Praktické cvičenia z biológie a genetiky

Availability: 9 In Stock

Eva Slabá - Helena MičkováTerézia Hudáková

Pomocné vysokoškolské učebné texty Praktické cvičenia z biológie a genetiky sú určené na praktické cvičenia z predmetov Biológia I. a Biológia II. pre študentov 1. roku štúdia v odbore všeobecné lekárstvo a Lekárska a humánna biológia I. a II., pre študentov 1. roku štúdia v odbore  zubné lekárstvo na Univerzite P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach - Lekárskej fakulte.

Surgery for medical students

Availability: 99 In Stock

Mária Frankovičová - Jana Kaťuchová

Dear readers and students,

The book “Surgery for Medical Students“ is a textbook intended to be used by those studying at medical faculties and in other healthcare fields. In this textbook, the authors, encompassing all surgical specialties, have tried to provide the reader with a holistic context of the study material intended to be used in preparation for the state exam from surgery. I thank all the co-authors for their willingness and cooperation. To the students I hope you have a pleasant time reading and studying the book.


Prof. MUDr. Mária Frankovičová, PhD

Vybrané kapitoly z infektológie



Ivana Hockicková-Ondrej Zahornacký

The textbook „Selected chapters in Infectology“ is a comprehensive study material about selected infectious diseases for students of medicine as well as other healthcare professions. It is primarily intended for students of general and dental medicine. It is the first textbook of its kind, aiming to provide students with comprehensive information about different types of infectious diseases, including their causes, typical symptoms, diagnostics, treatment and prevention. It is divided into a total of 18 chapters. The textbook is written in accordance with the latest knowledge about infectious diseases and serves as the foundation for success in the Infectology subject.

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Autonómny nervový systém v klinickej praxi



Ladislav Kočan-Dušan Rybár-Róbert Rapčan

The autonomic nervous system is a vital component of the peripheral nervous system, responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating internal processes within the body. Unlike the voluntary control exerted by the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system operates involuntarily, innervating smooth organs, vessels, skin glands, and even exerting some influence over skeletal muscles in connection with vegetative functions such as breathing, digestion, and the urinary and gonadal systems. Its impact extends crucially to the cardiac muscles of the heart and plays a significant role in endocrine and metabolic functions, thermoregulation, as well as emotional and behavioral responses, including adaptive reactions to stressors. The aim of this publication is to provide a comprehensive and objective exploration of the anatomical and physiological intricacies of the autonomic nervous system, offering insights into its clinical applications. Within these pages, we meticulously delineate various interventional therapeutic procedures tailored to specific diagnoses related to the autonomic nervous system, aligning each intervention with the anatomical framework of the autonomic system. The efficacy of these procedures is evaluated based on the level of evidence, as per the current recommendations of Evidence-Based Medicine. This publication is primarily crafted for fifth and sixth-year medical students and medical professionals specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain medicine. It serves as a valuable resource for gaining a deeper understanding of autonomic nervous system function and its clinical implications, facilitating informed decision-making in clinical practice.

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Aktuálne problémy epidemiológie a mikrobiológie...



Monika Halánová-Leonard Siegfried

Although chronic non-communicable diseases currently dominate overall morbidity and mortality in developed countries, epidemics of infectious diseases, especially those caused by new or emerging pathogens, occur more frequently and spread faster and further in new territories. The starting factors of this threat are mainly ecological and climatic changes and changes in human demography and behaviour. The growing resistance to ATB is also very serious, as a result of which there is a significant increase in the incidence of infectious diseases and their spread to new geographical locations. Current problems of epidemiology and microbiology in research and clinical practice are mainly focused on rapid detection and subsequent response to diagnosed diseases. The correct diagnosis of an infectious disease is the result of a clinical picture, knowledge of the current epidemiological situation and laboratory confirmation of the etiological agent. The identification of microorganisms allows us to establish the correct definitive diagnosis and subsequent targeted therapy, but also to start immediately with appropriate anti-epidemic measures to control the spread of the infectious agent.

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Applications of the Autonomic Nervous System in...



Ladislav Kočan - Dušan Rybár - Róbert Rapčan

The autonomic nervous system is a vital component of the peripheral nervous system, responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating internal processes within the body. Unlike the voluntary control exerted by the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system operates involuntarily, innervating smooth organs, vessels, skin glands, and even exerting some influence over skeletal muscles in connection with vegetative functions such as breathing, digestion, and the urinary and gonadal systems. Its impact extends crucially to the cardiac muscles of the heart and plays a significant role in endocrine and metabolic functions, thermoregulation, as well as emotional and behavioral responses, including adaptive reactions to stressors.

The aim of this publication is to provide a comprehensive and objective exploration of the anatomical and physiological intricacies of the autonomic nervous system, offering insights into its clinical applications. Within these pages, we meticulously delineate various interventional therapeutic procedures tailored to specific diagnoses related to the autonomic nervous system, aligning each intervention with the anatomical framework of the autonomic system. The efficacy of these procedures is evaluated based on the level of evidence, as per the current recommendations of Evidence-Based Medicine.

