Fonologická ontogenéza detskej reči


Iveta Bónová

Východiská predkladanej práce vznikali súbežne s rodiacim sa výskumom detskej reči na Slovensku. Zanietený tím ľudí z niekoľkých vedných odborov: psychológie (Marína Mikulajová), logopédie (Svetlana Kapalková) a lingvistiky (Daniela Slančová, Jana Kesselová, Zuzana Ondráčková, Stanislava Zajacová, Iveta Bónová) sa pravidelne stretával, diskutoval a hľadal spôsob, ako zmobilizovať sily pri napĺňaní vytýčených cieľov – realizovať výskum detskej reči intaktných (zdravo sa vyvíjajúcich) jedincov a pritom vychádzať z reálneho longitudinálneho sledovania detí. Som veľmi rada a zároveň vďačná, že som mohla byť súčasťou tímu na začiatku systematického výskumu v oblasti osvojovania detskej reči na Slovensku. Ako členka tohto tímu a spoluriešiteľka viacerých projektov v danej oblasti som mala možnosť participovať na výskume detskej reči, ktorá už dnes nie je „na chvoste“ vedeckého záujmu. Ide o seriózny, exaktný kvantitatívnymi a kvalitatívnymi údajmi podložený výskum, realizovaný systematicky, „na vynikajíci vědecké úrovni“ (Průcha, 2011, s. 14). Samotnému bádaniu prirodzene predchádzal zber dát. Technológie konca 20. storočia umožnili uplatniť už prekonanú metódu denníkových zápiskov a nahradiť ju v súčasnosti najčastejšie aplikovaným spôsobom získavania materiálu – audiovizuálnymi nahrávkami. Syntéza analyzovaných v časovej následnosti získavaných dát, ich explanácia, generalizácia a včlenenie do širšieho interdisciplinárneho bádateľského kontextu je o to zaujímavejšia a prínosnejšia, že ústi do logopedickej praxe. Práve vďaka výsledkom najnovších výskumov sa v logopédii rozširujú intervenčné možnosti, rozvíjajú sa a rozpracovávajú metódy (aj ranej) diagnostiky a stimulácie.

(Z úvodu)

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Základy filozofickej antropológie I.


Kristína Bosáková

The textbook for the course of Philosophical Anthropology should help the students of philosophy in major subject as much as of philosophy as minor in combination with other study programs in social sciences and STEM disciplines, to develop their own ideas and opinions about the question of human being in the philosophy. Its aim is to make a short introduction into the field of philosophical anthropology and to educate the students in the most important topics of the discipline. Every chapter consist of the theoretical part and of the practical analysis of the text, which is followed by three questions at the end of each chapter. Students, who will later become the philosophy teachers, shall learn how to discuss and teach several topics from the philosophical anthropology in their future classes. Therefore, the textbook is suitable as much for the pedagogical as for the non-pedagogical study programs.

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Tomáš DvorskýLucia LaczkóKatarína Lörincová (eds.)

The collection of articles from the VIII. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, held on 16 May 2019 in Košice.

The aim of this publication, entitled Slovakia-Europe-World, is to point out a complex of diverse topics that are actual in the world, in Europe and in the Slovak republic.

The publication consists of 15 articles, which are primarily written in Slovak. The individual contributions deal with selected topics and aspects of national and foreign policy.

The topics of the articles are human rights, freedom of expression, the rise of religiously motivated nationalism, the issue of unemployment, parliamentary elections and election research. The publication also contains contributions focused on topics in the field of environmental policy, cultural policy or migration policy.

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Edukácia, roč. 3, č. 2/2019


Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

Stránka časopisu >>>

Vedecko-odborný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom, s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.

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Science without barriers


Iveta BónováIvica HajdučekováLucia Jasinská (eds.)

