Nadhmotnosť a obezita u vysokoškolákov. Vybrané...
Klaudia Zusková - Alena Buková - Peter Bakalár - Mirianna Brtková - Zuzana Kűchelová - Martina Hančová
In Košice, there are several universities whose students and graduates have the potential to develop themselves and their social environment. Although the current prevalence of overweight and obesity in this part of the Slovak population is not high, early prevention can influence its increased occurrence in higher age categories.
The university provides sufficient space and time for this prevention. It offers the opportunity to explore factors that play a crucial role in weight gain among university students and to propose forms of interventions for creating a healthy lifestyle. One such form was a program focusing on body weight modification, which we introduced into the physical education curriculum for students of various faculties at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, even after the grant project ended.