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The place, role and significance of domestic law
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Dominika Becková • Adam Giertl (eds.)
Collection of Papers of PhD. students and young researchers
Institute of International Law and European Law offered a place to PhD. students and young researchers to publish scientific outputs of their research. Submited collection of scientific contributions is the result of that initiative. Papers deal with the implementation of international law and law of the EU into the domestic legal system. Thematically is the collection of contributions divided into several parts, that are dedicated to contributions dealing with the issues of legal theory and international and european law. Contributions are addressing issues of human rights protection, they aim to the roles of international and supranational judiciary, environment, criminal and public law. Collection of contributions includes also chosen problems of private law and it also dedicates space for contributions focused on foreign investments.
Data sheet
- Formát:
- E-kniha (pdf)
- Zostavovatelia:
- Dominika Becková • Adam Giertl
- Typ dokumentu:
- zborník vedeckých prác
- Počet strán:
- 566
- Dostupné od:
- 22.03.2018
- Rok vydania:
- 2018
- Vydanie:
- 1. vydanie
- Jazyk publikácie:
- slovenčina, angličtina, čeština
- Fakulta UPJŠ:
- Právnická fakulta
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Košické dni súkromného práva IV. Pocta...
Peter Molnár - Viktória Koľveková - Miroslava Kušníriková - Renáta Romanová - Lukáš Macko (eds.)
Recenzovaný zborník vedeckých prác z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Košické dni súkromného práva IV., ktorá sa konala v dňoch 15. až 17. júna 2022, je čiastkovým výstupom riešenia grantovej úlohy projektu schváleného Vedeckou grantovou agentúrou Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky a Slovenskej akadémie vied pod registračným číslom 1/0765/20 s názvom „Ochrana ľudských hodnôt v súkromnom práve v kontexte moderných trendov a prebiehajúcej rekodifikácie súkromného práva“.
Predkladaný zborník vedeckých prác je výstupom zo 4. ročníka medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Košické dni súkromného práva IV. organizovanej Katedrou občianskeho práva, Právnickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach. Publikačné výstupy autorov sú tematicky orientované najmä na výskumný projekt VEGA č. 1/0765/20 "Ochrana ľudských hodnôt v súkromnom práve v kontexte moderných trendov a prebiehajúcej rekodifikácie súkromného práva" riešený organizátormi konferencie. Jednotlivé príspevky sú rozdelené do troch sekcií – občianske právo hmotné, civilné právo procesné, právo duševného vlastníctva. Rozdelenie sekcií reflektuje na jednotlivé výskumné oblasti vymedzené v rámci projektu.
Vybrané otázky sociálneho práva Európskej únie
Marcel Dolobáč a kol.
Učebnica s názvom Vybrané otázky sociálneho práva Európskej únie prierezovo spracúva najzásadnejšie otázky pracovného práva a práva sociálneho zabezpečenia v Európskej únii. V úvodných statiach učebnice sa autori zamerali na objasnenie základnej terminológie a stručne poukazujú na vývoj sociálneho práva v Únii. Ďalšie kapitoly práce postupne vysvetľujú vybranú problematiku ktorá celkovo dotvára sociálne právo Európskej únie, konkrétne – voľný pohyb zamestnancov, zákaz diskriminácie, flexibilitu pracovných vzťahov prostredníctvom atypických pracovných pomerov, dočasné pridelenie zamestnancov, ochranu osobitných kategórií zamestnancov, ochranu osobných údajov, oblasť bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci, ochranu práv zamestnancov pri prevode, prechode zamestnávateľa a jeho platobnej neschopnosti, kolektívnu ochranu práv zamestnancov a napokon uplatňovanie systémov sociálneho zabezpečenia. Učebnica analyzuje predovšetkým úniovú úpravu s akcentom na rozhodnú judikatúru Súdneho dvora Európskej únie, vnútroštátny právny poriadok objasňuje iba vo vybraných problematických oblastiach.
Finančné právo a daňové právo v 21. storočí -...
