Etika vedy a techniky (vybrané problémy)

Ľubov VladykováMarián Bednár a kol.

The university textbook Ethics of Science and Technique (Selected Problems) is a collection of contributions by various authors who deal with selected problems and areas of science and technique. For the last hundred years, we can observe the rapid development of science and technique (technology). The transition of society in the 20th century into the information age and in the current 21st century into the digital age brings radical challenges and changes in all areas of human life, but especially in the moral field. Ethical discussions, responding to the development of science and technique (technology), have stimulated the emergence of ethics of science and technique, which as a subdiscipline of applied ethics is a way out of the conflict between professional autonomy, social control and self-regulation of action and behaviour; not only in science and technique, but also in economy and politics. In the digital age, technique, technology and science are fundamentally changing our lives; from the way we work to the way we communicate, how we fight local and global problems, and how we try to solve societal problems. These radical changes are not without controversy, and many provoke intense debates that are often polarized or associated with scientific ambiguities or dishonest demagoguery and ideology.

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Ľubov Vladyková • Marián Bednár
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Fakulta UPJŠ:
Filozofická fakulta
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16 other products in the same category:

Výchova a vzdelávanie 2016: Pedagóg a jeho...



Renáta Orosová - Zuzana Boberová - Emília Marcinová (eds.)

Zborník abstraktov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie 12. - 13. september 2016

Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia je zameraná na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva a školských zariadení z pohľadu pedagóga. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy pedagóga v edukačnej praxi, pedagogické a sociologické aspekty výchovy v základných vzdelávacích a výchovných inštitúciách, ako aj aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy pedagógov. Je určená vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom, s cieľom prezentovať pedagóga – učiteľa, sociálneho pedagóga, špeciálneho pedagóga v súčasnej perspektíve, poukázať na ich nevyhnutnú súčinnosť vo vzťahu k edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania v kontexte súčasnej situácie v školstve.

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Slovenčina pre cudzincov (Pracovné listy)



Marianna Sedláková a kol. 

Pracovné listy vychádzajúce z priamych konkrétnych potrieb pri vyučovaní košických medikov rešpektujú reálnu situáciu pri vyučovaní slovenčiny ako cudzieho jazyka na UPJŠ. V neposlednom rade reflektujú pomerne vysoký počet slovanských študentov najmä zo susedných krajín, ktorí, hoci so slovenským jazykom iba začínajú, patria z komunikačného hľadiska na vyššiu úroveň ako študenti z neslovanských krajín. Im je teda určená špeciálna časť PL s cvičeniami, ktorá sa špeciálnymi cvičeniami, ale najmä špeciálnymi slovníkmi pokúša eliminovať slovensko-poľské či slovensko-ukrajinské interferenčné javy. Keďže časť študentov – Neslovanov prichádza aj z českého jazykového prostredia, pridávame do slovníkovej časti aj slovníček najčastejších odlišných výrazov v slovenčine, češtine a z vyššie uvedených dôvodov pridávame i poľštinu s ukrajinčinou. V časti určenej všetkým, slovanským či neslovanským, študentom prevládajú komunikačne zamerané cvičenia na nácvik gramatických javov prevažne pre úroveň komunikačných schopností A1 a A2 (podľa spoločného európskeho referenčného rámca) a v neposlednom rade cvičenia tematicky zamerané na medicínu a lekárstvo. Z tematickej oblasti sú texty, samozrejme, doplnené aj o reálie mesta Košice. Ako funkčný doplnok v pracovnom materiáli publikujeme aj ukážky testov.  

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Extrémizmus a radikalizácia v sociálnych...


Vladimír LichnerDušan Šlosár a kol.

It is very difficult to refer to any act of extremism or action having extremist characteristics, or to exclude it unambiguously. The boundary between extremism and accepted, conformal behavior is very broad and vaguely worded. Each company tends to set certain criteria to determine what can be considered as unwanted, violent, radical or extreme, or what signs of such a manifestation do not have. Therefore, when comparing the individual countries of the European Union in this area, we come across a different definition of what is or is not considered to be radical or extremist. In essence, the level of tolerance to some of the manifestations and the setting of indicators for the evaluation of the proceedings as extremist.

The presented monograph aims to present the basic social contexts of extremism and radicalization in the form of their philosophical and theoretical backgrounds, influencing the factors, the basic directions. In the author's work, the authors focus on the target group of adolescents, which they consider to be one of the most endangered groups in society in terms of development of the radicalization process. At the conclusion of the monograph is also offered the criminal level of these phenomena, which is not unavoidable in terms of complex analysis.

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Evolutionary Ethics: Selected Issues and...


