Edukácia, roč. 3, č. 2/2019

Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

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Vedecko-odborný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom, s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.

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ISSN 1339-8725

Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Executive Editor:
Renáta Orosová
Document type:
Number of pages:
3, č .2
Year of publication:
Publication language:
Faculty of Arts
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:




Simona Ďurbisová

Metodická príručka vznikla ako praktický výstup projektu APVV-19-0284 „Faktory výberu a dosahovania dlhodobých cieľov u mladých ľudí v období prechodu do dospelosti“ Katedry psychológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Obdobie prechodu do dospelosti je charakteristické mnohými zmenami, nestabilitou a neistotou, ktoré sú úzko spojené aj so snahou o dosiahnutie cieľov z rôznych oblastí života – či už ide o vzdelávanie, rodinu/vzťahy, kariéru alebo osobný rast. V rámci projektu bola preto pozornosť venovaná bližšiemu preskúmaniu procesu dosahovania týchto cieľov u ľudí v období nastupujúcej dospelosti. Výskumné zistenia pomohli doplniť doposiaľ chýbajúce informácie o špecifikách tejto problematiky, ako aj poskytnúť účelný základ pre potenciálnu aplikáciu intervenčných aktivít.

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K problému dichotómií v dejinách politického...



Daniel Dobiaš

The work deals with the evolution in theory and practice of democracy, open society and humanism which is marked by dichotomy of its own progressive and regressive features. Civilization trajectory of human reality, the implementation strategy thought overlaps through a reality in the form of freedom, solidarity and human rights, formulation of normative ideas of man and his/her nature, rationalistic universalism and voluntaristic individualism created preconditions for the political background of modern societies which established democratic order with rules allowing to dispose with freedom to which the individual, as a rational being, is authorized. Moreover, the perspective of awareness of ambiguity and paradoxical content of individual parameters of democracy, open society and humanism, ideologically shaped and fixed by worldviews of economic and political elites, from our point of view, is a mirror image of how those conditions differ from the standard assumptions formulated in theory. 

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Metanoia v teórii a praxi sociálnej práce



Eva ŽiakováTomáš Šeďo (eds.)

Peer-reviewed collection of contributions from an online scientific conference (9th year of Košické dni sociálnej práce) with international attendance held on the 26th of November 2021.

The present peer-reviewed collection of contributions titled “Metanoia in social work theory and practice” is an output of the 9th year of Košické dni sociálnej práce, an online conference with international attendance held on the 26th of November 2021. As the name of the conference implies, the pivotal topic of submitted contributions is metanoia, which represents a change in life attitude. Various interesting and actual issues concerning diverse aspects of social work are discussed in the individual contributions.

The present collection comprises contributions oriented towards the issues of social pathology and its prevention, supervision, the importance of digital technologies in social work, research methods, self-care and so forth. The collection further contains several contributions devoted to the exceptionally actual issues of radicalism and extremism, which are widespread and serious occurrences in the present time. The contributions are highly original and beneficial from the point of view of theoretical conceptions and methodological procedures apart from offering quality empirical processing and interesting results.

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Sociálna práca so skupinou


Lucia Tóthová

Social work with a group, along with social work with individuals, social work with the community and social work with society, is one of the basic methods used in the field of social work, but also in other helping professions. The work of a social worker requires knowledge of these methods but also of the techniques through which these methods are implemented and fulfilled. Understanding and acquiring individual methods for the needs of social practice requires the theoretical mastery of those institutes that are the basis of the method and the interrelationships between these institutes. Therefore, the author proceeded to elaborate a university textbook in which she focuses on one of the basic methods of social work, namely social work with a group.

The university textbook is designed for university students who are focused on social work studies, but also psychology, ethics and other disciplines using the method of working with a group, as it aims to present some facts about social groups and behaviour in them.

The author offers an insight into social work with the group from its historical foundations to today's latest knowledge of this method in accordance with the latest research of work with the group.

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Hodnota ľudského života v konotáciách Postmoderny



Marián Bednár

The scientific monograph The Value of Human Life in the Connotations of Postmodernism presents a current issue of reflections on the value of human life. It sees in the broader connotations of postmodern society, where the approaches of applied ethics (bioethics), philosophy and Christian theology intersect. This issue is embedded in the historical, philosophical, sociological and cultural-social Postmodernism.

