List of products by brand ŠafárikPress - UPJŠ v Košiciach

Teória verejnej politiky



Stanislav Konečný

The goal of this monograph is to interpret the context of the emergence of public policy theory and the basic parameters of its subject matter—public interest, actors, and tools—as well as its methodological equipment.

The publication is also a response to the current state of development of public policy and its theory in our context, compared to its development worldwide. Today, when there is not only a very developed theory but also practice of public policy abroad, making it accessible to our readers in its full scope in the form of domestic production is almost impossible, also due to the quantitative parameters of our domestic authorial potential.

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Teória vypočítateľnosti



Ľubomír Antoni-Stanislav Krajči

An important part of theoretical computer science is the problem of Turing machines. This computational model has two basic properties: like any other computational program, the software of a Turing machine is composed of instructions, but in its case they are all of a single type. Every other (so far known) computer program can be transformed into a Turing machine program without loss of information. While the second feature reduces the question of what a calculator cannot do to the question of what a Turing machine cannot do, the first feature allows a much simpler investigation of such a question. Using this computational model, we can thus find concrete problems that no automaton can ever deal with (perhaps the most famous is the problem of the Turing machine stopping). Their existence demonstrates the fundamental limitations of (not only ideal) computational means, and thus encourages both criticality and humility in our thinking.

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Teórie správy, riadenia a byrokracie
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Teórie správy, riadenia a byrokracie

€11.57 €5.79 -50%
Availability: 42 In Stock

Bohuslava Mihalčová a kol.

Učebnica definuje rozdiely medzi správou a riadením, charakterizuje pojem byrokracia a pohľady na ňu. Ďalej podrobne rozoberá jednotlivé teórie týkajúce sa správy a riadenia, charakterizuje medzinárodný pohľad uplatňujúci sa aj vo verejnej správe a popisuje teórie financovania verejnej správy.





Lucia Andrezálová, Zdeňka Ďuračková,Mária Chomová,Vladimír Jakuš, Miriam Ježovičová, Jana Muchová, Zuzana Országhová,Ingrid Žitňanová

Chemistry and biochemistry at medical faculties are integral parts of basic theoretic knowledge of contemporary graduate. Educational book “Textbook of Medical Chemistry” is destined to students of study branches General Medicine and Dentistry for the course “Medical Chemistry”. It is structured into 13 chapters concerning several topics: general and physical chemistry, organic chemistry, chemistry of natural substances (static biochemistry), enzymology and oxidative stress. Individual chapters provide comprehensible explanation of the fundamentals of physico-chemical, chemical and biochemical relationships applying in living systems as well as the knowledge of the structure of biologically important molecules (simple molecules and macromolecules) related to their properties and biological function.

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Textbook of Practical Physiology Part I

Availability: 25 In Stock

Mária Pallayová - Soňa GrešováPavol ŠvorcIvana Bačová

Adekvátne vedomosti z lekárskej fyziológie sú dôležité pre správne porozumenie funkcií jednotlivých orgánových systémov, ako aj pre diagnostiku a správnu liečbu ochorení. Vysokoškolský učebný text Praktické cvičenia z fyziológie je navrhnutý tak, aby dopĺňal prednášky a semináre z Lekárskej fyziológie. Každá kapitola je rozdelená do niekoľkých častí (Úvod, Princíp, Materiál, Postup, Protokol), aby študentom uľahčila porozumenie jednotlivých tém a bola nápomocná pri vypracovávaní laboratórnych protokolov. Jednotlivé kapitoly zahŕňajú ochranu a bezpečnosť pri práci, úvod do fyziológie, hematológiu, kardiovaskulárny systém, respiračný systém a vylučovací systém. Od študentov sa očakáva, že počas praktických cvičení získajú praktické skúsenosti pri riešení jednotlivých úloh zameraných na oblasť lekárskej fyziológie a budú rozvíjať aj dôležité analytické a komunikačné zručnosti, ktoré im pomôžu analyzovať a prezentovať vedecké dáta.


Textbook of practical physiology: part I -...

Availability: 10 In Stock

Mária Pallayová - Štefan Kujaník

The “Textbook of Practical Physiology, Part I - Cardiovascular Physiology” by Mária Pallayová and Štefan Kujaník is a practical textbook of Human Physiology intended for English speaking medical students from general medicine and dentistry curricula.

