Špecifiká práce s mládežou v neziskovom sektore


Katarína Šiňanská

The presented university textbook deals with various views on the issue of youth work in the non-governmental non-profit sector, with which the area of social work or other helping professions is closely connected. It offers theoretical analysis as a basic theoretical framework of the issue, which is necessary to know during the study and in the performance of the practice in the helping profession.

It also offers an application through practical demonstrations. The area of youth work is frequent in the non-profit sector. Many diverse activities and projects are being developed based on the basic concept of empowerment. Their aim is to involve young people as much as possible in public life. In addition, with a specific focus on those young people who are struggling with some form of disadvantage.

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E-book (pdf)
Katarína Šiňanská
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Year of publication:
1st edition
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Faculty of Arts
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16 other products in the same category:

Fonologická ontogenéza detskej reči


Iveta Bónová

Východiská predkladanej práce vznikali súbežne s rodiacim sa výskumom detskej reči na Slovensku. Zanietený tím ľudí z niekoľkých vedných odborov: psychológie (Marína Mikulajová), logopédie (Svetlana Kapalková) a lingvistiky (Daniela Slančová, Jana Kesselová, Zuzana Ondráčková, Stanislava Zajacová, Iveta Bónová) sa pravidelne stretával, diskutoval a hľadal spôsob, ako zmobilizovať sily pri napĺňaní vytýčených cieľov – realizovať výskum detskej reči intaktných (zdravo sa vyvíjajúcich) jedincov a pritom vychádzať z reálneho longitudinálneho sledovania detí. Som veľmi rada a zároveň vďačná, že som mohla byť súčasťou tímu na začiatku systematického výskumu v oblasti osvojovania detskej reči na Slovensku. Ako členka tohto tímu a spoluriešiteľka viacerých projektov v danej oblasti som mala možnosť participovať na výskume detskej reči, ktorá už dnes nie je „na chvoste“ vedeckého záujmu. Ide o seriózny, exaktný kvantitatívnymi a kvalitatívnymi údajmi podložený výskum, realizovaný systematicky, „na vynikajíci vědecké úrovni“ (Průcha, 2011, s. 14). Samotnému bádaniu prirodzene predchádzal zber dát. Technológie konca 20. storočia umožnili uplatniť už prekonanú metódu denníkových zápiskov a nahradiť ju v súčasnosti najčastejšie aplikovaným spôsobom získavania materiálu – audiovizuálnymi nahrávkami. Syntéza analyzovaných v časovej následnosti získavaných dát, ich explanácia, generalizácia a včlenenie do širšieho interdisciplinárneho bádateľského kontextu je o to zaujímavejšia a prínosnejšia, že ústi do logopedickej praxe. Práve vďaka výsledkom najnovších výskumov sa v logopédii rozširujú intervenčné možnosti, rozvíjajú sa a rozpracovávajú metódy (aj ranej) diagnostiky a stimulácie.

(Z úvodu)

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Vybrané kapitoly z dejín Grécka a Ríma



