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Alexander Bröstl - Marta Breichová Lapčáková - Martin Štrkolec (eds.)
Zborník vedeckých prác doktorandov.
Dominika Marčoková Becková (ed.)
Reviewed collection of papers of the international scientific conference is the output of the international scientific conference held on 7th October 2022 within the framework of the project APVV-18-0421 „European Public Prosecutor's Office in Connections of the Constitutional Order of the Slovak Republic as Strengthening of the European Integration through Law“.
Unlike other areas of activities of the European Union, the European Union did not begin to enter the area of criminal law and criminal policy until much later. The reason is that the sphere of criminal law has traditionally been associated with the sovereignty of the state, which is why the Member States of the European Union are very slow to allow the European Union into it. The issue of the European Union's influence on the criminal law of its Member States is therefore becoming actual and raises many questions and application problems. In their papers, the authors address the various problems posed by the European Union's influence in the area of criminal law. Among the scientific problems and issues that the authors paid attention to in their works are the following: reasons for competence of the European Union within the field of criminal law; Impact of the EU legislation on criminal law of EU Member States; proposals to improve existing legislation, whether at European Union or national level, cooperation of the Court of Justice of the European Union and national judges via preliminary proceedings within the field of criminal law; as well as the issue of the European Public Prosecutor's Office.
Reviewed proceedings from the student symposium organized on the occasion of IV. Slovak-Czech days of tax law.
The International Scientific Conference IV. Slovak-Czech days of tax law was held 16th - 18th June 2021 in Košice (Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice). On this occasion, a student symposium on the topic: "Current Challenges of Tax Law" was organized for students of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Faculty of Law in Košice on 15th June 2021. The focus of the symposium was chosen due to the content of the grant project APVV-19-0124 entitled "Tax law and new phenomena in the economy (digital services, shared economy, virtual currencies)", which is currently being addressed at the Department of Financial Law, Tax Law and Economy, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The output of this symposium is a reviewed proceeding of papers, in which students focus on examining the current challenges of tax law. In this context, students examine not only the current challenges in the field of real estate tax and the introduction of taxation based on their market value of real estate, the decision-making of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of direct taxation and indirect taxation, but also new and extremely current taxation issues of cryptoactive (virtual currency) taxation, not only in the Slovak Republic but also in the world. The authors also assess in detail the current situation in the research area, and they also present de lege ferenda proposals that could contribute to the development and improvement of several aspects of taxation, which is a benefit not only for legal science but also for application practice.
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Erik Štenpien - Lucia Pištejová - Ivan Svatuška (eds.)
Proceedings of the international scientific conference held on April 13-14, 2023, organized by the Department of History of State and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice. The presented collection provides a summary of scientific works from the last international conference dealing with the issue of the Trianon Peace Treaty and the negotiations during the peace conference after 1918. The collection contains scientific contributions from members of the research team of the APVV 19-0419 project, as well as other experts from the field of legal history. Through their contributions, they offer an insight into the complex processes of the formation of Europe after the First World War. They approximate the essential and relatively complicated processes of negotiations on important issues of the post-war arrangement and the further direction of individual countries. Contributions of foreign legal historians, which bring an alternative view of the examined issue, are a stimulating contribution to the collection. The anthology includes scientific studies related to the investigated issue, often with an overlap with the present. The collection also includes scientific contributions with positive legal topics. The collection in the presented form is thus primarily intended for readers from the professional public. Last but not least, it can interest the lay public interested in the issue of the post-war arrangement and Slovak-Hungarian relations.
This monograph examines when the state has the right to intervene in the legal relationship between contracting parties, and if it is possible, when it can act as a legislator and/or a law applier and what the nature of the intervention may be. In this study, the limits related to the rights and obligations of the parties are scrutinized. The monograph delineates the theoretical frameworks of state intervention. The author distinguishes the forms of intervention concerning future contracts and those already concluded. The study lists the circumstances grounding the mandatory norms concerning future contracts with the presentation of Roman law. In the context of state influence on the content of contracts already concluded, judicial decisions play a stronger role than legislation and government measures also appear. The monograph presents the legislative measures affecting the contracts already concluded and the reasons thereof in a differentiated way, divided into different periods. In the author's view, World War I and especially the subsequent Treaty of Trianon brought a significant change in the assessment of state intervention, and therefore, he devotes special attention to the examination of this period. The monograph provides an outline of overview of the international tendencies of the period from the peace treaty to the present day. The study presents the era of Hungarian legislation being prone to make mandatory rules and delineates the relevant provisions of the applicable Hungarian law. At the end of the monograph the reader can find the author’s evaluative comments. While acknowledging the positive aspects of state involvement, attention should also be paid to the dangers of excessive state intervention in Eastern Europe.
