Sociálnoprávna ochrana detí a rodiny v pomáhajúcich profesiách


Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph deals with the issue of social protection of the family, where the basis is a view of the family as a natural part of human and social life. The starting point is provided by the institutes that create and structure it, influence its value orientation, the development of social relations within the family, but also relations to the social environment.

In broader contexts, the monographic treatment of social protection provides the results of transdisciplinary knowledge. It deals with the work of helping professionals with functional and non-functional families and families with special needs. It offers problem solving through tailored methods, techniques, procedures and measures used by various helping professions in the field of social protection and social guardianship.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Magdaléna Hovanová - Dušan Šlosár
Document type:
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Arts
Publikované v rámci projektu VEGA 1/0285/18 Rizikové správanie adolescentov ako klientov sociálnej práce v dôsledku ich osamelosti.
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16 other products in the same category:

Manifestations of Radicalism and Extremism in...


Lucia TóthováDušan Šlosár

The publication "Manifestations of Radicalism and Extremism in Social Relations" is an input analysis of the individual areas that the authors want to focus on in their research activities in the study of radicalism and extremism. The context of the study is in the possibility of social work in influencing radical and extremist tendencies in those areas that we can designate as working fields of social work. The authors of the individual papers focus on the theoretical definition of extremism and radicalism, types and forms of extremism, factors affecting the formation of the radical and extremist thoughts, focusing on specific target groups (especially youth) and the role of social work in the issue of radicalism and extremism, and they also represent the results of research in the field.

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Poznanie, spoločnosť, dejiny. Stretnutie...



Miriama Filčáková (ed.)

Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Conference of Young Historians, organized by the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, on October 19-20, 2021.

Currently, these histories are often presented as an extension of the history of science. The history of knowledge not only expands the boundaries of the history of science but also explores the boundaries between different forms of knowledge and ignorance. Just as studies of historical memory have expanded and complemented their interest in researching forgetting, the history of knowledge includes studies of ignorance. They focus on the change that has occurred over the past decades: from the sacralization of science and respect for professional knowledge to the rejection of science and constant questioning of professional knowledge, to which the history of knowledge must also respond. Findings as a product form the basis of human interactions and have their own past. What was the significance of knowledge and cognition in different historical periods? How did state power influence the development of knowledge and cognition? What can be considered knowledge in a particular historical era or culture? Finally, is there any human activity that cannot be considered knowledge?

Currently, in the field of the history of knowledge, a significant surge in research, publishing, and the emergence of new institutions can be observed. The eleventh doctoral conference—Meeting of Young Historians XI, organized by the Department of History at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in cooperation with the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences—will contribute to expanding the perspective on the past of knowledge and cognition. The conference, intended for Slovak and foreign doctoral students, aims to provide a space for presenting the latest results of scientific research, professional discussion, establishing contacts, developing cooperation, and exchanging experiences among the broader historical community. The starting point for the conference is a peer-reviewed proceedings volume consisting of publication outputs from active participants.

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Karin Sabolíková

The monograph provides a brief insight into the theory of news structures in the press and, consequently, the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis is applied in an examination of the structures of news. Critical discourse analysis following the theory and methodology of Teun van Dijk is used to analyse the representation of an industrial dispute, the Miners’ Strike of 1984-1985 in the UK, in the Czechoslovak newspaper Pravda.

The aim of the monograph is to examine the ways in which a single news item dealing with an international event was presented in a national newspaper based on its ideological perspective. The presented analysis does not cover all possible aspects of van Dijk’s approach of critical discourse analysis. A variety of issues remains to be explored in order to develop a richer, more complex analysis of the text structures. The monograph also intends to demonstrate that critical discourse analysis can complement more qualitatively the traditional method of quantitative content analysis.

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Súčasnosť a budúcnosť sociálnej práce v...



