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Books published by Pavol Jozef Šafárik University
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Bedeker onkologickej liečby
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Lucia Tóthová • Katarína Šiňanská • Eva Žiaková
Sprievodca onkologickou liečbou vznikol v čase, kedy sa ešte viac zdôraznil význam zdravia, ktoré sa stáva akousi megahodnotou nového moderného „pandemického“ človeka. Použitie pojmu „pandemický“ človek vznikol samozrejme v súvislosti so vznikom koronavírovej pandémie na celom svete, ale predovšetkým preto, že sa iné nebezpečné dlhodobé ochorenia, ktoré ohrozujú súčasného človeka, nejako dostávajú do úzadia. Závažnosť takýchto chorôb (akými je samozrejme aj rakovina) sa ale nezmenší tým, že sa upriamila pozornosť na niečo akútnejšie. To je veľmi dôležité si uvedomiť a nepodľahnúť ilúzii, že ak prekonáme akútne nebezpečenstvo, tak sa automaticky zlepší stav aj v dlhodobých ochoreniach. Myslíme si, že je to práve naopak, nakoľko dlhotrvajúca existencia stresu, vplyv sociálnych negatívnych a neustále pôsobiacich faktorov, medzi ktoré nesporne patrí pandemická situácia, zhoršuje nielen psychický, ale aj somatický stav.
Bedeker onkologickej liečby sa práve snaží poukázať na tie faktory – psychologické a sociálne – ktoré negatívne „podporujú“ vznik rakoviny v akejkoľvek forme a pozitívne môže ovplyvniť liečbu a vyrovnávanie sa s chorobou.
Bedeker onkologickej liečby ponúka možnosti sociálneho zapojenia sa do skupiny iných ľudí, ktorí sa takisto liečia z onkologickej choroby a umožňujú zdieľať psychologicky aj odborne obdobnú situáciu s tými, ktorí riešia podobné, ak aj nie také isté problémy v liečbe. Autorky dúfajú, že sa bedeker, ktorý vychádza knižne aj elektronicky, dostane do rúk tým, ktorých urobí samostatnejších v zdolávaní tak ťažkého nepriateľa, akým je rakovina.
Data sheet
- Formát:
- E-kniha (pdf)
- Autori:
- Lucia Tóthová • Katarína Šiňanská • Eva Žiaková
- Typ dokumentu:
- Informačná brožúra
- Počet strán:
- 44
- Dostupné od:
- 01.12.2020
- Rok vydania:
- 2020
- Vydanie:
- 1. vydanie
- Jazyk publikácie:
- slovenčina
- Fakulta UPJŠ:
- Filozofická fakulta
- Poznámka:
- Brožúra bola vydaná v rámci riešenia vedeckovýskumnej úlohy KEGA 008UPJŠ-4/2019 s názvom „Prevencia onkologických chorôb optikou sociálnej práce“.
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V priestoroch jazyka a literatúry
Ivica Hajdučeková (ed.)
Recenzovaný zborník z interného seminára KSSFaK FF UPJŠ konaného pri príležitosti životného jubilea prof. PhDr. Jána Sabola, DrSc., 26. marca 2009 je prvým spoločným počinom jazykovednej, literárnovednej a mediálnej orientácie novovzniknutej katedry. Po slávnostnom príhovore dekana FF UPJŠ prof. PhDr. J. Gbúra, CSc., je uvedená prednáška jubilujúceho prof. PhDr. Jána Sabola, DrSc. Vzťah segmentov a suprasegmentov v zvukovej rovine. Ďalej sú do dvoch častí Jazyk a Literatúra rozdelené príspevky jednotlivých členov katedry, ale aj prvých doktorandov. Tematický záber roztvára najprv problematiku jednotlivých rovín jazyka (zvukovú stránku jazyka, experimentálnu fonetiku, dialektológiu, morfológiu aj lexikológiu), potom literárnovedných disciplín (verzológie, genológie, metodológie, textovej semiotiky) aj mediológie.
Sociálna opora ako významná súčasť života...
The monograph is devoted to social support, set in the adolescent's environment. Social support can also be described as relational support from the environment in which the individual lives, and thus increases his resistance to stress and the desire to overcome life's failures and crises. It is for this reason that social support was also defined in the context of social-ecological theory. An innovation in the relationship with social support was the "Push-pull" theory, oriented to the individual's motivation. The defining anchoring of social support was built on its most famous theories. However, the greatest attention was focused on the possibilities of measuring social support, because its multidimensional measurement is necessary to determine the mechanism by which it works. The monograph therefore offered the author's validation processing and verification of psychometric properties of two separate methodologies Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) - (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, Farley 1988) and Social Support Survey (MOS) - (Sherbourne, Stewart 1991). The monograph results in two validation-verified separate methodologies for measuring types and sources of social support, which are reliable for use in a group of Slovak adolescents (MOS-SK and MSPSS-SK).