The proceedings maps three significant events organised in 2018 – 2019 within the project KEGA No. 008UPJŠ-4/2017 Science without barriers (Interdisciplinary inspirations of contemporary literary scholarship and linguistics in university educational practice; principal investigator prof. PhDr. J. Gbúr, CSc.) at the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The first activity was a scholarly and artistic symposium Science without barriers held in March 6 – 8, 2019 on the occassion of the 80th birthday of Dr. h. c. prof. PhDr. Ján Sabol, DrSc. It brought extended abstracts of participants in two sections (Slovak studies and literary scholarship in interdisciplinary contexts) as its outcome. The next two parts describe artistically oriented events: Interpretational afternoon (a competition for the best interpretation of Ján Sabol´s book of verse Love in Blue) with the winning works added, and the vernissage Literature through an objective lens with the share of students of the School of Industrial Visual Arts in Košice.

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Teória a prax verejnej správy


Milan DoušaTatiana GmitrováOskar TóthMatúš Vyrostko (eds.)

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z 5. ročníka vedeckej konferencie doktorandov 6. február 2020

Dynamicky se vyvíjecící současná společnost vytváří v občanech očekávání a požadavky, aby verejná správa byla efektivní, spolehlivá, otevřená, profesionální a rychlá. Nové teorie poznatků v souvislosti s neustálými změnami však musí obsahovat i praktické uplatnění a promítnutí těchto charakteristik v systému veřejné správy v praxi. Právě z toho důvodu je důležité věnovat pozornost novým přístupům z teoretického i praktického pohledu k uplatňování moderní veřejné správy v podmínkách krajin V4. Vzhledem ke skutečnosti, že veřejná správa je interdisciplinární vědní disciplína, která využívá poznatky z široké škály vědních odborů a na základě toho umožňuje komplexně přistupovat k řešení problémů moderní veřejné správy, je recenzovaný sborník příspěvků z vědecké konference doktorandů rozdělen do třech sekcí: sociálno-ekonomické, politologické, právní. Sekce erudovaně reagují na současné problémy veřejné správy z teoretického i praktického hlediska.

PhDr. Milan Douša
Předseda organizačního výboru

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Analysis of radical and extremist groups,...


Vladimír Lichner

The scientific monograph focuses on the analysis of radical and extremist groups, movements, sects and cults and their activities in the Slovak Republic. It provides a theoretical insight into the issues of specific organizations and movements that have been characterized in the past, or are currently characterized by belonging to ideologies that we might call anti-social. It does not focus unilaterally on one type of violent extremism, but focuses on the issue of both right-wing and left-wing religious groups. In the final part it offers a brief suggestion of prevention procedures, which could significantly influence the increase of extremist manifestations especially in young people.

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Čo prinieslo sociálnej práci 100 rokov? Minulé...


Katarína ŠiňanskáFrantiška Petriková (eds.)

The present proceedings is devoted to different perspectives on the problems addressed by the field of social work and also the changes in the orientation of social work with respect to the current requirements of society. Proceeding is made up of a wide range of contributions from various spheres belonging to the sphere of social work. Contributions are devoted to the cyber world of social work, supervision, self-care, risk behavior, but also social work in the past. 
The cyberspace in social work is elaborated in several contributions, suggesting a new dimension of social work. In the contributions about cybe world, the authors consider “cyberspace” as a new form of counseling and assistance to clients, as the present time is more online-oriented. Proceedings of international conference "What has brought social work 100 years?" The past and present forms of social work are therefore devoted to various themes, incentives and insights into the benefits of the contribution of social work over 100 years, examining and evaluating past, present but also future forms of social work as a science.

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Ako sa píšu dejiny? Metódy – prístupy – pramene...


Katarína Hromuľáková (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie. Košice, 16.-17. október 2019

Zborník Ako sa píšu dejiny? Metódy – prístupy – pramene predstavuje publikáciu príspevkov, ktoré odzneli na konferencii Stretnutie mladých historikov IX, každoročne organizovanou Katedrou histórie FF UPJŠ. V jednotlivých príspevkoch, časovo sústredených od stredoveku až po najnovšie dejiny, autori predkladajú rozmanité teoreticko-metodologické východiská výskumu dejín, ktoré v súčasnosti predstavujú elementárne predpoklady historického bádania. Ambíciou autorov ako nastupujúcej generácie historikov je tak nielen otvorenie aktuálnej otázky teoretickej reflexie v historiografii, ale aj ponúknutie konkrétnych príkladov podložených vlastným výskumom.  