Vladimír Lichner, Tomáš Šeďo

Peer-Reviewed Collection of Contributions from a Scientific Conference with International Participation Held on November 25, 2022 in Košice

"The presented peer-reviewed collection of contributions titled "Present and Future of Social Work in the Reflection of Social Changes" is the output of a scientific conference with international participation, marking the 10th anniversary of the Košické dni sociálnej práce, held on November 25, 2022. The conference was dedicated to the vision of social work, its methods, and techniques in the context of societal changes. With the changing times come new challenges to which social work must be prepared to respond. The central focus of the collection is the search for answers to pre-defined questions: "Is the current social work system adequately configured for current societal problems? Can social work promptly respond to new and unknown challenges? Are the known methods of social work effective in dealing with contemporary negative phenomena? Do we need additional methods? If so, what are they?" Individual contributions touch on theoretical concepts in the search for answers, but they also include empirically based contributions that reflect research results from various areas of society and problematic situations, with a view to providing recommendations for both the theory and practice of social work.

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Školský systém na Slovensku v medzivojnovej...



Soňa Gabzdilová

Vzdelávací systém (školstvo) je jedným z najúčinnejších nástrojov formovania mladej generácie v každej vyspelej spoločnosti. V školách sa utvára nielen vzdelanostná báza nutná pre plnenie požiadaviek v hospodárstve a v spoločenskej sfére, ale taktiež sa formuje národná a ideová identita každého člena spoločnosti. Škola má určujúci podiel na tvorbe pozitívnych hodnôt, ale môže byť aj živnou pôdou xenofóbie a rasistických postojov.

Nezastupiteľnú úlohu má škola vo vytváraní národného povedomia, stotožnenia sa s vlastným národom, jeho históriou, hrdinskými činmi predkov a so zmyslom existencie.

Po rozpade Rakúsko-Uhorska došlo v strednej Európe k fundamentálnym geopolitickým zmenám. Jednou z nich bol vznik Československa, štátu založeného na radikálne odlišných princípoch než bolo predvojnové Uhorsko. Zakladatelia Československej republiky (ČSR), osobnosti, ktoré rozhodujúcim spôsobom určili charakter politického zriadenia v novovzniknutej republike, nepatrili k privilegovaným vrstvám predošlého režimu. Na rozdiel od Uhorska, kde takmer bez výnimky kontrolovala politickú moc šľachta, elitu v Československu tvorili muži, ktorí boli radikálnymi kritikmi Rakúsko-Uhorska. Výstižným príkladom bola najvplyvnejšia osobnosť medzivojnového Československa, prezident Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. Napriek svojmu pôvodu Masaryk bol Čechmi i Slovákmi vnímaný ako zakladateľ štátu, legendárna postava, ktorá politickým a spoločenským vplyvom ďaleko presahovala právomoci prezidentského úradu. Protikladom ku konzervatívnemu Uhorsku bolo Československo štátom, kde najmä v prvých rokoch dominovali ľavicové idey. Nemenej hlboké boli zmeny v politickej a národnostnej rovine. Československo sa stalo parlamentnou demokraciou, v rámci ktorej pôsobili politické zoskupenia organizované na ideovom, konfesionálnom i etnickom princípe. Mocenským, politickým a spoločenským centrom republiky sa stal tzv. československý národ, súručenstvo Čechov a Slovákov. Česi a Slováci, vnímaní ako „vetvy“ jednotného národného celku, boli definovaní ako „štátotvorný národ“, ipso facto, oprávnení k určujúcej úlohe v štáte. Československá republika sa takto stala národným štátom, napriek skutočnosti, že obyvateľstvo tvorili aj početné komunity Nemcov a Maďarov. Na Slovensku v dôsledku maďarizácie, t. j. transformácie mnohonárodnostného Uhorska na etnicky homogénny štát, nezohrávala inteligencia tak významnú úlohu ako tomu bolo v Čechách. Štátne orgány preto úsilie zacielili predovšetkým na „poslovenčenie“ 5 Slovenska. Významná, vari najvýznamnejšia úloha v uvedenom procese pripadala výstavbe školského systému, ktorý by dokázal vychovávať mladú generáciu v súlade s ideologickými cieľmi a hospodárskymi potrebami republiky.

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Sociálna práca so skupinou


Lucia Tóthová

Social work with a group, along with social work with individuals, social work with the community and social work with society, is one of the basic methods used in the field of social work, but also in other helping professions. The work of a social worker requires knowledge of these methods but also of the techniques through which these methods are implemented and fulfilled. Understanding and acquiring individual methods for the needs of social practice requires the theoretical mastery of those institutes that are the basis of the method and the interrelationships between these institutes. Therefore, the author proceeded to elaborate a university textbook in which she focuses on one of the basic methods of social work, namely social work with a group.

