Zdravie pri práci v spektre teórie a praxe


Jana Žuľová  - Monika Minčičová - Marcel Dolobáč (eds.)

The legal regulation of occupational health and the process of assessing the health capacity is one of the manifestations of fulfilling the protective function of labour law.

Due to the importance of pursuing the interest in protecting the life and health of the individual during his working life, as well as the consequences of damage to the employee's health for further work and continuance of employment relationship, research in this area finds its irreplaceable place in legal science. Its topicality is also highlighted by the emerging risks of work and the working environment. Technological progress associated with a change in the way of performing work, as well as the pandemic situation, have opened a number of new challenges for labour law that require attention.

The presented proceedings of abstracts responds to the outlined facts. It is a group of initial motives and conclusions of lectures presented at the scientific online conference "Health at Work in the Spectrum of Theory and Practice" organized by the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice on16th April 2021. Authors point to a variety of problematic areas that are not only a reflection of academic considerations, but also of those legal issues that need to be addressed in ordinary legal practice.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Jana Žuľová - Monika Minčičová - Marcel Dolobáč
Document type:
Book of abstracts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
slovenčina, angličtina
Faculty of Law
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Obchodné a pracovné právo: Na spoločnej vlne



Natália Kalinák-Andrej Oriňak

The Department of Commercial Law and Economic Law together with the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice organized the 8th annual student symposium, this time on commercial, labour and private international law, which took place at the Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice on 1 December 2023. The student symposium under the title Commercial and Labour Law on a Common Wave was carried out as part of the research projects VEGA 1/0259/22 and VEGA č. 1/0291/23. The aim of the annual symposia is to create a discussion platform for students under the supervision of mentors from among the members of the department, namely teachers, researchers and PhD students. The theme of this year's symposium brought about discussion of interesting theoretical and practical legal issues thematically focused on the synergy of business law and labour law. The students addressed topical issues related to the status of entrepreneurs, the conduct of companies in labour law relations as well as the duties and responsibilities of employees. The topics of the sharing economy, gender quotas in corporate bodies and unfair bribery were not forgotten. While working on individual topics, students had the opportunity to improve their analytical thinking and argumentation skills, while they could practice writing a legal professional text, which in practice often increases the success of every lawyer. Students had the opportunity to develop their critical thinking and learn how to clearly formulate their own opinions on current legal issues. After the presentation of the papers, not only the team of lecturers and researchers, but also the students themselves engaged in a fruitful discussion, asking a number of original questions. Each student participant was awarded a certificate for their active participation in the symposium. The present proceedings are the outcome of the students' work from this event.

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Právo na spravodlivý proces podľa Dohovoru a...



Lukáš Jančát

The Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the case-law of the ECtHR represent a decisive legal instrument for the evolution of the right to a fair trial in the member states of the Council of Europe and the European Union, including the Slovak Republic, which affects the minimum level of procedural guarantees for individuals in judicial and administrative proceedings.

The primary purpose of the textbook is to fill the gap consisting in the absence of a comprehensive study text for undergraduate students at Pavol Jozef Šafarik University in Košice, Faculty of Law for the planned subject Right to a fair trial in administrative issues, and doctoral students at this faculty for the subject Protection of fundamental rights and freedoms in criminal matters according to the case-law of the ECtHR.

However, this textbook is also intended as a supplementary study aid for bachelor students in order to deepen their knowledge of the subject Administrative Law II, the result of which is to acquire knowledge about procedural administrative law in the Slovak Republic, as well as the subject of European Administrative Law, the result of which is the acquisition of knowledge about the influence of Council of Europe law on the national administrative law of the Slovak Republic.

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Miesto a význam regionálnych súdnych orgánov v...


Ján Klučka a kol.