Ľubov Vladyková

The present monograph titled Evolutionary Ethics: Selected Issues and Challenges discusses a range of problems, theoretical concepts, and beliefs from the perspective of evolutionary ethics. The term evolution has become one of the central terms in contemporary science and philosophy. In social sciences in general, and in socio-biology and evolutionary psychology in particular, evolution has had great impact on our understanding of the genesis of culture. Evolutionary theories play a similar role within the theory of consciousness and of the mind (evolutionary epistemology). The interrelation between our evolutionary past and our sense of good and evil is also a subject of heightened interest in ethics; it has in fact become one of its challenges. The concept of evolution challenges the way we create thought patterns through which we understand, or hope to understand, ourselves and the world around us. This monograph represents a general summary of selected issues in evolutionary ethics, touching upon various aspects of current research into evolutionary ethics and the related domains of evolution, science, ethics, and morals. Evolutionary ethics has become a project which presupposes that in order to understand the essence and basis of morals one must turn to the process of evolution of thought, and to the theories put forth by evolutionists, specifically evolutionary biologists. The structure of this monograph, as well as its potential usefulness for research and education clearly show that the analysis of the problems discussed here has significant implications for domains far removed from the purely theoretical parts of moral philosophy or biology. The advantage of such discourse is that it enables the implementation of evolutionary ethics in social and ethical issues of public interest (for example Sex Literacy, Sex Education), and this should be recognised and welcome.

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Možnosti sociálnej práce v školskom prostredí v...


Veronika VasiľováSoňa Lovašová

The formation of social work as a scientific discipline is not a completed process because of with changes in society also change social problems that need to be identified and analyzed with the intention to develop methodological solutions aimed at preventing and interventing these social problems.For this reason, the field of social work as such is constantly expanding, as its dynamic nature makes it possible to respond to emerging social problems and react to the needs of society.Social work in the school environment is a functioning science field abroad.In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, this area of social work is still missing.Therefore, the monograph deals with the possibilities of social work in the school environment in Slovakia. The formation of social work as a scientific discipline is not a complete process, as changes in society also change the social problems that need to be identified and analyzed with the intention to develop methodological solutions aimed at preventing and intervening these social problems.For this reason, the field of social work as such is constantly expanding, as its dynamic nature makes it possible to respond to emerging social problems and respond to the needs of society.Social work in the school environment is a functioning science field abroad. In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, this area of social work is a large reserve. Therefore, the monograph deals with the possibilities of social work in the school environment in Slovakia.

The monograph is primarily intended for the professionals working in the field of social work and in the third sector with children and youth.

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Kant v kontextoch Husserlovej a Heideggerovej...



Vladimír Leško - Zlatica Plašienková (eds.)

Filozofický zborník Kant v kontextoch Husserlovej a Heideggerovej filozofie je prezentáciou výsledkov II. medzinárodnej filozofickej konferencie, ktorá sa uskutočnila v dňoch 5. – 7. novembra 2008 na akademickej pôde UPJŠ v Košiciach. Konferenciu pripravila Katedra filozofie a dejín filozofie FF UPJŠ vo veľmi úzkej spolupráci so Slovenským filozofickým združením pri SAV v Bratislave.

Štruktúra predkladaného zborníka bola rozvrhnutá do troch základných častí. V prvej časti sú publikované príspevky, ktoré odzneli na konferencii a predstavujú rozhodujúcu obsahovú súčasť nášho zborníka. Jednotlivé príspevky sú zaradené v takom poradí, v akom odzneli na konferencii. V druhej časti zborníka sú publikované vystúpenia zo slávnostnej inaugurácie udeľovania čestného titulu Doctor honoris causa Milanovi Sobotkovi a Teodorovi Münzovi. V tretej časti je publikovaná fotodokumentácia, v ktorej je zachytený slávnostný akademický akt udeľovania čestného titulu Doctor honoris causa.

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Pull and push factors of radicalization in the...



Dušan Šlosár

The monograph offers an insight into radicalization pull and push factors, influencing which is the competence of helping professionals.Radicalization is conditioned by the current social, economic, cultural and political context, i.e. the time-space in which radicalization occurs.It is this fact that directs the content of the monograph to factors that can be considered triggering and influencing factors of radicalization processes as well as radicalization itself.The monograph systematizes knowledge about radicalization from the point of view of pull and push factors, which have been identified as factors of radicalization in professional literature, research reports and other verified sources, including Internet resources focused on radicalization and processes of radicalization, as well as available interventions to influence or prevent radicalization.The monograph mainly focuses on the analysis of pull and push factors that are related to radicalization and radicalization processes.

The monograph offers the results of research carried out through qualitative methodology.The research focused on issues related to radicalization in the research sample consisting of radicalized and non-radicalized respondents.The research focused on the investigation of pull and push factors related to radicalization, which can occur in the family, school or work environment, among peers, in the wider social environment related to the social and political climate in society and the influence of mass media.

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O lyrickom triptychu Maše Haľamovej (život a...