The university textbook is designed for university students who are focused on social work studies, but also psychology, ethics and other disciplines using the method of working with a group, as it aims to present some facts about social groups and behaviour in them.

The author offers an insight into social work with the group from its historical foundations to today's latest knowledge of this method in accordance with the latest research of work with the group.

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Násilie v sociálnej práci


Soňa Lovašová - Katarína ŠiňanskáMagdaléna Halachová  - Vladimír Lichner (eds.)

Ústrednou témou konferencie je násilie v sociálnej práci. Násilie sa v sociálnej práci vyskytuje v rôznych formách. Či už ako práca s klientmi – obeťami rôznych typov násilia, alebo ako práca s agresívnym klientom, keď obeťou je sám sociálny pracovník. Násilie v spoločnosti prudko narastá a sociálna práca je vedou, ktorá sa spoločnosti nutne musí prispôsobovať; je to jej podstata. Preto zvládanie agresívnych situácií v akejkoľvek podobe je pre sociálneho pracovníka dôležitou súčasťou osobnostnej výbavy. Žiaľ, aj ochrana sociálneho pracovníka pred násilím sa postupne stane nutnosťou a nás možno v budúcnosti neminie nácvik sebaobrany a znižovania agresivity ako súčasť prípravy na povolanie, či celoživotného vzdelávania. Zámerom tohoto zborníka je priblížiť odbornej aj laickej verejnosti problematiku násilia v sociálnej práci z rôznych uhlov pohľadu. Veríme, že sa tomuto vážnemu problému bude venovať čoraz viac pozornosti a že jednotlivé príspevky pomôžu čitateľovi pochopiť rozsah problému násilia v sociálnej práci.

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Výchova a vzdelávanie 2014: Kontexty...



Ján Juščák - Renáta OrosováZuzana Nováková

Zborník abstraktov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie 5. - 6. február 2014

Conference proceedings of abstracts is one of the outputs of the international scientific conference entitled Education 2014: Contexts of education in the current perspective held 5 to 6 Feb 2014 at University of Pavol Jozef Šafárika in Kosice. This conference focused on the issues of education and emphasizes the current state and prospects of educational practice, topical aspects of undergraduate teacher training, health psychology in educational practice, as well as pedagogical and psychological aspects of education in primary educational institutions in view of the broad educational community. It was aimed for scientists, young university teachers, PhD students as well as experts and teachers, to present trends in education and to stimulate discussion on topical issues presented in the field of education.


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„Pán doktor, rozumiete po slovensky?“




Ingrid MadárováVeronika PálováLucia Tóthová

Audio attachments - format RAR

The audio-exercise workbook “Pán doktor, rozumiete po slovensky?”is a follow-up to the textbook “Pán doktor, hovoríte po slovensky?” (Madárová et al.)and is intended for international students of Slovak as a foreign language in the medical environment.

This workbook provides the students with an opportunity to practise and enhance mostly their listening skills and pronunciation through various short dialogues between doctors and patients in the Slovak language. Dialogues contain the vocabulary used in the textbook Pán doktorhovoríte po slovensky?.  Students are encouraged to build their confidence in speaking Slovak by practising these dialogues in the new workbook.

The audio-exercise workbook is comprised of 16 units. Each unit offers short dialogues and recordings

A number of dialogues enable its wide use for self-studying while the most frequent phrases related primarily to body parts, signs and symptoms of illnesses, diseases or various medical conditions are practised in different contexts in a variety of exercises.

Original illustrations enable students to understand dialogues more easily and the correct answers of the exercises and the scripts of the recordings can be found in the Answer key at the end of the workbook.

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Jazyková kultúra nielen pre lingvistov (vybrané...



Iveta BónováLucia Jasinská

Language culture is not only for linguists; it is a professional publication suitable as a textbook, in which we attempt to describe and explain the most frequent phenomena of speech practice in an innovative way.

These phenomena are observed not only in the media environment but also in the academic sphere, which, with regard to the communication sphere (mass media communication, scientific research), are often used incorrectly and thus subconsciously penetrate the language awareness of all language users.