The aim of the current monograph is to provide comprehensive view of the status of regional judicial organs in current conditions of regionalism. Based on selected issues examined in individual chapters research team presents the comprehensive study focused on clarification of the status and significance of regional judicial organs in terms of new regionalism. Research of the role of regional courts in the system of peaceful settlement of disputes demonstrates the significant role of the regional courts within the promotion of the rule of law, regional integration and also significant role of regional courts to ensure legal certainty within the system of compliance with decisions of regional courts. The result of examination of possibilities of individuals to access to regional judicial organs is comparative evaluation of regional possibilities of individual to defend his/her rights within regional courts of various regions. Particular part of this area is the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial as basic rights within the proceedings of regional judicial organs. Within the examination of preliminary rulings of international regional courts of different regions the role of regional judicial organs in the process of effective implementation of the principle of the rule of law was the subject of examination. For the proper functioning of the regional judicial organs as well as independence of judges and legal certainty in International law, the ethical rules of international judicial organs and tribunals, which are the subject of the last chapter, are significant.

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Právo fondov EÚ v teórii a praxi



Alena KrunkováSimona Farkašová

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on EU Funds Law in Theory and Practice held on October 3, 2019, in Košice.

The conference was attended by representatives from the academic sphere, educators from the Faculty of Law at UPJŠ in Košice, who created the subject and continue to participate in its teaching. The participants included professionals from practice, such as those from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization, the Office for Public Procurement of the Slovak Republic, the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic, and the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and Family of the Slovak Republic. Valuable information was also shared at the conference by representatives from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic, OECD representatives, and representatives from the European Commission's Representation in Slovakia. The presented contributions reflected current issues in a highly professional manner, identified problematic areas, and outlined suitable solutions for contentious issues.

From the individual presentations of the conference participants, it was possible to compile a work that, while not extensive in scope, is very remarkable in value. It connects theory and practice in an outstanding manner and thus expands knowledge in the still complex issue of the legal regulation of European Union funds.

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Kúpna zmluva – história a súčasnosť I.



Erik Štenpien (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej dňa 27. septembra 2013 na Právnickej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach. 

Občiansky zákonník je jednou zo základných právnych kodifikácií dnešnej doby. Paradoxom je, že v Slovenskej republike dodnes platí zákonník z roku 1964, pravda s istými úpravami, ktoré priniesla moderná doba. V súčasnosti prebiehajú rekodifikačné snahy, ktorých výsledkom by malo byť prijatie nového Občianskeho zákonníka. Nie je však možné budovať nové bez znalosti starého. Je preto dobrým znakom, ak sa na spoločnej konferencií stretnú právni historici s civilistami, aby si vymenili názory a poznatky. Katedra dejín štátu a práva košickej Právnickej fakulty je v roku 2013 v prvom roku riešenia vedeckého grantového projektu VEGA: Historickoprávny vývoj inštitútu kúpnej zmluvy a tendencie jej súčasnej rekodifikácie v SR - č. p.: 1/0131/13. Uvedený projekt sme získali ako historickoprávny, participuje však na ňom aj Katedra občianskeho práva, veď doc. JUDr. K. Kirstová, CSc. je zástupkyňou vedúceho projektu. Vedomí si toho, že ide o úplne unikátne prepojenie právnych dejín a praxe, naša katedra dňa 27. septembra 2013 zorganizovala medzinárodnú vedeckú konferenciu Kúpna zmluva - história a súčasnosť I., ktorá bola plánovaným grantovým výstupom, v konečnom dôsledku sa však konala v čase, kedy košická Právnická fakulta oslavovala 40. výročie svojho vzniku. Tento zborník je teda súhrnom vystúpení z riešenia grantového projektu, ale aj vystúpení, ktoré s riešenou témou súvisia. Má ambíciu výraznou mierou prispieť k poznaniu dejín a súčasných rekodifikačných snáh inštitútu kúpnej zmluvy doma a v zahraničí.

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EU Initiatives to Prevent Tax Evasions and Tax...


Adrián Popovič a kol.