Adrián Popovič, Jozef Sábo, Anna Vartašová
The Intemational Scientific Conference - V. Slovak-Czech days of tax law on the topic Tax Law and New Phenomena in the Economy was held 5th - 6th June 2023 in Košice. Onthis occasion, a student symposium on the topic: "Financial Law and Tax Law in the 21st Century" was organized for students of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Faculty of Law in Košice on 7th June 2023. The focus of the symposium was chosen due to the content of thegrant project VEGA no. 1/0485/21: "Simultaneity and possibilities of reforming the system ofown resources of the EU budget (legal and economic aspects also in the context of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic) ",of the grant project VEGA no.1/0214/21: "Taxa/ionof real property - legal status and polential" and of the grant project APVV-19-0124 entitled" Tax law and new phenomena in the economy (digital services, sharedeconomy,virtualcurrencies) ", which are currently being addressed at the Department of Financial Law, Tax Law and Economy, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.
The output of this symposium is a reviewed proceeding of papers, in which students focus on examining the issues of new phenomena in the digital economy (virtual currencies and the shared economy), but also the iss ues of the budget process, thedecision - making activity of the Court of Justice of the EU and theoretical - legal issues of tax justice with regard to the development of tax law.
The authors also assess in detail the current situation in the research area, and they also present de lege ferenda proposals that could contribute to the development and improvementof several aspects of taxation, which is a benefit not only for legal science but also for application practice.
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Európska prokuratúra v Slovenskej republike
Martina Jánošíková - Dominika Marčoková Becková (eds.)
The peer-reviewed Proceeding of Scientific Papers is dedicated to the issue of the European Public Prosecutor's Office and is the result of a scientific project APVV-18-0421 European Public Prosecutor's Office in Connections of the Constitutional Order of the Slovak Republic as Strengthening of the European Integration through Law. In their works, the authors of scientific papers, dealt with the issue of the European Public Prosecutor's Office in the context of European Union law and criminal law, as well as the relation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office with the national prosecutor's office and law enforcement authorities. The scientific works published in the proceeding dealt with the topics of the reasons for the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, the position of the European Public Prosecutor's Office in the institutional system of the EU and the Slovak Republic, relations of cooperation and coordination between the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic, the protection of the constitutionality and legality of the procedures and decisions of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, with special attention to the protection of fundamental rights, as well as the first result and evaluation of the operation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office in the Slovak Republic. Thanks to the content of scientific papers, the reader can get a more comprehensive idea of this new body of the European Union, which operates in an area traditionally associated with state sovereignty and represents another step forward in the integration processes represented by the European Union.
Ján Klučka - Ľuboslav Sisák - Laura Gazdagová (eds.)
This publication captures the conference proceedings of the international scientific conference "20 years in the European Union in terms of law and the era of sustainability". The conference took place on 3rd September 2024 at the Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in hybrid form.
The first part of the conference proceedings includes contributions concerning EU law in proceedings before the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic with focus to current issues and challenges after 20 years of membership of the Slovak Republic in the EU, European law from the perspective of international constitutionalism in a green coat, the impact of the entry of the Baltic states into the European Union on the question of the nationality of natural persons, the single digital market in the context of the Slovak Republic, the impact of European Union law in the field of personal data protection on the territory of the Slovak Republic, the principle of environmental protection in economic competition and international jurisdiction for private law claims for compensation for damage caused to the environment.
The second part of the conference proceedings includes contributions concerning the process of enshrining human right to environment in international law and European law, the development of biodiversity protection in the EU, NATO´s role in climate change response to meet the sustainability and suing tort damages from the Dieselgate emissions scandal.
The Impact of industrial and technological...
The exploration of the interplay between innovation and society elucidates fundamental connections between human advancement and societal transformation. Technological development and its dissemination profoundly influence both the economy and social structures, often restructuring them while presenting new challenges and opportunities. This monograph delves into the theme of "Innovation and Society", focusing specifically on how technological advancements impact various facets of society ‒ from the realm of work to social policies and the evolution of gender roles. These areas are approached through a novel lens, examining them from the perspective of legislative reforms enacted and endorsed by the state. The monograph examines the characteristics and legal framework of 20th-century Hungarian society using diverse laws, regulations, and statistical data. Through analyses and documented evidence, it offers a comprehensive understanding of societal structure and operations, encompassing aspects such as the labor market, female employment, the status of industry and commerce, and shifts in legal frameworks. Detailed statistical insights into population dynamics, labor market trends, and economic sectors further deepen our comprehension of social processes. The documents scrutinize the employment distribution and conditions across different sectors, including food processing and milling, while also providing specific details on the roles, distribution, and wages of women in the workforce, with particular emphasis on occupations where women are prominently engaged. The analysis of legislative provisions delineates the historical backdrop and measures enacted for fostering social and economic transformations, covering issues such as patent legislation, guardianship laws, and family law. This compilation offers an exhaustive overview of 20th-century Hungarian society and its legal underpinnings, enriching scholarly inquiries into historical and sociological dimensions within this domain.