Milan Olejník

Dejiny antického Grécka a Ríma sú kulmináciou úspechov, ktoré dosiahli staroveké civilizácie v politickej, hospodárskej a spoločenskej sfére, v poznaní človeka a sveta a v umení. Gréci ako prví v dejinách ľudstva dokázali vytvoriť systém, v ktorom určitá časť spoločnosti – plnoprávni občania, mala možnosť slobodne rozhodovať o politickom a dianí, mohli voliť a byť zvolení do úradov rámci daného politického systému a mali právo diskutovať o otázkach dotýkajúcich sa života komunity. Vysoký stupeň vzdelanosti a hľadanie racionálneho vysvetlenia prírodných javov, umožnili Grékom dosiahnuť úroveň poznania, ku ktorej sa európske národy dopracovali až v novoveku. Úspechy Grékov v sochárstve, architektúre i v literatúre sú dodnes inšpiráciou. Napriek odstupu viac než dvoch tisícročí sú nám svojim myslením a konaním blízki, rozumieme ich víťazstvám i porážkam a sú v mnohom zdrojom poučenia aj dnes.
Demokracia bola určujúcim princípom aj Rímskej republiky a významným predpokladom úspechu Ríma v zápolení vládu nad Itáliou a postupne celým Stredomorím. I keď vznik Rímskej ríše možno charakterizovať ako výsledok dobyvačných vojen, Rimania dokázali integrovať odlišné kultúry a pretvoriť komunity, ktoré sa nachádzali na rôznom stupni vývoja do spoločenstva národov, založeného na unifikovanom hospodárskom a právnom základe, umožňujúcom slobodu pohybu a výmenu ideí v Stredomorí i za jeho hranicami. Práca je koncipovaná ako učebná pomôcka, ktorá prístupnou formou poskytuje informácie o zlomových udalostiach dejín antického Grécka a Ríma. Pozornosť je venovaná aj stručnej charakteristike významných osobností a ich miesta v historickom dianí. V základných rysoch je načrtnutý hospodársky vývoj antickej spoločnosti a faktory ktoré ho podmieňovali. V závere sú analyzované príčiny úpadku a zániku Rímskeho impéria. Práca je doplnená zoznamom literatúry, ktorá je dostupná v Štátnej vedeckej knižnici v Košiciach a na Katedre dejín FF UPJŠ. V zozname literatúry sú uvedené aj internetové zdroje.

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Allusions 2024



Peter Getlík  (ed.)

Methodological Overlaps in Literary Research (15th – 16th April 2024 in Košice)

Proceedings of Extended Abstracts from the International Conference Allusions 2024: Methodological Overlaps in Literary Research (15th – 16th April 2024 in Košice) are being published in the final phase and last year of the APVV-19-0244 project, Methodological Procedures in Literary-Scholarship Research with an Impact on the Media Environment. The collection captures the mutual communication of several related disciplines. The authors of the abstracts present literary, translation, media, cultural, and other methodological approaches in their research on various topics, which are united by the theme of overlapping and connecting disciplines, methods, directions, or even the art works themselves, as hinted at by the playful term "allusions" in the conference title.

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Uplatnenie systémovej teórie pri integrácii...


Jana BajusováDušan Šlosár

The integration of immigrants into society is currently of interest to many professionals and to the general public. Immigration is a consequence of a variety of factors, mainly due to political, social, economic or security conditions in the countries of origin. Immigration is subsequently linked to the process of integrating immigrants into the host country. The integration of immigrants into society or integration, as this process is called in the monograph, is a complex phenomenon that extends to many spheres of everyday life for the citizens of the receiving country, and at the same time is often difficult for immigrants. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations are involved in the process of social integration of immigrants, who develop different strategies and mechanisms to streamline the outcome of this process.

In relation to immigrants, the Slovak Republic is bound to provide social and legal protection and therefore it is necessary to deal with the issue of social services, which could potentially significantly contribute to their social integration into Slovak society. From the legislative point of view, however, these services are unified and do not take into account the differences of immigrants resulting from their culture, religion, social, ethical or other characteristics. That is why the monograph focuses on social integration of immigrants in Slovakia in the context of provided social services.

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K problému dichotómií v dejinách politického...



Daniel Dobiaš

The work deals with the evolution in theory and practice of democracy, open society and humanism which is marked by dichotomy of its own progressive and regressive features. Civilization trajectory of human reality, the implementation strategy thought overlaps through a reality in the form of freedom, solidarity and human rights, formulation of normative ideas of man and his/her nature, rationalistic universalism and voluntaristic individualism created preconditions for the political background of modern societies which established democratic order with rules allowing to dispose with freedom to which the individual, as a rational being, is authorized. Moreover, the perspective of awareness of ambiguity and paradoxical content of individual parameters of democracy, open society and humanism, ideologically shaped and fixed by worldviews of economic and political elites, from our point of view, is a mirror image of how those conditions differ from the standard assumptions formulated in theory. 

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Praktická didaktika slovenčiny ako cudzieho...



Marianna Sedláková a kol.

The textbook is intended for students of Slovak studies to study the subject of didactics of Slovak as a foreign language.

