Transteritoriálne správne akty v podmienkach...


Radomír JakabTibor SemanLukáš Jančát

The concept of a transterritorial administrative act is relatively new in administrative law, especially in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. It has practical applicability to the application of European Union law (including international law). Its essence lies in the fact that the effects of such an administrative act issued within one Member State exceed the territory of that Member State, have effects in other Member States, in all Member States of the European Union without being subject to the recognition process.

The purpose of the monograph is to present outputs of the scientific examination of this type of administrative acts, the definition of its characteristics and its effects, the examination of the possibilities of procedural defense against its effects by the State concerned, and possibly the possibility of unifying the action of the Member States of the European Union in case of procedural defense against the effects of transterritorial administrative acts. The monograph also contains analysis of certain types of transterrritorial administrative acts that are commonly used in the conditions of the European union and Slovak republic; they are also categorized under specific criteria.,

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Privatizácia verejného práva verzus publicita...


Lukáš MichaľovKatarína Koromházová (eds.)

The Collection of scientific contributions "Privatization of public law versus publicity of private law" is an output of the International scientific conference of Phd. students and scientific researchers organized by the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University. The collection contains contributions focused on the issues of the intersection of private and public law, specifically on the privatization of public law and publicity of private law.

This is a highly important topic, because the elements of privatization can be found across the entire public law, not only in the field of criminal law, but also in other legal branches of public law.Recently, there have been significant elements of publicity of private law, especially commercial or civil law. Therefore, we consider the topic of the conference and the title of the collection to be appropriately chosen and up to date without any significant limits in scientific research.

The participants of theInternational scientific conference in their contributions also focused on de lege ferenda considerations and offer a new perspective on the formation of public or private law.

The aim of the published Collection of scientific contributions isto continue in improving and developing new knowledge of the public law in the field of its privatization and private law in the field of its publicity.

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Svetové dejiny štátu a práva


Erik Štenpien

This university textbook named "The World History of State and Law" serve as teaching aid to Students of 1. year-class of Faculty of Law. He addicted to history of state and law of oriental despoties and chosen states of ancient Greece. Exactly interpreted the law history of medieval and feudal states and cities and institutes of medieval law with the accent to civil law. Next he interpreted the history of constitutions of the european states (Netherland, Poland, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy) and USA, also the modern law of 19. Century. A special chapter deals with the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and the system of treaties adopted during it.

At the end he interpreted the legal history of chosen states of Europe and USA - state system with the accent to type of the regime (democracy, dictature).

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Ako správne pracovať s prameňmi práva Európskej...


Dominika BeckováRadoslav BenkoValéria Ružičková

Studies of the European Union law may hardly be possible without making use of its sources. Lots of types of legal rules, several forms of judicial decisions as well as a wide spectrum of criteria used while searching among legal acts of the European Union and case-law of its courts in search engines on the official websites of the European Union may, however, appear confusing, thereby making the work with sources of the European Union law more complicated and prolonging it. Methodology Guide „How to Work Correctly with the Sources of the European Union Law“ aims to help students to understand the system of sources of the European Union law as well as the sources themselves, offer them tips and advice useful during their search and thus contribute to the adoption of fundamental procedures for working with them.

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Umelá inteligencia z pohľadu práva


Valéria Ružičková (ed.)

For the XIV Year of Student Symposium on International Law and European Law under the topic „Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of Law“, students of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Science prepared several papers regarding current questions related to the ongoing development of the artificial intelligence. From the legal point of view, the papers regard the importance of the artificial intelligence in human activities in space, its impact on fundamental rights, development of new human rights in relation to its application in healthcare and nursing care as well as personal data protection while making use of the artificial intelligence. Apart from the papers concerning the artificial intelligence from the legal perspective, two of the papers regard the artificial intelligence from the scientific perspective, explaining the importance of the artificial intelligence in localization in indoor environment as well as its importance in prediction of healthcare costs.

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100 Years of Treaty of Trianon – Diplomacy,...


Erik ŠtenpienIvan Svatuška (eds.)

The Collection of scientific Contributions of the International scientific conference: 100 Years of Treaty of Trianon – Diplomacy, State and Law on the Turn of the Century.