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Miesto a význam regionálnych súdnych orgánov v...
Ján Klučka a kol.
The aim of the current monograph is to provide comprehensive view of the status of regional judicial organs in current conditions of regionalism. Based on selected issues examined in individual chapters research team presents the comprehensive study focused on clarification of the status and significance of regional judicial organs in terms of new regionalism. Research of the role of regional courts in the system of peaceful settlement of disputes demonstrates the significant role of the regional courts within the promotion of the rule of law, regional integration and also significant role of regional courts to ensure legal certainty within the system of compliance with decisions of regional courts. The result of examination of possibilities of individuals to access to regional judicial organs is comparative evaluation of regional possibilities of individual to defend his/her rights within regional courts of various regions. Particular part of this area is the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial as basic rights within the proceedings of regional judicial organs. Within the examination of preliminary rulings of international regional courts of different regions the role of regional judicial organs in the process of effective implementation of the principle of the rule of law was the subject of examination. For the proper functioning of the regional judicial organs as well as independence of judges and legal certainty in International law, the ethical rules of international judicial organs and tribunals, which are the subject of the last chapter, are significant.
1. svetová vojna a jej dôsledky v štátoprávnej...
Erik Štenpien, Lucia Pištejová, Ivan Svatuška
The presented publication is the proceedings of the international conference held on 29.-30. September 2022 in Košice as an output of the grant project APVV-19-0419. The ambition of the project is to try to reconcile legal and general historians from Slovakia and Hungary in the difficult topic of looking at the Treaty of Trianon from 1920. The conference, held on 29.-30. September 2022 was the third in a series of conferences that for the purpose of assisting in the achievement of said goal. It was attended by legal historians and positive lawyers from several Central European countries. So let the collection serve as another step towards understanding between nations.
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Privatizácia verejného práva verzus publicita...
Lukáš Michaľov • Katarína Koromházová (eds.)
The Collection of scientific contributions "Privatization of public law versus publicity of private law" is an output of the International scientific conference of Phd. students and scientific researchers organized by the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University. The collection contains contributions focused on the issues of the intersection of private and public law, specifically on the privatization of public law and publicity of private law.
This is a highly important topic, because the elements of privatization can be found across the entire public law, not only in the field of criminal law, but also in other legal branches of public law.Recently, there have been significant elements of publicity of private law, especially commercial or civil law. Therefore, we consider the topic of the conference and the title of the collection to be appropriately chosen and up to date without any significant limits in scientific research.
The participants of theInternational scientific conference in their contributions also focused on de lege ferenda considerations and offer a new perspective on the formation of public or private law.
The aim of the published Collection of scientific contributions isto continue in improving and developing new knowledge of the public law in the field of its privatization and private law in the field of its publicity.
Demokracia, dôstojnosť, diverzita: Zborník z...
Alexander Bröstl • Marta Breichová Lapčáková (eds.)
Pod záštitou Ústavu teórie práva Gustava Radbrucha a Slovenskej sekcie Medzinárodného združenia pre právnu a sociálnu filozofiu (IVR) sa 16. mája 2019 na Právnickej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach uskutočnila 3 D flash-konferencia venovaná predovšetkým blížiacemu sa 29. svetovému kongresu IVR vo švajčiarskom Luzerne. V duchu hlavnej kongresovej výzvy sa témou konferencie stala „Dôstojnosť, demokracia, diverzita (Dignity, Democracy, Diversity).“
V čase konania konferencie na fakulte bolo jasné, že počet účastníkov svetového kongresu výrazne presiahne hranicu 1000 a že rokovanie kongresu bude prebiehať v 151 špeciálnych workshopoch a 28 pracovných skupinách (working groups). V rámci kongresu bol ohlásený aj okrúhly stôl s nositeľom ceny IVR za najlepšiu knihu profesorom Brianom Tamanahom - Realistic Theory of Law (Cambridge 2017), stretnutie k Encyklopédii IVR, panel k otázke akademickej slobody, ako aj stretnutie predsedov národných sekcií IVR.