The possibility of solving the grant project VVGS-2016-284 has provided a unique opportunity for members of the author´s team in the interdisciplinary composition to examine the issue not only from a tax-law point of view, but also from a political point of viewIn the presented monograph, the authors focused on the characterization of different aspects of the EU in order to allow the reader correctly understand its position in relation to the outside world and to its inward relations within its Member States in the context of the creation and implementation of the EU tax policy. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the relationship between national tax legislation and EU law, the impact of the EU's tax policy on the national laws of its Member States, with reference to the identification of the harmonized areas with the approximation of their current stage of development and the final objective. This definition can be seen as a prerequisite for a correct and comprehensive understanding of the application and implementation of EU institutions' initiatives to prevent tax evasion and tax fraud and their implementation into the national legal order of the Slovak Republic. In the last part of the monograph, the authors focused on defining individual EU initiatives to combat tax evasion and tax fraud as a means of implementing its tax policy, in the area of ​​indirect taxation, in particular in the field of value added tax and in the field of direct taxation, especially with regard to corporate taxation, and to evaluate their projection into the national tax legislation of the Slovak Republic. At the same time, in these chapters, they assessed the real impact and effect of the measures admitted on the basis of the initiatives in practice.

The presented work is intended for a university student studying in the field of Tax Law and European Law, as well as the broader legal and economic community. However, in view of the scope and recency of the subject under consideration, the authors believe that the publication will find its application not only in the theoretical field but also in the practical field.

 JUDr. Adrián Popovič

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Demokracia, dôstojnosť, diverzita: Zborník z...



Alexander BröstlMarta Breichová Lapčáková (eds.)

Under the auspices of the Institute of Legal Theory of Gustav Radbruch and the Slovak Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), a 3D flash conference was held on May 16, 2019, at the Faculty of Law of UPJŠ in Košice. This event was primarily dedicated to the upcoming 29th World Congress of IVR in Lucerne, Switzerland. In line with the main theme of the congress, the conference focused on "Dignity, Democracy, Diversity." At the time of the conference, it was clear that the number of participants at the world congress would significantly exceed 1,000, with discussions taking place in 151 special workshops and 28 working groups.

During the congress, a round table was also announced featuring Professor Brian Tamanaha, recipient of the IVR award for best book for "Realistic Theory of Law" (Cambridge 2017), a meeting regarding the IVR Encyclopedia, a panel on academic freedom issues, and a gathering of chairs from national sections of IVR.

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Niekoľko poznámok k porozumeniu Zákonníka práce



Jana ŽuľováMilena Barinková 

Legal norms regulate everyday life. We learn about the rights and obligations that arise for us from these norms through language. It is therefore very important that they are created in such a way that all levels of society understand them, not only recipients with legal education.

The Labour Code is a norm of everyday use, and so far there is no publication that approximates or clarifies the understanding of the provisions of this law through the prism of its language. The main goal of the publication is to apply the acquired linguistic knowledge about the pitfalls of the comprehensibility of legal language for the general public to the Labour Code and thus enable its more adequate understanding. Our ambition is not a comprehensive interpretation of the provisions of the Labour Code, which give the impression of incomprehensibility for the average addressee.

We focused on selected problematic phenomena observed and identified during the solution of the VEGA grant project no. 1/0526/17 Linguistic and Sanctioning Mechanisms in the Creation and Operation of Labor Law Norms and strived for a conceptual approach to their examination enriched by empirical research.

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10 rokov v EÚ: Vzťahy, otázky, problémy



Ján Klučka(ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej 29. – 30. mája 2014 na pôde Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach.

