Volené orgány kapitálových spoločností. Vybrané otázky.


Žofia MrázováJán HusárJaroslav Dolný a kol.

The publication "Volené orgány kapitálových spoločností. Vybrané otázky" focuses on the assessment of legal aspects of the performance of corporate boards members and on solving application problems regarding relations arising between members of the board of directors and supervisory board and the company itself.

The first part of the publication deals with the basic conceptual preconditions to become members of elected corporate boards, including conditions for their appointment and removal. Among the issues addressed is also the required standard of performance of corporate boards members in relation to the concept of professional care and duty of loyalty. Remuneration of elected board members as well as the possibility of opposing the contract for performance are also analysed.

The application problems partly extend to bankruptcy law when examining the obligations of board of directors after the bankruptcy of a company, specifically in matters of the emergence of special liability of the board of directors as well as their performance even after the bankruptcy.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Žofia Mrázová - Ján Husár - Jaroslav Dolný - Oliver Buhala - Dominika Cukerová - Dušan Rostáš - Michal Sokol
Document type:
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Law
Táto vedecká monografia vznikla v rámci riešenia výskumného projektu VEGA 1/0566/19 „Výkon funkcie členov orgánov kapitálových obchodných spoločností “
Creative Commons BY (Uveďte autora)
- Free for download

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Vladimír BabčákAdrián PopovičJozef Sábo (eds.)

Within the project APVV-16-0160 "Tax evasion and tax avoidance (motivation factors , formation and elimination)" was organized conference called III. SLOVAK-CZECH DAYS OF TAX LAW " Positive and Negative Stimulation of the State in the Area of Taxation ". From this conference was prepared the eponymous output in the form of reviewed proceedings of scientific works.

In this publication is published the contributions from several prominent personalities of tax law science in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. lndividual contributions map tax legislation and also changes due to the development of tax legislation , especially under the influence of European Union law. Th ese changes are approached in the context of their specific economic impacts and their impact on status and legal relations in the business and social field . The main topics elaborated in the individual contributions are in particular: EU activities in relation to tax fraud and tax evasion, the impact of tax construction on the act of the addressees of tax law and tax policy of the state and its economic impacts.

The publication presents one of the most actual topics in the current legal and economic environment.

Prof. h.c. prof. JUDr. Vladimír Babčák, CSc.

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Zdravie pri práci v spektre teórie a praxe



Jana Žuľová  - Monika Minčičová - Marcel Dolobáč (eds.)

The legal regulation of occupational health and the process of assessing the health capacity is one of the manifestations of fulfilling the protective function of labour law.

Due to the importance of pursuing the interest in protecting the life and health of the individual during his working life, as well as the consequences of damage to the employee's health for further work and continuance of employment relationship, research in this area finds its irreplaceable place in legal science. Its topicality is also highlighted by the emerging risks of work and the working environment. Technological progress associated with a change in the way of performing work, as well as the pandemic situation, have opened a number of new challenges for labour law that require attention.

The presented proceedings of abstracts responds to the outlined facts. It is a group of initial motives and conclusions of lectures presented at the scientific online conference "Health at Work in the Spectrum of Theory and Practice" organized by the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice on16th April 2021. Authors point to a variety of problematic areas that are not only a reflection of academic considerations, but also of those legal issues that need to be addressed in ordinary legal practice.

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Prípady z medzinárodného práva verejného


Ľudmila Elbert • Ľubica Gregová Širicová (eds.)

In addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge, it is necessary to study and analyze the decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies in order to fully understand the subject of the Public International Law or disciplines closely related to it. Since the Slovak literature in the field of Public International Law does not contain any electronic textbook of selected decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies, the authors of the submitted publication aim to eliminate this gap by elaborating the “Public International Law Casebook”, which will primarily be intended for undergraduate students of the law faculties in the Slovak republic and the Czech republic. The proposed publication seeks to make the study of international law more attractive through a publication that will make students familiar with the decisions translated into the Slovak language in a popular electronic form.

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Implementácia iniciatív EÚ v oblasti...



Karin Cakoci et al.

The authors in the monograph focused on describing the genesis and current state of the legal regulation of consumption taxes in the Slovak Republic in interaction with the harmonization process, as well as identifying the mutual dependence of the legal regulation and revenues from consumption taxation on the effect on the state budget of the Slovak Republic.