Medzinárodné právo súkromné
Kristián Csach - Ľubica Širicová
Medzinárodné právo súkromné doznalo v poslednom období dramatických zmien. Plne rozbehnutý proces komunitarizácie tohto právneho odvetvia nateraz nebol – a asi ani nemohol byť – účinne reflektovaný vnútroštátnym zákonodarcom. Za súčasného právneho stavu sa tak nezriedka v tej istej právnej otázke prelínajú právne predpisy komunitárneho pôvodu a úprava vnútroštátna (zosobnená najmä zákonom č. 97/1963 Zb. o medzinárodnom práve súkromnom a procesnom) . Otázniky o obsolentnosti niektorých ustanovení tohto donedávna univerzálneho kodifikovaného predpisu medzinárodného práva súkromného vyvoláva predo- všetkým (nie však bezvýhradne) kolízna úprava obsiahnutá v tzv. nariadení „Rím I“ o rozhodnom práve pre zmluvné záväzky, v tzv. nariadení „Rím II“ o rozhodnom práve pre mimozmluvné záväzky a najnovšie aj v nariadení Rady (ES) č. 4/2009 z 18. decembra 2008 o právomoci, rozhodnom práve, uznávaní a výkone rozhodnutí a o spolupráci vo veciach vyživovacej povinnosti. Rešpektujúc princíp prednosti všeobecne záväzných aktov Spoločenstva pred zákonom sa správna aplikácia normatívnych textov nezaobíde bez schopnosti pohotovej orientácie v normách a ich následnej komparácie. Študent a ktokoľvek iný je preto konfrontovaný s množstvom právnych predpisov podstatného rozsahu a detailnosti úpravy. V súčasnosti okrem systematicky usporiadaných odkazov na internetových stránkach Ministerstva spravodlivosti nenachádzame ucelený materiál, ktorý by ponúkal prehľad právnych predpisov v oblasti medzinárodného práva súkromného a procesného.
Správne právo bez hraníc
Radomír Jakab-Diana Repiščáková-Eva Berníková
Collection of contributions from the international scientific conference was created as part of the international scientific conference entitled "Administrative law without borders" held on October 19 and 20, 2023 in Tokaj in connection with the solution of the scientific project entitled "Extraterritorial effects of foreign administrative decisions in the conditions of the European Union " supported by a grant from the Scientific Grant Agency under no. 01/187/2022. The main goal of the mentioned project is the scientific investigation of the extraterritorial impact of administrative decisions of the member states of the European Union on the territory of other member states for the purpose of knowledge as well as the subsequent assessment of the need and extent of harmonization of the legislation of the member states of the European Union, perceiving the growing necessity of increasing the degree of free movement of administrative decisions in the conditions of the European of the Union. As part of the research project, an international scientific conference was held under the title "Administrative Law without Borders". At the conference, contributions were presented by members of the investigative team, who are also members of the Department of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice, as well as their colleagues from all over Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The main goal of the conference was the presentation and confrontation of knowledge in the field of cross-border effects of administrative acts (primarily in the conditions of the European Union), perceiving the increasingly increasing globalization of law, as a result of which it is no longer possible to perceive national law separately, but in mutual contexts with the legal systems of other states , or with the right of transnational, or international organizations, as well as obligations arising for individual states from concluded international agreements. Individual sections and blocks of the conference also corresponded to this goal, within which not only knowledge from positive-legal disciplines, but also knowledge of a theoretical-legal and historical-legal nature was heard.
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Právny štát, spravodlivosť a budúcnosť demokracie
Alexander Bröstl - Marta Breichová Lapčáková (eds.)
Collection of papers from session of the slovak section of the IVR
In accordance with its name, the collection is devoted to three framework areas consisting of the rule of law, justice and the future of democracy, reflecting the focus of the 31st World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR). Published contributions of the slovak section of the IVR are devoted to the present questions of the rule of law in relation to the democratic legal state. Principles of the rule of law and present questions connected to the democratic character of the Slovak republic, including the democratic procedures on the local level, are juxtaposed with shifts on the international and global scene. Individual contributions are thus devoted to the technical and biotechnological challenges of contemporary democracy, the manifestation of game theory in the search for consensus in collegial judicial bodies, or to the concept of loyal opposition in the ongoing judicial dialogue surrounding the application of law in the european legal space. Space is also devoted to the universal questions of the nature of legal science, and to the present and future of the rule of law. The collection thus goes beyond the borders of the slovak legal space and aims to understand current trends in a broader context.