Ivica Hajdučeková - Iveta Bónová

The first personal monograph, On the Lyrical Triptych of Maša Haľamová (Life and Work), by co-authors Ivica Hajdučeková and Iveta Bónová, presents the results of archival research and analytical-interpretative insights into the structure of poetic texts. Life events at key points (V znamení osmičiek, Domov na brehu jazera, V ruchu redakčnej práce, Fáza po Mladých letách) are reconstructed based on autobiographical memories, archival documents, personal correspondence, as well as unpublished or published articles and interviews. An intriguing perspective on the author´s work is offered by self-referential notes and a reconstruction of opinions on her poetics and the artistic value of her poetry from the years 1928 – 2017, as expressed by contemporary and modern literary critics. The reconstruction of the genesis of the poem Dar (Gift), which relates to her connections with A. Kostolný and E.B. Lukáč, revealed the underpinnings of poetic inspiration and confirmed the productivity of archival research and exegetical methods. The analytical-interpretative insight into lyrical triptych Dar – Červený mak – Smrť tvoju žijem, realized through a spectrum of differentiated spirituality and the method of hermeneutic reading with an emphasis on the function of polyvocality, demonstrated that meta-empirical reality is shaped through natural imagery and the function of allusion. Across the three poetry collections, the lyrical parable and the process of spiritualization or spiritual growth of the lyrical subject are depicted, emblemized by the red poppy, blooming limber pine, and flowering moss. In conjunction with the analysis of the rhythmic-melodic structure of free yet phonetically organized verse – utilizing not only the folkloric inspirations of folk songs and ballads but also the religious tradition of spiritual hymns, prayers, and psalms – which confirmed that the poet´s sense and sensitivity for the „colourfulness“ of sounds and the „melodiousness“ of tones contributed to the architectural formation of the final form. This form is inseparably infused with the meta-empirical dimension of spirituality (eisos – eidos – Logos).

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Prehodnotené dejiny. Historická pamäť – jej...


Lukáš Katriňák (ed.)


Zborník príspevkov zo 7. vedeckej konferencie mladých historikov, ktorú zorganizovali Katedra histórie Filozofickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach,

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity,

Centrum spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV,

Historický ústav SAV

a Slovenská historická spoločnosť pri SAV,

dňa 25. októbra 2017 v Košiciach

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Špecifiká práce s mládežou v neziskovom sektore


Katarína Šiňanská

The presented university textbook deals with various views on the issue of youth work in the non-governmental non-profit sector, with which the area of social work or other helping professions is closely connected. It offers theoretical analysis as a basic theoretical framework of the issue, which is necessary to know during the study and in the performance of the practice in the helping profession. It also offers an application through practical demonstrations. The area of youth work is frequent in the non-profit sector. Many diverse activities and projects are being developed based on the basic concept of empowerment. Their aim is to involve young people as much as possible in public life. In addition, with a specific focus on those young people who are struggling with some form of disadvantage.

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Sociálnoprávna ochrana detí a rodiny v...


Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph deals with the issue of social protection of the family, where the basis is a view of the family as a natural part of human and social life. The starting point is provided by the institutes that create and structure it, influence its value orientation, the development of social relations within the family, but also relations to the social environment. In broader contexts, the monographic treatment of social protection provides the results of transdisciplinary knowledge. It deals with the work of helping professionals with functional and non-functional families and families with special needs. It offers problem solving through tailored methods, techniques, procedures and measures used by various helping professions in the field of social protection and social guardianship.

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Edukácia, roč. 6, č. 1/2023



Renáta Orosová (výkonný redaktor)

Vedecko-odborný časopis Edukácia je zameraný na problematiku vzdelávania a výchovy v oblasti základného, stredného a vysokého školstva. Zreteľ kladie na súčasný stav a perspektívy edukačnej praxe, aktuálne aspekty pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov, sociálnej pedagogiky, špeciálnej pedagogiky, ako aj pedagogické a psychologické aspekty výchovy v základných výchovných inštitúciách z pohľadu širokej pedagogickej verejnosti. Je určený vedeckým pracovníkom, mladým vysokoškolským učiteľom, doktorandom, ako aj odborným a pedagogickým pracovníkom, s cieľom prezentovať trendy v edukácii a vyvolať diskusiu k aktuálnym otázkam prezentovaných oblastí výchovy a vzdelávania.


Stretnutie mladých historikov II. Priesečníky...



Bernadeta Fabová - MikulአJančura (eds.)

Zborník štúdií z 2. vedeckej konferencie mladých historikov (doktorandov a vedeckých pracovníkov), zorganizovanej Katedrou histórie Filozofickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach, v spolupráci s Filozofickou fakultou Masarykovi Univerzity v Brne, Filozoficko přírodovědecké fakulty Slezské univerzity v Opave a Filozofickou fakultou Univerzity v Miškolci, ktorá sa uskutočnila v dňoch 29. – 30. októbra 2012 v Košiciach

Zborník je  výstupom z druhého ročníka vedeckej konferencie mladých historikov (doktorandov a vedeckých pracovníkov), zorganizovanej na pôde Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Ústredným motívom podujatia bolo zameranie na priesečníky spoločnej histórie.  Desať štúdií mapuje rozličné priesečníky histórie krajín V4, ale aj širšieho stredoeurópskeho priestoru, v časovom horizonte od 13. po 20. storočie. Tematicky sa jednotlivé štúdie zaoberajú širokým spektrom oblastí od stredovekej cestnej siete, vojenskej a urbánnej histórie, cez hospodárstvo, školstvo, problémy národnej identity, vzťahu štátu a cirkvi po demografické otázky. 

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