Given the importance and justification of the researched issue, particularly in relation to the future functioning of the European Union, as well as the impact on the performance of the economies of individual member states, with an emphasis on the development and quality functioning of the single internal market, the authors, through the publication of the monograph, attempt to provoke a broader professional discussion about their own summarized presented results, which were obtained during the entire period of solving the scientific project, concerning current trends as well as perspectives in the field of EU tax policy and its influence on domestic tax legislation in the Slovak Republic in the area of consumption taxes in interaction with budgetary impacts.

The overall goal of the monograph is to present existing and own acquired knowledge related to the issue of consumption taxes in Slovakia, with an emphasis on the development of EU initiatives in this area, as well as a critical evaluation of their impact on the state budget of the Slovak Republic, and presenting possible future developments.

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Členovia orgánov obchodnej spoločnosti....



Jaroslav DolnýMonika Seilerová (eds.)

The collection of contributions from the VII. Student Symposium on Commercial Law and Labor Law held on December 5, 2019, at the Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

The theme of this year's symposium provided students with the opportunity to choose between addressing issues related to commercial law or focusing on labor law aspects concerning the position of members of the governing bodies of commercial companies, based on an analysis of legal regulations and case law.

The creative exploration of commercial law questions particularly related to areas such as the manner of acting on behalf of a commercial company, the liability of the de facto statutory body of a commercial company, information obligations of the statutory body towards its shareholders, and the remuneration for serving as a member of the board of directors of a joint-stock company. It also addressed the liability of the statutory body for the insolvency of the company and the enforcement of non-competition clauses concerning managing directors of limited liability companies.

The connection between commercial law and labor law was directed towards a legal analysis of personal data protection related to health and its misuse by members of the governing bodies of commercial companies, as well as the legitimacy of concurrently holding a position (as a member) in a statutory body with an employment relationship, and the legal status of senior employees, particularly concerning their duties and responsibilities for ensuring employee health through creating healthy working conditions.

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Medzinárodné daňové úniky a metódy ich...



Peter Huba - Jozef Sábo - Martin Štrkolec

Predkladaná monografia si za svoj cieľ kladie priblížiť problematiku medzinárodných daňových únikov ako po stránke jej pojmových východísk, tak aj z hľadiska konkrétnych metód a schém realizácie daňových únikov Členovia autorského kolektívu sa otázkami daňových únikov zaoberali taktiež vo svojich prácach Medzinárodné daňové úniky a daňové raje (JUDr. Jozef Sábo) a Právne aspekty zamedzenia dvojitého zdanenia a zabránenia daňovým únikom (JUDr. Peter Huba). Táto monografia predstavuje syntézu predmetnej výskumnej činnosti členov autorského kolektívu preĺbenú o interdisicplinárny rozmer problému daňových únikov. Zároveň poukazeje na tie nedostatky, ktoré sa javia byť z pohľadu rizika medzinárodných daňových únikov a erózie základu dane na Slovensku najzávažnejšie. V tomto smere sa predkladá komparatívny pohľad na uvedenú problematiku, ktorý vo veľkej miere čerpá zo zdrojov americkej proveniencie, čo je spôsobené najmä kvalitným a dlhodobým výskumom v oblasti medzinárodných daňových únikov v USA.

Autorský kolektív verí, že aj prostredníctvom tejto monografie sa podarí priblížiť problematiku daňových únikov na dani z príjmov právnických osôb a táto získa rovnocennú pozornosť odbornej verejnosti popri daňových podvodoch na dani z pridanej hodnoty a iných vypuklých problémoch súčasnej daňovej legislatívy.

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Law without borders



Eva Berníková - Dominika PisarčíkováDiana Repiščáková (eds.)

Collection of contributions from the international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers was created as part of the international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers entitled "Law without borders" held on April 27, 2023 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice in connection with the solution of a scientific project entitled "Extraterritorial effects of foreign administrative decisions in the conditions of the European Union" supported by the Grant of the Scientific Grant Agency under no. 01/187/2022.

The aim of the mentioned project is the scientific examination of the extraterritorial impact of administrative decisions in the conditiions of the European Union, in order to determine and subsequently assess the necessity, as well as the extent of harmonization of the legal regulation of the member states of the European Union, based on the growing need to increase the level of free movement of administrative decisions within the European Union.

