Časopis ŽIVENA v rokoch 1919 – 1928


Ivica Hajdučeková

The anthology was created based on the study of archival volumes of Živena preserved in the Slovak National Library in Martin and the selection of material representing samples of texts that reflect the spirit of the times and contribute to the image of the contemporary modern woman.

The selection of articles from 1919 to 1928 uncovers the cultural atmosphere at the beginning of the 20th century when, thanks to emancipation efforts, doors were opening for women into public and professional life. Students from the 3rd and 4th years of the School of Applied Arts in Košice, under the guidance of teachers in photographic design and Slovak language and literature, were involved in preparing the illustrative component of the anthology, whose artistic interpretations are part of the publication. Their contribution meets the criteria for combining science and practice with a focus on popularizing research results.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Ivica Hajdučeková
Document type:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Arts
Antológia vychádza v rámci realizácie grantového projektu KEGA č. 008UPJŠ-4/2017 – Veda bez bariér (Interdisciplinárne inšpirácie súčasnej literárnej vedy a jazykovedy v edukačnej praxi na VŠ; vedúci projektu: prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc.)
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16 other products in the same category:

Myths and Manipulation in Political Discourse



Jaroslav Marcin - Viktória Marcinová a kol.

This little book started out in a way that probably many other scholarly publications do: When the five of us met as doctoral students and instructors in the Department of British and American Studies, we soon realized that our research overlapped on a number of points. Most prominent among those was our interest in political or politicallymotivated discourse and the study of myths and manipulation that it employed. 

In the end, we decided to pool the results of our research together in order to create a more complex picture, providing a variety of perspectives and voices. In our endeavor, we were greatly aided by the financial support we received from a grant offered by the Šafárik University. The outcome of these efforts is the five chapters of this brief, but hopefully informative and insightful monograph.

In Chapter 1, Viktória Marcinová deals with the impact of totalitarian ideology on the translation of so-called “capitalist” drama during the first stage of normalization in Slovakia (1948-1968). In Chapter 2, the focus shifts to political discourse and manipulation in a democracy, as Jaroslav Marcin takes a closer look at the wartime rhetoric of American presidents. USA remains the focus also in Chapter 3, but this time the question, addressed by Martina Martausová, will be one of the myth of the American Dream and its presentation in post-9/11 United States. A similar idea, though in a different geographical-cultural context, is dealt with in Chapter 4, where Božena Velebná identifies myths of Scottish identity as portrayed in historic films. Finally, in Chapter 5, Eduard Soták will take a look at the role of the mass media within the topic of politically-motivated discourse and spread of political ideology.

It is our hope that in this way we can contribute to a better understanding of politically-motivated discourse, manipulation and the use of myths. Through interweaving the results of our research and our analyses, we hope to provide a more complex look at the topic in question, which we feel is missing at the moment.

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Podoby duchovnosti v slovenskej literatúre...



Lívia Barnišinová

The scientific monograph "Spirituality in Slovak Realist and Modernist Literature" reevaluates interpretative approaches to the spiritual dimension in prose texts of Slovak literature from the realist and modernist periods. The author transcends stereotypical views on spirituality, often confined to religious themes, and advocates for an interdisciplinary approach and new methodological approaches in literary-critical research. The monograph focuses on literary characters and their spiritual dimension in connection with other compositional and semantic elements of literary texts. It does not offer a definitive view on the topic but aims to open discussion and highlight the need for a reassessment of the literary canon and the openness of artistic literature to multiple interpretations. The analysis of texts from Slovak realism and literary modernism demonstrated a differentiated spirituality and its artistic portrayal. The phenomenon of spirituality is present in the texts along the axis of explicitness - implicitness - latency and has its specific manifestation in shaping literary characters through psychologization, introspection, and spiritual depth.

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Evolutionary Ethics: Selected Issues and...


Ľubov Vladyková

The present monograph titled Evolutionary Ethics: Selected Issues and Challenges discusses a range of problems, theoretical concepts, and beliefs from the perspective of evolutionary ethics. The term evolution has become one of the central terms in contemporary science and philosophy. In social sciences in general, and in socio-biology and evolutionary psychology in particular, evolution has had great impact on our understanding of the genesis of culture. Evolutionary theories play a similar role within the theory of consciousness and of the mind (evolutionary epistemology). The interrelation between our evolutionary past and our sense of good and evil is also a subject of heightened interest in ethics; it has in fact become one of its challenges. The concept of evolution challenges the way we create thought patterns through which we understand, or hope to understand, ourselves and the world around us. This monograph represents a general summary of selected issues in evolutionary ethics, touching upon various aspects of current research into evolutionary ethics and the related domains of evolution, science, ethics, and morals. Evolutionary ethics has become a project which presupposes that in order to understand the essence and basis of morals one must turn to the process of evolution of thought, and to the theories put forth by evolutionists, specifically evolutionary biologists. The structure of this monograph, as well as its potential usefulness for research and education clearly show that the analysis of the problems discussed here has significant implications for domains far removed from the purely theoretical parts of moral philosophy or biology. The advantage of such discourse is that it enables the implementation of evolutionary ethics in social and ethical issues of public interest (for example Sex Literacy, Sex Education), and this should be recognised and welcome.