The textbook covers basic principles in cardiovascular physiology and methods of the cardiovascular examination. Adequate knowledge of the cardiovascular physiology is important for the understanding of cardiovascular system function, as well as for the diagnosis and proper treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases. The practical tasks are constructed to facilitate knowledge acquisition and encourage students to develop practical skills, for instance the ability to follow experimental protocols, to work as part of a team, and to interpret data.

The textbook is written in English and comprises 91 pages in B5 format, grouped into twelve chapters. Each chapter is divided into six sections (Introduction, Principle, Importance, Materials, Procedure, and Protocol) to facilitate students’ understanding of the topics and assist them with preparation of the laboratory reports. The text is accompanied by explanatory figures, graphs, and tables that contribute to the learning experience.


The 4th International Conference on...



Jana ShepaIvana Šišoláková (eds.)

Abstracts of the 4th International Conference Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications (NFA) 2020 is the contributions summary of the conference participants. The conference will feature three invited lectures and eight registered lectures. This conference is a tool for creating a dialogue between experts in the field of nanomaterials, their use and overall application in various fields. Papers in the proceedings are thematically divided into 6 areas. All contributions are highly professional and interesting and can contribute to further creative scientific work.

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The 5th International Conference on...



Veronika NiščákováIvana Šišoláková (eds.)

Abstracts of the 5th Intemational Conference Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications (NF A) 2021 is the contributions summary of the conference participants. The conference will feature four invited lectures and ten registered lectures. This conference is a tool for creating a dialogue between experts in the field of nanomaterials, their use and overall application in various fields.

Papers in the proceedings are thematically divided into 6 areas. All contributions are highly professional and interesting and can contribute to further creative scientific work.

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The 6th International Conference on...



Jana Shepa (ed.)

The book of abstracts from 6th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications, NFA 2022 is composed of contributions from the participants of this international conference. The conference consisted of 4 invited lecture and 52 abstracts of participants. The conference is focused on nanotechnology and its application in various research areas. All contributions are professionally processed and inspiring.

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The 7th International Conference on Novel...



Jana Shepa (ed.)

The book of abstracts from 7th International Conference on Novel Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, NFA 2023 is composed of contributions from the participants of this international conference. The conference consisted of 3 invited lecture and 40 abstracts of participants. The conference is focused on novel materials and its application in various research areas. All contributions are professionally processed and inspiring.

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The 8th International Conference on Novel...



Jana Shepa  (ed.)

The book of abstracts from 8th International Conference on Novel Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, NFA 2023 is composed of contributions from the participants of this international conference. The conference consisted of 6 invited lecture and 38 abstracts of participants. The conference is focused on novel materials and its application in various research areas. All contributions are professionally processed and inspiring.

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Mária Mičaninová - Ivica Hajdučeková (eds.)

In the framework of the project VEGA of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic 1/0330/12 The Function of Metaphor in the Philosophy of Shlomo ben Yehuda ibn Gabirol and Shihab al-Din Yahya al-Suhrawardi, project leader Assoc. Prof. Mária Mičaninová, CSc., under the patronage of the rector of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, The Slovak Republic, Prof. MUDr. Ladislav Mirossay, DrSc., and of The Department of Philosophy and History of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the same University, took place on 4th – 5th October 2013 an International conference on The Function of Metaphor in Medieval Neoplatonism. Two days´conference was opened by Dean of the Faculty of Arts of P. J. Šafárik University, Prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc.,in the presence of Prof. PhDr. Vladimír Leško, CSc., Head of The Department of Philosophy and History of Philosophy, and of foreign guests and students of the University.

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The H(andb)ook of Legal Feminism: The Concept,...



Dominik Šoltys

The scientific monograph The H(andb)ook of Legal Feminism: The Concept, Nature, Features, Development and Forms of Legal Feminism presents for the first time the issue of legal feminism in Slovak jurisprudence in such a comprehensive way. Author analyzes legal feminism as a distinctive movement of legal philosophy and legal theory. He places legal feminism in the broader framework of general feminism. The internal ideological and developmental diversity of legal feminism brings the author´s examinations before the effort to systematize according to ideological and theoretical similarities or differences with emphasize to the development of feminism in different waves. In this regarding, author presents various forms of feminism and legal feminism, including their most important representatives. The increased view of the monograph deals with contemporary Anglo-American feminism since the end of the 1960s till the present, i.e., the period from which legal feminism emerged as a conceptual and critical movement of legal thinking. Author analyzes the critical view of legal feminism on law and current legal policy. He specifies abstract and basic theoretical features of the feminist jurisprudence. In this regard, the author pays attention to important concepts, categories, ideological assumptions, or methodological and methodological frame of feminist legal science. In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of the development of diverse forms of legal feminism the monograph also focuses on the normative side of feminist theory of law, which challenges the modern jurisprudence in elimination of gender and gender as legally relevant criteria.

