Autumn Electrochemical Meeting


Jana Shepa (ed.)

The book of abstracts from the first year of the international conference Autumn electrochemical meeting is composed of contributions from the participants of this student conference.

The conference consisted of one invited lecture and six student lectures. The message of this meeting is to create a dialogue between students of electrochemistry and the mutual exchange of knowledge. All contributions are professionally processed and inspiring.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Jana Shepa
Document type:
Book of abstracts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
slovenčina, angličtina
Prírodovedecká fakulta
Creative Commons BY NC ND (Uveďte autora - Nepoužívajte komerčne - Nespracovávajte)
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Počítačová fyzika I



Milan Žukovič

Učebný text Počítačová fyzika I obsahovo pokrýva problematiku prednášanú v rovnomennom kurze na bakalárskom stupni študijného programu Fyzika a v kurze Aplikácia numerických metód na bakalárskom stupni študijného programu Aplikovaná informatika. Text nadväzuje na základný kurz numerických metód so zameraním na výklad základných princípov počítačového riešenia niektorých typických fyzikálnych úloh. Zahŕňa jednak oblasť deterministických metód riešenia problémov modelovaných obyčajnými a parciálnymi diferenciálnymi rovnicami ako aj oblasť stochastických Monte Carlo simulácií. Kurz Počítačová fyzika I vytvára základ pre ďalšie štúdium pokročilejších počítačových metód prednášaných na magisterskom stupni v rámci predmetu Počítačová fyzika II. V súčasnosti je používanie počítača ako nástroja riešenia reálnych fyzikálnych úloh, a v prípade študentov ako nástroja vypracovania ich záverečných bakalárskych či diplomových prác, takmer nevyhnutnosťou. To viedlo k vzniku množstva užívateľsky orientovaných softvérových balíkov v rôznych prostrediach pre riešenie širokej škály problémov. Avšak, bez dôsledného pochopenia fungovania jednotlivých počítačových techník sú tieto programy čiernymi skrinkami s množstvom úskalí a rizík pri ich používaní. Preto tento text kladie dôraz na pochopenie silných aj slabých stránok jednotlivých metód a predpokladov ich úspešného použitia.

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Základy geografie obyvateľstva a demografie I....



Janetta Nestorová Dická

The university handbook Elementals of Population Geography and Demography - Part I, as an introduction to population studies, is primary study material for students of the geography study program, as well as for students of the Information Systems in Public Administration study program at the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, but also for the wider public interested in about population phenomena and their spatiality. Among other things, the handbook offers the latest population reports in the world and its regions. The aim of the handbook is to introduce young geographers to the basics of population research, which includes the most frequently used tools and methods in geographic analysis. The first part of the handbook contains an introduction to the scientific disciplines of population geography and demography with an overview of basic sources of demographic data. The next part discusses the issue of anthropogenesis, i.e. the development of humans from our ancestors and the spatial spread of humans across our Earth. Part of this part is the recent development of the world population and changes in the size and distribution of the global population over time. The last part analyses how the population is distributed in the world and in relation to the geographical components of the space.

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Zbierka príkladov z atómovej a jadrovej fyziky



Janka Vrláková - Adela Kravčáková - Stanislav Vokál

Predkladaná „Zbierka príkladov z atómovej a jadrovej fyziky“ je určená ako základný študijný materiál k prednáškam zo Všeobecnej fyziky IV v druhom ročníku bakalárskeho jednoodborového štúdia fyziky a medziodborového štúdia v kombinácii s fyzikou na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach. Jej cieľom je podporiť samostatnú prácu študentov a riešením vybraných úloh prehĺbiť získané poznatky z daného kurzu fyziky. Je rozdelená na tri hlavné časti: Atómovú fyziku, Jadrovú fyziku a Experimentálne metódy jadrovej fyziky. Každá tematická kapitola obsahuje prehľad základných pojmov, vzťahov a vzorcov, potrebných na lepšie pochopenie vzorových príkladov a na vyriešenie priloženého súboru neriešených príkladov.

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Didaktika školských pokusov zo všeobecnej a...



