14.česko-slovenská študentská vedecká konferencia vo fyzike


Adriana Zeleňáková - Zuzana Ješková - Adela Kravčáková - Gabriela Fabriciová - Erik Čižmár - Róbert Tarasenko - Jaroslava Szűcsová - Ľuboš Nagy (eds.)

Zborník obsahuje abstrakty príspevkov účastníkov 14. česko - slovenskej študentskej vedeckej konferencie vo fyzike, ktorá sa konala 2.-3.mája 2024 na PF UPJŠ v Košiciach.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Adriana Zeleňáková - Zuzana Ješková - Adela Kravčáková - Gabriela Fabriciová - Erik Čižmár - Róbert Tarasenko - Jaroslava Szűcsová - Ľuboš Nagy
Document type:
Book of abstracts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Slovak, Czech
Prírodovedecká fakulta
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Cytológia pracovný zošit na praktické cvičenia

Availability: 50 In Stock

Ján Kleban a kolektív

Predkladaný pracovný zošit na praktické cvičenia z cytológie je určený poslucháčom 1. ročníka bakalárskeho štúdia biológie a 1. ročníka bakalárskeho medziodborového štúdia v kombinácii s biológiou na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Slúži ako návod, ktorý má študentom uľahčiť prácu a umožniť rýchlejšiu orientáciu v zadanej úlohe. Úprava pracovného zošita do formy protokolov umožňuje študentom zakresliť vlastné pozorovanie a tým stimuluje študentov k presnejšiemu a trvalejšiemu zapamätaniu si precvičovanej úlohy a zároveň umožňuje spätnú kontrolu pedagógom. Počas cvičení sa študenti postupne oboznámia so základnými pojmami optiky, s aplikáciami využívajúcimi mikroskopickú techniku, ale aj so základnými rozdielmi medzi štruktúrou rastlinnej a živočíšnej bunky a ich organelami.

Metodika tvorby učebných úloh a didaktických...



Mária Ganajová

Súčasná výučba chémie má svoje špecifické problémy. Na jednej strane sa v dôsledku posunutia ťažiska učiva chémie v prospech učiva teoretického, zvýšila náročnosť učiva chémie a v súvislosti s tým, sa znížil záujem žiakov o chémiu. Nezáujem žiakov o chémiu je najviac podporovaný názorom, že je to práve chémia, ktorá výrazne prispieva k zhoršovaniu kvality životného prostredia. Na druhej strane žijeme v dobe, keď sa s produktami chémie stretávame prakticky všade. Nutné je spoznať základy chémie čo najlepšie, preto je otázka zvýšenia záujmu o výučbu chémie a zvýšenia jej účinnosti veľmi aktuálna.
Do slovenských škôl vstúpili štátne vzdelávacie programy ako základ pre tvorbu školských vzdelávacích programov. Tu je kladený dôraz nielen na získavanie určitej sumy znalostí, ale na vytváranie a rozvíjanie kľúčových a špecifických kompetencií žiakov, na ich prípravu pre celoživotné vzdelávanie a uplatnenie sa v živote. Preto je stále väčšia pozornosť venovaná jednému zo základných didaktických prostriedkov pre zvýšenie aktivity žiakov vo výučbe, a tým aj zvýšenie efektívnosti výučby chémie – učebným úlohám.
Z teórie aj z praxe výučby chémie vieme, že učebné úlohy, otázky, príklady, cvičenia atď., sú jednými z dôležitých súčastí každej vyučovacej hodiny. Učebné úlohy sa uplatňujú vo všetkých fázach výučby – vo fáze motivačnej, vo fáze osvojovania učiva, vo fáze upevňovania učiva a vo fáze kontroly osvojeného učiva. Je teda zrejmé, že každý učiteľ sa ocitne skôr či neskôr v situácii, keď bude musieť učebné úlohy vyberať z učebníc, pracovných zošitov, zbierok a príkladov, alebo ich tvoriť sám.
Vedecká monografia je určená pedagogickým odborníkom i učiteľom chémie, ktorá ich má zoznámiť s ukážkami rôznych typov a foriem učebných úloh a so základmi ich tvorby v chémii a môže byť pre nich nápomocná pri tvorbe atestačných prác zameraných na tvorbu testov a ich štatistické vyhodnotenie.