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Evolutionary Ethics: Selected Issues and...
The present monograph titled Evolutionary Ethics: Selected Issues and Challenges discusses a range of problems, theoretical concepts, and beliefs from the perspective of evolutionary ethics. The term evolution has become one of the central terms in contemporary science and philosophy. In social sciences in general, and in socio-biology and evolutionary psychology in particular, evolution has had great impact on our understanding of the genesis of culture. Evolutionary theories play a similar role within the theory of consciousness and of the mind (evolutionary epistemology). The interrelation between our evolutionary past and our sense of good and evil is also a subject of heightened interest in ethics; it has in fact become one of its challenges. The concept of evolution challenges the way we create thought patterns through which we understand, or hope to understand, ourselves and the world around us. This monograph represents a general summary of selected issues in evolutionary ethics, touching upon various aspects of current research into evolutionary ethics and the related domains of evolution, science, ethics, and morals. Evolutionary ethics has become a project which presupposes that in order to understand the essence and basis of morals one must turn to the process of evolution of thought, and to the theories put forth by evolutionists, specifically evolutionary biologists. The structure of this monograph, as well as its potential usefulness for research and education clearly show that the analysis of the problems discussed here has significant implications for domains far removed from the purely theoretical parts of moral philosophy or biology. The advantage of such discourse is that it enables the implementation of evolutionary ethics in social and ethical issues of public interest (for example Sex Literacy, Sex Education), and this should be recognised and welcome.
Analysis of radical and extremist groups,...
The scientific monograph focuses on the analysis of radical and extremist groups, movements, sects and cults and their activities in the Slovak Republic. It provides a theoretical insight into the issues of specific organizations and movements that have been characterized in the past, or are currently characterized by belonging to ideologies that we might call anti-social. It does not focus unilaterally on one type of violent extremism, but focuses on the issue of both right-wing and left-wing religious groups. In the final part it offers a brief suggestion of prevention procedures, which could significantly influence the increase of extremist manifestations especially in young people.
Local Attitudes to Global Issues. A2...
The monograph deals with the post-millennial media discourse in the UK and aims to popularize the currently used methodological framework in the form of a case study. The theoretical basis is provided by the introductory chapters, which deal with the topic of migration and newspaper discourse in the UK. The methodological framework represents an increasingly popular combination of corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis, which is introduced not only theoretically but also practically used in the presented case study. The case study compares the language used in the British newspapers before and after the lifting of labor market restrictions in the UK for Bulgarians and Romanians, specifically in 2013 and 2014. The research is based on the identification of special language patterns used in the compiled corpus to characterize Bulgarians and Romanians, specifically paying attention to nouns, verbs and numerals. By doing such research, scholars can identify the role of media discourse in depicting social reality.
Patočka a novoveká filozofia
Vladimír Leško - Věra Schifferová - Róbert Stojka - Pavol Tholt a kol.
Filozofické dedičstvo Jana Patočku ponúka vo svojom celku významné reflektovanie novovekého filozofického myslenia. V našich doterajších domácich historicko-filozofických skúmaniach sa však doposiaľ tejto skutočnosti venovala len veľmi malá pozornosť. Z uvedeného dôvodu je preto prirodzené, že sa chceme po prvýkrát pokúsiť o celostnejšie zachytenie Patočkovho chápania novovekej filozofie. Kolektívna monografia Patočka a grécka filozofia, ktorú sme spracovali ako prvý výstup riešenia projektu APVV, dostáva tak svoje pokračovanie v druhej monografii Patočka a novoveká filozofia. Zavŕšenie nášho úsilia bude potom predstavovať kolektívna monografia Patočka a filozofia 20. storočia.
V predkladanej práci nám ide o predstavenie rozhodujúceho odkazu novovekej filozofie v Patočkovom filozofickom diele. Význam jeho filozofickej výpovede k tomuto dejinno-filozofickému útvaru je prekvapujúco stále živým, aktuálnym filozofickým dedičstvom, bez pochopenia ktorého sa dá len veľmi ťažko komplexne uchopiť hodnota Patočkovho filozofického odkazu. Tomuto poznaniu sme podriadili ako výber, tak aj obsahové naplnenie jednotlivých kapitol našej novej práce.
Sociálne a politické analýzy 1-2013
Juraj Schenk a kol.