Ivana Sotáková-Martin Vavra-Mária Ganajová

This textbook has been designed for the master students of chemistry teaching (combined) at the Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice as a source of model school experiments in general and inorganic chemistry. It will be used for teaching the Special Practice of School Experiments I compulsory course. It consists of instructions for experiments related to the selected topics in general and inorganic chemistry as well as the didactic and technical aspects of their performance. Each experiment includes an explanation of the principle, specification of the tools and chemicals needed, working procedure, and the respective apparatus assembly scheme. At the end of each experiment, the observation and explanation necessary for the correct interpretation of the results of the chemical experiment performed are provided. To follow the requirements for the digital transformation of education, selected computer-aided experiments and visualiser projections have been included as well. The next part is focused on the work with the monitoring suitcase, which can be used for making simple field experiments related to environmental topics. The final part is dedicated to attractive experiments that complement the topics in inorganic chemistry and can be used to motivate students. All experiment instructions are in line with the requirements specified by the state educational programmes for primary and grammar schools. This book allows teachers to select appropriate demonstrative experiments or experiments for laboratory classes performed by students themselves. The videos of selected experiments are also available as part of the interactive periodical table of elements operated by the Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Vybrané kapitoly z elektrochémie



Kveta Markušová - Daniela Kladeková

Elektrochémia je veda, ktorá študuje iónové systémy a také procesy alebo javy, ktoré prebiehajú na hranici iónových systémov s kovmi alebo s polovodičmi. V súčasnom štádiu rozvoja môžeme elektrochémiu rozdeliť podľa jej zamerania na dve oblasti. Prvá z nich - ionika - sa zaoberá vlastnosťami iónových sústav (roztoky, taveniny, tuhé elektrolyty). Druhá oblasť - elektrodika - sa zaoberá javmi na fázovom rozhraní elektróda/iónová sústava.

Ionika aj elektrodika skúmajú rovnovážne aj nerovnovážne javy a procesy. Výskumom vlastností iónových sústav za rovnovážnych podmienok získavame informácie a predstavy o štruktúre a zložení roztokov a tavenín elektrolytov, ako aj tuhých elektrolytov, kým merania za nerovnovážnych podmienok referujú o elektrickej vodivosti iónových sústav. V oblasti elektrodiky sa štúdiom rovnováh na rozhraní elektróda/roztok (prípadne tavenina) zaoberá elektrochemická termodynamika. Meranie rýchlostí procesov prebiehajúcich na tomto fázovom rozhraní a vysvetlenie zákonitostí, ktorými sa tieto procesy riadia, je predmetom kinetiky elektródových procesov alebo elektrochemickej kinetiky.

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Automation of Laboratory Experiments in LabVIEW...



Erik Čižmár

Textbook Automation of Laboratory Experiments in LabVIEW environment is devoted to the basics of graphical programming and shows the way how to communicate with measuring equipment and Arduino development boards in LabVIEW. The basic concepts of creating a virtual instrument and its interactive user environment are introduced. Three physical tasks are presented, the practical implementation of which takes place with the use appropriate instrumentation and LabVIEW. Practical tasks are dedicated to measuring the transmission characteristics of a low-pass RC filter, measuring the natural resonant frequency of a quartz tuning fork using the heterodyne pulse method, and mapping the magnetic field of a permanent magnet using Arduino.

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Programovanie v Pythone 1



Ján GunišĽubomír Šnajder


College scripts Programming in Python 1 are intended for future teachers of computer science. The content of the course is related to the teaching of programming in Scratch and is an introduction to text-based programming in Python.

Programming is introduced as a means of developing problem-solving skills. The first chapter is devoted to problem solving. The next 12 chapters sequentially introduce basic language constructions, data structures, and selected types of algorithms. Each of these chapters begins with an introduction to the problem. This section is primarily intended for self-study, to prepare students for the exercises. The following subchapter summarizes and completes the knowledge, and additional insights and approaches related to the chapter topic are presented. The chapters include a collection of exercises designed to practice and deepen knowledge and skills on the topic.

The final part of the chapter presents the solved problems. This section serves as a guide to solving the problems in the collection.


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Študentská vedecká konferencia PF UPJŠ 2016



Vladimír Zeleňák (ed.)

Zborník abstraktov Študentskej vedeckej konferencie PF UPJŠ

Charakteristickou črtou vzdelávania na kvalitných vysokých školách, ku ktorým Prírodovedecká fakulta UPJŠ v Košiciach patrí, je úzke prepojenie vzdelávania a vedeckého výskumu. Poznatky a vedomosti z odboru štúdia získavajú študenti nielen teoretickým štúdiom jednotlivých disciplín, ale aj aktívnym zapojením sa do riešenia čiastkových vedeckých úloh v rámci výskumných tímov či už pri vypracovávaní záverečných prác alebo formou nástroja Študentských pomocných vedeckých síl (ŠPVS), ktorých činnosť sa na fakulte revitalizovala v roku 2015.

