Niekoľko poznámok k porozumeniu Zákonníka práce
Jana Žuľová - Milena Barinková
Legal norms regulate everyday life. We learn about the rights and obligations that arise for us from these norms through language. It is therefore very important that they are created in such a way that all levels of society understand them, not only recipients with legal education.
The Labour Code is a norm of everyday use, and so far there is no publication that approximates or clarifies the understanding of the provisions of this law through the prism of its language. The main goal of the publication is to apply the acquired linguistic knowledge about the pitfalls of the comprehensibility of legal language for the general public to the Labour Code and thus enable its more adequate understanding. Our ambition is not a comprehensive interpretation of the provisions of the Labour Code, which give the impression of incomprehensibility for the average addressee.
We focused on selected problematic phenomena observed and identified during the solution of the VEGA grant project no. 1/0526/17 Linguistic and Sanctioning Mechanisms in the Creation and Operation of Labor Law Norms and strived for a conceptual approach to their examination enriched by empirical research.