Analysis of radical and extremist groups, movements, sects and cults and their activities in the Slovak Republic

Vladimír Lichner

The scientific monograph focuses on the analysis of radical and extremist groups, movements, sects and cults and their activities in the Slovak Republic. It provides a theoretical insight into the issues of specific organizations and movements that have been characterized in the past, or are currently characterized by belonging to ideologies that we might call anti-social. It does not focus unilaterally on one type of violent extremism, but focuses on the issue of both right-wing and left-wing religious groups. In the final part it offers a brief suggestion of prevention procedures, which could significantly influence the increase of extremist manifestations especially in young people.

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16 other products in the same category:

Metodologické inšpirácie v literárnovednom...


Ivica Hajdučeková a kol.  

Štvorročný grantový projekt VEGA č. 1/0736/15 Metodologické prieniky do (re)interpretácie diel slovenskej a svetovej literatúry (vedúci: prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc.), ktorý bol riešený na Katedre slovakistiky, slovanských filológií a komunikácie FF UPJŠ v Košiciach v rokoch 2015 – 2018, priniesol počas svojho trvania niekoľko výstupov. Okrem samostatných vedeckých štúdií publikovaných priebežne časopisecky, doma aj v zahraničí, bol vydaný zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Text v kontextoch. Text v interdisciplinárnych interpretáciách (2018) a tiež vedecká monografia Duchovnosť v (re)interpretácii diel slovenskej literatúry (2016). Túto viacročnú spoluprácu tímu spoluriešiteľov završujú dva kľúčové publikačné výstupy, ktoré tvoria komplementárny, myšlienkovo prepojený celok:
1. Metodologické inšpirácie v literárnovednom výskume I (Zborník vybraných prednášok a abstraktov),
2. Metodologické inšpirácie v literárnovednom výskume II (monografia).

Elektronický zborník abstraktov a videozáznamov z priebežne realizovaných prednáškových kolokvií – na ktorých vystúpili viaceré osobnosti zo slovenského, ale aj z českého akademického prostredia – a vedecká monografia sa koncepčne dopĺňajú. Svedčí o tom aj voľba rovnomenných názvov, číselne odlíšených, ktorými sledujeme vopred stanovený projektový zámer, t. j. nadviazať na tradíciu exaktnosti v literárnovednom výskume s akcentom na metodologický pluralizmus. Súbežne aj na propagáciu súčasného, generačne rozvrstveného bádateľského zázemia v univerzitnom priestore na východnom Slovensku, ktoré sa dlhoročne viaže (aj keď historicky divergentne) na akademické prostredie Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach.

Do autorskej zostavy siedmich kapitol monografie boli okrem členov Katedry slovakistiky, slovanských filológií a komunikácie FF UPJŠ zaradení aj dvaja kolegovia z iných vedeckých pracovísk, a to Mgr. Jana Piroščáková (Pácalová), PhD., literárna vedkyňa zo Slovenskej akadémie vied v Bratislave, a prof. PhDr. Lubomír Machala, CSc., univerzitný profesor z Olomouca v Českej republike, ktorí svojimi príspevkami dopĺňajú nielen výskumné zameranie publikácie, ale aj symbolicky zastupujú fakt, že spolupráca na našom pracovisku nie je do seba uzavretá, ale má prirodzené odborové presahy, a to smerom k vedecko-výskumnej inštitúcii, akú Slovenská akadémia vied v Bratislave predstavuje, ale aj smerom k historicky podmienenej väzbe na český univerzitný priestor. Uvedená stratégia medziinštitucionálnej spolupráce bola uplatnená v oboch projektových výstupoch.

Ivica Hajdučeková (editorka)

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Pull and push factors of radicalization in the...



Dušan Šlosár

The monograph offers an insight into radicalization pull and push factors, influencing which is the competence of helping professionals.Radicalization is conditioned by the current social, economic, cultural and political context, i.e. the time-space in which radicalization occurs.It is this fact that directs the content of the monograph to factors that can be considered triggering and influencing factors of radicalization processes as well as radicalization itself.The monograph systematizes knowledge about radicalization from the point of view of pull and push factors, which have been identified as factors of radicalization in professional literature, research reports and other verified sources, including Internet resources focused on radicalization and processes of radicalization, as well as available interventions to influence or prevent radicalization.The monograph mainly focuses on the analysis of pull and push factors that are related to radicalization and radicalization processes.

The monograph offers the results of research carried out through qualitative methodology.The research focused on issues related to radicalization in the research sample consisting of radicalized and non-radicalized respondents.The research focused on the investigation of pull and push factors related to radicalization, which can occur in the family, school or work environment, among peers, in the wider social environment related to the social and political climate in society and the influence of mass media.

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Historický prameň v súčasnosti – archívy,...



Mária Fedorčáková, Miriama Filčáková (eds.)