Mgr. Katarína Hromuľáková

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Jazyková kultúra nielen pre lingvistov (vybrané...


Iveta Bónová • Lucia Jasinská

Jazyková kultúra nielen pre lingvistov je odbornou publikáciou, vhodnou aj ako učebný text, v ktorom sa snažíme inovatívnym spôsobom opísať a vysvetliť najfrekventovanejšie javy z rečovej praxe. Ide o javy vypozorované nielen z mediálneho, ale aj z akademického prostredia, ktoré sa s ohľadom na komunikačnú sféru (masmediálna komunikácia, vedeckovýskumná oblasť) nekorektne používajú, a tým podprahovo prenikajú do jazykového vedomia všetkých používateľov jazyka. Teda aj tých, pre ktorých je jazyk pracovným nástrojom s primárne reprezentatívnou funkciou (učiteľov na všetkých stupňoch škôl či rozhlasových a televíznych pracovníkov).

Výklad jednotlivých javov (rozdelených do 6 blokov)1 podávame s prihliadnutím na jazykovú normu ako štandardizovanú podobu jazykového správania a tiež s prihliadnutím na cieľovú skupinu adresátov (nielen lingvistov). Explanáciu jazykového javu funkčne dopĺňame o kvalitatívne aj kvantitatívne zistenia vyplývajúce z databázy Slovenského národného korpusu. Pri každom z uvádzaných javov v závislosti od jeho charakteru (ortografický, lexikálny, morfologický, syntaktický) uplatňujeme diferencované postupy. Pri práci so Slovenským národným korpusom (predovšetkým v súbore písaných komunikátov) zámerne využívame viaceré nástroje, na pozadí ktorých jednotlivé javy v rámci príslušných kategórií exemplifikujeme a frekvenčne vyhodnocujeme. Predkladanou publikáciou ponúkame nielen odborný výklad javov, ale čiastočne a nepriamo aj metodické návody, ako účelne využiť Slovenský národný korpus. Zároveň aj lingvisticky neškoleným záujemcom o jazyk a jeho kultúru nekonvenčným, nazdávame sa, i didaktický prístupným objasňovaním a dokladovaním vyselektovaných príkladov z korpusu prezentujeme stále aktuálne problémové miesta súčasnej rečovej praxe.

Uvedomujeme si pritom dynamiku jazyka a rozličné sféry používania jazykových prostriedkov, ktoré posudzujeme v závislosti od komunikačných zámerov a charakteru celkovej komunikačnej situácie. Preto v snahe, aby táto publikácia nevyznievala príkro a mentorsky, predostierame uvádzané javy deskriptívno-explanačne vždy s odporúčaním na funkčne primeranú, jazykovo objasnenú alternatívu. Rovnako prihliadame na oblasť použitia výrazových prostriedkov (v písanej i hovorenej podobe), ako aj na konkrétneho používateľa jazyka a jeho poslanie. Na jeho posolstvo mediálne či vedecko-pedagogicky pôsobiť aj prostredníctvom jazykového prejavu, s dôrazom na jeho prirodzenú, komunikačne kultivovanú a normatívne korektnú podobu.


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Theories of Intercultural Communication


Renáta Panocová

Vysokoškolská učebnica Theories of Intecultural Communication je určená predovšetkým študentom magisterského stupňa štúdia prekladateľstva a tlmočníctva a študentom doktorandského štúdia Britské a americké štúdiá. Cieľom učebnice je oboznámiť študentov s kľúčovými teóriami v oblasti interkultúrnej komunikácie. Osem kapitol pokrýva výber súčasných teórií zameraných na definovanie kultúrnych dimenzií, manažmentu identity a negociácie, akomodácie a adaptácie, riadenia úzkosti a neistoty, či aktuálny výskum Sapirovej-Whorfovej hypotézy. Záverečná kapitola podáva historiografický prehľad teórií interkultúrnej komunikácie a načrtáva kľúčové otázky výskumu v budúcnosti.