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The Impact of industrial and technological...



bolya Katalin Koncz

The exploration of the interplay between innovation and society elucidates fundamental connections between human advancement and societal transformation. Technological development and its dissemination profoundly influence both the economy and social structures, often restructuring them while presenting new challenges and opportunities. This monograph delves into the theme of "Innovation and Society", focusing specifically on how technological advancements impact various facets of society ‒ from the realm of work to social policies and the evolution of gender roles. These areas are approached through a novel lens, examining them from the perspective of legislative reforms enacted and endorsed by the state. The monograph examines the characteristics and legal framework of 20th-century Hungarian society using diverse laws, regulations, and statistical data. Through analyses and documented evidence, it offers a comprehensive understanding of societal structure and operations, encompassing aspects such as the labor market, female employment, the status of industry and commerce, and shifts in legal frameworks. Detailed statistical insights into population dynamics, labor market trends, and economic sectors further deepen our comprehension of social processes. The documents scrutinize the employment distribution and conditions across different sectors, including food processing and milling, while also providing specific details on the roles, distribution, and wages of women in the workforce, with particular emphasis on occupations where women are prominently engaged. The analysis of legislative provisions delineates the historical backdrop and measures enacted for fostering social and economic transformations, covering issues such as patent legislation, guardianship laws, and family law. This compilation offers an exhaustive overview of 20th-century Hungarian society and its legal underpinnings, enriching scholarly inquiries into historical and sociological dimensions within this domain.

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The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of...


Terézia HišemováDarina Kmecová (eds.)

Reviewed proceedings of scientific papers of Conference of Slovak and Czech law romanists, which take place at May, 10.-11.5.2018, at Faculty of Law, UPJŠ in Košice.

The submitted reviewed proceeding of scientific papers on „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of roman - law basics and problems of application practice.”  is prepared within the solution of the grant project VEGA on: „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of historical - law basics and problems of application practice.”, no. p. 1/0198/17.

The authors of papers are important personalities of Roman law working in the Slovak and Czech Republic, as well as PhD students and young scientists from Slovak and foreign universities who are active in the academic environment as well as in legal practice. The main goal of the editors is to help improve the current legal situation, which is assessed as unsatisfactory, and through a historical excursion of the development of the loan institute and then the forced execution of the decision, to create de lege ferenda proposals considering all areas of research.

The Proceedings trace the interrelationships between the substantive law institute in terms of the Roman law of contractus unilaterales - mutuum in its various types, often realized by the attachment of high interest rates, which bordered on the insurrection and the procedural law of individual lawsuits enforced in the legislative, formular and cognitive process. If there was no possibility to impose certain behaviour on the obligated person (the debtor, the sentenced person), then the declared general obligation to enforce the legal norms was only a legal term. It has always been the case that every internally well-organized state, whether antique or present, has to use power tools - often with the use of gross violence - but within the limits of the law, to promote what it has declared valid law. It must protect creditors on the one hand, but it must also prevent self-help and the use of illegal, unjustified and disproportionate violence.

The loan contract as a real contract has often become an integral part and relatively the most frequent reason leading to the compulsory enforcement, especially when contracting parties often agree on the connection of interest - sometimes within the legal limit, sometimes exceeding the legal framework - and in this way the potential future creditor (the plaintiff) significantly increased the insolvency risk of the debtor (the defendant, the sentenced) and of the subsequent execution. The pronounced and deepening social stratification of the Roman population and the secondary depreciation effort, the cancellation of the debts of the poor part of the population logically culminated in social unrest and revolt against the enforcement of the enforcement law.

The proceedings capture not only the rich scientific discussion of Slovak and Czech legal Romanists, but also the opinions, experience and knowledge of experts on contemporary law dealing with this type of issues. As a result, it provides a unique interdisciplinary view of the subject and raises many stimulus points for future research. This work proves that the problems encountered by the various representatives of the Roman jurisprudence and their legal and theoretical bases and solutions are undoubtedly useful and serve as a guideline also for solving legal issues in the field of modern enforcement proceedings.

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The Magic of Sounds


Marián GladišLucia Jasinská (eds.)