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Adrián Popovič a kol.
The possibility of solving the grant project VVGS-2016-284 has provided a unique opportunity for members of the author´s team in the interdisciplinary composition to examine the issue not only from a tax-law point of view, but also from a political point of view. In the presented monograph, the authors focused on the characterization of different aspects of the EU in order to allow the reader correctly understand its position in relation to the outside world and to its inward relations within its Member States in the context of the creation and implementation of the EU tax policy. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the relationship between national tax legislation and EU law, the impact of the EU's tax policy on the national laws of its Member States, with reference to the identification of the harmonized areas with the approximation of their current stage of development and the final objective. This definition can be seen as a prerequisite for a correct and comprehensive understanding of the application and implementation of EU institutions' initiatives to prevent tax evasion and tax fraud and their implementation into the national legal order of the Slovak Republic. In the last part of the monograph, the authors focused on defining individual EU initiatives to combat tax evasion and tax fraud as a means of implementing its tax policy, in the area of indirect taxation, in particular in the field of value added tax and in the field of direct taxation, especially with regard to corporate taxation, and to evaluate their projection into the national tax legislation of the Slovak Republic. At the same time, in these chapters, they assessed the real impact and effect of the measures admitted on the basis of the initiatives in practice.
The presented work is intended for a university student studying in the field of Tax Law and European Law, as well as the broader legal and economic community. However, in view of the scope and recency of the subject under consideration, the authors believe that the publication will find its application not only in the theoretical field but also in the practical field.
JUDr. Adrián Popovič
Alena Krunková (ed.)
Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie konanej dňa 28.6.2016 na Právnickej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach v súvislosti s riešením projektu Európska únia a jej vplyv na organizáciu a fungovanie verejnej správy v Slovenskej republike - schválený pod číslom MVZP – SK PRES/2016/134
Slovenská republika, ako členský štát Európskej únie, sa zhosťuje historickej úlohy súvisiacej s realizáciou predsedníctva Rady Európskej únie v rámci predsedníckeho tria. Začiatkom roka 2016 vyhlásilo Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Slovenskej republiky Výzvu na predkladanie žiadostí o dotáciu na rok 2016 v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a zahraničnej politiky SR zameranú práve na predsedníctvo Slovenskej republiky v Rade Európskej Únie. Na túto výzvu zareagovala Právnická fakulta Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach a získala projekt pre realizáciu výskumných aktivít prostredníctvom série podujatí zameraných na regionálnu samosprávu Slovenskej republiky v súvislosti s jej pôsobením v rámci Európskej únie. Problematike práva Európskej únie sa fakulta venuje dlhodobo jednak v pedagogickom procese, no i vo vedeckovýskumnej činnosti jednotlivých pedagógov. Riešený projekt má ambíciu obohatiť toto portfólio o osobitné aktivity zamerané nielen na odbornú sféru, no i na samotných študentov a laickú verejnosť.
Ako prvá aktivita projektu bola realizovaná konferencia s názvom „Európska únia a jej vplyv na organizáciu a fungovanie verejnej správy v Slovenskej republike – doterajší vývoj a aktuálny stav, perspektívy“. Zúčastnili sa jej pozvaní verejní činitelia, zástupcovia akademickej sféry, no i predstavitelia samosprávy, nakoľko jedným z hlavných cieľov projektu je prepojiť akademickú obec so sférou praktickou a zapojiť tak predstaviteľov praxe do plánovaných aktivít v rámci riešenia projektu.
Marcel Dolobáč • Monika Seilerová
Priemyselnej revolúcii sa nemožno vyhnúť, ani sa pred ňou skryť, súčasne je však rovnako nesprávne vidieť ju iba v sivých farbách. Buďme optimistickí. Informačný vek môže znamenať aj 6 6 znižovanie rozsahu pracovného času, snáď širší čas pre rodinu a medziľudské vzťahy či celkové zvýšenie ekonomického prepychu jednotlivca. Informačný vek zoberie množstvo pracovných príležitostí, ale ďalšie priehrštie položí na stôl, avšak zväčša iba pre vzdelaných. Veda a výskum budú pre celkový hospodársky rozvoj ešte dôležitejšie než dnes. Buďme pripravení.