Its core consists of relevant knowledge gained from the didactics of Slovak as a foreign language, with references to other professional literature. The textbook also includes practical guides for teaching specific language phenomena in schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction or in schools where students predominantly have a mother tongue other than Slovak, such as Romani. Essentially, it involves transforming knowledge acquired and verified in teaching adult foreigners, mainly at universities, into a didactic context for the second level of elementary school and high school, with appropriate emphasis on teaching Slovak as a foreign language at the first level of elementary school as the starting point for the educational process.

The textbook builds on the findings of real research on the state of teaching Slovak as a foreign language in elementary and secondary schools in eastern Slovakia, conducted in projects (EXPERT and DiSaC) implemented at UPJŠ in Košice from 2012 to 2015.

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Sociálne a politické analýzy 1-2015



Juraj Schenk a kol.

Vedecký časopis Sociálne a politické analýzy je interaktívnou elektronickou platformou pre komunikáciu a prezentáciu (publikovanie) odborníkov a ich práce z oblasti základného a aplikovaného výskumu a analýz v sociologických, psychologických, politologických a metodologických kontextoch. Ide o médium, zamerané na intenzívnu podporu výskumných aktivít a analýz v interdisciplinárnom rámci, výmenu skúseností, rozvoj spolupráce a vitalizáciu produkcie v tejto oblasti vedeckej práce.
Publikačná časť časopisu ponúka priestor pre uverejňovanie prác ako sú:
- pôvodné výskumné sociologické, psychologické, politologické štúdie a analýzy v ľubovoľných oblastiach sociálneho života
- metodologické štúdie
- výskumné správy
- štúdie z kvalifikačných prác
- projekty výskumov a analýz
- rezenzie

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Mediácia v systéme sociálnej práce


Dušan Šlosár • Vladimír Lichner

Táto vysokoškolská učebnica má za cieľ ponúknúť čitateľovi poznanie filozofických východísk, zmyslu, a cieľa mediácie, a to na základe výskumu a rozboru činností mediátorov. V krajinách, kde pôsobia mediačné služby, sú jej pracovníkmi často absolventi odboru sociálna práca. Individuálny prístup k páchateľovi trestného činu, ale i k obeti trestného činu, si vyžaduje vedomosti a zručnosti práve z odboru sociálnej práce, psychológie, sociológie, komunikácie a ďalšie, ktoré sa viažu na odbor sociálna práca. Princípy sociálnej práce sa uplatňujú nielen vo sfére sociálnej politiky a sociálnej starostlivosti, ale aj v justícii. Poslaním mediátora je sprostredkovanie alternatívneho riešenia protiprávnych činov pri zachovaní účelu právneho konania, tak ako je definovaný platnými právnymi normami. Svoje poslanie napĺňa prostredníctvom špecifických metód individuálnej sociálnej práce, aplikovaných v oblasti justície. V strede záujmu mediátora nestojí len aktuálny konflikt, ale tiež snaha odhaľovať súvisiace problémy. Zároveň aktivizovať strany sporu k riešeniu sporu a súčasne predchádzať novým konfliktom. Osobitnú pozornosť venujeme filozofickým východiskám mediácie na Slovensku. Ponúkame prehľad základných činností mediátora a druhy mediácií, ktoré sú používané pri napĺňaní spravodlivosti na Slovensku. Analyzujeme ciele mediácie, postavenie jednotlivých strán a postup pri vykonávaní mediácie. V oblasti uplatnenia mediácie sa zaobráme jej možnosťami a uplatnením ako v práve, tak aj v sociálnej práci. Ako vyplýva z uvedeného, mediáciu nemožno chápať iba ako špecifickú činnosť realizovanú v oblasti trestnej činnosti, pretože môže mať široké uplatnenie i v inom mimosúdnom riešení sporov, napríklad v oblasti práce s rodinou, komunitami, a pod., čo býva často verejnosťou opomínané. Špecifickosť prístupu mediátora k rôznym cieľovým skupinám ponúkame z rôznych teoretických východísk. Z tohto rámca vyvodzujeme aktivity, ktoré predpokladáme u mediátorov v budúcnosti. Rozšírenie aktivít vyplýva z konkrétnych situácií prinášaných výkonom mediácie.