The theme of the conference proceedings is the issue of sources, their interpretation and use of current digital technologies in their research and access. The proceedings constit of 7 papers by authors working in Slovak and Czech universities. The digitisation of seals is the subject of the paper by Barbora Borůvková. Michael Dudzik deals with the problem of building the road network in modern France and written and cartographic sources. Trends of digitization in Slovak archives and their perception by researchers are elaborated by in Miriama Fialkovičová´s study. Miriama Filčáková dealt with sources on the history of tertiary education in Košice in connection with the establishment of the UPJŠ. The possibilities of researching sources on the electrification of Slovakia are dealt with in the study by Dominik Hrtus. Ondrej Šály in his paper treated the letters of serfs in the 18th century as a source for economic history. Vavrinec Žeňuch discusses the possibilities of researching the eclesiastical history of the Uh county in the modern period.

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Methodological Inspirations in the Research of...


Ivica HajdučekováPeter Getlík (eds.)

Grant project VEGA No. 1/0736/15 Methodological Basis of Literary (re)interpretation in Slovak and World Literature (the head of the project: prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc.), whose realization lasted for four years (2015 – 2018) at the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication of Faculty of Arts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, brought several lecture events with the participation of experts from Slovak and Czech academical space. The original and progressively accomplishing project goal was to continue the tradition of exactness and support its implementation into our everyday scientific thinking and literary-scientific exploration. Each of fourteen invited lectures was a unique, professionally inspiring and humanly enriching meeting. On that account there is a nontraditional project output: the proceedings of selected lectures and abstracts (abstracts were translated into English language by Mgr. Dominika Petáková, internal postgraduate student of literary science at Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication) titled Methodological Inspirations in the Research of Literary Science I., which is intended for academical and study purposes at universities. The topics of the lectures were completed successively according to interest and demands of research team and current scientific research of invited guests.

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Poznanie, spoločnosť, dejiny. Stretnutie...



Miriama Filčáková (ed.)

Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Conference of Young Historians, organized by the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, on October 19-20, 2021.

Currently, these histories are often presented as an extension of the history of science. The history of knowledge not only expands the boundaries of the history of science but also explores the boundaries between different forms of knowledge and ignorance. Just as studies of historical memory have expanded and complemented their interest in researching forgetting, the history of knowledge includes studies of ignorance. They focus on the change that has occurred over the past decades: from the sacralization of science and respect for professional knowledge to the rejection of science and constant questioning of professional knowledge, to which the history of knowledge must also respond. Findings as a product form the basis of human interactions and have their own past. What was the significance of knowledge and cognition in different historical periods? How did state power influence the development of knowledge and cognition? What can be considered knowledge in a particular historical era or culture? Finally, is there any human activity that cannot be considered knowledge? Currently, in the field of the history of knowledge, a significant surge in research, publishing, and the emergence of new institutions can be observed. The eleventh doctoral conference—Meeting of Young Historians XI, organized by the Department of History at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in cooperation with the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences—will contribute to expanding the perspective on the past of knowledge and cognition. The conference, intended for Slovak and foreign doctoral students, aims to provide a space for presenting the latest results of scientific research, professional discussion, establishing contacts, developing cooperation, and exchanging experiences among the broader historical community. The starting point for the conference is a peer-reviewed proceedings volume consisting of publication outputs from active participants.

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Mentor a mentee v profesijnej praktickej...



Renáta Orosová - Michal Novocký - Katarína Petríková

An integral part of the process of becoming a teacher is the mentoring of student teachers by mentor teachers, serving as guidance and support for future teachers. Developing mentoring skills and fostering reflective mentoring practices are means of enhancing the practical training of student teachers, their professional development, and improving the quality of their future educational practice. The foundation of the mentoring relationship between the mentor teacher as a mentor and the student teacher as a mentee is not to evaluate the student, but to analyse their learning and teaching and contemplate ways to enhance these processes. The university textbook represents a creative textual tool focused on innovations in strategies for supporting the development of mentoring abilities in mentors and mentees during professional practical training. This university textbook, intended for student teachers in the role of mentees and mentor teachers in the role of mentors, systematizes the theoretical foundations of mentoring, provides guidance and directives for mentoring in professional practical training. Furthermore, it offers the university teacher, in the role of supervising the student's teaching practice, an overview of techniques and methods pertaining to the mentoring relationship between mentor and mentee. It is applicable as a university textbook for student teachers, students pursuing supplementary pedagogical studies or advanced studies, as well as for mentor teachers in primary and secondary schools, and university educators involved in professional practical training. Its English version provides opportunities for utilization during study stays of student teachers abroad and for foreign students in Slovakia.

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Výzva a riziká spoločnosti v 21. storočí


Gabriel Eštok • Gabriela Szabariová • Matúš Béreš (eds.)

Presented publication is an outcome from the scientific conference for students and young scientists that took place on 12th and 13th May 2016 at the Department of Political science, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The main aim of the presented is to bring up outcomes of research of young scientists and students from Slovakia, as well as from abroad. Many of the presented papers have become integral part of qualification theses of their authors.

