Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Anna Čepelová - Darina Koreňová (eds.)

The peer-reviewed non-conference proceedings entitled: "Quality of life of citizens - challenges, determinants and solutions" is one of the outputs of the VEGA project no. 1/0055/22 "The importance of smart technologies in the process of mitigating the economic and socio-psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of population.", which is being addressed at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, Department of Economics and Public Administration Management. The papers published in this proceedings support the research part of the investigators of the scientific project with their content. At the same time, they create a professional and scientific diapasone for further investigation and creation of scientific hypotheses.

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Public Administration and Society 1/2023



Michal Jesenko (science editor)  Eva Mihalíková • Darina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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Teória a prax verejnej správy



Michal Jesenko - Jana VolochováMartina KantorováMiroslav Fečko

Collection of contributions from 8th annual conference of the international doctoral conference "Theory and Practice of Public Administration", which took place on February 17, 2023 online through Microsoft Teams under the auspices of the Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The conference was attended by 32 doctoral students from the Slovak Republic, Ukraine, and African countries. The conference allowed the participants to present the results of their scientific research activities in the field of public administration. The conference participants were divided into 4 sections according to the topic of their contribution. In the political science section, the participants presented contributions thematically focused, for example, on the solution of green issues in the Slovak Republic or the influence of the political culture of the inhabitants of the Slovak-Ukrainian border on local and regional political processes. The social section provided a space for presenting contributions and discussing, for example, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on marginalized groups in the Slovak Republic. In the economic section, participants presented contributions from, for example, the field of waste management or the impact of employing foreigners on the economy of the Slovak Republic. The legal sections dealt with, for example, the topic of current changes in public procurement, the activities of VÚC councils or the protection of personal data of minors in the online space.

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Učtovníctvo rozpočtových organizácií



Eva Mihaliková

Predložená publikácia ponúka prierez problematikou účtovníctva a svojim obsahom je orientovaná na vedenie účtovníctva v rozpočtových organizáciách zriadených obcou a vyšším územným celkom. V úvode poukazuje na základné princípy vedenia účtovníctva a potrebu harmonizácie. Následne sa zameriava na špecifiká financovania v samosprávnych rozpočtových organizáciách a ich účtovné vyjadrenie. Ďalšie časti sú venované jednotlivým účtovým triedam, kde sa vymedzujú základné pojmy a vysvetľujú zápisy vybraných účtovných prípadov. Poslednú časť tvorí účtovná uzávierka, ktorá vymedzuje činnosti spojené s uzatváraním účtovného obdobia a poukazuje na proces zostavenia účtovnej závierky. Rozpočtové organizácie patria k subjektom verejnej správy, ktoré zostavujú iba individuálnu účtovnú závierku, ktorá ale vstupuje do konsolidovanej účtovnej závierky ich zriaďovateľa. Odvíjajúc sa od toho sú záverečné podkapitoly venované aj stručnému vysvetleniu podstaty konsolidácie, potreby auditu a spôsobu zverejňovania údajov z účtovných závierok.  

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Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Anna Čepelová

The non-conference collection of scientific papers "Quality of life of citizens - challenges, determinants and solutions II." presents the current state and possible trends in improving the quality of life of citizens in the post-covid period. The authors of the papers processed a whole range of information that focuses on the use of smart technologies in the conditions of contemporary society. The published outputs are thematically focused on the following areas: determinants affecting the quality of life of citizens, legislative changes as a solution tool impacts of the pandemic on quality of life, quality of life of citizens and social exclusion, smart technologies as a tool influencing the quality of separate waste collection, use of smart technologies in healthcare provision, use of artificial intelligence in social life.

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Verejná správa a spoločnosť 2/2023 (časopis)



Michal Jesenko(výkonný redaktor)

Eva Mihalíková, Darina Koreňová(ed.)

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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