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Zážitková pedagogika v pregraduálnej príprave


Renáta Orosová

Problematika efektívneho a odborného využitia prostriedkov zážitkovej pedagogiky a jej pozitívny vplyv na klímu triedy je témou vedeckej monografie. Monografia systematizuje teoretické vedecké poznatky o zážitkovej pedagogike, klíme triedy a súčasnom stave pregraduálnej prípravy budúcich učiteľov a na základe realizácie výskumu (pedagogického experimentu) analyzuje dôležitosť efektívnej prípravy budúcich učiteľov vo vzťahu k odbornému používaniu prostriedkov zážitkovej pedagogiky a jeho vplyvu na klímu triedy.

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Hodnota ľudského života v konotáciách Postmoderny



Marián Bednár

The scientific monograph The Value of Human Life in the Connotations of Postmodernism presents a current issue of reflections on the value of human life. It sees in the broader connotations of postmodern society, where the approaches of applied ethics (bioethics), philosophy and Christian theology intersect. This issue is embedded in the historical, philosophical, sociological and cultural-social Postmodernism.

The monograph analyses the postmodern value system, the dominant postmodern anthropological concept, secular bioethics and civil law in relation to human life and its value. The key is the confrontation of the postmodern anti-life mentality and life in the most discussed bioethical issues: contraception, artificial insemination techniques, genetic manipulation, abortion, sterilization, (bio) technology, euthanasia. An alternative approach is offered by the theological vision of human and life presented in the Judeo-Christian context. In the light of modern theological disciplines, the personnel concept is enriched by theological anthropology culminating in an eschatological vision.

In this sense, the issue of the value of human life culminates, which is also inspired by one of the most important encyclicals of Pope John Paul II. Evangelium vitae (25th anniversary of its writing). It is she who calls for the acceptance and respect of every human life and for the practical development of a new culture of life.

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Ivica Hajdučeková

The second (supplemented and expanded) edition of the bilingual textbook Rodový aspekt v slovenskej literatúre na prelome 19. a 20. storočia (Interpretačné etudy) / Gender Perspectives in the Slovak Literature of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries (Interpretation Studies) offers to a wider range of recipients – students of Teaching of Academic Subjects and teachers in practice – a didactic transformation of current research issues (supported by e-literacy using online approaches and QR codes), which was developed in cooperation with the School of Applied Arts in Košice (since 2019/20 the so-called School of Art Industry) ) in the academic year 2018/2019.

Professional cooperation within the KEGA project No. 008UPJŠ-4/2017 – Science Without Barriers (Interdisciplinary Inspirations of Contemporary Literary Scholarship and Linguistics in Educational Practice at University) with teacher of Slovak Language and Literature, PaedDr. Jana Valicová, and Mgr. Renáta Novotná Markovičová of ŠUP took place in project teaching. It yielded results in two interdisciplinary outcomes:

1. Creation of the Literary Lounge in the Student Café Minerva in the premises of the UPJŠ Faculty of Arts;

2. Illustrations of the 2nd edition of the textbook Gender Aspect in the Slovak Literature at the Turn of the 19th and the 20th Centuries (2019).

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Literárny príbeh ako nástroj mravnej výchovy



Adriana Jesenková

The textbook "Literary Story as a Tool for Moral Education" aims to contribute to the preparation of future teachers of ethical education, as well as students from other fields, particularly in the humanities. It focuses on an area that remains trivialized and marginalized—gender-sensitive education and training. The author operates under the assumption that applying a gender-sensitive approach in education requires an understanding of what a gender perspective entails.

Experience from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, along with teaching experiences where ethical questions and themes—such as those related to gender, gender equality, gender justice, and gender relations—are presented, taught, and explored through various media or texts (not only traditional scientific and professional ones but also artistic, especially literary), inspired the author to present such an approach in a relatively coherent form.

This includes summarizing existing knowledge and experiences on the topic so that they can serve as a suitable starting point for enhancing the competencies of future teachers (not only) in ethical education when applying a gender-sensitive approach in education and teaching issues related to gender and gender relations in the context of applied ethics and ethical education.


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Sociologické aspekty verejnej správy



Eliška Župová

University textbooks are dedicated to the theoretical issues of sociological aspects for the needs of students in the study program of public administration and the study program of European public administration.