V prvom polroku tohto roka sa v Košiciach uskutočnila vedecká konferencia 10 rokov v EÚ: Vzťahy, otázky problémy, príspevky z ktorej tvoria obsah predkladaného rovnomenného zborníka. Zámerom jej organizátorov, t.j. Slovenskej asociácie európskeho práva, Zastúpenia Európskej komisie v Slovenskej republike a Ústavu európskeho a oddelenia medzinárodného práva Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ bolo nielen (čo aj voľne) nadviazať na predošlú konferenciu z r. 2009 Komunitárne právo na Slovensku - päť rokov „po“, ale po piatich rokoch pokračovať v jej hlavnom zámere, t.j. poskytnúť účastníkom ako akademickej, tak aj mimoakademickej obce priestor na ďalšiu analýzu a výmenu názorov na právne problémy späté s členstvom Slovenskej republiky v Európskej únii a viacerými aktuálnymi problémami právneho poriadku Únie. Z naznačeného hľadiska však možno zaznamenať posun v celkovom zameraní príspevkov na konferencii v r. 2009 a 2014. Zatiaľ čo príspevky z prvej konferencie sa sústreďovali predovšetkým na rôzne aspekty pôsobenia unijného práva v slovenskom právnom poriadku a na aplikačné problémy s tým spojené predovšetkým pred súdnymi a inými orgánmi, základné zameranie príspevkov z druhej konferencie je už odlišné. Aj predkladaný zborník potvrdzuje zameranie príspevkov predovšetkým na aktuálne problémy európskeho právneho poriadku a tiež na niektoré aspekty vonkajšej politiky Únie, pričom vzťahom unijného práva k slovenskému právnemu poriadku už nie je venovaná prvoradá pozornosť. Viaceré príspevky sa zameriavajú na oblasti charakteristické určitým prienikom či „kohabitáciou“ unijného práva s medzinárodným právom verejným, medzinárodným právom súkromným, prípadne medzinárodnými vzťahmi v širšom slova zmysle.

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Medzinárodné a európske právo v kinematografii


Lucia Bakošová (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z XII. študentského sympózia z medzinárodného a európskeho práva konaného dňa 29. marca 2019 v Košiciach

Hlavným cieľom filmov, prípadne seriálov zvyčajne nie je vzdelávať svojho diváka. Súčasná kinematografia avšak obsahuje značný počet snímok, ktoré predstavujú problematiku spätú s medzinárodným a európskym právom nielen odbornej, ale aj laickej verejnosti. Z tohto dôvodu Ústav medzinárodného práva a európskeho práva Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach organizoval už v poradí XII. študentské sympózium z medzinárodného a európskeho práva s názvom „Medzinárodné a európske právo v kinematografii“, ktorého garantom bol prof. JUDr. Ján Klučka, CSc. Hlavným cieľom sympózia bolo spopularizovať medzinárodné a európske práva medzi študentmi práve prostredníctvom filmov alebo seriálov. Snímky spracované v rámci študentského sympózia možno rozdeliť na dve skupiny, a to na snímky, ktoré dramatizovali skutočné udalosti a na snímky, ktoré vytvárali vlastné scenáre, v rámci ktorých sú zakomponované inštitúty medzinárodného alebo európskeho práva. Prevažná väčšina príspevkov sa týkala filmov, ktoré stvárňovali skutočné udalosti, ako napr. okolnosti genocídy, ktorá sa odohrala v 90. rokoch v Rwande, priebeh Norimberského procesu, obsadenie amerického veľvyslanectva v Teheráne či spor medzi dedičkou obrazu „Dáma v zlatom“ a Rakúskom. Na druhej strane možno spomenúť seriál M*A*S*H, ktorý síce nedramatizuje skutočné udalosti, ale prostredníctvom vlastného príbehu nám približuje život zdravotných pracovníkov v poľnej vojenskej nemocnici v Kórei.

Hoci filmy nenahrádzajú prednášky, prípadne semináre z medzinárodného či európskeho práva, v určitom zmysle sú schopné doplniť tradičné formy vzdelávania v oblasti práva. Výhodou týchto filmov je možnosť lepšieho vcítenia sa do udalostí, ktoré rozoberajú. To môže podnietiť väčší záujem študentov o určitú problematiku a formovať ich kritické názory, ktoré nachádzajú svoje vyjadrenie v publikáciách podobných tomuto zborníku. Z pedagogického hľadiska majú filmy a seriály veľký potenciál, hoci treba mať na pamäti aj ich nevýhody. Filmy a seriály rovnako ako semináre sú prospešné len vtedy, ak sú spojené s aktívnou prácou študenta. Snímky majú výhodu ľahšieho zapojenia študentov, avšak niektorí môžu premietanie filmu či seriálu považovať za „prestávku“ od klasickej výučby a nevenovať mu dostatočnú pozornosť. Ostatní študenti sa môžu zapojiť do filmu, ale budú ho považovať ako náhradu a nie ako doplnok tradičných prostriedkov vyučovania práva. Tieto riziká však možno zmierniť, ak sú filmy prezentované serióznym spôsobom a s poukázaním na rozdiely medzi filmom a skutočnými udalosťami a právom uplatňovaným v konkrétnych prípadoch. Príspevky v tomto zborníku kriticky analyzujú vybrané snímky a poukazujú na správne, prípadne chybné zobrazenie či posúdenie inštitútov medzinárodného a európskeho práva.