The monograph analyses the postmodern value system, the dominant postmodern anthropological concept, secular bioethics and civil law in relation to human life and its value. The key is the confrontation of the postmodern anti-life mentality and life in the most discussed bioethical issues: contraception, artificial insemination techniques, genetic manipulation, abortion, sterilization, (bio) technology, euthanasia. An alternative approach is offered by the theological vision of human and life presented in the Judeo-Christian context. In the light of modern theological disciplines, the personnel concept is enriched by theological anthropology culminating in an eschatological vision.

In this sense, the issue of the value of human life culminates, which is also inspired by one of the most important encyclicals of Pope John Paul II. Evangelium vitae (25th anniversary of its writing). It is she who calls for the acceptance and respect of every human life and for the practical development of a new culture of life.

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Súčasnosť a budúcnosť sociálnej práce v...



Vladimír Lichner, Tomáš Šeďo

Peer-Reviewed Collection of Contributions from a Scientific Conference with International Participation Held on November 25, 2022 in Košice

"The presented peer-reviewed collection of contributions titled "Present and Future of Social Work in the Reflection of Social Changes" is the output of a scientific conference with international participation, marking the 10th anniversary of the Košické dni sociálnej práce, held on November 25, 2022. The conference was dedicated to the vision of social work, its methods, and techniques in the context of societal changes. With the changing times come new challenges to which social work must be prepared to respond. The central focus of the collection is the search for answers to pre-defined questions: "Is the current social work system adequately configured for current societal problems? Can social work promptly respond to new and unknown challenges? Are the known methods of social work effective in dealing with contemporary negative phenomena? Do we need additional methods? If so, what are they?" Individual contributions touch on theoretical concepts in the search for answers, but they also include empirically based contributions that reflect research results from various areas of society and problematic situations, with a view to providing recommendations for both the theory and practice of social work.

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Podoby vnútorných i vonkajších faktorov...



Eva Žiaková

Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou konanej dňa 27. 11. 2015 v Košiciach

Stres sa v rozvinutých spoločnostiach stáva súčasťou bežného života, čo negatívne vplýva na telesný a duševný stav človeka. Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou s názvom Podoby vnútorných i vonkajších faktorov zvládania záťaže z pohľadu teórie i praxe sociálnej práce je preto venovaný problematike zvládania záťaže z interdisciplinárneho pohľadu. Zaoberá sa celým spektrom problematiky zvládania od najvnútornejších špecificky definovaných faktorov C – systému zvládania u onkologických pacientov a pacientok, zvládania systému vyhorenia v pomáhajúcich profesiách, sociologických súvislostí onkologického ochorenia, cez mieru sociálnej opory, ktorá ponúka človeku priestor pre zvládanie záťaže, až po možnosti zvládania záťažových situácií v najrôznejších oblastiach života.

Sociálne inštitúcie a sociálne organizácie

Availability: 1000 In Stock


Dušan Šlosár

The monograph Social Institutions and Social Organizations analyzes the issues of society, spheres of society, models of social coexistence, social system, social institutions and social organizations that arise within individual social institutions. From social institutions, the monograph focuses on culture, religion, education, politics, health and economics.Individual social institutions are analyzed from several sociological perspectives, which allows the creation of a broader view of the analyzed issues.

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Mentor a mentee v profesijnej praktickej...



Renáta Orosová - Michal Novocký - Katarína Petríková

An integral part of the process of becoming a teacher is the mentoring of student teachers by mentor teachers, serving as guidance and support for future teachers. Developing mentoring skills and fostering reflective mentoring practices are means of enhancing the practical training of student teachers, their professional development, and improving the quality of their future educational practice. The foundation of the mentoring relationship between the mentor teacher as a mentor and the student teacher as a mentee is not to evaluate the student, but to analyse their learning and teaching and contemplate ways to enhance these processes. The university textbook represents a creative textual tool focused on innovations in strategies for supporting the development of mentoring abilities in mentors and mentees during professional practical training. This university textbook, intended for student teachers in the role of mentees and mentor teachers in the role of mentors, systematizes the theoretical foundations of mentoring, provides guidance and directives for mentoring in professional practical training. Furthermore, it offers the university teacher, in the role of supervising the student's teaching practice, an overview of techniques and methods pertaining to the mentoring relationship between mentor and mentee. It is applicable as a university textbook for student teachers, students pursuing supplementary pedagogical studies or advanced studies, as well as for mentor teachers in primary and secondary schools, and university educators involved in professional practical training. Its English version provides opportunities for utilization during study stays of student teachers abroad and for foreign students in Slovakia.