The presented publication is the first of a series of proceedings published within the solution of the grant APVV-19-0419. The conference took place from 14 to 15 October 2021 with the participation of experts from Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. The ambition of the research team, composed of legal historians and positive lawyers from three countries, is to provide a comprehensive, unbiased view of the peace negotiations that resulted in the Treaty of Trianon with Hungary. The conference, the result of which is the presented collection, was devoted to the causes of possible disputes in Europe - focusing on diplomacy and constitutional development of Central European countries at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, ie in the period immediately preceding the outbreak of World War I.

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Právo fondov EÚ v teórii a praxi


Alena KrunkováSimona Farkašová

ZBORNÍK PRÍSPEVKOV z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie PRÁVO FONDOV EÚ V TEÓRII A PRAXI
konanej dňa 3. októbra 2019 v Košiciach

Dňa 3. októbra 2019 sa v Historickej aule rektorátu Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach konala Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia s názvom „Právo fondov EÚ v teórii a praxi“ pod gesciou Úradu podpredsedu vlády SR pre investície a informatizáciu a Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach. Organizačne ju zastrešila Katedra ústavného práva a správneho práva Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach. Uvedené vedecké podujatie bolo prirodzeným vyústením riešenia grantovej schémy „Príprava nových kapacít pre EŠIF II.“ – NAKAP. V rámci tohto projektu vznikol na Právnickej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach nový predmet „Právo a fondy EÚ“, ktorý sa vyučuje v magisterskom študijnom programe v odbore „Právo“.

Konferencie sa zúčastnili predstavitelia akademickej sféry, pedagógovia Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach, ktorí predmet vytvorili a ďalej participujú na výučbe. Obohatením boli účastníci z praxe, či už z Úradu podpredsedu vlády SR pre investície a informatizáciu, z Úradu pre verejné obstarávanie SR, z Najvyššieho kontrolného úradu SR, resp. z Ministerstva práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny SR. Veľmi hodnotné informácie na konferencii zazneli aj od predstaviteľov Ministerstva pro místní rozvoj ČR, zástupcov OECD, či od Zastúpenia Európskej komisie na Slovensku. Prednesené príspevky vysoko odborným spôsobom reflektovali aktuálnu problematiku, pomenovali problémové miesta i načrtli vhodné riešenia polemických miest.

Z jednotlivých vystúpení účastníkov konferencie sa tak podarilo zostaviť rozsahom síce nie veľké, no hodnotou veľmi pozoruhodné dielo, ktoré znamenitým spôsobom prepája teóriu a prax a rozširuje tak poznatky v ešte stále zložitej problematike právnej úpravy fondov Európskej únie.

doc. JUDr. Alena KRUNKOVÁ, PhD.

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Miroslav Štrkolec, Anna Vartašová, Monika Stojáková, Soňa Simić

Taxation of Virtual Currency and Digital Services - COVID-19 and other Current Challenges for Tax Law

Reviewed proceedings of scientific papers

This Proceedings presents papers from international scientific conference IV SLOVAK-CZECH DAYS OF TAX LAW on the topic: "Taxation of Virtual Currencies and Digital Services - COVID-19 and other Current Challenges for Tax Law" held on 16th - 18th June 2021 in Košice, Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the grant No. APVV-19-0124 “Tax Law and New Phenomena in the Economy (Digital Services, Sharing Economy, Virtual Currencies)”.

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Liber Amicorum Ján Klučka


Dominika Becková

This Liber Amicorum presents a collection of contributions in Honour of Professor Ján Klučka. This Liber Amicorum was written by his colleagues from universities, collaborators from the judiciary, former colleagues from the Constitutional Court of the Slovak republic and the Court of Justice of the European Union, current colleagues from the Faculty of Law and his former PhD. students. Their contributions elaborate the knowledge their gained from the work they conducted together with Professor Ján Klučka and are interspersed with references to memories associated with Professor Ján Klučka.