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Edukácia, roč. 7, č. 1/2024


Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

Stránka časopisu >>>

Vedecký recenzovaný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.

Ciele vedeckého časopisu Edukácia:

  • • prezentovať súčasné postavenie a funkciu pedagóga v edukačnej praxi a jeho perspektívy,
  • • prezentovať aktuálne otázky vzdelávania a výchovy z pohľadu učiteľov, sociálnych pedagógov, špeciálnych pedagógov a psychológov,
  • • prezentovať inovácie v edukačnej praxi; analyzovať stav a problémy prepájania teórie a praxe výchovy a vzdelávania vo vzťahu k moderným
       vyučovacím koncepciám,
  • • prezentovať aktuálne trendy v pregraduálnej príprave pedagógov,
  • • prezentovať výsledky empirických výskumov z oblasti pedagogiky, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky a psychológie v prostredí
       rodiny, školy a mimoškolských výchovných inštitúcií.

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Comparative Phonetics and Phonology of the...



Renáta Gregová

The book is primary designed for the first-year students of the study programme “English Language for European Institutions and Economy” and its subject “Comparative Phonetics and Phonology”. Following the structure of this subject, the textbook is divided into eleven chapters whose content provides the reader with the essential theoretical information about the given issue from the sound subsystems of the English and the Slovak languages. The structure of each chapter is as follows: (1) theoretical explanation of the topic, (2) Suggestions for further reading recommending additional sources that develop the topic, (3) exercises whose aim is to evaluate students’ theoretical knowledge of the theme presented in the particular chapter, as well as its practical application in the process of communication. Considering the content of the book, it can be also used a study material for the students of all philological study programmes whose content encompasses the sound system of the English and/or the Slovak language.

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Sociálnoprávna ochrana detí a rodiny v...



Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph deals with the issue of social protection of the family, where the basis is a view of the family as a natural part of human and social life. The starting point is provided by the institutes that create and structure it, influence its value orientation, the development of social relations within the family, but also relations to the social environment.

In broader contexts, the monographic treatment of social protection provides the results of transdisciplinary knowledge. It deals with the work of helping professionals with functional and non-functional families and families with special needs. It offers problem solving through tailored methods, techniques, procedures and measures used by various helping professions in the field of social protection and social guardianship.

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Karin Sabolíková

The monograph provides a brief insight into the theory of news structures in the press and, consequently, the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis is applied in an examination of the structures of news. Critical discourse analysis following the theory and methodology of Teun van Dijk is used to analyse the representation of an industrial dispute, the Miners’ Strike of 1984-1985 in the UK, in the Czechoslovak newspaper Pravda.

The aim of the monograph is to examine the ways in which a single news item dealing with an international event was presented in a national newspaper based on its ideological perspective. The presented analysis does not cover all possible aspects of van Dijk’s approach of critical discourse analysis. A variety of issues remains to be explored in order to develop a richer, more complex analysis of the text structures. The monograph also intends to demonstrate that critical discourse analysis can complement more qualitatively the traditional method of quantitative content analysis.

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Sanácia dysfunkčnej rodiny v pomáhajúcich...



Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph addresses the issues surrounding functional families, dysfunctional families, and those affected by crises. It analyzes various determinants that lead to family dysfunction and identifies factors contributing to family crises and the destabilization of family relationships. Special attention is given to working with dysfunctional families, particularly through family rehabilitation, methods, forms, and procedures employed mainly by helping professionals.

Additionally, the monograph explores contemporary forms of couple cohabitation and the factors that have caused changes in this area. Families are examined from the perspective of helping professions, including psychology, sociology, adult education, health care, law, and economics. These various perspectives create a comprehensive view of the examined issues and establish a multidisciplinary space for addressing problems within the family system. A functional family is seen as the foundation of society; therefore, society must create tools to assist families that are unable to resolve issues affecting their functionality.