The publication's first chapter focuses on the attention of sociology from the perspective of its subject and its relationship to other scientific disciplines. The second part consists of chapters two to five and is dedicated to the history of sociology and the most significant figures in sociology from its inception to the present, as well as the developmental directions of classical and contemporary sociology. The third area addresses systematic sociology.

From a range of sociological topics, paradigms, and problems, this part of the publication is structured to provide students with fundamental knowledge from selected sociological aspects for their studies.

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Riziko ako sociálna kategória v období...



Dušan Šlosár

The monograph "Risk as a Social Category in Adolescence" by Dušan Šlosár was created as part of the VEGA project No. 1-0285/18, which focuses on risky behavior among adolescents as clients of social work due to their loneliness. The monograph explores the issue of risk in a theoretical context and integrates risk as a component of social relationships, contacts, and information exchange. From this theoretical foundation, it defines risk within helping professions. Assessing the level of risk is left to leading managers; however, it currently affects those helping professionals who work with specific client groups, and thus their involvement in assessing the level of risk cannot be overlooked.

The monograph pays special attention to risky behavior among adolescents and discusses the most serious forms of such behavior, ranging from suicidality to crime, substance abuse (both material and non-material), and issues related to sexuality. The conclusion of the monograph consists of three empirical studies that address the topic of risky behavior among adolescents.

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Časopis ŽIVENA v rokoch 1919 – 1928



Ivica Hajdučeková

The anthology was created based on the study of archival volumes of Živena preserved in the Slovak National Library in Martin and the selection of material representing samples of texts that reflect the spirit of the times and contribute to the image of the contemporary modern woman.

The selection of articles from 1919 to 1928 uncovers the cultural atmosphere at the beginning of the 20th century when, thanks to emancipation efforts, doors were opening for women into public and professional life. Students from the 3rd and 4th years of the School of Applied Arts in Košice, under the guidance of teachers in photographic design and Slovak language and literature, were involved in preparing the illustrative component of the anthology, whose artistic interpretations are part of the publication. Their contribution meets the criteria for combining science and practice with a focus on popularizing research results.

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Sanácia dysfunkčnej rodiny v pomáhajúcich...



Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph addresses the issues surrounding functional families, dysfunctional families, and those affected by crises. It analyzes various determinants that lead to family dysfunction and identifies factors contributing to family crises and the destabilization of family relationships. Special attention is given to working with dysfunctional families, particularly through family rehabilitation, methods, forms, and procedures employed mainly by helping professionals.

Additionally, the monograph explores contemporary forms of couple cohabitation and the factors that have caused changes in this area. Families are examined from the perspective of helping professions, including psychology, sociology, adult education, health care, law, and economics. These various perspectives create a comprehensive view of the examined issues and establish a multidisciplinary space for addressing problems within the family system. A functional family is seen as the foundation of society; therefore, society must create tools to assist families that are unable to resolve issues affecting their functionality.

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Základy štatistiky v sociálnych vedách I....



Vladimír Lichner

The presented university textbook presents a basic overview of statistical theory and practice intended for students of social work, including examples of their use in specific studies. This text deals with the first part of statistical practice, namely descriptive analysis, which we perceive as a basic condition for the processing of any empirical research and is also important in grasping typical statistical principles and concepts.

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Komunita a komunitná práca



Katarína ŠiňanskáDušan Šlosár

The presented monograph deals with various views on of the community issue and community work, with which  area of social work or other helping professions is closely connected. It offers theoretical analysis as a basic theoretical framework of the issue, which is necessary to know in the study and in the performance of the practice in the helping profession. The authors consider community work to be one of the possibilities for fully involving the inhabitants in co-responsible decision-making on things that fundamentally affect their lives.

The monograph characterizes in  fifteen chapters the community and the processes that takes place in it, outlines a brief history and approaches in community work. It offers theoretical background, which is used in community work as a necessary prerequisite for a professional approach practice. The monograph also points to the important position of professional help in community.

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Hovorové lexémy v publicistických textoch



Lucia Jasinská

The submitted monograph, "Colloquial Lexemes in Journalistic Texts," presents an original perspective on the analysis and description of lexical and grammatical expressive means in the examined communication field.