Študentská vedecká konferencia (ŠVK) je jedným z tradičných podujatí fakulty, ktoré je organizované počas Prírodovedeckých dní ako súčasť Sciencefestu. Svojou povahou prirodzene zapadá do spomínaného súkolia prepojenia vzdelávania a vedy a dlhodobo sa teší veľkej popularite a záujmu študentov. V roku 2016 na ŠVK vystúpilo 125 študentov Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach, v rámci 16 sekcií. Prehľad o zameraní a cieľoch študentských prác podáva tento zborník. Veríme, že bude inšpiráciou pre ďalších potenciálnych záujemcov o vystúpenie na ŠVK, ale bude zaujímavý aj pre širšiu verejnosť, ktorej môže podať doplnkový pohľad na činnosť fakulty.

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Praktikum z molekulového modelingu


Ladislav Janovec

An enormous progress in computer technology, closely linked with advances in computational chemistry, has enabled the user to exploit the principles of quantum chemistry to elucidate the chemical phenomena. Computational chemistry is the branch of science that requires, except an academic knowledge, software skills to fully exploit a potential of theoretical methods. The aim of this textbook is to help the user take the legendary first step in the field of computational chemistry to opening a new horizon of knowledge.

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Základy chiropterológie

Availability: 15 In Stock

Marcel Uhrin - Petr Benda -  Peter Kaňuch

Bats represent a unique group of mammals, characterised by different life strategies. They are the only mammals capable of active flight, which, combined with their almost exclusively nocturnal activity, has led to the evolution of specific adaptations. One of the most striking is echolocation, which enables them to orientate themselves perfectly in their surroundings in the dark. Bats are mainly native to the tropics, but have also colonised areas outside the tropics, which, has led to a complex phenological cycle with active phases and interruptions during hibernation, especially in temperate zones. In this diverse and species-rich group (almost 1,500 known species), there is a wide range of social organisation as well as feeding and roosting strategies. The textbook "Fundamentals of Chiropterology" brings the current state of knowledge about these extraordinary animals in eleven chapters and two appendices for the first time in the Slovak language.




Daniel JancuraErik Sedlák

The textbook "Bioenergetics" should serve as an introduction to the study of bioenergetics. This field of science is currently highly actual, as the results of the bioenergetics research in recent years clearly show that bioenergetics processes in living systems can "serve" not only to transformation of energy, but also affect the course of processes such as apoptosis, aging, origin and development of many diseases (especially neurodegenerative).

These facts clearly indicate the need for the existence of quality teaching texts that would allow students to acquire the necessary information and knowledge in this scientific discipline in an acceptable way. For the above mentioned reasons, we decided to create these textbooks, which are in the form of ten chapters, which naturally and logically follow each other. 

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Jozef Bednarčík

Crystallography deals with discerning the arrangement and bonding of atoms in crystalline solids. Almost immediately after their discovery, X-rays began to be used to study the internal structure of substances. The first chapter of this textbook deals with the basic concepts of crystallography. At the beginning, crystalline solids are characterized. In the next section, the basic types of bonds and their characteristics are briefly presented. The main subject of this chapter is the interpretation of basic concepts such as symmetry operations, translational periodicity, grid, elementary cell. Spatial lattices and crystal systems are presented. At the end of this chapter, attention is paid to the description of individual types of defects in crystal structures. In the second chapter, the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom is presented. Individual quantum numbers and their meaning are given. Next, energy levels and allowed transitions within an atom with multiple electrons are described. The second chapter concludes with the characterization of the basic absorption and emission processes. The third chapter is devoted to the production of X-ray radiation and its properties. Sources of X-ray radiation and a description of their operation are presented. Interaction of X-ray radiation with matter, absorption and detection of X-ray radiation are the subject of the last part of this chapter.

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Počítačová fyzika II



Milan Žukovič

This textbook is intended for master's degree students and is a follow-up to the Computational Physics I course studied at the bachelor's level. The content of the textbook Computational Physics II focuses on stochastic methods of solving physical problems, mainly on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of many-particle systems. The focus on this computationally intensive approach is motivated by the gradual increase in the computing capacities of ordinary computers as well as the introduction of high-performance computing clusters. This has led to significant progress in the development of new simulation techniques, thanks to which MC simulations have found application in various areas of research and application practice. Considering the main research focus of the department, this text is particularly devoted to the presentation of basic and more advanced MC simulation techniques applied to a simple Ising spin model in order to investigate its magnetic, thermodynamic and critical properties. The next part is devoted to MC simulations of random processes. It focuses on the simplest but also the most basic random walk process and demonstrates its applications in financial analysis and the solution of a quantum system described by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The last part is dedicated to the basics of molecular dynamics, applied to simulating the classical movement of atoms in a given force field. By mastering the problems addressed in this course, students will obtain a potential tool for working out of their diploma theses, or a methodology useful for their further scientific and research practice in the field of investigating of complex systems. The lectured topic is subsequently exercised in the form of preparing projects implemented in the freely distributable software Octave, which is easy on the user's programming skills and which students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with in the previous study.

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