Ako správne pracovať s prameňmi práva Európskej únie. Metodická príručka.

Dominika BeckováRadoslav BenkoValéria Ružičková

Studies of the European Union law may hardly be possible without making use of its sources. Lots of types of legal rules, several forms of judicial decisions as well as a wide spectrum of criteria used while searching among legal acts of the European Union and case-law of its courts in search engines on the official websites of the European Union may, however, appear confusing, thereby making the work with sources of the European Union law more complicated and prolonging it. Methodology Guide „How to Work Correctly with the Sources of the European Union Law“ aims to help students to understand the system of sources of the European Union law as well as the sources themselves, offer them tips and advice useful during their search and thus contribute to the adoption of fundamental procedures for working with them.

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Dominika Becková • Radoslav Benko • Valéria Ružičková
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Publikácia je výstupom z projektu VVGS-2020-1645 „Ako správne pracovať s prameňmi práva Európskej únie“.
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Public Administration and Society 1/2024



Michal Jesenko (editor) - Eva MihalíkováDarina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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Miroslav Štrkolec, Anna Vartašová, Monika Stojáková, Soňa Simić

Taxation of Virtual Currency and Digital Services - COVID-19 and other Current Challenges for Tax Law

Reviewed proceedings of scientific papers

This Proceedings presents papers from international scientific conference IV SLOVAK-CZECH DAYS OF TAX LAW on the topic: "Taxation of Virtual Currencies and Digital Services - COVID-19 and other Current Challenges for Tax Law" held on 16th - 18th June 2021 in Košice, Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the grant No. APVV-19-0124 “Tax Law and New Phenomena in the Economy (Digital Services, Sharing Economy, Virtual Currencies)”.

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Dominika Cukerová - Andrej Oriňak - Kateřina Hrabánková (eds.)

The proceedings offers contributions from the international scientific conference of doctoral students and young researchers held on 25 April 2024 at the Faculty of Law, UPJŠ in Košice, which was thematically oriented on Innovative Law and Innovations in Law. The authors of the papers confirmed that innovation in law can take many forms. The first part of the papers, which pays attention to how law can respond to innovations, is a manifestation of this. These are the papers by Jana Cihanová, Andrej Oriňák, Denisa Rudžiková and Matej Biroš, who presented the use of deepfake technology, artificial intelligence and software tools in legal practice in the context of their legal regulation. Looking at familiar things differently can also be a source of innovation. In this vein, Dominik Mizerski, Juraj Valentovič, Lucián Török and Kateřina Hrabánková presented interpretive and application innovations in the field of private law. The third part of the papers by Michaela Szittyaiová, Natália Priateľová, Filip Baláži, Elena Lazoríková and Laura Gazdagová offers a preview of the innovations that the public law section is facing today. Finally, the fourth and last group of papers specifically explains innovations against the background of criminal law regulation. These are contributions by Michal Novák, Miroslav Srholec, Vladimír Petrila and Martina Makaturová. The variety of topics covered in this proceedings shows that each area of legal regulation can be characterised by specific innovations and, in this context, by the dynamics with which they permeate legal regulation.

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Ownership rights protection in Polish and...



Milan Sudzina, Renata Świrgoń-Skok, Wojciech J. Kosior

Given the importance of the ownership right, the aim of this monograph is to provide an analysis, a clear systematic interpretation and an evaluation of the above issue, not only from the theoretical point of view, but also from the point of view of legal practice. The protection of ownership relations is ensured in various ways. It is judicial protection, protection provided by local self-government authorities, self-help, public registration of real property and other instruments of administrative and criminal law. In connection with the transformation of legislation in Slovakia and Poland after the fall of the socialist regime, there have been many changes in the legislation of both countries concerning the protection of ownership rights. A number of private law institutions related to the ownership of real property, the use of which was impossible or limited during the socialist period, have been restored. Legislation has also been adopted to alleviate the consequences of certain property and other injustices caused by the deprivation of ownership of real property during the socialist period. The adoption of restitution legislation was the basis for restoring the ownership rights of the original owners, who were allowed to get back their real property that had been used by socialist organisations. After the end of the socialist regime, the various forms of ownership, which until then had favoured the state ownership, were abolished. Changes were made to ensure that the ownership rights of all owners had the same content and enjoyed the same legal protection. The monograph is structured in such a way as to enable a comparison of individual institutions of rights in rem under Polish and Slovak law. The monograph also analyses the relevant decision-making practice of the supreme judicial authorities. The scientific methods applied enabled the authors not only to analyse and evaluate the historical context and the current legal regulation of ownership rights in Poland and Slovakia, but also to point out possible gaps and shortcomings and to elaborate de lege ferenda proposals that can be used in future legislative activity.

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Ochrana práv veriteľov v obchodných záväzkových...