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Analýza radikálnych a extrémistických skupín,...



Vladimír Lichner

The scientific monograph focuses on the analysis of radical and extremist groups, movements, sects and cults and their activities in the Slovak Republic.

It provides a theoretical insight into the issues of specific organizations and movements that have been characterized in the past, or are currently characterized by belonging to ideologies that we might call anti-social.

It does not focus unilaterally on one type of violent extremism, but focuses on the issue of both right-wing and left-wing religious groups. In the final part it offers a brief suggestion of prevention procedures, which could significantly influence the increase of extremist manifestations especially in young people.

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American Ethnic Literatures and Cultures



Zuzana Buráková, Petra Filipová

The canon of American literature has undergone constant revision with many authors who were long excluded from wider recognition now being accepted as significant figures. With the emergence of postcolonial and ethnic studies after the 1960s, the diversity of the literary canon has become greater than ever, and we can now see American literature as remarkably distinctive in this respect. The question of how to define ethnicity and how far an immigrant should go to preserve their ethnic heritage have always been addressed by writers, together with larger issues such as the definition of national identity and national literature, and where we should draw the lines between local and global identities. We understand that a single course in American ethnic literature cannot hope to answer all these complex questions, but we firmly believe that discussing these questions in classes can help us to be more understanding and tolerant of ethnic diversity. For this reason, the main aim of this textbook is to provide an interdisciplinary introduction to American ethnic literatures with an emphasis on their historical and cultural background, to expand students’ knowledge of American literatures and cultures at the master’s level and familiarize them with specific features of ethnic literatures in the contemporary USA. The textbook contains information on Native American, African American, Asian American, Jewish American, and Hispanic American literature, history and culture.

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Maša Haľamová in the Dar – Červený mak – Smrť...



Ivica HajdučekováIveta Bónová

The monograph Maša Haľamová in the triad Dar – červený mak – Smrť tvoju žijem was created as part of the project APVV-19-0244 (Methodological Approaches in Literary Research with an Impact on the Media Environment) in collaboration between Ivica Hajdučeková and Iveta Bónová.

In two parts – Personal History and (Re)interpretation of Maša Haľamová's Poetry, and Phonetic-Rhythmic Embodiment of Maša Haľamová's Poetry – it presents the results of archival research (reconstruction of life events, notes on poetic inspiration, consensus in the opinions of literary critics of the 20th and 21st centuries), (re)interpretations of three poetic collections focusing on the spiritual dimension and the process of spiritualization, and an in-depth analysis of the phonetic-rhythmic qualities of verse structure.

In conclusion, the authors suggest that the Slovak poet Maša Haľamová can be considered a representative of spiritual poetry, which in the Slovak interwar literature follows a specific type of confessional (Protestant) tradition, and at the level of phonetic embodiment, her sound-rhythmic potential acts in the name of subtlety of expression.

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Iveta Bónová

The textbook is addressed to up-and-coming media staffers and teachers of Slovak language, a target group which will be a prospective model for common users in their language behaviour. It poses an educational project that points out to the correlation of standard language and language (primarily orthoepical) norm.

The publication is structured in the way that after the explanation of the given orthoepical problem on the segmenal level (in correspondence with the valid orthoepical norm anchored in Rules of Slovak Orthoepy by Á. Kráľ, 2005, 2009), there follow exercises with an aim to know and practically apply presented norms as standardised acoustic forms. However, considering the natural (not artificial) language and the real (not absolutely ideal) norm, under the exercises we give sociolinguistically oriented topics and tasks for discussion (sometimes also with references to specialist sources) with an aim to draw the listeners’ attention to the current state of live, phonically realised language, or to possible solutions that functionally correspond to the interests and needs of lanugage community and are not in contradiction with internal language rules at the same time. An explanation of particular orthopeic phenomena on the segmental level is closed not only with exercices and topics for discussion but also with a short test in which students can individually verify their special competences in connection to speech practise.

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Základy filozofickej antropológie I.