This conference proceedings contains 22 papers in Slovak, Czech and English language thematically creating four different parts. Papers regarding international relations or issues exceeding a level of state power are dealing with issues of globalization, counterculture, international terrorism, extremism and a role of the EU in the Arctic. Papers dealing with the situation in the Slovak republic and abroad cover reform of security in Slovakia and in Romania, issue of dealing with totalitarian history of the states of the Visegrad group as well as development of funding of education system in Slovakia since 1919. In case of authors focusing on the socio-political situation in Slovakia we can find papers analyzing role of a reeve in city of Košice, first great political conflict during a rule of Vladimír Mečiar in Slovakia, role of Roma population in political environment in Slovakia, but also those concerning local activist or action groups and examining attitude of nursing care students towards euthanasia. The conference proceedings contents also four papers regarding theoretical or philosophical issues. Their authors focused on topic of social state, social equality, democratic theories and transformation of human nature in “post-human” era.

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Vybrané kapitoly z axiológie (v kontexte...


Štefan Jusko

Vybrané kapitoly z axiológie sú dielom viacročnej bádateľskej práce autora a tiež istým zúročením požiadaviek z pedagogickej praxe tohto predmetu. Kapitoly v tejto syntetizujúcej podobe publikované ešte neboli a som pre-svedčený, že práve v tejto podobe môžu nadobudnúť vyššiu hodnotu a väčší reálny dosah na našich študentov filozofie.
Jednotlivé kapitoly sú zamerané na problém rozpadu tradičných hodnôt, ústiaci často až do nihilizmu a straty zmyslu ľudského bytia. Nie je náhodou, že spoločným menovateľom predložených textov je F. Nietzsche, filozof, ktorý prvý vyzval k prehodnoteniu všetkých hodnôt, ale aj F. Dostojevskij, ruský filozofujúci spisovateľ, ktorý sa na problém nihilizmu, na problém zničotenia hodnôt pozerá inak.
Cieľom predmetných textov je doslova až provokatívne osloviť našich študentov tak, aby otázky spojené so zmyslom vlastnej existencie riešili samostatne a kreatívne, lebo, ako som presvedčený, naša doba je veľkou výzvou k novým, originálnym myšlienkam, k axiologickým súdom, ktoré vždy predchádzali tým kognitívnym.
Do akej miery sa podarilo moje zámery a ciele naplniť, nechávam na čitateľovi.


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Heidegger a grécka filozofia



Vladimír Leško - Katarína Mayerová (eds.)

Hlavným cieľom predkladanej práce je snaha o zachytenie rozhodujúceho spôsobu Heideggerovho filozofického chápania ústredného problému gréckej filozofie, problému bytia, v učeniach Anaximandra, Herakleita, Parmenida, Platona a Aristotela. Autori jednotlivých častí predstavili svoje vlastné chápanie Heideggera a jeho osobitú filozofickú recepciu gréckej filozofie. V tomto kontexte je potrebné konštatovať, že autori sami hľadali svoj vlastný uhol pohľadu. Pri Heideggerovej tvorbe vôbec platí, že nájsť rovnaký interpretačný súzvuk je takmer nemožné. To zároveň platí aj pre jeho recepciu gréckeho dedičstva. O to viac však odborne provokuje ďalšie filozofické skúmania.

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Cursus Latinus - učebnica



Jana Balegová

University textbook „Cursus Latinus - textbook“ is intended for students of the study program Latin language and literature. It is divided into „Introduction“ and 37 lessons. The content of lessons is morphology, sentence syntax and selected phenomena of case syntax of the Latin language. Each of the lessons contains a grammatical explanation, followed by sentences designed to demonstrate the forms of grammatical phenomena and the required vocabulary (Dictionary). Using these examples, students learn the basic principles of translation from Latin into Slovak and from Slovak into Latin. The textbook also includes a Latin-Slovak dictionary containing the entire vocabulary used in the textbook. The „Cursus Latinus - textbook“ is intended for the interpretation of grammar and the acquisition of grammatical phenomena of the Latin language under the guidance of the teacher. A parallel exercise book (Cursus Latinus – exercise book) is used to practice Latin grammar at home. The exercise book includes a key to the exercises and a Latin-Slovak dictionary containing vocabulary from the textbook and the exercise book. University textbook „Cursus Latinus - textbook“ is available electronically in PDF format.

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Sociálne a politické analýzy 2-2010



Juraj Schenk a kol.

Vedecký časopis Sociálne a politické analýzy je interaktívnou elektronickou platformou pre komunikáciu a prezentáciu (publikovanie) odborníkov a ich práce z oblasti základného a aplikovaného výskumu a analýz v sociologických, psychologických, politologických a metodologických kontextoch. Ide o médium, zamerané na intenzívnu podporu výskumných aktivít a analýz v interdisciplinárnom rámci, výmenu skúseností, rozvoj spolupráce a vitalizáciu produkcie v tejto oblasti vedeckej práce.
Publikačná časť časopisu ponúka priestor pre uverejňovanie prác ako sú:
- pôvodné výskumné sociologické, psychologické, politologické štúdie a analýzy v ľubovoľných oblastiach sociálneho života
- metodologické štúdie
- výskumné správy
- štúdie z kvalifikačných prác
- projekty výskumov a analýz
- rezenzie

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