Žofia Mrázová (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z V. študentského sympózia z obchodného práva

Zborník je výsledkom študentských prác prezentovaných na piatom ročníku študentského sympózia organizovaného Katedrou obchodného práva a hospodárskeho práva, Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach, ktoré sa uskutočnilo v dňoch 30. novembra – 1. decembra 2017 v učebno-výcvikovom zaradení UPJŠ v Danišovciach. Téma tohtoročného sympózia bola zameraná na problematické otázky spojené s ochranou práv veriteľov v obchodných záväzkových vzťahoch. Účelom každoročne organizovaných sympózií je vytvoriť pre študentov priestor na prezentáciu vlastných názorov a zdokonaľovanie si analytických a argumentačných schopností.

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Informačná spoločnosť a medzinárodné právo



Adam Giertl - Ľubica Gregová Širicová (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z V. študentského sympózia konaného v dňoch 21. - 22. apríla 2013

Francúzsky delegát v Komisii pre ľudské práva, diskutujúc o zaradení pojmu „médiá" do článku o slobode prejavu v návrhu Medzinárodného paktu o občianskych a politických právach, prezieravo vyzýval ostatných členov komisie k predvídavosti ohľadne informačných médií budúcnosti.1 Diskusia prebehla v roku 1950, kedy o vplyve internetu na spolo- čenské vzťahy ešte naozaj nemohli delegáti tušiť. Keďže je v dnešných dňoch už jasné, že informačné technológie významne vplývajú na právo, medzinárodné právo nevynímajúc, rozhodli sa organizátori študentského sympózia venovať jeho šiesty ročník téme „Informačná spoločnosť a medzinárodné právo".

Študenti Právnickej fakulty sa po prihlásení na sympózium najskôr venovali príprave svojho príspevku, pričom každý z účastníkov mal v prípade potreby k dispozícii konzultanta. Zoznam konzultantov popri členoch Ústavu európskeho práva, oddelenia medzinárodného práva, bol tohto roku rozšírený o odborníka na právo duševného vlastníctva, Mgr. Martina Husovca, absolventa našej Právnickej fakulty a v súčasnosti IMPRS-CI doktoranda pôsobiaceho na Inštitúte Maxa Plancka pre duševné vlastníctvo a súťažné právo. Aj touto cestou ďakujeme, že venoval svoj čas študentom a pomohol im cennou radou pri príprave ich príspevkov. Po ukončení prípravnej fázy sa konalo samotné sympózium, ktorého cieľom bolo prezentovať vypracované príspevky a rozvinúť o nich diskusiu. Prednesené príspevky svojím zameraním odrážali široké spektrum prienikov medzinárodného práva a informačnej spoločnosti.

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10 rokov v EÚ: Vzťahy, otázky, problémy



Ján Klučka(ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej 29. – 30. mája 2014 na pôde Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

V prvom polroku tohto roka sa v Košiciach uskutočnila vedecká konferencia 10 rokov v EÚ: Vzťahy, otázky problémy, príspevky z ktorej tvoria obsah predkladaného rovnomenného zborníka. Zámerom jej organizátorov, t.j. Slovenskej asociácie európskeho práva, Zastúpenia Európskej komisie v Slovenskej republike a Ústavu európskeho a oddelenia medzinárodného práva Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ bolo nielen (čo aj voľne) nadviazať na predošlú konferenciu z r. 2009 Komunitárne právo na Slovensku - päť rokov „po“, ale po piatich rokoch pokračovať v jej hlavnom zámere, t.j. poskytnúť účastníkom ako akademickej, tak aj mimoakademickej obce priestor na ďalšiu analýzu a výmenu názorov na právne problémy späté s členstvom Slovenskej republiky v Európskej únii a viacerými aktuálnymi problémami právneho poriadku Únie. Z naznačeného hľadiska však možno zaznamenať posun v celkovom zameraní príspevkov na konferencii v r. 2009 a 2014. Zatiaľ čo príspevky z prvej konferencie sa sústreďovali predovšetkým na rôzne aspekty pôsobenia unijného práva v slovenskom právnom poriadku a na aplikačné problémy s tým spojené predovšetkým pred súdnymi a inými orgánmi, základné zameranie príspevkov z druhej konferencie je už odlišné. Aj predkladaný zborník potvrdzuje zameranie príspevkov predovšetkým na aktuálne problémy európskeho právneho poriadku a tiež na niektoré aspekty vonkajšej politiky Únie, pričom vzťahom unijného práva k slovenskému právnemu poriadku už nie je venovaná prvoradá pozornosť. Viaceré príspevky sa zameriavajú na oblasti charakteristické určitým prienikom či „kohabitáciou“ unijného práva s medzinárodným právom verejným, medzinárodným právom súkromným, prípadne medzinárodnými vzťahmi v širšom slova zmysle.

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Právo - obchod - ekonomika V.