This peer-reviewed collection of papers is a publication output of the scientific colloquium named The Magic of Sounds, which was organized by the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication at the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and by the Košice Branch of the Slovak Linguistic Society at the Ľudovít Štúr Linguistic Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of birth of Associate Professor PhDr. Jozef Liška, PhD., the founder of the Slovak logopaedics. Participants focused their papers on the analysis of the linguistic and speech therapy work of J. Liška, his contribution to Slovak dialectology and orthoepy, presented him as an Anglicist, and they also dealt with the audio aspect of children's speech, exact methods of disturbances and low voice quality measuring, or machine speech processing. An interpretative paper of the documentary They Will Speak Well, a socially important piece of film work, which was made in 1958 under the supervision of J. Liška, is also included in the proceedings.

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The place, role and significance of domestic law


Dominika BeckováAdam Giertl (eds.)

Collection of Papers of PhD. students and young researchers

Institute of International Law and European Law offered a place to PhD. students and young researchers to publish scientific outputs of their research. Submited collection of scientific contributions is the result of that initiative. Papers deal with the implementation of international law and law of the EU into the domestic legal system. Thematically is the collection of contributions divided into several parts, that are dedicated to contributions dealing with the issues of legal theory and international and european law. Contributions are addressing issues of human rights protection, they aim to the roles of international and supranational judiciary, environment, criminal and public law. Collection of contributions includes also chosen problems of private law and it also dedicates space for contributions focused on foreign investments.

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The XIV. European Magnetic Sensors and...



Jozef Bednarčík (ed.)

The European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference (EMSA) is a consolidated European forum that serves to assess the status, recent progress, and development in the field of magnetic sensor technology and magnetic actuators. It was first held in 1996 in Iasi (Romania) and since then has continued every two-three years in different European cities. The aim of the conference is to generate an overview of research in magnetic sensors and actuators, to recognize their relevance in modern industry and to identify potential future collaborations. EMSA 2024 will provide an excellent opportunity to bring together scientists and engineers from universities, research institutes and industry to present and discuss their most recent results covering both fundamental and applied aspects of magnetic sensors and actuators.

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Theories of Intercultural Communication



Renáta Panocová

The university textbook "Theories of Intercultural Communication" is primarily intended for master's degree students of translation and interpreting, as well as doctoral students of British and American Studies.

The goal of the textbook is to familiarize students with key theories in the field of intercultural communication. Eight chapters cover a selection of current theories focused on defining cultural dimensions, identity management and negotiation, accommodation and adaptation, anxiety and uncertainty management, and current research on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

The final chapter provides a historical overview of intercultural communication theories and outlines key research questions for the future.

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Theory of Public Administration


Stanislav Konečný

This university textbook is the most extensive publication on the theory of public administration in Slovakia to date. In the introductory chapters, after clarifying the basic relations with other sciences, it gives an overview of what all the authors from Plato to today have dealt with, examining the subject from philosophical, theological, legal, economic, organizational, managerial, psychological, sociological and political science perspectives, and on the basis of which it is possible to formulate a demand for public administration to become legitimate, costeffective, flexible, comprehensible, open, participatory and democratic, and for its theory to be truly interdisciplinary. In the chapter on the actors of public administration, attention is paid not only to the state administration at all levels, but also to local, special interest and special interest selfgovernments, other public corporations and institutions and other actors of public administration, but also, in a framework, to providers of public services. The final chapter is devoted to public administration transformations and reforms. All the chapters are based on a rich factual literature, both domestic and foreign. The publication is supplemented by a list of references, containing more than 500 titles by domestic but mainly foreign authors. In this way, the textbook can be a welcome source of information and suggestions for the wider professional public.

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Through Loneliness to Abstinence: Or why...