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Jozef Suchoža, Ján Husár, Regina Hučková

Collection Law-Commerce-Economy X.. is a publication containing professional contributions by the authors, especially with regard to commercial law, civil law, labor law, intellectual property law, but also digital technology law.. The thematic focus of the international scientific symposium was concentrated in three areas representing open problems of commercial law with regard to the solution of the economic and social crisis caused by the so-called pandemic (corona crisis), current issues of corporate law in the EU and artificial intelligence and law: the influence of artificial intelligence on the normative activity of the state and court decisions. With regard to the content orientation of the outputs, the publication is suitable not only for readers from the academic environment, but also from applied practice.

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Zdravie pri práci v spektre teórie a praxe



Jana Žuľová  - Monika Minčičová - Marcel Dolobáč (eds.)

The legal regulation of occupational health and the process of assessing the health capacity is one of the manifestations of fulfilling the protective function of labour law.

Due to the importance of pursuing the interest in protecting the life and health of the individual during his working life, as well as the consequences of damage to the employee's health for further work and continuance of employment relationship, research in this area finds its irreplaceable place in legal science. Its topicality is also highlighted by the emerging risks of work and the working environment. Technological progress associated with a change in the way of performing work, as well as the pandemic situation, have opened a number of new challenges for labour law that require attention.

The presented proceedings of abstracts responds to the outlined facts. It is a group of initial motives and conclusions of lectures presented at the scientific online conference "Health at Work in the Spectrum of Theory and Practice" organized by the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice on16th April 2021. Authors point to a variety of problematic areas that are not only a reflection of academic considerations, but also of those legal issues that need to be addressed in ordinary legal practice.

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Volené orgány kapitálových spoločností. Vybrané...



Žofia MrázováJán HusárJaroslav Dolný a kol.

The publication "Volené orgány kapitálových spoločností. Vybrané otázky" focuses on the assessment of legal aspects of the performance of corporate boards members and on solving application problems regarding relations arising between members of the board of directors and supervisory board and the company itself.

The first part of the publication deals with the basic conceptual preconditions to become members of elected corporate boards, including conditions for their appointment and removal. Among the issues addressed is also the required standard of performance of corporate boards members in relation to the concept of professional care and duty of loyalty. Remuneration of elected board members as well as the possibility of opposing the contract for performance are also analysed.

The application problems partly extend to bankruptcy law when examining the obligations of board of directors after the bankruptcy of a company, specifically in matters of the emergence of special liability of the board of directors as well as their performance even after the bankruptcy.

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Zamestnanec v digitálnom prostredí



Monika MinčičováMarcel DolobáčJana Žuľová

The presented proceedings of papers is the result of the international scientific conference "Employee in the digital environment", which was organized as part of the research project VEGA 1/0790/20 Employee protection in the context of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 - starting points, opportunities and risks. The online scientific conference took place on the 5th of November 2021 under the auspices of the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law, Faculty of Law, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The proceedings includes a variety of scientific papers focused on the study of current issues caused by the digital transformation of society.Authors respond to partial legal problems of labour law and social security law at the theoretical-legal and application level and reflect on the consequences of ongoing phenomena for the labour market and labour law legislation.

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Aktuálne výzvy daňového práva



Adrián Popovič  - Jozef Sábo

Reviewed proceedings from the student symposium organized on the occasion of IV. Slovak-Czech days of tax law.

The International Scientific Conference IV. Slovak-Czech days of tax law was held 16th - 18th June 2021 in Košice (Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice). On this occasion, a student symposium on the topic: "Current Challenges of Tax Law" was organized for students of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Faculty of Law in Košice on 15th June 2021. The focus of the symposium was chosen due to the content of the grant project APVV-19-0124 entitled "Tax law and new phenomena in the economy (digital services, shared economy, virtual currencies)", which is currently being addressed at the Department of Financial Law, Tax Law and Economy, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The output of this symposium is a reviewed proceeding of papers, in which students focus on examining the current challenges of tax law. In this context, students examine not only the current challenges in the field of real estate tax and the introduction of taxation based on their market value of real estate, the decision-making of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of direct taxation and indirect taxation, but also new and extremely current taxation issues of cryptoactive (virtual currency) taxation, not only in the Slovak Republic but also in the world. The authors also assess in detail the current situation in the research area, and they also present de lege ferenda proposals that could contribute to the development and improvement of several aspects of taxation, which is a benefit not only for legal science but also for application practice.

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Míľniky právneho vývoja v Európe po prvej...