Mgr. Lucia Bakošová

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Jozef SuchožaJán HusárRegina Hučková (eds.)

Collection of scientific works

The year 2020 has been marked globally by an unprecedented situation related to the spread of Covid-19 since its beginning. At the start of this calendar year, as our organizational team began preparing for another edition, we still hoped that our traditional autumn conference was far away, and in this maximum optimism, we launched the organization of the jubilee 10th edition of our now-traditional conference. This conference has become a stable part of scientific and professional conference events under domestic conditions and has become a stable part of many people's work programs. However, 2020 was almost entirely filled with restrictions from its start, with these restrictions affecting even the organization of conferences. Our 10th Law – Business – Economy Conference fell victim to this current situation and had to be canceled "with gritted teeth." The situation allows us nothing but hope that in 2021 we will be able to meet at our traditional location in High Tatras. We take these meetings for granted; if this situation is good for nothing else, it at least serves as a slowdown and an awareness of our own vulnerability.

See you at the next edition of Law-Business-Economics in October 2021.

You are receiving a collection of scientific papers published in connection with the resolution of scientific projects at the Department of Commercial Law and Economic Law as the main organizer of the scientific conference, as well as other departments of the Faculty of Law at UPJŠ in Košice, and many academic workplaces both domestically and abroad. The collection is published with support from the Agency for Support of Research and Development. The editors thank all who contributed to it with their scientific articles, as well as reviewers for their valuable comments and recommendations.

On behalf of the editors: Regina Hučková

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Impact of legislation and law enforcement on...



Péter Miskolczi Bodnár

This monograph examines when the state has the right to intervene in the legal relationship between contracting parties, and if it is possible, when it can act as a legislator and/or a law applier and what the nature of the intervention may be. In this study, the limits related to the rights and obligations of the parties are scrutinized. The monograph delineates the theoretical frameworks of state intervention. The author distinguishes the forms of intervention concerning future contracts and those already concluded. The study lists the circumstances grounding the mandatory norms concerning future contracts with the presentation of Roman law. In the context of state influence on the content of contracts already concluded, judicial decisions play a stronger role than legislation and government measures also appear. The monograph presents the legislative measures affecting the contracts already concluded and the reasons thereof in a differentiated way, divided into different periods. In the author's view, World War I and especially the subsequent Treaty of Trianon brought a significant change in the assessment of state intervention, and therefore, he devotes special attention to the examination of this period. The monograph provides an outline of overview of the international tendencies of the period from the peace treaty to the present day. The study presents the era of Hungarian legislation being prone to make mandatory rules and delineates the relevant provisions of the applicable Hungarian law. At the end of the monograph the reader can find the author’s evaluative comments. While acknowledging the positive aspects of state involvement, attention should also be paid to the dangers of excessive state intervention in Eastern Europe.

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Európska únia a jej vplyv na organizáciu a...



Alena Krunková (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie konanej dňa 28.6.2016 na Právnickej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach v súvislosti s riešením projektu Európska únia a jej vplyv na organizáciu a fungovanie verejnej správy v Slovenskej republike - schválený pod číslom MVZP – SK PRES/2016/134

Slovenská republika, ako členský štát Európskej únie, sa zhosťuje  historickej úlohy súvisiacej s realizáciou predsedníctva Rady Európskej únie v rámci predsedníckeho tria. Začiatkom roka 2016 vyhlásilo Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Slovenskej republiky Výzvu na predkladanie žiadostí o dotáciu na rok 2016 v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a zahraničnej politiky SR zameranú práve na predsedníctvo Slovenskej republiky v Rade Európskej Únie. Na túto výzvu zareagovala Právnická fakulta Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach a získala projekt pre realizáciu výskumných aktivít prostredníctvom série podujatí zameraných na regionálnu samosprávu Slovenskej republiky v súvislosti s jej pôsobením v rámci Európskej únie. Problematike práva Európskej únie sa fakulta venuje dlhodobo jednak v pedagogickom procese, no i vo vedeckovýskumnej činnosti jednotlivých pedagógov. Riešený projekt má ambíciu obohatiť toto portfólio o osobitné aktivity zamerané nielen na odbornú sféru, no i na samotných študentov a laickú verejnosť.