Jozef Suchoža - Ján Husár - Regina Hučková (eds.)

Zborník vedeckých prác

Prezentované vedecké práce publikované v Zborníku sú výsledkom najmä vedeckého výskumu odborníkov pôsobiacich na akademickej pôde, a to na Právnických fakultách najmä v Slovenskej a Českej republike, ako aj odborníkov zo zahraničia, nevynímajúc Poľsko, Ruská federácia, Srbsko a pod. V tomto Zborníku svoje vedecké a odborné príspevky publikovali tiež odborníci z právnej praxe, a to najmä advokáti, notári, sudcovia pôsobiaci nielen na našom území, ale aj sudcovia Všeobecného súdu EÚ.  Zborník obohatili svojim príspevkom aj odborníci z oblasti bankovníctva. Okrem toho, však Zborník dáva priestor aj nádejným adeptom právnej vedy, čím v sebe snúbi nadčasovosť s dynamikou.

Prihliadnuc k rôznorodosti publikovaných príspevkov možno uviesť, že v predkladanom Zborníku dochádza k prepojeniu najmä teórie a praxe, súkromného a verejného práva, ako aj rôznych právnych odvetví. Napriek tomu však, obsah predkladaného Zborníka pokrýva a prezentuje ústrednú tému medzinárodného sympózia, a to „KORPORÁCIE – KONTRAKTY – KODIFIKÁCIE – KONTEXTY“. Jednotlivé časti Zborníka navzájom spolu súvisia a vytvárajú ucelený komplex, subsumovaný pod publikáciu, ktorá sa vyznačuje jednotnosťou. 

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Obchodné a pracovné právo: Na spoločnej vlne



Natália Kalinák-Andrej Oriňak

The Department of Commercial Law and Economic Law together with the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice organized the 8th annual student symposium, this time on commercial, labour and private international law, which took place at the Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice on 1 December 2023. The student symposium under the title Commercial and Labour Law on a Common Wave was carried out as part of the research projects VEGA 1/0259/22 and VEGA č. 1/0291/23. The aim of the annual symposia is to create a discussion platform for students under the supervision of mentors from among the members of the department, namely teachers, researchers and PhD students. The theme of this year's symposium brought about discussion of interesting theoretical and practical legal issues thematically focused on the synergy of business law and labour law. The students addressed topical issues related to the status of entrepreneurs, the conduct of companies in labour law relations as well as the duties and responsibilities of employees. The topics of the sharing economy, gender quotas in corporate bodies and unfair bribery were not forgotten. While working on individual topics, students had the opportunity to improve their analytical thinking and argumentation skills, while they could practice writing a legal professional text, which in practice often increases the success of every lawyer. Students had the opportunity to develop their critical thinking and learn how to clearly formulate their own opinions on current legal issues. After the presentation of the papers, not only the team of lecturers and researchers, but also the students themselves engaged in a fruitful discussion, asking a number of original questions. Each student participant was awarded a certificate for their active participation in the symposium. The present proceedings are the outcome of the students' work from this event.

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Návrh metodického postupu medzinárodných...


Lucia BakošováĽudmila ElbertĽubica Gregová Širicová 

Disasters, whether natural or industrial, have a serious impact on the functioning of society and are a negative phenomenon which, with the increasing impact of climate change, is increasingly affecting the sustainable development and prosperity of States. Their increasing regularity and intensity affect the current evolution not only of social life, but also of legal debates on the necessity of responding to international and national disaster response, eliminating their negative consequences and protecting affected persons. No State is immune to the occurrence of disasters, and this also applies to the Slovak Republic, which is mostly affected by sudden natural disasters, namely floods, landslides, droughts, fires, windstorms and snow calamities. In the event of a disaster, the state authorities of the Slovak Republic have a primary role in the protection of persons and coordination of rescue operations. In the event that the consequences of disasters clearly exceed available capacities, state officials are obliged to seek assistance from other States, the United Nations, the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other actors whose numbers have increased significantly in recent years. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, together with the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are operating in almost every country of the world, is a major player in the international disaster response, resulting in their regular participation in rescue operations. Non-governmental organizations (hereinafter “NGOs”), which are key providers of humanitarian assistance, are also involved in rescue and humanitarian operations. Activities of the NGOs are not governed by any coherent legal source. The subject of this publication is the proposal of the methodological guidelines regulating the activities of NGOs in case of disaster, as well as cooperation with the state affected by the disaster, and the glossary of legal terms which need to be clear and unified in case of disaster. Slovak and English version of the proposal is basic precondition of its usability not only for the state organs of the Slovak republic and Slovak NGOs, but also for foreign NGOs.The Proposal of the methodological guidelines is the result of the research project VVGS-PCOV 2018-459: Návrh metodického postupu mimovládnych organizácií v prípade katastrofy v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky (The Proposal of the methodological guidelines for the non-governmental organisations in case of disaster in conditions of the Slovak republic).