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Mám či nemám: Etika v psychologickej praxi



Monika Hricová

Despite the fact that a psychologist may have a good moral background, it is necessary for everyone to know and act in accordance with ethical professional principles in order not to harm the clients with whom they work in the course of psychological practice. There are many case studies in the professional literature that describe serious situations of violations of psychological ethics. On the one hand, they depict conscious professional misconduct or ignorance. On the other hand, they have contributed to the introduction of even legal standards for the ethical behavior of psychologists as professionals. Completion of a course or training in the topic of psychological ethics is required by several professional associations abroad, especially in the last years of undergraduate studies. Their goal is to supervise the quality and preparation of future psychologists. The university textbook Do I Have It or Not: Ethics in Psychological Practice provides a summary of essential information on the ethics of conducting psychological practice, the boundaries of the relationship with the client, and the rules of confidentiality. The goal is not for the student, as a future psychologist, to know ethical rules word for word, but for them to be sufficiently ethically sensitive.

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Pohyb ku kognitívnym adaptačným štúdiám....



Peter Getlík

The main goal of the monograph "Moving Towards Cognitive Adaptation Studies: Adaptation as Play" was to orient current research in adaptation studies towards the empirically responsible cognitive branch of non-radical constructivism. This intention results from the rapid progressive differentiation of adaptation studies research, which has mainly manifested itself in this area in the last two decades. With the model of adaptation as play in a cognitive-scientific perspective, author provides the possibility of predicting the nature (also in a broader sense) of the experience of adaptation. Since the form of this experience significantly shapes the products of the adaptation process into their final form, the model of adaptation as play can be applied even in the interpretation of individual adaptations. In the monograph, the author synthesized the model of adaptation as play based on the knowledge of various disciplines. In the field of cognitive sciences, he saw help from the starting points of philosophy, linguistics, informatics, psychology, anthropology, biology and neuroscience – especially affective neuroscience, which also deals with the emotional dimension of the play. In the intersection with the essential interdisciplinary components of adaptation research, he also used the knowledge of classical and cognitive variations of literary science, film science (also theatrology) and media studies to a large extent. Consistent with other similar results of cognitive sciences, it turns out that even seemingly serious adaptations, like in many aspects of our culture, have a ludic base.

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Ako sa píšu dejiny? Metódy – prístupy – pramene...



Katarína Hromuľáková (ed.)


Proceedings of the Scientific Conference. Košice, October 16-17, 2019

The proceedings titled "Ako sa píšu dejiny? Metódy – prístupy – pramene" present the contributions from the conference "Meeting of Young Historians IX," annually organized by the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ.

In the individual contributions, which span from the Middle Ages to the most recent history, the authors propose various theoretical and methodological research approaches to history, which currently represent fundamental prerequisites for historical research.

The ambition of the authors, as the next generation of historians, is not only to open up current questions of theoretical reflection in historiography but also to offer concrete examples supported by their own research.

Mgr. Katarína Hromuľáková

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Sociálna opora ako významná súčasť života...



Magdaléna Hovanová

The monograph is devoted to social support, set in the adolescent's environment. Social support can also be described as relational support from the environment in which the individual lives, and thus increases his resistance to stress and the desire to overcome life's failures and crises. It is for this reason that social support was also defined in the context of social-ecological theory. An innovation in the relationship with social support was the "Push-pull" theory, oriented to the individual's motivation. The defining anchoring of social support was built on its most famous theories. However, the greatest attention was focused on the possibilities of measuring social support, because its multidimensional measurement is necessary to determine the mechanism by which it works. The monograph therefore offered the author's validation processing and verification of psychometric properties of two separate methodologies Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) - (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, Farley 1988) and Social Support Survey (MOS) - (Sherbourne, Stewart 1991). The monograph results in two validation-verified separate methodologies for measuring types and sources of social support, which are reliable for use in a group of Slovak adolescents (MOS-SK and MSPSS-SK).