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Monika Tvrdoňová, Miroslava Martinková

The scientific book of abstracts from conference „Novel Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education 2022“ is a summary of the contributions of conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, biochemistry, didactics of chemistry and NMR spectroscopy.

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Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical...


Jozef StrečkaHana ČenčarikováAndrej Gendiar (eds.)

June 7th - 8th, 2019, Košsice, Slovakia

The proceeding involves programme and abstracts of Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical Challenges and Future Perspectives, which will be held on June 7th – June 8th, 2019, in Košice, Slovakia. The workshop is organized by Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Institute of Experimental Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice under the financial support of Slovak Research and Development Agency. The main conference topics are devoted to state-of-the-art problems of Quantum Theory of Magnetism inncluding molecular magnetism, highly frustrated magnetism, magnetic phase transitions, quantum spin liquids, strongly correlated systems, exotic quantum states, flat-band systems and quantum entanglement.

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Príjem a transport minerálnych látok v rastlinách



Peter Paľove-Balang

Predložený učebný text „Príjem a transport minerálnych látok v rastlinách“ v slovenskom jazyku poskytuje v zrozumiteľnej podobe všeobecný prehľad v problematike príjmu a distribúcie látok. Jednotlivé kapitoly zoznámia študentov z vlastnosťami pôdneho prostredia, ktoré majú výrazný vplyv na dostupnosť látok, ďalej s transportom látok cez membrány ako aj na stredné a dlhé vzdialenosti. Text obsahuje najnovšie poznatky z anglickej literatúry, doplnené schémami a grafmi, ktoré vytvoril autor na základe vlastného výskumu, alebo spracovaním viacerých zdrojov.

Učebné texty sú určené predovšetkým pre študentov magisterského štúdia v odbore biológia, alebo ekológia a predpokladajú aspoň základné poznatky z fyziológie rastlín.

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Štruktúra a reaktivita – riešené príklady a...



Slávka Hamuľaková

The textbook "Structure and reactivity - solved examples and tasks, part 1" is the basis for teaching the subject "Structure and reactivity" for students of the 1st year of master's studies at the Faculty of Science, UPJŠ, department of Organic Chemistry. The textbook is divided into individual chapters, each chapter offering students examples of chemical reactions, where their course is explained on the basis of appropriate reaction mechanisms. A substantial part of the textbook consists of unresolved tasks, the main goal of which is the development of students' knowledge and skills. Due to the fact that the textbook is focused on only one semester of study, it cannot cover all reactions, rather it is only representative examples of different types of reactions, such as: addition reactions, elimination reactions, aromatic substitution, addition-elimination reactions, radical reactions and pericyclic reactions.

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Metódy prípravy nanoštruktúr I



Vladimír Komanický

The aim of this textbook is to acquaint students in physics, chemistry and material science on both undergraduate and graduate level, with the techniques used to prepare micro-electromechanical devices, nanoobjects and nanostructures using the so called top down methodologies. The is no requirement for this course to pass any prior courses. The introduction part of the text defines the forces that affect nanoobjects and the interactions between them. Reader can understand in detail why properties of nanomaterials and nanostructures are so different when comprared to their macroscopic counterparts. Text gives also an overview of thin film preparation technologies as precursors for the preparation of nanostructures. The main emphasis in Volume I is on conventional lithographic technologies for the preparation and shaping of nanostructures, methods for characterization of thin films, nanoparticles and nanomaterials. Unconventional lithographic methods will also be discussed in the prepared upcoming Volume II. Student will also get acquainted with the applications of nanostructures in research focused on nanophysics, nanocatalysis and nanoelectronics. The textbook is used as a study material for the course ÚFV / MPN / 14 - Methods of preparation and characterization of nanostructures. Part of the course is also a laboratory exercise in which the student gets acquainted with the techiques used for the preparation and characterization of thin films and top-down technologies used for the preparation of nanostructures.