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Miesto a význam regionálnych súdnych orgánov v...


Ján Klučka a kol.

The aim of the current monograph is to provide comprehensive view of the status of regional judicial organs in current conditions of regionalism. Based on selected issues examined in individual chapters research team presents the comprehensive study focused on clarification of the status and significance of regional judicial organs in terms of new regionalism. Research of the role of regional courts in the system of peaceful settlement of disputes demonstrates the significant role of the regional courts within the promotion of the rule of law, regional integration and also significant role of regional courts to ensure legal certainty within the system of compliance with decisions of regional courts. The result of examination of possibilities of individuals to access to regional judicial organs is comparative evaluation of regional possibilities of individual to defend his/her rights within regional courts of various regions. Particular part of this area is the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial as basic rights within the proceedings of regional judicial organs. Within the examination of preliminary rulings of international regional courts of different regions the role of regional judicial organs in the process of effective implementation of the principle of the rule of law was the subject of examination. For the proper functioning of the regional judicial organs as well as independence of judges and legal certainty in International law, the ethical rules of international judicial organs and tribunals, which are the subject of the last chapter, are significant.

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The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of...


Terézia HišemováDarina Kmecová (eds.)

Reviewed proceedings of scientific papers of Conference of Slovak and Czech law romanists, which take place at May, 10.-11.5.2018, at Faculty of Law, UPJŠ in Košice.

The submitted reviewed proceeding of scientific papers on „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of roman - law basics and problems of application practice.”  is prepared within the solution of the grant project VEGA on: „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of historical - law basics and problems of application practice.”, no. p. 1/0198/17.

The authors of papers are important personalities of Roman law working in the Slovak and Czech Republic, as well as PhD students and young scientists from Slovak and foreign universities who are active in the academic environment as well as in legal practice. The main goal of the editors is to help improve the current legal situation, which is assessed as unsatisfactory, and through a historical excursion of the development of the loan institute and then the forced execution of the decision, to create de lege ferenda proposals considering all areas of research.

The Proceedings trace the interrelationships between the substantive law institute in terms of the Roman law of contractus unilaterales - mutuum in its various types, often realized by the attachment of high interest rates, which bordered on the insurrection and the procedural law of individual lawsuits enforced in the legislative, formular and cognitive process. If there was no possibility to impose certain behaviour on the obligated person (the debtor, the sentenced person), then the declared general obligation to enforce the legal norms was only a legal term. It has always been the case that every internally well-organized state, whether antique or present, has to use power tools - often with the use of gross violence - but within the limits of the law, to promote what it has declared valid law. It must protect creditors on the one hand, but it must also prevent self-help and the use of illegal, unjustified and disproportionate violence.

The loan contract as a real contract has often become an integral part and relatively the most frequent reason leading to the compulsory enforcement, especially when contracting parties often agree on the connection of interest - sometimes within the legal limit, sometimes exceeding the legal framework - and in this way the potential future creditor (the plaintiff) significantly increased the insolvency risk of the debtor (the defendant, the sentenced) and of the subsequent execution. The pronounced and deepening social stratification of the Roman population and the secondary depreciation effort, the cancellation of the debts of the poor part of the population logically culminated in social unrest and revolt against the enforcement of the enforcement law.

The proceedings capture not only the rich scientific discussion of Slovak and Czech legal Romanists, but also the opinions, experience and knowledge of experts on contemporary law dealing with this type of issues. As a result, it provides a unique interdisciplinary view of the subject and raises many stimulus points for future research. This work proves that the problems encountered by the various representatives of the Roman jurisprudence and their legal and theoretical bases and solutions are undoubtedly useful and serve as a guideline also for solving legal issues in the field of modern enforcement proceedings.

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Vladimír BabčákAdrián PopovičJozef Sábo (eds.)

Within the project APVV-16-0160 "Tax evasion and tax avoidance (motivation factors , formation and elimination)" was organized conference called III. SLOVAK-CZECH DAYS OF TAX LAW " Positive and Negative Stimulation of the State in the Area of Taxation ". From this conference was prepared the eponymous output in the form of reviewed proceedings of scientific works.

In this publication is published the contributions from several prominent personalities of tax law science in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. lndividual contributions map tax legislation and also changes due to the development of tax legislation , especially under the influence of European Union law. Th ese changes are approached in the context of their specific economic impacts and their impact on status and legal relations in the business and social field . The main topics elaborated in the individual contributions are in particular: EU activities in relation to tax fraud and tax evasion, the impact of tax construction on the act of the addressees of tax law and tax policy of the state and its economic impacts.

The publication presents one of the most actual topics in the current legal and economic environment.

Prof. h.c. prof. JUDr. Vladimír Babčák, CSc.

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