As part of the research project, an international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers was held entitled "Law without borders". PhD. students and young researchers were not only from Slovak republic but also from foreign universities. The main goal of the conference was to emphasize the increasing globalization of law, as a result of which it is no longer possible to perceive national law in isolation, but in correlation with the legal systems of other states, or with the right of transnational, or international organizations, as well as obligations arising for individual states from concluded international agreements. Individual sections and blocks of the conference also corresponded to this goal, within which not only knowledge from positive-legal disciplines, but also knowledge of a theoretical-legal and historical-legal nature was heard.

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Ochrana proti obmedzovaniu hospodárskej súťaže


Žofia Mrázová(ed.)

Zborník príspevkov zo VI. študentského sympózia z obchodného práva konaného dňa 28. novembra 2018 na Právnickej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach

Katedra obchodného práva a hospodárskeho práva Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach zorganizovala v poradí už VI. ročník študentského sympózia z obchodného práva, ktoré sa uskutočnilo dňa 28. novembra 2018 na pôde Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach. Podujatie bolo súčasťou riešenia výskumného projektu VEGA 1/0917/16 „Atypické a faktické vzťahy v obchodnom práve“. Cieľom každoročne organizovaných sympózií je vytvoriť diskusnú platformu pre študentov za účasti mentorov z radov členov katedry, a to učiteľov, vedecko-výskumných pracovníkov ako aj doktorandov.

Téma tohtoročného sympózia sa niesla v znamení ochrany proti obmedzovaniu hospodárskej súťaže. Obmedzovanie súťaže bez možnosti právneho postihu a nápravy by znamenalo pre obmedzovateľa ekonomickú výhodu na úkor ostatných súťažiteľov a ohrozenie celého trhu založenom na slobodnej súťaži. Študenti sa venovali viacerým problematickým otázkam súvisiacim s témou hospodárskej súťaže, pričom analyzovali slovenskú a európsku právnu úpravu, ako aj judikatúru súdov a rozhodnutia iných orgánov.

Pri spracovaní jednotlivých tém študenti mali možnoť zdokonaliť svoje analytické myslenie a argumentačné schopnosti ako aj rozvíjať svoje kritické myslenie. V rámci diskusie sa zrodili ďalšie zaujímave pohľady a názory, ktoré viedli účastníkov sympózia k aktívnemu zapojeniu sa k príspevkom ďalších účastníkov sympózia. Predkladaný zborník je výstupom prác študentov z tohto podujatia.


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Jozef SuchožaJán Husár - Regina Hučková

Proceedings of the International Scientific Symposium

Collection Law-Commerce-Economy X. is a publication containing professional contributions by the authors, especially with regard to commercial law, civil law, labor law, intellectual property law, but also digital technology law. The thematic focus of the international scientific symposium was concentrated in three areas representing open problems of commercial law with regard to the solution of the economic and social crisis caused by the so-called pandemic (corona crisis), current issues of corporate law in the EU and artificial intelligence and law: the influence of artificial intelligence on the normative activity of the state and court decisions. With regard to the content orientation of the outputs, the publication is suitable not only for readers from the academic environment, but also from applied practice.

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Medzinárodné právo verejné (Materiály k štúdiu)



Ľudmila Pošiváková - Adam Giertl

Predkladaný výber dokumentov z medzinárodného práva verejného sa pokúša mapovať medzinárodné právo tak z hľadiska historického, ako aj z hľadiska jednotlivých odvetví. Čitateľ v predkladanom výbere nájde niekoľko historických dokumentov, avšak výber sa zameriava najmä na aktuálne platné pramene práva. Výber sa orientuje podľa publikácie Medzinárodné právo verejné – všeobecná a osobitná časť od prof. Jána Klučku. Tomu zodpovedá aj delenie na všeobecnú a osobitnú časť. Všeobecná časť venuje pozornosť historickému vývoju medzinárodného práva, avšak primárne sa zaoberá ochranou jednotlivca a zodpovednostnými vzťahmi v medzinárodnom práve. Osobitná časť následne sleduje medzinárodnú úpravu jednotlivých inštitútov medzinárodného práva. Uvedomujeme si, že takto zostavený výber ponúka ďalší priestor na rozširovanie, avšak nazdávame sa, že takýto výber spĺňa základné požiadavky a je vyplnením určitej medzery v náuke medzinárodného práva.
Veríme, že predkladaná zbierka materiálov medzinárodného práva verejného bude pre študentov, a nie len pre nich, prínosná pri štúdiu medzinárodného práva verejného a prispeje k zvýšeniu povedomia v oblasti medzinárodného práva verejného.

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