This publication is primarily crafted for fifth and sixth-year medical students and medical professionals specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain medicine. It serves as a valuable resource for gaining a deeper understanding of autonomic nervous system function and its clinical implications, facilitating informed decision-making in clinical practice.

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27.KOŠICKÝ MORFOLOGICKÝ DEŇ: Miesto morfológie...



Adriana Boleková - Natália Hvizdošová (eds.)

Košický morfologický deň je každoročné májové stretnutie morfológov, ktorého sa zúčastňujú najmä košické morfologické pracoviská. Pri tejto príležitosti sa pravidelne vydáva zborník vedeckých prác. Tohoročný zborník je vydaný pri príležitosti 27. košického morfologického dňa. V zborníku autori prezentujú výsledky svojej vedecko-výskumnej a pedagogickej činnosti, ktoré majú charakter teoretických prehľadových štúdií a výskumných prác.

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Student scientific international conference...



Martina Šemeláková (ed.)

Proceedings contain abstracts from participants of the scientific conference with international participation under the name: Student scientific international conference GenICa”, supported by the project "Bilateral relations and common knowledge between Slovakia and Iceland research at Universities on the topic "Genomic instability and cancer "GenICa", funded under the EEA and Norwegian 2014-2021 Financial Mechanism Programme (FBR02, bilateral initiatives under the Fund for Bilateral Relations at national level co-financed by EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021) which took place on 19 - 21 June 2024 in the premises of Hotel Sorea Trigan, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia.

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Ošetrovateľstvo vo vnútornom lekárstve II....



Mária Sováriová Soósová, Renáta Suchanová, Libuša Tirpáková

Predkladaná vysokoškolská učebnica prináša poznatky z oblasti ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti u pacientov s ochoreniami srdcovo-cievneho systému. Je určená pre poslucháčov odboru ošetrovateľstvo v rámci pregraduálneho a postgraduálneho vzdelávania, sestrám pracujúcim v tejto oblasti, ako aj ďalším odborníkom z nelekárskych vedných disciplín, ktorí sa zaoberajú starostlivosťou o pacientov s kardio-vaskulárnymi chorobami.

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Vyrastať v chudobe: vplyv života v...



Daniela Filakovská- Shoshana Chovan- Zuzana Dankulincová

Dnes sú to už celé generácie odopierania príležitostí pre napĺňanie potenciálu a storočia diskriminácie, ktoré oberajú deti v marginalizovaných komunitách o detstvo tak ako ho poznáme my ostatní, ktorí sme mali viac „šťastia“. Tak, ako sa generácie ľudí v marginalizovaných komunitách točia v kruhu chudoby, z ktorého niet ľahkej cesty, tak sa aj my točíme v bludnom kruhu hľadania vinníkov a odovzdávania si predsudkov a stereotypov založených na mylných predpokladoch, ktoré sú tak zakorenené a samozrejmé, že mnohých ľudí ani nenapadne o nich pochybovať, spochybňovať ich logiku, či sa snažiť ich vyvracať. Spoločnosť na základe vlastných ideálov s ľahkosťou súdi matky či otcov, že nie sú dosť dobrí. Omnoho ťažšia cesta je však snažiť sa pochopiť, čo im v tom bráni. Povedať, že za stratené detstvo detí v marginalizovaných komunitách môžu rodičia, je príliš zjednodušené a nezohľadňuje to omnoho širší kontext a súvislosti. A práve vplyv tohoto kontextu na raný vývin a hľadanie súvislostí je naším cieľom. Nielen preto, že si uvedomujeme potrebu búrať stereotypy a meniť spoločenský diskurz, no najmä preto, aby sme vedeli priniesť dôkazy, na základe ktorých bude možné tvoriť politiky, smerovať intervencie a pomôcť tak ďalším generáciám detí dosiahnuť na príležitosti, ktoré im umožnia naplniť svoj plný potenciál.

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Ochorenia periimplantačných tkanív a ich liečba



Ján Kučera - Eva Kovaľová - Juraj Strecha

Peri-implantation diseases such as peri-implantitis and mucositis have a wide range of prevalence. Several etiological factors and the interaction of risk factors influence their onset and development. Careful investigation determines the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Treatment, depending on the condition, is either non-surgical or surgical. Systematic postoperative care, a recall system, and patient instruction and cooperation are essential, which create the preconditions for successful implant treatment.

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FORENSIC MEDICINE - Textbook for Medical Students



Dorota Sopková - Silvia Farkašová Iannaccone

Forensic medicine is a medical discipline that is concerned with the determination of the cause of death in cases of violent and non-violent deaths, as well as the assessment of the effects of violence on the human body, including in cases of living persons. The presented textbook provides a consolidated and comprehensive review of the basic tasks and theoretical knowledge of the field of forensic medicine. Its goal is to provide a theoretical basis for the study of the compulsory subject Forensic Medicine and Medical Law in the study programs General Medicine and Dental Medicine, which has been absent until now. The authors emphasize the need to know the basics of forensic medicine in every medical field and a multidisciplinary approach to solving medico-legal questions.

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