Ambíciou tejto monografie nie je a ani nemôže byť poskytnúť vyčerpávajúcu odpoveď na vyššie načrtnuté polemiky. Jej cieľom je podnietiť širšiu vedeckú diskusiu najmä o problematike ochrany duševného zdravia v korelácii s nástupom informačného veku. Predmetom skúmania je ochrana jednotlivca – zamestnanca, ktorý sa musí adaptovať na nové technologické prostredie a nároky s ním spojené. Monografia predstavuje ucelený výstup autorov, ktorí v ostatných dvoch rokov publikovali v rámci grantovej APVV-16-0002 Duševné zdravie na pracovisku a posudzovanie zdravotnej spôsobilosti zamestnanca na obdobné témy. Autori veria, že aj vďaka označenému grantu APVV, budú v ďalších rokoch na predmetnú tému nadväzovať. Čo je však najdôležitejšie veríme, že jej obsah zaujme vás, čitateľov.
za autorov
Marcel Dolobáč
Dominika Becková • Adam Giertl (eds.)
Collection of Papers of PhD. students and young researchers
Institute of International Law and European Law offered a place to PhD. students and young researchers to publish scientific outputs of their research. Submited collection of scientific contributions is the result of that initiative. Papers deal with the implementation of international law and law of the EU into the domestic legal system. Thematically is the collection of contributions divided into several parts, that are dedicated to contributions dealing with the issues of legal theory and international and european law. Contributions are addressing issues of human rights protection, they aim to the roles of international and supranational judiciary, environment, criminal and public law. Collection of contributions includes also chosen problems of private law and it also dedicates space for contributions focused on foreign investments.
Milena Barinková (ed.)
Riešitelia grantovej úlohy „Tvorba a realizácia pracovného práva so zreteľom na regionálne aspekty trhu práce“ sa vo svojich prácach zaoberajú analýzou zamestnávateľských snáh o legislatívne zmeny v úrovni sociálnych práv zamestnancov zdôvodňovaných regionálnymi odlišnosťami, analýzou možných dopadov pri ich realizácii, a tiež posúdením ich súladu s ochrannou funkciou slovenského pracovného práva a hodnotovým charakterom základných ľudských práv vlastných európskej a právnej kultúre.
Marcel Dolobáč • Monika Seilerová (eds.)
The Proceedings presents papers from international scientific conference The Employees health care held on 6th and 8th June 2018 in High Tatras and is published as a partial outcome of the implementation of the project APVV-16- 0002 - Mental Health in the Workplace and Employee Health Assessment.
Pri hodnotení informačného veku sa ťažko uhýba streľbe fráz. Moderné technológie, internet, smartfóny, komunikačná technológia, či sociálne siete zmenili rytmus života na nepoznanie a svojim dosahom prekvapili aj samotných tvorcov. Možno takéto strohé hodnotenie znie až priveľmi povedome, snáď ako mnohokrát vyslovená fráza, ale je vskutku pravdivé. Rýchlo, obratom, hneď. ASAP. Heslá dnešnej doby. Pracovný život nevynímajúc. Namiesto uľahčenia práce a možnosti zosúladenia pracovného a rodinného života, čo je stále nenaplneným snom modelu flexikurity, moderné technológie prepletajú voľný čas s tým pracovným a nedokážu ich od seba oddeliť. Zamestnávateľ prostredníctvom emailu kladie požiadavky na neustálu online zapojenosť, z jeho pohľadu odpoveď možno zaberie iba pár minút, ale pripravený máme byť takmer vždy. Výsledkom je nezdravý, nadmerný, ba neustály stres. Stres sa stal takým fenoménom nového pracovného sveta, že mladí uchádzači o prácu sa vzájomne predbiehajú v tom, že práve oni vedia pracovať pod stresom, bez obáv zvládajú stresové situácie, dokonca majú stres radi, vyhľadávajú ho a túžia v stresovom prostredí pracovať. Nuž, nevedia, nezvládajú a netúžia ... ak, iba dočasne.