Ako prvá aktivita projektu bola realizovaná  konferencia s názvom „Európska únia a jej vplyv na organizáciu a fungovanie verejnej správy v Slovenskej republike – doterajší vývoj a aktuálny stav, perspektívy“. Zúčastnili sa jej pozvaní verejní činitelia, zástupcovia akademickej sféry, no i predstavitelia samosprávy, nakoľko jedným z hlavných cieľov projektu je prepojiť akademickú obec so sférou praktickou a zapojiť tak predstaviteľov praxe do plánovaných aktivít v rámci riešenia projektu.

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Sergej Romža - Dávid Priščák - Matej Biroš (eds.)

Proceedings of scientific papers „ Elimination of racism, xenophobia and otherforms of intolerance by means of criminal law. Recodification of Criminal Codes - Current Challenges and Perspectives. " is the output of the national interdisciplinary scientific conference with intemational participation organized by the Department of Criminal Law ofthe Faculty ofLaw of the University of Applied Sciences in Košice. The proceedings contain contributions focused on the issues of elimination of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance by means of criminal law and on the issues of recodification of criminal codes, their current challenges and perspectives, both in the field of substantíve and procedural law.
This is a highly topical issue, as the need to eliminate racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance by means of criminal law is an important topic with regard to the social situation. The recodification of the criminal codes in 2024 has significantly affected both the substantíve and procedural areas of criminal law, which is the means of ultima ratio. Considering the social developments and the recent amendments to the pena! codes, we consider the theme of the conference and the titlc of the proceedings to be highly topical, containing a significant scope for scientific research.
The participants of the national interdisciplinary scientific conference with international participation in their contributions also dealt with de lege ferenda considerations and at the same time offered solutions to application problems in the field.
The aim of the published proceedings is to continue to improve and develop new knowledge in the field of criminal law, while respecting human rights and freedoms, based on the existing professional knowledge.

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Kúpna zmluva – história a súčasnosť II.



Erik Štenpien (ed.)

Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej dňa 26. – 27. septembra 2014 na Právnickej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach

V súčasnosti, v modernom 21. storočí však už máme omnoho zložitejšiu spoločnosť, akou bola tá staroveká. Vyžaduje si právnu úpravu rôznych typov kúpnej zmluvy, kde síce zen základný znak platí, je ho však potrebné bližšie špecifikovať a prostú vetu "ja predám, ty kúpiš" je potrebné doplniť aj o podmienky "ako, kde, kedy, za akých podmienok?" To všetko je úlohou moderného občianskeho práva. Súčasná rekodifikácia občianskeho práva v niektorých európskych krajinách už prebehla, u nás práve prebieha. Je preto dôležité vedieť sa stretnúť na konferenciách s kolegami z týchto krajín a vymeniť si poznatky, aby sme diskutovali o ich skúsenostiach, zlého sa vyvarovali a dobré akceptovali, či upravili podľa našich podmienok.
Tento zborník je výstupnou publikáciu z konferencie, ktorá sa konala v dňoch 26. a 27. septembra 2014 v Košiciach. Bola to už druhá konferencia s účasťou najvýznamnejších právnych romanistov, právnych historikov i civilistov z domova i zo zahraničia. Zborník je výsledkom unikátnej spolupráce odborníkov z viacerých oblastí právnej vedy. Verím, že publikované výstupy pomôžu spoznať inštitút kúpnej zmluvy zo všetkých jeho stránok a stanú sa inšpiráciou pre odborníkov i laikov.

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