Ivan SvatuškaLucia Pištejová (eds.)

Collection of Scientific Contributions from the International Scientific Conference of PhD Students and Young Researchers held on April 22, 2022, organized by the Department of State and Law History of the Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

We recommend this collection to the attention not only of PhD students and young researchers but also to all experts working in the fields of general history and legal science. At the same time, we bring it to the attention of all lay enthusiasts interested in the issues of legal development after the First World War. After all, as one of the world-renowned foreign legal historians likes to say: "Law is the most beautiful science in the world, because everyone can find an area that interests them in it."

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Úvod do trestného práva procesného



Martin Štrkolec

Anotation Within the university textbook, the author focuses on the introduction to the criminal law of procedural and criminal proceedings, especially in terms of its purpose, individual parts and stages, subjects, procedural acts, decisions, as well as the costs of criminal proceedings. This publication is intended for easier orientation in the basics of criminal procedural law, on which it is possible to build qualified knowledge within the following legal branches or legal institutes. The methodology presented in the publication represents a concentrated form of individual provisions of the relevant generally binding legal regulations, while arguments of criminal law doctrine.

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Impact of the European Union on Criminal Law of...



Dominika Marčoková Becková (ed.)

Reviewed collection of papers of the international scientific conference is the output of the international scientific conference held on 7th October 2022 within the framework of the project APVV-18-0421 „European Public Prosecutor's Office in Connections of the Constitutional Order of the Slovak Republic as Strengthening of the European Integration through Law“.

Unlike other areas of activities of the European Union, the European Union did not begin to enter the area of criminal law and criminal policy until much later. The reason is that the sphere of criminal law has traditionally been associated with the sovereignty of the state, which is why the Member States of the European Union are very slow to allow the European Union into it. The issue of the European Union's influence on the criminal law of its Member States is therefore becoming actual and raises many questions and application problems. In their papers, the authors address the various problems posed by the European Union's influence in the area of criminal law. Among the scientific problems and issues that the authors paid attention to in their works are the following: reasons for competence of the European Union within the field of criminal law; Impact of the EU legislation on criminal law of EU Member States; proposals to improve existing legislation, whether at European Union or national level, cooperation of the Court of Justice of the European Union and national judges via preliminary proceedings within the field of criminal law; as well as the issue of the European Public Prosecutor's Office.

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KOŠICE CRIMINAL LAW DAYS 2022, VI. „The value...



Sergej RomžaVeronika TóthováBronislava Vinnerová (eds.)


The Collection of scientific contributions nationwide interdisciplinary scientific conference with international participation

The text book of scientific contributions The value direction of criminal law is the output of a nationwide interdisciplinary scientific conference with international participation organized by the Department of Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law of the UPJŠ in Košice. The proceedings contain contributions focused on issues of the value direction of criminal law, both in the field of substantive and procedural law.

This is a highly topical issue, as the values of law as such are reflected in each of its areas. In view of social events, the constant amendment of the criminal codes and, in particular, the forthcoming amendment of both the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure, we consider the topic of the conference and the title of the text book to be highly topical, without significant limits in scientific research.

In their contributions, the participants of the national interdisciplinary scientific conference with international participation also devoted themselves to reflections de lege ferenda and offer insights into the above-mentioned amendments to the criminal codes into practice as well as their upcoming amendments.

The aim of the published proceedings is to continue to improve and develop new knowledge in the field of criminal law in the light of the new rules, while adhering to all established values, on the basis of the previous professional knowledge.

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Condition and perspectives of financial law and...



Adrián PopovičJozef SáboAnna Vartašová (eds.)

The International Scientific Conference on the topic Condition and perspectives of public finances in the EU was held 2nd – 3rd June 2022in Košice focused on the topics of the EU Budget and Real Estate in taxation. On this occasion, a student symposium on the topic: "Condition and perspectives of financial law and tax law" was organized for students of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Faculty of Law in Košice on 1st June 2022. The focus of the symposium was chosen due to the content of the grant project VEGA no. 1/0485/21: „Simultaneity and possibilities of reforming the system of own resources of the EU budget (legal and economic aspects also in the context of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic)“, of the grant project VEGA no. 1/0214/21: „Taxation of real property – legal status and potential“ and of the grant project APVV-19-0124 entitled "Tax law and new phenomena in the economy (digital services, shared economy, virtual currencies)", which are currently being addressed at the Department of Financial Law, Tax Law and Economy, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The output of this symposium is a reviewed proceeding of papers, in which students focus on examining the current challenges of financial law and tax law. In this context, students examine not only the issue of current challenges in the field of real estate tax and the introduction of taxation based on their market value of real estate and the institute of remedies in tax procedural law, but also the current issue of EU budget law with a focus on the revenue side of the EU budget.

