimír Babčák, CSc.

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Byrokracia verzus vedomostná organizácia v...



Denisa RovenskáEliška Župová (eds.)

Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Held on November 14, 2019

The presented publication contains contributions oriented towards the environment of public administration organizations, which were presented by the authors in the form of lectures. The contributions focused on the issue of bureaucratic rules applied in various organizational and political processes and on the issue of knowledge organization from different perspectives. The information discussed during the scientific conference contributed to emphasizing the need to address this issue primarily from an interdisciplinary framework. It is precisely the integration of diverse knowledge and experiences from many scientific disciplines that ensures the comprehensiveness of understanding the researched topic in both its breadth and depth.

We would like to express sincere gratitude to the entire scientific committee and all reviewers for their time and willingness to participate in the creation and improvement of this publication.

We are honored to offer readers a collection whose content is interesting and informationally rich, and we also hope that it will inspire further research and create an environment for future stimulating discussions.

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Návrh metodického postupu medzinárodných...



Lucia BakošováĽudmila ElbertĽubica Gregová Širicová 

Disasters, whether natural or industrial, have a serious impact on the functioning of society and are a negative phenomenon which, with the increasing impact of climate change, is increasingly affecting the sustainable development and prosperity of States. Their increasing regularity and intensity affect the current evolution not only of social life, but also of legal debates on the necessity of responding to international and national disaster response, eliminating their negative consequences and protecting affected persons. No State is immune to the occurrence of disasters, and this also applies to the Slovak Republic, which is mostly affected by sudden natural disasters, namely floods, landslides, droughts, fires, windstorms and snow calamities.

The subject of this publication is the proposal of the methodological guidelines regulating the activities of NGOs in case of disaster, as well as cooperation with the state affected by the disaster, and the glossary of legal terms which need to be clear and unified in case of disaster. Slovak and English version of the proposal is basic precondition of its usability not only for the state organs of the Slovak republic and Slovak NGOs, but also for foreign NGOs.The Proposal of the methodological guidelines is the result of the research project VVGS-PCOV 2018-459: Návrh metodického postupu mimovládnych organizácií v prípade katastrofy v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky (The Proposal of the methodological guidelines for the non-governmental organisations in case of disaster in conditions of the Slovak republic).

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Adriana Boleková (ed.)

Proceedings of Scientific Works

The Košice Morphological Day is an annual May meeting of morphologists, primarily attended by Košice morphological workplaces. On this occasion, a collection of scientific works is regularly published.

This year's collection was published on the occasion of the 23rd Košice Morphological Day, which did not take place due to the poor epidemiological situation.

In the collection, the authors present the results of their scientific-research and pedagogical activities, which are in the form of theoretical overview studies and research works.

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Book of Abstracts - Conference 70 Years of...



Lenka MártonfiováMartin SuvákPavol Mártonfi (eds.)

Conference 70 Years of the Botanical Garden of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University. Slovakia, Košice 3. – 4. September 2020

The book of abstracts from the conference with international participation includes 38 abstracts from a total of 76 authors from various botanical institutions from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

It presents an overview of knowledge and experience from the history and the present of botanical research and nature conservation. In addition to botany and nature conservation, the abstracts also cover the field of plant physiology, production of secondary metabolites, environmental studies, management of protected areas, bioinformatics and other topical research problems. The main paper is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the UPJŠ Botanical Garden, its history and the present and was prepared by the director of the UPJŠ Botanical Garden. It is completed by the papers from the staff of this botanical garden devoted to the current state of research and educational activities in the botanical garden.

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HOW TO STUDY AND NOT FORGET - Principles of...



Adriana Boleková et al.

The book is primarily intended for first-year university students, but it is suitable for anyone who needs to learn. Students can find here the basic principles of learning, principles of how to preserve knowledge, how to concentrate without wasting time, how not to stress before a test or exam and many other practical tips. By acquiring simple knowledge, students will be able to learn effectively with the principles of brain-compatible learning in a way that they will acquire as much information as possible in the shortest period of time with maximum retention; that is minimal forgetting.

The book can serve not only as a theoretical background, but also as a practical tool for mastering university education.

The goal was to create a balanced material that would be an interesting source not only for first-year university students, but also for students of higher years and for everyone with a need of lifelong learning.

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Ochrana, prevencia a zodpovednosť v právnych...



Ivan KundrátKatarína SkolodováMonika Minčičová (eds.)

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

The continuation of the tradition of an international scientific conference of doctoral students and young researchers have not been exception this year. The Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafarik University in Košice, as the organizer of this year's international scientific conference, has chosen a topic entitled "Protection, Prevention and Legal Liability."

Because of the unfavorable epidemiological situation and the cancellation of scientific, professional and other mass events, the conference was transferred to a virtual form. The electronic platform of the conference via online discussion was realized from 3rd to 17th April 2020. The protective function of law, preventive obligations, but also the emerging responsibilities are a vast source of ideas for scientific research, asking questions and finding answers to a range of theoretical and application-law problems in every area of public and private law. Evidence of a generously understood topic is the presented proceedings of scientific papers.

The proceedings, created within the solution of the grant task APVV-16-0002 -Mental Health in the Workplace and Employee Health Assessment, includes various aspects of legal regulation, from academic authors and authors from legal practice. Despite the diversity of the scientific focus, the papers are characterized by a unifying line corresponding to the central theme of the conference and show the interconnectedness of the different areas of law.

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Catalogue of Plant Collections No. 7



Lenka MártonfiováPavol Mártonfi (eds.)

The Catalogue of Plant Collections contains a list of 4136 species, subspecies and cultivars of plants growing wild or grown in the Botanical Garden of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia). Among them 652 plant species endangered according to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) are grown in the botanical garden as well as 39 autochtonous plant species are protected by Slovak law.

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