Vedecký časopis Sociálne a politické analýzy je interaktívnou elektronickou platformou pre komunikáciu a prezentáciu (publikovanie) odborníkov a ich práce z oblasti základného a aplikovaného výskumu a analýz v sociologických, psychologických, politologických a metodologických kontextoch. Ide o médium, zamerané na intenzívnu podporu výskumných aktivít a analýz v interdisciplinárnom rámci, výmenu skúseností, rozvoj spolupráce a vitalizáciu produkcie v tejto oblasti vedeckej práce.
Publikačná časť časopisu ponúka priestor pre uverejňovanie prác ako sú:
- pôvodné výskumné sociologické, psychologické, politologické štúdie a analýzy v ľubovoľných oblastiach sociálneho života
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- štúdie z kvalifikačných prác
- projekty výskumov a analýz
- rezenzie
Psychológia práce a organizácie 2018 -...
Pavol Kačmár • Jozef Bavoľár • Ladislav Lovaš (eds.)
This publication introduces a body of papers presented at scientific conference Work And Organizational Psychology that took place on May 23 and 24 in Košice. The theme of the conference was Past, Present, and Challenges to the Future. All papers were peer-reviewed.
The Magic of Sounds
Marián Gladiš • Lucia Jasinská (eds.)
This peer-reviewed collection of papers is a publication output of the scientific colloquium named The Magic of Sounds, which was organized by the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication at the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and by the Košice Branch of the Slovak Linguistic Society at the Ľudovít Štúr Linguistic Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of birth of Associate Professor PhDr. Jozef Liška, PhD., the founder of the Slovak logopaedics. Participants focused their papers on the analysis of the linguistic and speech therapy work of J. Liška, his contribution to Slovak dialectology and orthoepy, presented him as an Anglicist, and they also dealt with the audio aspect of children's speech, exact methods of disturbances and low voice quality measuring, or machine speech processing. An interpretative paper of the documentary They Will Speak Well, a socially important piece of film work, which was made in 1958 under the supervision of J. Liška, is also included in the proceedings.
Výsledky vedeckého výskumu ako inšpirácia pre...
Eva Žiaková • Lucia Tóthová a kol.
The scientific monograph was developed within the framework of the grant project Vega 1/0230/15 entitled "Social and Personality Characteristics of Oncological Ill Men and Women as one of the most important factors of sociotherapy with this group of men and women clients", with the aim of finding some common personal characteristics oncological men and women patients, to focus on choosing their coping strategies that can be significant in terms of oncological disease as well as suggesting ways and means of using the basic methods of sociotherapy as one of the most important methods of social work in working with this group of men and women clients, from the knowledge of their personal and social characteristics.
It is also a starting point for other necessary steps, namely to link the results of research to prax the themselves oncologists to hospitals, their outpatient clinics and patients as well as to support the merit of developing the sociooncology, a specific science discipline.
e-Slovenčina pre zubárov v praxi – kazuistiky
Beáta Jurečková - Lívia Barnišinová
The e-Slovak textbook for dentists in practice - case studies is intended for foreign students of dentistry. It is primarily intended for students of the Slovak language as a foreign language, but the knowledge of the grammatical and lexical basics of the Slovak language at the A1, A2 level is needed.
The textbook consists of eight lessons, which are focused on listening comprehension (audio recordings), vocabulary expansion, systematisation of grammar and development of speech skills (case studies). The two lessons consist of repetitive, concluding exercises. The primary goal of the textbook is to connect language training with professional dental practice.
Data-based prevention of substance use among...
Oľga Orosová • Marcela Štefaňáková • Mária Bačíková • Beáta Gajdošová • Anna Janovská
The research monograph is focused on studying the effectiveness of the Unplugged prevention program conducted at primary schools across Slovakia. Using two large datasets with repeated measures, the monograph contributes to research knowledge about substance use prevention. The authors studied protective and risk factors, developmental trends of smoking and alcohol consumption as well as the effectiveness of the Unplugged prevention program – its effect on psychological and behavioural indicators of health-related behaviour. Considering the complexity of the analyses on two datasets with 5 waves of data, each chapter is presented as a separate research study. The findings serve as a basis for recommendations for parents and teachers and also for school management at primary schools that support effective school policy aimed at the prevention and promotion of the health in schoolchildren.
Sociálne inštitúcie a sociálne organizácie
The monograph Social Institutions and Social Organizations analyzes the issues of society, spheres of society, models of social coexistence, social system, social institutions and social organizations that arise within individual social institutions.From social institutions, the monograph focuses on culture, religion, education, politics, health and economics.Individual social institutions are analyzed from several sociological perspectives, which allows the creation of a broader view of the analyzed issues.
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