Compendium of Hygiene

Availability: 109 In Stock

 Kvetoslava Rimárová 

The theme of the presented university textbook is a summary of selected basic knowledge of hygiene - environmental medicine. The script includes significant areas of environmental medicine as a science: the basics of environmental medicine, health and prevention issues of environmental health and risk assessment of potential exposure, the issue of air pollution, indoor pollution, problems of drinking water, the action of soil and solid waste, further issue of housing, nutrition and the impact of working conditions on health. Nutritional factors textbooks dealing with issues of rational nutrition, describe the individual components of nutrition, but also address the issue of food hygiene and the possibilities of foodborne infections. One chapter is also devoted to the impact of environmental conditions on health of children and youth. 

University textbook as a manuscript consists from 199 manuscript pages, is divided into 12 basic chapters, contains 36 citations in the literature.  In the Preface, the issue of categorization of diseases and define the basic concepts of health, prevention. Other chapters deal with the above selected chapters hygiene.

This university textbook comes as a basic university textbook for students of general  medicine in the English language, for students of bachelor's and master's studies  of medical schools - mainly bachelor's and master' program of  "Public health". Students of medicine and dentistry can also use these textbooks as an educational tool in the study of other subjects in the teaching of public health.


Infekce dolních cest dýchacích, plic a pohrudnice

Availability: 1 In Stock

Petr Jakubec a kolektív

Kniha detailně pojednává o infekčních nemocech dolních cest dýchacích od trachey po terminální bronchioly, plicního parenchym a oblasti pohrudnice a pohrudniční dutiny. Tato postižení patří k nejčastějším, a to nejen infekčním, chorobám postihujícím lidstvo. Řada z nich se vyznačuje značnou morbiditou a mortalitou. Jejich výskyt je modifikován demografickými změnami, změnami v životním prostředí i rozvojem medicíny, a to v dobrém i zlém. Příkladem, který nám ukazuje, jak nás tyto nemoci mohou stále překvapovat a ohrožovat, je COVID-19 infekce. Ani v budoucnosti nemůžeme vyloučit další, bohužel možná i závažnější respirační infekce.

Kniha přináší komplexní až „holistický“ pohled na tato infekční onemocnění, respektive na takto nemocného člověka. Diagnostika a léčba těchto chorob jsou primárně v rukou pneumologů, ale jak ukazuje i rozsáhlý kolektiv autorů této publikace, je v řadě případů nutná multioborová spolupráce v péči o nemocné. Pozornost je zaměřena nejen na tradiční diagnostický a léčebný koncept, ale důstojné místo je věnováno i rehabilitaci, psychologické podpoře a ošetřovatelské péči v rámci celostního pohledu na nemocného.

Kniha je určena internistům, praktickým lékařům, pneumologům, chirurgům, intenzivistům, infekcionistům a studentům lékařských fakult.

XXIII. slovensko - český kongres o infekčných...


Pavol JarčuškaPavol KristianIvan Schréter (eds.)

The abstract almanac was issued at the occasion of XXII. Slovak – Czech congress on infectoius diseases held in Jasná. Overall it contains 70 reports that cover current issues in infectology. Contributions are focused on patients with infections caused by multidrug resistant organisms, HIV infected patients, patients with hepatitis and infections in immunocompromised patients. Thers is a special section dedicated to new aspects in nursing care.

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Vybrané kapitoly z infektológie



Ivana Hockicková-Ondrej Zahornacký

The textbook „Selected chapters in Infectology“ is a comprehensive study material about selected infectious diseases for students of medicine as well as other healthcare professions. It is primarily intended for students of general and dental medicine. It is the first textbook of its kind, aiming to provide students with comprehensive information about different types of infectious diseases, including their causes, typical symptoms, diagnostics, treatment and prevention. It is divided into a total of 18 chapters. The textbook is written in accordance with the latest knowledge about infectious diseases and serves as the foundation for success in the Infectology subject.

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Aktuálne problémy epidemiológie a mikrobiológie...



Monika Halánová-Leonard Siegfried

Although chronic non-communicable diseases currently dominate overall morbidity and mortality in developed countries, epidemics of infectious diseases, especially those caused by new or emerging pathogens, occur more frequently and spread faster and further in new territories. The starting factors of this threat are mainly ecological and climatic changes and changes in human demography and behaviour. The growing resistance to ATB is also very serious, as a result of which there is a significant increase in the incidence of infectious diseases and their spread to new geographical locations. Current problems of epidemiology and microbiology in research and clinical practice are mainly focused on rapid detection and subsequent response to diagnosed diseases. The correct diagnosis of an infectious disease is the result of a clinical picture, knowledge of the current epidemiological situation and laboratory confirmation of the etiological agent. The identification of microorganisms allows us to establish the correct definitive diagnosis and subsequent targeted therapy, but also to start immediately with appropriate anti-epidemic measures to control the spread of the infectious agent.

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Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis. Selected...



Pavol Pobeha - Ivana Paraničová - Pavol Joppa

The publication "Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis—Selected Chapters" is an anticipated study material intended for medical students at medical faculties and can also serve as supplementary literature in the framework of postgraduate education for specialist doctors. By compiling chapters and content, it builds upon the Slovak version of the publication "Selected Chapters from Pneumology and Phthisiology" (edited by Pavol Joppa), but the new publication expands pneumology with additional nosological units and issues in the context of current evidence-based medicine.

This book adds topics such as Sleep Breathing Disorders and Respiratory Failure to standard pneumology topics like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, pneumonia, interstitial diseases, and tuberculosis. These topics are often mentioned only marginally in pneumological publications and within internal diseases. A significant contribution is the comprehensively processed chapter on Cor pulmonale chronicum, which connects several clinical fields including pneumology, internal medicine, and cardiology. We believe that the prepared publication will find favor among readers and will be beneficial in educating students and practitioners.

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