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Dejiny Balkánu po druhej svetovej vojne



Maroš Melichárek

The history of the Balkans (not just in the 20th century) and its nations have had an irreplaceable place at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice for several years. Therefore, this textbook is a logical culmination of this established trend. It represents the third publication focused on Southeastern Europe, as in 2015 a monograph titled International Relations in the 19th and 20th Centuries I (Nations of Southeastern Europe in International Politics, 1804 – 1856) was published, and in 2020 Nations of Southeastern Europe under International Politics from 1856 to 1913.

Logically then, this publication complements the literature portfolio (both thematically and chronologically) for students interested in this still turbulent region. Previous works are scientific monographs that can also be used during pedagogical processes; however, this work is directly aimed at students and their needs.

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Reflexia pedagogických možností vých. systémov...



Ján Juščák - Milan Darák

I.časť: Výchovné systémy vybraných detských organizácií

Cieľom monografie bolo analyzovať a spracovať problematiku výchovných systémov detských a mládežníckych organizácií s dôrazom na tie, ktoré sa zameriavajú na vekovú kategóriu detí do 15 rokov. Východiskom bol rozbor aktuálneho stavu edukačného priestoru z hľadiska systémového charakteru výchovy a bazálnych kategórií systému výchovy. Zhromaždené dostupné materiály o výchovných systémoch vybraných (najreprezentatívnejších) detských a mládežníckych organizácií v SR sme následne spracovali podľa jednotnej metodiky a s využitím všeobecne akceptovanej pedagogickej terminológie.

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Rozhodovanie a proces dosahovania cieľov



Jozef BavoľárLadislav LovašSimona Ďurbisová

The process of achieving goals is one that has traditionally received significant attention in psychology. This attention is not only directed by researchers focused on motivation, with which the process of achieving goals is classically associated, but also from a wide range of other areas (e.g., emotions, personality). One aspect of goal-directed behavior that has received minimal, if not virtually no, attention is decision-making.

It is surprising to realize that various aspects of decision-making are present throughout the entire process of achieving goals - from evaluating different aspects of multiple alternative goals, through selecting among them, deciding on resource allocation (effort, time, finances, relationships...), continuously monitoring progress, to evaluating the outcome and its impact on future goal-directed behavior.

Even more surprising is that decision-making is directly addressed by one of the dominant theories explaining goal-directed behavior - the theory of mental action phases (mindset theory of action phases; Gollwitzer 1999, 2012). This theory distinguishes the pre-decisional and post-decisional phases as the first two phases of this behavior, separated precisely by the decision about which goal to pursue.

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Rizikové správanie onkologicky chorých klientov...


Lucia TóthováEva Žiaková

The current time is fast, hasty, with strongly asserted women's emancipation, absorbed by information and communication technologies that overcome distances but create them at the same time. The lifestyle of humans is changing, many diseases are on the rise, and cancer is becoming a "trend of the present". Claims on man, and especially on women, are now too great. Women perform multiple roles and perform many tasks. They become caregiving mothers, understanding and surrendered wives, workers with professionalism and flexibility, and idols the myth of beauty too. Due to the overlapping of the traditional gender division of labor, the life of women takes place on several levels. Their work day does not end when they leave the job, but they continue to care for their household and their own family. Besides all, they strive to fulfill not only personal expectations, but also the expectations of the family, social environment and society, reject failure and strive for perfectionism.

In our lives, situations that affect and burden us more or less appear. Even though we can not in control everything and everyone, we are able to control situations that are of direct concern to us. In life, we encounter problems in employment, financial problems, illness or death of near. As well as negative, also positive situations affect us. Each responds to each situation different ways.

Monograph is one of the ways in which we aim to draw attention to the so "C-coping style" as a maladaptive way of managing the burden that is typical of oncological ill patients. It is one of the possible concepts that affect the manifestation of breast cancer. Based on this, we have focused on the used coping strategies and we consider the life events to be a significant burden in the lives of cancer patients. The research is aimed at synthesizing the life events and the coping strategies used to coping them, conceived as a risk behavior of patients with breast cancer. As the coping of the burden can be different between men and women, the monograph is intended predominantly for women, to which we have also focused in realized research. They can be patients with oncological diagnosis, but also women who want to prevent this disease by use effective coping life events. We also believe that the monograph will enrich everyone who is interested in the same target group.

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