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Kultúrne dejiny talianskej renesancie: Pojmy,...



Peter Fedorčák

When studying the Renaissance, researchers utilize various critical and core terms and concepts which it is necessary to characterize. However, many such points, notably the following, are problematic: The relationship between the Renaissance and the antiquity; The connection with the Middle Ages; The transformation to Mannerism and Baroque; Realism and Secularism in Renaissance art; The individualism of the Renaissance artist; The reasons for the creation of Renaissance art in Italy, its determinants and stimulators; Distinguishing between the analysis of the genesis of the Renaissance and the analysis of the creation of the period’s art generally; Regional differences in Italy and their impact on the art; Chronological limits of the Renaissance and its milestones; The terms “Medieval Ages” and “Early Modern Period”; The impact, and its extent, of the artistic influences of the Byzantine, Gothic and Romanesque arts on the Renaissance. The term “Renaissance” itself, its content and existence, are also the subject of the discussion with students, alongside learning how such terms and definitions came about and continue to evolve, how they attain their content, how this content morphs in the historical discourse, what academical pluralism and freedom of thinking look like in the discourse led by historians, what the differences are between scientists and schools of thought on the same subject and how it is possible that they are so numerous. The students will come to recognize the leading scholars in the field, and follow their arguments and methodological approaches. They shall be invited to closely trace and scrutinize the logic which those historians use in building their argumentation. It shall be seen that the freedom to create terms, concepts and new definitions cannot stand on an ignorance of the (historical) facts, as becomes clear with expanding knowledge of those historical facts, the variability of their interpretation growing in tandem. This approach, actually used across the whole range of seminars and lectures, shall drive discussion on the topics covered, students being invited to formulate their own theses and antitheses.

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Zborník prác z celoslovenského kola Študentskej...



Magdaléna Hovanová (ed.)

Zborník prác vznikol z podujatia osemnásteho ročníka Celoslovenskej študentskej vedeckej odbornej činnosti (ŠVOČ) v študijnom odbore sociálna práca, ktorý sa konal 12. mája 2022. Organizačne ho zastrešila Katedra sociálnej práce Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Každoročne je to príležitosť pre stretnutie vybraných najlepších študentov – budúcich odborníkov v sociálnej práci, ako aj šanca prezentovať úroveň vedomostí a schopnosť aplikovať svoje teoretické poznatky a nadobudnuté spôsobilosti do budúcej praxe sociálnej práce. Príspevky v zborníku pojednávajú o tematike rizík moderných technológií v kontexte sociálnej práce, sociálnej opory aj rizikových faktorov rodiny v kontexte procesu radikalizácie adolescentov, problematike kyberšikanovania na základných školách, študentskej ukrajinskej migrácie na Slovensku, faktorov ovplyvňujúcich pracovnú spokojnosť u pracovníkov v sociálnej oblasti, ale aj sociálnej opory rodiny ako klienta sociálnej práce v aktuálnej pandemickej situácii.

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Truth vs. Post-Truth. „It is not true, but it...



Michaela Ružičková - Patrik Furik - Lukáš Jakabovič (eds.)

The collection of articles from the XI. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association, the Department of Security Studies of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Institute of Political Sciences and Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Institute of Social Studies, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University in Brno, and the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, University of Miskolc, held on 20 May 2022 in Košice.

The aim of this publication, entitled Truth vs. Post-Truth. „It is not true, but it could be.”, is to highlight the threats arising from the issue of the spread of disinformation, conspiracies and hoaxes today, reflecting not only on the national context, but also on the impact of these elements in the international environment.

The proceedings consist of 12 articles written in Slovak and English. The individual contributions deal with selected topics and aspects of the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories or hoaxes, among others in the context of elections, media landscape and politics.

The topics of the contributions are the limits of freedom of expression, media freedom and regulation in the media space, the issue of propaganda or information warfare. The present volume also includes papers focusing on issues in the field of political ideologies or the issue of false narratives about the COVID-19 disease.

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How to Use Slovak in a Medical Environment...

Availability: 30 In Stock

Helena Petruňová

Učebnica je určená pre vyučovanie slovenského jazyka pre začiatočníkov (úroveň A1, A2 podľa SERR), zahraničných študentov lekárskej fakulty, odboru všeobecné lekárstvo a zubné lekárstvo. 

