

Monika Halánová (ed.)

On June 4-6, 2024, Stará Lesná will host the 10th year of the university-wide event ‘Spring School of Doctoral Students of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice’. As part of the professional program, there will be five plenary lectures by prominent experts from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Comenius University, and one workshop will be held. A total of 47 full-time doctoral students will present the results of their scientific research work, of which 23 doctoral students in the section of medical and natural sciences (Faculty of Medicine/Faculty of Science) and 24 doctoral students in the section of social sciences and humanities (Faculty of Law/Faculty of Public Administration/Faculty of Arts). Part of the professional program of the event will be a panel discussion with the Management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Základy organickej chémie. Vysokoškolský...



Mária Vilková - Zuzana Kudličková - Ján Elečko

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon. Organic compounds in the form of large molecules (macromolecules), such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids are the basic elements of living organisms. This study material is created for non-chemistry students, especially students of biology. Most of these students have little or no knowledge of organic chemistry. Therefore, we proceed from the basic principles of organic chemistry to biochemistry.

The basic principles of organic chemistry and biochemistry are briefly summarized in individual chapters, but the main content consists of tasks for practising basic knowledge. To check the correctness of solving the tasks, the correct solutions are also given. The importance of this study material lies in the fact that students will get additional study material that they will use in studying the subject Basics of Chemistry.

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14.česko-slovenská študentská vedecká...



Adriana Zeleňáková - Zuzana Ješková - Adela Kravčáková - Gabriela Fabriciová - Erik Čižmár - Róbert Tarasenko - Jaroslava Szűcsová - Ľuboš Nagy (eds.)

Zborník obsahuje abstrakty príspevkov účastníkov 14. česko - slovenskej študentskej vedeckej konferencie vo fyzike, ktorá sa konala 2.-3.mája 2024 na PF UPJŠ v Košiciach.

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Linear programming via problem solving



Katarína Cechlárová

Linear programming belongs to parts of mathematics with the greatest number of real applications. This Slovak-English problem collection provides an overview of basic knowledge in the area, application problems as well as problems to acquire routine in calculations. It is complemented by questions motivating the student to look for further theoretical principles, construct conterexamples  and formulate arguments to explain the studied phenomena.

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Automation of Laboratory Experiments in LabVIEW...



Erik Čižmár

Textbook Automation of Laboratory Experiments in LabVIEW environment is devoted to the basics of graphical programming and shows the way how to communicate with measuring equipment and Arduino development boards in LabVIEW. The basic concepts of creating a virtual instrument and its interactive user environment are introduced. Three physical tasks are presented, the practical implementation of which takes place with the use appropriate instrumentation and LabVIEW. Practical tasks are dedicated to measuring the transmission characteristics of a low-pass RC filter, measuring the natural resonant frequency of a quartz tuning fork using the heterodyne pulse method, and mapping the magnetic field of a permanent magnet using Arduino.

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Zborník abstraktov z X. medzinárodného...



Marián Kulla – Ladislav Novotný – Petra Dávidová – Anton Uhrin (eds.)

Danišovce 16. – 18. 10. 2024

Zborník abstraktov, ktorý máte pred sebou, obsahuje príspevky prezentované na X. Medzinárodnom geografickom kolokviu v Danišovciach. Ústav geografie na Prírodovedeckej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach toto podujatie organizuje už od svojho vzniku ako platformu na výmenu vedeckých poznatkov, primárne medzi geografmi zo Slovenska a Česka. Aktuálny jubilejný ročník spoluorganizovali Prírodovedecká fakulta UPJŠ v Košiciach, Slovenská geografická spoločnosť pri SAV v Bratislave v zastúpení jej Košickej pobočky a spoločnosť UMBRA Solutions Košice.

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School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice under the auspices of Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH in Hamburg organizes School of XFEL and Synchrotron Radiation Users 2024 (SFEL 2024). The school is continuation of the Winter Schools of Synchrotron radiation held in 2011, 2013, 2014 and SFEL 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022. The aim of the SFEL2024 school is to facilitate the growth of new Slovak research community of high expertise in high-efficiency RTG laser and synchrotron and neutron sources. The SFEL school is designed for efficient transfer of the rapidly developing know-how in these areas to young generation – researchers and university students. The next aim of the SFEL2024 is strengthening of personal connections between the local Slovak research community and forming scientific teams of XFEL users. Slovak research community thus can take advantage of the fact that Slovakia is a shareholder of European XFEL GmbH Company in Hamburg, but also makes more efficient use of other closely related scientific facilities, including ILL and ESRF in Grenoble and DESY in Hamburg.

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The 8th International Conference on Novel...



Jana Shepa  (ed.)

The book of abstracts from 8th International Conference on Novel Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, NFA 2023 is composed of contributions from the participants of this international conference. The conference consisted of 6 invited lecture and 38 abstracts of participants. The conference is focused on novel materials and its application in various research areas. All contributions are professionally processed and inspiring.

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Miroslav Almáši (ed.)

The book of abstracts from the conference "Porous Materials for Environmental Applications 2024" is a collection of contributions of the conference participants, which contain original results of their scientific and research activities. The conference was aimed to share new findings dealing with the preparation, characterization and application of porous materials in environmental fields.

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Spring Electrochemical Meeting. Book of Abstracts.



Ivana Šišoláková (ed.)

The book of abstracts from the international conference Spring Electrochemical Meeting is composed of contributions from the participants of this conference. The conference consisted of two invited lectures and four other lectures. The event was focused on the sharing new knowledge in the field of electrochemistry connection with student part of this conference.

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Ecology of Soil Animals



Natália Raschmanová - Ľubomír Kováč

The text summarizes the basic knowledge about the functioning of the soil ecosystem with a focus on soil protists and dominant groups of soil animals. Characteristics of each soil animal group include basic morphology, ecology, distribution, population dynamics and their importance in the soil ecosystem. The aim of the text is to gain a basic understanding of the diversity and interactions of soil fauna with the soil environment. It deals with the ecological classification of soil fauna on the basis of body size, presence in the soil during the life cycle, food preference and by locomotion. It highlights important morphological and ecophysiological adaptations of soil fauna to physical and chemical environmental factors. The text also gives an overview of the basic methods in the field collection of soil fauna and their extraction from soil samples under laboratory conditions. It further informs on the method of taxonomic identification and ecological evaluation of soil fauna communities. Discusses the soil fauna of different types of ecosystems. It highlights the differences in soil fauna communities that inhabit grassland and forest habitats, and agricultural soils. This teaching material is intended for students in biology degree programmes.

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Jana Šandrejová - Andrea Gajdošová (eds.)

The scientific book of abstracts from the conference „Novel Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education 2024“ is a summary of the contributions of conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. The contributions published in this volume are divided according to content into the fields of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry.

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Databázy v MS Access - sprievodné texty k...



Jaroslav Majerník - Andrea Kačmariková

The university textbook "Databases in MS Access - accompanying texts for practical exercises" is intended for students of medical faculties, students of non-technical universities and all beginners in working with databases. It introduces the reader to the issue of database data processing and explains the basic principles that need to be known when creating relational databases. It is therefore suitable for those who have not yet worked with databases, or who have started thinking about managing their data using their own database. However, even more "experienced" computer users can find useful information here. The university textbook is written in the way that its content can be mastered with basic knowledge of working with computers and programs running in the environment of MS Windows operating system.

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