Ján KahanEva Žiaková

The monograph focuses on the issue of loneliness among substance-addicted people in the context of abstinence prospects and re/lapse prevention. In the monograph these phenomena, several theories were integrated and applied in the context of the ecosystem meta-framework of social work and practical contexts. The ecosystem meta-theory serves as a meta-construct with the ability to encompass the complexity of social phenomena as well as that of human beings within the structure of their living and social environment, formal and informal networks, and close intimate relationships. In this monograph are presented research sample consisted of 235 respondents – hospitalised addicts undergoing urgent treatment, abstaining A-club members as well as members of psychotherapy and self-help groups. The research showed that abstainers were statistically less lonely than the hospitalised respondents. Quantitative data of research are complemented by qualitative data collected in four case studies; two of them focused on two long-term abstainers from alcohol and drugs, while the other two case studies dealt with two respondents in post-hoc treatment undergoing the resocialization process. The research also showed that respondents who broke abstinence felt lonelier than their successfully abstaining counterparts. The results were supported also by the fact that a statistically significant inversely proportional relationship was identified between the duration of abstinence and loneliness rate. Gender differences were found between the hospitalised addicts in all loneliness dimensions. Naturally, the combined research was limited in certain aspects, mainly in terms of the size and proportional distribution of the research sample and its subgroups, test battery extent, and general nature of the population studied. Triangulation among quantitative and qualitative with the theoretical starting points confirmed the existence of a relationship among loneliness, addiction, and prospect of abstinence.

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Topografická pitva hornej a dolnej končatiny

Availability: 10 In Stock

Jozef Mihalik - Silvia Rybárová

Vysokoškolské učebné texty sú určené pre študentov 1. ročníka odboru Všeobecné lekárstvo, pričom pozostávajú zo všeobecnej a špeciálnej časti. Vo všeobecnej časti sa študenti oboznámia so základnými pitevnými nástrojmi a pracovným postupom používanými pri pitve ľudského tela. V špeciálnej časti je horná končatina opísaná podľa jednotlivých krajín. V tejto časti učebných textov sú podrobne opísané hranice jednotlivých oblastí, kožné rezy, ako aj podkožné a hĺbkové štruktúry ktoré sa tu nachádzajú.

Transteritoriálne správne akty v podmienkach...



Radomír JakabTibor SemanLukáš Jančát

The concept of a transterritorial administrative act is relatively new in administrative law, especially in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. It has practical applicability to the application of European Union law (including international law). Its essence lies in the fact that the effects of such an administrative act issued within one Member State exceed the territory of that Member State, have effects in other Member States, in all Member States of the European Union without being subject to the recognition process.

The purpose of the monograph is to present outputs of the scientific examination of this type of administrative acts, the definition of its characteristics and its effects, the examination of the possibilities of procedural defense against its effects by the State concerned, and possibly the possibility of unifying the action of the Member States of the European Union in case of procedural defense against the effects of transterritorial administrative acts. The monograph also contains analysis of certain types of transterrritorial administrative acts that are commonly used in the conditions of the European union and Slovak republic; they are also categorized under specific criteria.,

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Trestné právo procesné

Availability: 78 In Stock

 Jozef Olej a kol. 

Preložená vysokoškolská učebnica je venovaná problematike trestného práva procesného, ktorú autori v rovnakom zložení spracovali v roku 2006, bezprostredne po účinnosti nového rekodifikovaného Tr. por. – zák. č. 301/2005 Z.z. Obdobie, ktoré uplynulo od účinnosti tejto právnej normy nepochybne prispelo k potvrdeniu či ustáleniu názorov na niektoré nové inštitúty a súčasne si vyžiadalo potrebu reagovať na početné novelizácie tohto zákona.

Štruktúra predloženej publikácie, členenie do jednotlivých kapitol, v podstate korešponduje s úpravou jednotlivých inštitútov obsiahnutých v Tr. poriadku, a to od úpravy základných pojmov, prameňov, zásad trestného konania, cez postavenie jednotlivých subjektov trestného konania, procesné úkony, inštitúty zaisťovacej povahy a dôkaznej povahy, jednotlivé štádia trestného konania až po úpravu právneho styku s cudzinou, resp. trov trestného konania. Ako už bolo uvedené, autori reagujú na pomerne časté a v mnohých prípadoch aj výrazné zmeny úpravy rekodofikovaného Tr. poriadku, vrátane súvisiacich právnych predpisov, prezentujú svoje názory i názory mnohých iných odborníkov na spracovanú problematiku a tieto konfrontujú s poznatkami z praxe, vrátane uvádzania aktuálnej iudikatúry.

Ambíciou autorov tak bolo a naďalej zostáva, ponúknuť predovšetkým študentom právnických fakúlt základnú učebnú pomôcku pre štúdium trestného práva procesného.


Truth vs. Post-Truth. „It is not true, but it...



Michaela Ružičková - Patrik Furik - Lukáš Jakabovič (eds.)

The collection of articles from the XI. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association, the Department of Security Studies of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Institute of Political Sciences and Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Institute of Social Studies, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University in Brno, and the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, University of Miskolc, held on 20 May 2022 in Košice.