Nové stresové faktory sú predmetom skúmania nielen prírodných vied, najmä medicíny, ale aj humanitných vedných odborov, vrátane psychológie a práva. Autor tohto predhovoru s potešením konštatuje, že viacerí odborníci z týchto tieto zdanlivo vzdialených odborov sa stretli na spoločnej konferencii pod gesciou grantovej úlohy APVV-16-0002 Duševné zdravie na pracovisku a posudzovanie zdravotnej spôsobilosti zamestnanca a vzájomne si vymieňali poznatky a myšlienky. Vzájomná interdisciplinárna interakcia sa stáva základom pre nové poňatie problematiky a inšpiratívne metódy skúmania.
Zborník predstavuje výsledky prednesov prezentovaných na spoločnej konferencii s názvom Starostlivosť o zdravie zamestnancov, ktorá sa konala v dňoch 6. až 8. júna 2018 v Hornom Smokovci, vo Vysokých Tatrách. Veríme, že jeho obsah zaujme a podnieti i vás, čitateľov.
JUDr. Marcel Dolobáč, PhD.
Ľudmila Pošiváková - Zuzana Antošová - Milan Kočan (eds.)
Zborník príspevkov zo študentskej rozpravy konanej dňa 24. apríla 2013 na Právnickej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach.
V súčasnom období sa o právnom štáte v širokej miere debatuje tak na úrovni akademickej, ako i na úrovni politickej. Táto debata súvisí nie len so snahou o nastolenie Rule of Law v štátoch, ktoré prešli od socialistického zriadenia na demokratické, ale aj v štátoch, ktoré sa zmietajú v rôznych nepokojoch, politických či náboženských. Avšak nejde len o debatu týkajúcu sa niektorých znakov Rule of Law, ktoré chýbajú vo vnútroštátnom práve, resp. znakov Rule of Law chýbajúcich na úrovni medzinárodného práva, ale aj o debatu o samotnej definícii a zmysle Rule of Law. Právny štát by sme mohli prirovnať k ideálu, ktorý sa snaží dosiahnuť takmer každý štát. Aj v prípade vzniku samostatnej Slovenskej republiky sa ústavodarcovia rozhodli zaradiť medzi úvodné ustanovenia, ktoré by mali tvoriť jadro ústavy, že Slovenská republika je právny štát. Pre dosiahnutie ideálu právneho štátu je však okrem vyhlásenia potrebné prijať aj opatrenia, ktoré sú nevyhnutné pre nezávislé súdnictvo, demokraciu, efektívne uplatňovanie ľudských práv, deľbu moci a mnoho ďalších, ako elementy, ktoré charakterizujú právny štát.
The presented monograph is dedicated to the reforms of local administration in the middle of the 19th century, which led to the introduction of municipalism - the nationalization of local administration. The work is primarily devoted to the analysis of the differences between legal articles 42/1870 and 21/1884, the second of which has so far been considered by Slovak legal historians as an amendment. I will explain the differences in the text of both standards, as well as by pointing out the practice of applying both standards in local practice in Abov and Turňa, the legal article 21/1884 is applicable, it is recoded and after the thresholds of the Czechoslovakia it was received as an obligation of the local sparva in Slovakia and is valid even in the time of Conclusion The Trianon peace treaty.
Ľudmila Elbert • Ľubica Gregová Širicová (eds.)
In addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge, it is necessary to study and analyze the decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies in order to fully understand the subject of the Public International Law or disciplines closely related to it. Since the Slovak literature in the field of Public International Law does not contain any electronic textbook of selected decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies, the authors of the submitted publication aim to eliminate this gap by elaborating the “Public International Law Casebook”, which will primarily be intended for undergraduate students of the law faculties in the Slovak republic and the Czech republic. The proposed publication seeks to make the study of international law more attractive through a publication that will make students familiar with the decisions translated into the Slovak language in a popular electronic form.
Ladislav Hrabčák et al.
The comprehensive work represents the final output from solving Project VVGS-2019-1068 titled 'Blockchain technology as a factor influencing the current form of law' and was created simultaneously as one of the partial outputs from Project APVV-19-0124 titled 'Tax Law and New Phenomena in Economy (Digital Services, Shared Economy, Virtual Currencies)'. The partial overlap in research topics between these projects allowed for such research, especially regarding digital (virtual) currencies.
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