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The XIV. European Magnetic Sensors and...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

The European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference (EMSA) is a consolidated European forum that serves to assess the status, recent progress, and development in the field of magnetic sensor technology and magnetic actuators. It was first held in 1996 in Iasi (Romania) and since then has continued every two-three years in different European cities. The aim of the conference is to generate an overview of research in magnetic sensors and actuators, to recognize their relevance in modern industry and to identify potential future collaborations. EMSA 2024 will provide an excellent opportunity to bring together scientists and engineers from universities, research institutes and industry to present and discuss their most recent results covering both fundamental and applied aspects of magnetic sensors and actuators.

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Praktické cvičenia z röntgenovej difraktometrie II



Karel Saksl

Solving crystal structures is the royal discipline of X-ray crystallography. Its primary task, with the exception of defects, is to describe the atomic structure of the motif that, by its repetition, fills the volume of the entire crystal or crystalline phase. This task is nowadays more or less routine for single-crystal X-ray diffraction, which can locate hundreds to thousands of non-hydrogen atoms in large unit cells. However, in real practice, we often have material available only in powder form instead of single crystals. Solving the atomic structure from its X-ray diffraction data is non-trivial, mainly because the three-dimensional diffraction space of a single crystal is reduced to one dimension by measuring a large number of randomly oriented microcrystals (crystallites). Therefore, the solution itself requires, in addition to proper measurement methodology, the selection of suitable tools, procedures, and strategies that, through optimization, will lead to the solution and refinement of the given crystalline phase. The current limit of this method is approximately 100 non-hydrogen atoms in the asymmetric part of the unit cell, which, however, is sufficient for most inorganic materials.

The goal of these educational texts is to provide students in the second and third levels of university studies with specific guidance on solving crystal structures from powder X-ray diffraction data. These scripts build upon my first monograph and require practical knowledge of its content. Similar to my previous monograph, I offer solved examples without a deep theoretical introduction, demonstrating procedures and strategies leading to the correct solution of crystalline phases using the freely available GSAS-II program. The examples are arranged from simpler to more complex, and the reader will find many useful pieces of information in the literature references as well as in the comments below the line. Part of these scripts are data intended for your individual practice of the described procedures. 

Karel Sakls

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Matematická analýza 3. Nekonečné číselné a...



Božena MihalíkováOndrej HutníkJozef Kiseľák

The textbook is devoted to the mathematical analysis of infinite series of numbers and functions. It is intended for students of mathematics, physics and computer science, as well as interdisciplinary study of combination with mathematics. It contains a theoretical background for investigating the convergence of infinite series, expanding functions into power and Taylor series, as well as the use of these results in various problems of mathematics, physics, and computer science. Using the historical background the textbook clarifies the motivations and the need to introduce some key concepts and their further development. Basic concepts and statements are demonstrated on a large number of solved exercises, but it contains a number of exercises for independent practice. Several results are supplemented by dynamic animations executable in the electronic version of the textbook.

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Dátová veda a jej aplikácie



Ľubomír Antoni a kol.

In university textbooks, we present the history of data science, basic concepts in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or deep learning. We describe the relationships between data science and other disciplines and summarize the tasks of the data scientist. We present an overview of university subjects in the field of data science, which were created and innovated at Slovak universities within the national project IT Academy - Education for the 21st Century. We present extended subject annotations, application examples and case studies using various methods in the field of data science. University textbooks are intended for students of bachelor's, master's, engineering and doctoral study programs in computer science, but also in non-informatics fields.

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