This includes those for whom language is a working tool with a primarily representative function (teachers at all levels of schools or radio and television workers).

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e-Slovenčina pre zubárov v praxi – kazuistiky



Beáta JurečkováLívia Barnišinová

The e-Slovak textbook for dentists in practice - case studies is intended for foreign students of dentistry. It is primarily intended for students of the Slovak language as a foreign language, but the knowledge of the grammatical and lexical basics of the Slovak language at the A1, A2 level is needed.

The textbook consists of eight lessons, which are focused on listening comprehension (audio recordings), vocabulary expansion, systematisation of grammar and development of speech skills (case studies). The two lessons consist of repetitive, concluding exercises. The primary goal of the textbook is to connect language training with professional dental practice.

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Realism, Modernism, Postmodernism: Five Modern...



Soňa Šnircová

This textbook has been designed as supporting material for the postgraduate course on modern trends in European literature. It focuses on the presentation of five modern literary modes of writing: the realistic mode which was brought to its prominence by the nineteenth-century Realist movement; the stream-of-consciousness and ‘absurdist’ modes which were developed in the context of modernism; and the magical realist and metafictional modes which are associated mainly with postmodernist literary trends. Each mode is represented by a well-known text which demonstrates the formal aspects of each mode and deals with the thematic concerns typical of the literary movement that influenced its production. The textbook adopts an interdisciplinary approach, placing the chosen literary texts into the historical, philosophical and cultural contexts that shaped their characters, and thereby providing the background knowledge necessary for a deeper understanding of their formal and thematic aspects.

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Gadamer a grécka filozofia

Availability: 2 In Stock

Kristína Bosáková

Pokus o konfrontáciu Gadamerovho učenia nielen s velikánmi gréckej filozofie, ale aj s Hegelom a Heideggerom nie je jednoduchá úloha. Celá Gadamerova historicko-filozofická tvorba je však najvýraznejšie spojená s týmito antickými mysliteľmi a s dvoma géniami nemeckého filozofického myslenia. Preto niet vyhnutia. Bez tejto konfrontácie by bolo celé moje úsilie v istom zmysle zbytočné. To, či a ako sa mi to podarí, je už iná otázka. Každý čitateľ si určite vytvorí svoj vlastný úsudok.

Edukácia, roč. 3, č. 2/2019


Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

Stránka časopisu >>>

Vedecko-odborný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom, s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.

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Problematic Internet Use among Adolescents in...


Vladimír Lichner - Dušan Šlosár

The scientific monograph focuses on the issue of adolescent risk behaviors on the internet in the form of its problematic use in the context of valid theories and practices of a social work. Text of the monograph is divided into four parts. The first part focuses on the multidisciplinary definition of a risk behavior on the internet. It offers an up-to-date literary overview of the issue through the latest, especially foreign, theoretical knowledge. The second part focuses on the problematic use of the internet in contexts of valid origins of the social work. The third part focuses on the presentation of the most important psychosocial factors correlating with the problematic internet use in the adolescent´s group. The theoretical knowledge is supplemented by the authors research into the present factors. The final part is application-oriented and focuses on the possibilities that the social work offers at the praxis level to prevent and solve the presented problems.

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Sociálne a politické analýzy 1-2008



Juraj Schenk a kol.

Vedecký časopis Sociálne a politické analýzy je interaktívnou elektronickou platformou pre komunikáciu a prezentáciu (publikovanie) odborníkov a ich práce z oblasti základného a aplikovaného výskumu a analýz v sociologických, psychologických, politologických a metodologických kontextoch. Ide o médium, zamerané na intenzívnu podporu výskumných aktivít a analýz v interdisciplinárnom rámci, výmenu skúseností, rozvoj spolupráce a vitalizáciu produkcie v tejto oblasti vedeckej práce.
Publikačná časť časopisu ponúka priestor pre uverejňovanie prác ako sú:
- pôvodné výskumné sociologické, psychologické, politologické štúdie a analýzy v ľubovoľných oblastiach sociálneho života
- metodologické štúdie
- výskumné správy
- štúdie z kvalifikačných prác
- projekty výskumov a analýz
- rezenzie

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