The authors also assess in detail the current situation in the research area, and they also present de lege ferenda proposals that could contribute to the development and improvement of several aspects of taxation, which is a benefit not only for legal science but also for application practice.

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Spravodlivosť, spoločenstvo, sloboda



Alexander BröstlMarta Breichová Lapčáková (eds.)

The presented Collection Volume is dedicated to three framework areas, namely justice, community and freedom. These are the thematic areas of the 30th IVR World Congress, on the occasion of which a meeting of its Slovak section was held. The published contributions focus on the main topic of the congress, which is also the central topic of legal and social sciences. Thus, in the Collection we will find reflections on the freedom of the individual in society, its various shades of meaning and forms. The question of the organization of social relations in the form of the degree of participation of citizens in state power in the context of the democratic form of government and its current challenges should not be neglected either. Thus, the institutions of direct and indirect democracy, the dangers of the lures of the so-called totalitarian democracy, or the question of identities in a postmodern pluralistic society. The question of justice in procedural law is not avoided either. The collection thus provides the reader with a wide area of research from legal-philosophical questions, through questions of the theory of the constitutional state, to their application in legal practice. Geographically, it maps the events in the Central European and wider European area with an impact on their global dimension. The publication can thus become a useful source of knowledge and current developments in jurisprudence and its main topics with the aim of a better understanding of social reality.

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Zelené ambície v podmienkach európskeho a...



Juraj Panigaj

Collection of Contributions from the XVth Student Symposium on International Law and European Law, held on April 22, 2022, in a hybrid format, with the participation of students from the Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and the Faculty of Law of Trnava University in Trnava.

The jubilee XV. year of student symposium from international and European law took place at the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, faculty of law, on April 22, 2022, symbolically on Day Earth. This year's event was dedicated to the increasingly pressing issue of environmental protection. The topic "Green ambitions in the light of European and international law" appealed to many students, resulting in several interesting contributions, falling under both European Union law and international law. European law currently brings great challenges, but also expectations through the European Green Deal. This is also why several student contributions dealt with topics falling under the European Green Deal, either from the point of view of its individual initiatives in general, or more specifically, in the intentions of Agenda 2030, or the implementation of the so-called green diplomacy. The other part of contributions dealt with environmental protection within international law. Students addressed issues of an environmental nature in the areas of climate change, international maritime law, atmospheric protection, or the issue of so-called climate refugees. The publication itself is an output of the APVV project APVV-20-0576 "Green ambitions for sustainable development (European Green Deal in the context of international and national law)".

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1. svetová vojna a jej dôsledky v štátoprávnej...



Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška

The presented publication is the proceedings of the international conference held on 29.-30. September 2022 in Košice as an output of the grant project APVV-19-0419. The ambition of the project is to try to reconcile legal and general historians from Slovakia and Hungary in the difficult topic of looking at the Treaty of Trianon from 1920. The conference, held on 29.-30. September 2022 was the third in a series of conferences that for the purpose of assisting in the achievement of said goal. It was attended by legal historians and positive lawyers from several Central European countries. So let the collection serve as another step towards understanding between nations.

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The H(andb)ook of Legal Feminism: The Concept,...