Učebnica AKO POUŽÍVAŤ SLOVENČINU V LEKÁRSKOM PROSTREDí  základy slovenčiny pre študentov medicíny obsahuje 13 lekcií, ktoré sú vhodné pre samoštúdium a pre prácu s učiteľom na jazykovom seminári. Tematicky zamerané lekcie ponúkajú základy slovenskej výslovnosti, slovnej zásoby, krátke dialógy a jednoduchý výklad užitočnej gramatiky. Všetky cvičenia a aktivity umožňujú študentom osvojovať si a precvičovať bohatú lekársku slovnú zásobu a vybranú gramatiku v kontexte. Obsahujú kľúčové slová, slovné spojenia, jednoduché frázy a základné otázky, ktoré sa používajú v komunikácii lekára s pacientom. Dôraz sa kladie na funkčnosť jazyka pre získavanie údajov o zdravotnom stave pacienta, o jeho živote, rodinnom prostredí, o chorobách predkov, súrodencov a pod. Na konci učebnice sú tematicky zoradené užitočné slová a slovné spojenia z prostredia nemocnice, zoznam základných slovies a kľúč k cvičeniam.   

Výzvy a perspektívy vnútornej a zahraničnej...



Gabriel Eštok- Mária Hrehová- Jakub Bardovič (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z III. ročníka Vedeckej konferencie študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov konanej 23. mája 2014 Katedrou politológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach

Dňa 23. mája 2014 sa na pôde Katedry politológie FF UPJŠ uskutočila konferencia pod názvom „Výzvy a prespektívy vnútornej a zahraničnej politiky“, ktorá bola v poradí už treťou Konferenciou študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov organizovanou Katedrou politológie v spolupráci s OZ Res Publica. Na konferencii vystúpilo mnoho mladých ľudí zaujímajúcich sa o politické problémy súčasného sveta, pričom každý z nich svojím vystúpením nastolil jednu z tém týkajúcu sa domácej alebo zahraničnej politiky. Možno konštatovať, že tieto vystúpenia boli na vysokej odbornej úrovni a podnietili diskusiu o nastolených témach či problémoch.

Publikácia, ktorú držíte v rukách, je súborom odborných prác študentov a mladých odborníkov, ktorí sa venovali štúdiu viacerých tém. Niektorí autori sa venovali skôr otázkam zahraničnej politiky, predovšetkým analýze politík vybraných štátov (Slovenská republika, USA), riešili problematiku iránskeho jadrového programu či skúmali možnosti federalizácie Ukrajiny ako spôsobu riešenia vzniknutej situácie. Pohľad na problematiku zahraničnej politiky z pozície slovenských emigrantov v Austrálii priniesol ďalší z príspevkov.

Napriek širokému spektru tém, ktorým sa autori v jednotlivých príspevkoch venovali, je možné nájsť ich spoločného menovateľa, ktorým je snaha poukázať na určitý problém či navrhnúť jeho riešenie a tým jednak prispievať k napĺňaniu ideálu demokracie, k zlepšeniu fungovania a tvorby politiky, ale predovšetkým k tomu, aby bol tento svet lepším miestom pre život nás všetkých.


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Pohyb ku kognitívnym adaptačným štúdiám....



Peter Getlík

The main goal of the monograph "Moving Towards Cognitive Adaptation Studies: Adaptation as Play" was to orient current research in adaptation studies towards the empirically responsible cognitive branch of non-radical constructivism. This intention results from the rapid progressive differentiation of adaptation studies research, which has mainly manifested itself in this area in the last two decades. With the model of adaptation as play in a cognitive-scientific perspective, author provides the possibility of predicting the nature (also in a broader sense) of the experience of adaptation. Since the form of this experience significantly shapes the products of the adaptation process into their final form, the model of adaptation as play can be applied even in the interpretation of individual adaptations. In the monograph, the author synthesized the model of adaptation as play based on the knowledge of various disciplines. In the field of cognitive sciences, he saw help from the starting points of philosophy, linguistics, informatics, psychology, anthropology, biology and neuroscience – especially affective neuroscience, which also deals with the emotional dimension of the play. In the intersection with the essential interdisciplinary components of adaptation research, he also used the knowledge of classical and cognitive variations of literary science, film science (also theatrology) and media studies to a large extent. Consistent with other similar results of cognitive sciences, it turns out that even seemingly serious adaptations, like in many aspects of our culture, have a ludic base.

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Prehodnotené dejiny. Historická pamäť – jej...


Lukáš Katriňák (ed.)


Zborník príspevkov zo 7. vedeckej konferencie mladých historikov, ktorú zorganizovali Katedra histórie Filozofickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach,

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity,

Centrum spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV,

Historický ústav SAV

a Slovenská historická spoločnosť pri SAV,

dňa 25. októbra 2017 v Košiciach

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