Zamestnanec v digitálnom prostredí


Monika MinčičováMarcel DolobáčJana Žuľová

The presented proceedings of papers is the result of the international scientific conference "Employee in the digital environment", which was organized as part of the research project VEGA 1/0790/20 Employee protection in the context of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 - starting points, opportunities and risks. The online scientific conference took place on the 5th of November 2021 under the auspices of the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law, Faculty of Law, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. The proceedings includes a variety of scientific papers focused on the study of current issues caused by the digital transformation of society.Authors respond to partial legal problems of labour law and social security law at the theoretical-legal and application level and reflect on the consequences of ongoing phenomena for the labour market and labour law legislation.

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Monika Minčičová - Marcel Dolobáč - Jana Žuľová
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Financovanie z projektu VEGA 1/0790/20 Ochrana zamestnanca v kontexte priemyselnej revolúcie 5.0 – východiská, možnosti a riziká.
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Právny štát, spravodlivosť a budúcnosť demokracie



Alexander Bröstl - Marta Breichová Lapčáková (eds.)

Collection of papers from session of the slovak section of the IVR

In accordance with its name, the collection is devoted to three framework areas consisting of the rule of law, justice and the future of democracy, reflecting the focus of the 31st World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR). Published contributions of the slovak section of the IVR are devoted to the present questions of the rule of law in relation to the democratic legal state. Principles of the rule of law and present questions connected to the democratic character of the Slovak republic, including the democratic procedures on the local level, are juxtaposed with shifts on the international and global scene. Individual contributions are thus devoted to the technical and biotechnological challenges of contemporary democracy, the manifestation of game theory in the search for consensus in collegial judicial bodies, or to the concept of loyal opposition in the ongoing judicial dialogue surrounding the application of law in the european legal space. Space is also devoted to the universal questions of the nature of legal science, and to the present and future of the rule of law. The collection thus goes beyond the borders of the slovak legal space and aims to understand current trends in a broader context.

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Jozef Suchoža-Ján Husár-Regina Hučková

The Proceedings of the International Scientific Symposium "LA W-BUSINESS-ECONOMICS XII" is a collection of scientific works by authors participating in the symposium of the same name. The publication focuses primarily on the area of representation in private law, related pai1ies in corporate and bankruptcy law, and current issues of legal regulation of artificial intelligence. The authors of indivídua! contributions are erudite experts from various branches of law. The collection of scientific papers is a complete work in the form of a collection, with an overlap into private and public law sectors. Readers are presented with scientific outputs from authors from the Slovak legal environment, as well as from foreign authors. Several authors' paper provide a European legal perspective or an international comparative perspective.

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Nové výzvy ochrany zdravia zamestnancov


Katarína SkolodováMonika Minčičová (eds.)

Proceedings of the 5th Year of the Student Symposium of Labour Law

New trends in the digital age around the world do not avoid the labour market and the labour law relations. Do labour law standards and employers' practices correspond to the actual factors that influence an individual's physical or mental condition? Does digitization, including artificial intelligence, bring improvements or threats? Is the protection of employees' mental health paid equal attention that to the protection of physical health? The Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice examines and analyzes legal aspects of new risks that threaten and affect individual health in the work environment within the researching of the project APVV-16-0002 - Mental Health in the Workplace and Employee Health Assessment. The members of the department, with the theme of the 5th year of the student symposium "New Challenges of Employees´ Health Protection" created an opportunity for students to search deeper current legal issues and reflect the results of their creative work in the submitted papers. The proceedings of papers of the student symposium is rich in content and offers the reader the space to get acquainted with interesting questions and application problems accompanying them.

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