Dominik Šoltys

The scientific monograph The H(andb)ook of Legal Feminism: The Concept, Nature, Features, Development and Forms of Legal Feminism presents for the first time the issue of legal feminism in Slovak jurisprudence in such a comprehensive way. Author analyzes legal feminism as a distinctive movement of legal philosophy and legal theory. He places legal feminism in the broader framework of general feminism. The internal ideological and developmental diversity of legal feminism brings the author´s examinations before the effort to systematize according to ideological and theoretical similarities or differences with emphasize to the development of feminism in different waves. In this regarding, author presents various forms of feminism and legal feminism, including their most important representatives. The increased view of the monograph deals with contemporary Anglo-American feminism since the end of the 1960s till the present, i.e., the period from which legal feminism emerged as a conceptual and critical movement of legal thinking. Author analyzes the critical view of legal feminism on law and current legal policy. He specifies abstract and basic theoretical features of the feminist jurisprudence. In this regard, the author pays attention to important concepts, categories, ideological assumptions, or methodological and methodological frame of feminist legal science. In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of the development of diverse forms of legal feminism the monograph also focuses on the normative side of feminist theory of law, which challenges the modern jurisprudence in elimination of gender and gender as legally relevant criteria.

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Aktuálne otázky trestného práva z pohľadu...



Dominika Marčoková Becková (ed.)

Proceedings of Papers of XVIth year of the student symposium of the Institute of International Law and European Law is devoted to selected aspects of the place and role of criminal law from the point of view of contemporary EU law and international law. In their contributions, students deal with current topics of criminal law in the law of the European Union and international law. In the EU law, the most actual issue is the European Public Prosecutor's Office, a body of the EU responsible for investigateing and prosecuting criminal offenses affecting the Union's financial interests. The first part of papers dealt with the reasons for the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, its structure and tasks, the issue of conducting the investigation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office in the conditions of the Slovak Republic, as well as with the relations of the European Public Prosecutor's Office with its closest partner, the European Anti-Fraud Office. The second part of the contributions reflects current issues and challenges of criminal law in international law. Authors in their papers focused on the issue of the International Criminal Tribunal for Ukraine, the legal problems and challenges associated with its creation, on the issue of the crime of aggression before the International Criminal Court, as well as on issues of immunity of state representatives before national courts.

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Európska prokuratúra v Slovenskej republike



Martina Jánošíková - Dominika Marčoková Becková (eds.)

The peer-reviewed Proceeding of Scientific Papers is dedicated to the issue of the European Public Prosecutor's Office and is the result of a scientific project APVV-18-0421 European Public Prosecutor's Office in Connections of the Constitutional Order of the Slovak Republic as Strengthening of the European Integration through Law. In their works, the authors of scientific papers, dealt with the issue of the European Public Prosecutor's Office in the context of European Union law and criminal law, as well as the relation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office with the national prosecutor's office and law enforcement authorities. The scientific works published in the proceeding dealt with the topics of the reasons for the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, the position of the European Public Prosecutor's Office in the institutional system of the EU and the Slovak Republic, relations of cooperation and coordination between the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic, the protection of the constitutionality and legality of the procedures and decisions of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, with special attention to the protection of fundamental rights, as well as the first result and evaluation of the operation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office in the Slovak Republic. Thanks to the content of scientific papers, the reader can get a more comprehensive idea of this new body of the European Union, which operates in an area traditionally associated with state sovereignty and represents another step forward in the integration processes represented by the European Union.

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Diverzné a inkluzívne pracoviská - legislatívne...



Jana Žuľová,Denisa Rudžiková

In the environment of Slovak employers, an active approach to diversity and inclusion in the workplace is coming to the fore. Targeted diversity and inclusion programs help make employers more attractive on the labor market and attract more job seekers. Proactively, better working conditions are created for employees with responsibilities to the family (in most cases still in relation to mothers), groups of people who have been on the fringes of interest until now are also employed (elderly, disabled, LGBT groups, minorities, graduates of secondary and higher education schools). The presented collection of abstracts responds to the outlined facts, which is a grouping of the starting motives and conclusions of the contributions presented at the scientific conference Diverse and inclusive workplaces - legislative starting points organized by the department of labor law and social security law of the Faculty of Law of the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, which took place on September 29, 2023 in a hybrid form. With their abstracts, the authors point to a range of problematic areas that are not only a reflection of academic considerations, but also those legal questions that have to be dealt with in ordinary legal practice. The goal is to use analysis and explanation to define the existing labor law measures/tools applicable to the implementation of diversity and inclusion in the workplace according to the current Slovak legal framework and the EU legal framework and thus emphasize the starting point of any effort to build diversity and the implementation of inclusion in the workplace.

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