The main research problem is the colloquialization of expressive means as a marked feature in publicly published journalistic texts. The starting point of the research itself was the search for lexical units with the stylistic qualifier of colloquiality in the "Short Dictionary of the Slovak Language." Their presence and frequency, as well as any potential shifts in meaning, were verified in publicly accessible media communications.

Since this is research into "living language," the source material consists of journalistic texts in the Slovak National Corpus database.

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Sociálnoprávna ochrana detí a rodiny v...



Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph deals with the issue of social protection of the family, where the basis is a view of the family as a natural part of human and social life. The starting point is provided by the institutes that create and structure it, influence its value orientation, the development of social relations within the family, but also relations to the social environment.

In broader contexts, the monographic treatment of social protection provides the results of transdisciplinary knowledge. It deals with the work of helping professionals with functional and non-functional families and families with special needs. It offers problem solving through tailored methods, techniques, procedures and measures used by various helping professions in the field of social protection and social guardianship.

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Doktorandské miscelaneá 6



Lukáš Šutor (ed.)

The current sixth volume of the Doctoral Miscellanea consists of eight contributions from four study programs, with two contributions also involving authors outside of doctoral studies. Given the limitations on the length of individual contributions and the uniqueness of the research, the authors have chosen varying widths and depths in presenting their dissertation topics. Some contributions serve as an introduction to the issues, others provide a summary of previous results, and still others focus on a detailed analysis of a specific problem. These three approaches may not only reveal the stage of research in which the doctoral candidate finds themselves but also their potential research priorities.

The main commonality across all issues of the proceedings remains interdisciplinary diversity, which shows a certain continuity. Specific themes appear regularly. In these cases, alongside alternating doctoral candidates, the key figure is the supervisor (in the role of co-author) and their research focus/project in which the doctoral candidates participate. This development of research continuity is particularly evident in contributions from the field of social work.

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Bedeker onkologickej liečby



Lucia TóthováKatarína ŠiňanskáEva Žiaková

Here is the translation of the provided text into English: A guide to oncological treatment was created at a time when the importance of health became even more emphasized, becoming a kind of mega-value for the new modern "pandemic" human. The use of the term "pandemic" person arose, of course, in connection with the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, but primarily because other dangerous long-term diseases that threaten contemporary humans are somehow being pushed into the background.

The severity of such diseases (including cancer) does not diminish just because attention has shifted to something more acute. It is very important to realize this and not fall under the illusion that if we overcome an acute danger, then automatically improve conditions for chronic diseases as well. We believe it's quite the opposite; prolonged stress and social negative factors constantly affecting us—among which undoubtedly includes pandemic situations—worsen not only psychological but also somatic states.

The guide to oncological treatment aims precisely at highlighting those psychological and social factors that negatively "support" cancer development in any form and can positively influence treatment and coping with illness. The guide offers opportunities for social engagement with groups of people undergoing similar oncological treatments, allowing them to share psychologically as well as professionally similar situations with those facing similar problems in treatment. The authors hope that this guidebook will reach those who will become more self-sufficient in overcoming such a formidable enemy as cancer.


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Etika vedy a techniky (vybrané problémy)



Ľubov VladykováMarián Bednár a kol.

The university textbook Ethics of Science and Technique (Selected Problems) is a collection of contributions by various authors who deal with selected problems and areas of science and technique. For the last hundred years, we can observe the rapid development of science and technique (technology). The transition of society in the 20th century into the information age and in the current 21st century into the digital age brings radical challenges and changes in all areas of human life, but especially in the moral field.

Ethical discussions, responding to the development of science and technique (technology), have stimulated the emergence of ethics of science and technique, which as a subdiscipline of applied ethics is a way out of the conflict between professional autonomy, social control and self-regulation of action and behaviour; not only in science and technique, but also in economy and politics. In the digital age, technique, technology and science are fundamentally changing our lives; from the way we work to the way we communicate, how we fight local and global problems, and how we try to solve societal problems.

These radical changes are not without controversy, and many provoke intense debates that are often polarized or associated with scientific ambiguities or dishonest demagoguery and ideology.

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