The aim of this publication, entitled Truth vs. Post-Truth. „It is not true, but it could be.”, is to highlight the threats arising from the issue of the spread of disinformation, conspiracies and hoaxes today, reflecting not only on the national context, but also on the impact of these elements in the international environment.

The proceedings consist of 12 articles written in Slovak and English. The individual contributions deal with selected topics and aspects of the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories or hoaxes, among others in the context of elections, media landscape and politics.

The topics of the contributions are the limits of freedom of expression, media freedom and regulation in the media space, the issue of propaganda or information warfare. The present volume also includes papers focusing on issues in the field of political ideologies or the issue of false narratives about the COVID-19 disease.

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Tvorba a realizácia pracovného práva so...



Milena Barinková (ed.)

Riešitelia grantovej úlohy „Tvorba a realizácia pracovného práva so zreteľom na regionálne aspekty trhu práce“ sa vo svojich prácach zaoberajú analýzou zamestnávateľských snáh o legislatívne zmeny v úrovni sociálnych práv zamestnancov zdôvodňovaných regionálnymi odlišnosťami, analýzou možných dopadov pri ich realizácii, a tiež posúdením ich súladu s ochrannou funkciou slovenského pracovného práva a hodnotovým charakterom základných ľudských práv vlastných európskej a právnej kultúre.

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Tvorba animačných programov pre deti v dennom...



Zuzana Küchelová-Petra Tomková

Publikácia je zameraná na detské animačné programy, zamerané na tvorivú činnosť a športovú aktivitu. Tvorba animačných aktivít (programov) súvisí so zámerom obohatenia a naplnenia voľného času rôznym vekovým skupinám. Dobre pripravený program, zaujímavá téma, dynamický priebeh hier, pomáhajú napĺňať voľný čas kedykoľvek. Príprava a realizácia, kreativita, bohatá ponuka a pestrosť programov. To všetko v skratke nájdete v našej publikácii. Ako na to? Snažíme sa vám priblížiť aj na základe našich skúsenosti. Okrem našej odbornej činnosti v oblasti animácie na univerzitnej pôde, sme organizátorkami množstva táborov pre deti. Súčasťou publikácie je súbor hier s čarodejníckou tematikou.

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Tvorba úloh pre programátorské súťaže



Ľubomír ŠnajderJán Guniš

The publication lists interim results of qualitative educational research focused on the development and evaluation of programming tasks being carried out by authors since 2005 in the frame of programming competition PALMA junior. The publication consists of three chapters: Computer science competitions in Slovakia, Tasks in computer science education, Selected problems of PALMA junior competition. The first chapter provides an overview of computer science competitions for a primary and secondary schools in Slovakia. The second chapter described the issue of learning tasks - their components, focus, formulation types, and development system of tasks. The third chapter contains the assignments and commented author solutions of selected problems represented focus of PALMA junior competition – programming, algorithms and mathematics. For each problem is mentioned analysis of pupils’ solutions aimed to ways of thinking, typical misconceptions, sets of preparatory and extended problems. The publication is addressed to computer science teacher trainers, authors of programming competitions problems, and computer science teachers.  

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Učíme právo zážitkovo



Daniela Lamačková-Renáta Orosová- Beáta Sakalová- Diana Repiščáková

Methodological guide for teachers for classroom lessons and civics Teaching law experientially? Is it even possible? The answers to these questions are provided by a methodological guide that uniquely links experiential learning methods with legal content. This methodological guide is a set of techniques based on the use of interactive and participatory learning methods, focusing on selected human rights and value-oriented topics, which also have the potential to develop other key competences of students, such as their communication skills, their ability to learn and educate independently, their ability to think critically, their ability to work with and analyse texts, their ability to discuss and express their opinions, and their ability to listen to each other. The methodological guide consists of a set of training activities - techniques, while each technique contains a precise description of the procedure for conducting a specific activity, the expected duration of the activity, aids, discussion topics and also a short pedagogical and legal commentary, precisely "tailored" to the specific legal topic. The legal topics are chosen to be generally applicable to both classroom and civics lessons, to raise questions about the functioning of rules and the need to respect them, mutual respect and tolerance, and to encourage reflection on the limits of individual rights and on responsibility in exercising one's rights. The techniques use training methods such as group work, brainstorming, role-playing, dealing with model situations, as well as a simulated court process. The methodological guide is intended for classroom teachers in the implementation of classroom lessons, and also for the purposes of the subject of civics, as well as for students of pedagogy at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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