Kristína Bosáková

The textbook for the course of Philosophical Anthropology should help the students of philosophy in major subject as much as of philosophy as minor in combination with other study programs in social sciences and STEM disciplines, to develop their own ideas and opinions about the question of human being in the philosophy. Its aim is to make a short introduction into the field of philosophical anthropology and to educate the students in the most important topics of the discipline. Every chapter consist of the theoretical part and of the practical analysis of the text, which is followed by three questions at the end of each chapter. Students, who will later become the philosophy teachers, shall learn how to discuss and teach several topics from the philosophical anthropology in their future classes. Therefore, the textbook is suitable as much for the pedagogical as for the non-pedagogical study programs.

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Doktorandské miscelaneá 4


Lukáš Šutor (ed.)

Predkladaný zborník je pre mnohých doktorandov prvým vstupom do publikačného prostredia vedeckých žánrov. Štúdie v takýchto prípadoch obsahujú esencie budúcich dizertačných prác, ktoré predstavujú tvorivý vrchol doktorandského štúdia. Okrem možnosti publikovať vedecké výstupy pre doktorandov považujeme zborník aj za priestor stretávania sa rôznych odborov a ich vzájomného obohacovania. Interdisciplinarita však nie je menovateľom len zborníka ako celku, ale aj niektorých štúdií. Najvýraznejšie presahy sledujeme v odbore literárnej vedy. Tradičný predmet výskumu umeleckých textov sa v jednotlivých štúdiách obohacuje o rozmer skúmania divadelného a filmového diela (Peter Getlík), lingvistickej problematiky frazém (Ivana Hudiková), hudobného aspektu (Terézia Kulíková), výtvarného umenia (Dominika Petáková) a digitálneho priestoru nových médií (Alexandra Popovičová). Z ďalších odborov spomeňme štúdiu Miroslavy Süčovej Vernarskej, ktorá smeruje svoj výskum z oblasti psychológie do sociologických a lingvisticko-komunikačných kontextov (koncept metafory), či opačne, príspevok Zuzany Šoltésovej a Dušana Šlosára, skúmajúci psychologický fenomén porúch príjmu potravy z pozície ich vlastného vedeckého zázemia – sociálnej práce.

V obidvoch spomenutých odboroch nájdeme aj príspevky s tradičným predmetom výskumu. Nikola Fabiny z odboru psychológie analyzuje očakávania dôsledkov v kontexte výberu a dosahovania cieľa. Štúdia v dvojautorstve Jany Plavnickej a Dušana Šlosára z katedry sociálnej práce prezentuje z viacerých perspektív analýzu prekážok v integračnom procese imigrantov na Slovensku. V hraniciach vlastnej disciplíny sa pohybujú aj oba príspevky z oblasti filozofie. Juraj Brenišin interpretuje etický aspekt diela Fons vitæ novoplatonika Avicebrona a Michal Kručko predstavuje nedokončené dielo Edmunda Husserla z komparatívnej perspektívy jeho dvoch žiakov Jana Patočku a Romana Ingardena. Záverečná štúdia zborníka od Lukáša Lukačína (písaná v anglickom jazyku) sleduje sémanticko-gramatickú kategóriu modálnosti slovies MAY a CAN v právno-administratívnych dokumentoch Európske únie. Zastúpenie študijných odborov, ale aj individuálnych tvorivých výkonov doktorandov v zborníku Doktorandské miscelaneá 4 je teda podľa očakávaní pestré. Širšej akademickej obci predkladáme publikáciu ako reprezentatívny prehľad trendov v uvažovaní mladých vedcov naprieč spektrom humanitných a spoločenských odborov doktorandských študijných programov Filozofickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach.

Lukáš Šutor

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Prvý dotyk so slobodou. Sprítomňovanie...



Mikuláš JančuraAlžbeta Śnieżko   

In connection with the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, which was commemorated in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 2019, an interactive exhibition titled "First Touch of Freedom" was organized under the auspices of Košice Self-Governing Region in collaboration with Ján Bocatius Public Library in Košice, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Nation's Memory Institute, and Slovak Radio and Television. The exhibition took place at Ján Bocatius Public Library and aimed to recall November's events from 1989 while emphasizing its cultural-social dimension and impact.

Conceptually, it focused on developing five dimensions of historical consciousness—a concept mainly developed in contemporary subject-specific didactics for history—namely identity, historicity, memory, spatial awareness, and temporal awareness.

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