Teória vypočítateľnosti


Ľubomír Antoni-Stanislav Krajči

An important part of theoretical computer science is the problem of Turing machines. This computational model has two basic properties: like any other computational program, the software of a Turing machine is composed of instructions, but in its case they are all of a single type. Every other (so far known) computer program can be transformed into a Turing machine program without loss of information. While the second feature reduces the question of what a calculator cannot do to the question of what a Turing machine cannot do, the first feature allows a much simpler investigation of such a question. Using this computational model, we can thus find concrete problems that no automaton can ever deal with (perhaps the most famous is the problem of the Turing machine stopping). Their existence demonstrates the fundamental limitations of (not only ideal) computational means, and thus encourages both criticality and humility in our thinking.

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Ľubomír Antoni - Stanislav Krajči
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Prírodovedecká fakulta
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Úvod do porovnávacej morfológie živočíchov


Andrej Mock

The structure of the animal body is extremely varied. Each species has its distinctive morphological features, which bears as a testimony to long-term development and belonging to the developmental lineage. At the same time, the body has been tested for a long time by natural conditions, resulting in unique adaptations to the environment and life strategy. Despite this admirable variety - which includes both recent and fossil animals and which we have far from mapped – a comparison of body parts brings knowledge we can generalize: the main building principles, and boundaries within which phenotypic diversity is realized. Comparative animal morphology today uses the latest methodological material and knowledge from other disciplines, from genetics, molecular biology and experimental embryology, through progressive imaging methods (e.g. electron microscopy, computer micro-tomography) and the possibilities of subsequent software processing of image material (measurement, staining, etc.) to the view of physics, chemistry, statics and geometry on the structures (to nanostructures) of the living body. Detailed knowledge of historical and contemporary conditions on Earth is an important interpretative context in the study of animal morphology. Surprisingly, the knowledge accumulated after centuries of research is now rapidly supplemented by new knowledge, and often the traditional knowledge is subsequently reinterpreted. Finally, and no less important, in studying animal (and human) morphology, we learn surprising knowledge about ourselves. The author of the presented textbook had the ambition in a simplified form to introduce the reader, especially the student of biological studies, into a dynamic and fascinating scientific discipline, as the current comparative animal morphology is.

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Základy chiropterológie

Availability: 15 In Stock

Marcel Uhrin - Petr Benda -  Peter Kaňuch

Bats represent a unique group of mammals, characterised by different life strategies. They are the only mammals capable of active flight, which, combined with their almost exclusively nocturnal activity, has led to the evolution of specific adaptations. One of the most striking is echolocation, which enables them to orientate themselves perfectly in their surroundings in the dark. Bats are mainly native to the tropics, but have also colonised areas outside the tropics, which, has led to a complex phenological cycle with active phases and interruptions during hibernation, especially in temperate zones. In this diverse and species-rich group (almost 1,500 known species), there is a wide range of social organisation as well as feeding and roosting strategies. The textbook "Fundamentals of Chiropterology" brings the current state of knowledge about these extraordinary animals in eleven chapters and two appendices for the first time in the Slovak language.

Book of abstracts - New trends in chemistry,...


Zuzana Orságová Králová (ed.)

The scientific book of abstracts is a summary of the contributions of teachers, scientists and other conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. Their work will be the subject of the next domestic conference "New trends in chemistry, research and education 2019". The conference is a space for dialogue between scientific academics on the one hand and professional staff and students on the other.

The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry. All contributions are interesting and can be used in further creative scientific and research work, in the process of education and in practical work.

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The 6th International Conference on...



Jana Shepa (ed.)

The book of abstracts from 6th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications, NFA 2022 is composed of contributions from the participants of this international conference. The conference consisted of 4 invited lecture and 52 abstracts of participants. The conference is focused on nanotechnology and its application in various research areas. All contributions are professionally processed and inspiring.

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Zbierka úloh z matematickej analýzy III.
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Zbierka úloh z matematickej analýzy III.

€13.62 €1.00 -€12.62
Availability: 81 In Stock

Ondrej Hutník a kol. 

Zbierka úloh z matematickej analýzy III. je pokračovaním predchádzajúcich dvoch vydaných zbierok autorov Kulcsár a Kulcsárová. Táto časť obsahuje príklady na zopakovanie a precvičenie učiva stredných škôl, ako aj časti prvého semestra kurzu matematická analýza určeného pre študentov matematiky, fyziky, informatiky a učiteľského štúdia v kombinácii s matematikou. Zbierka môže tiež pomôcť všetkým učiteľom, ktorí chcú použiť rôzne úlohy vo svojom vyučovaní. Zbierka zahŕňa oblasť postupností reálnych čísel: aritmetické a geometrické postupnosti, všeobecne a rekurentne zadané postupnosti, nachádzajú sa tu úlohy na vyšetrovanie vlastností postupností (monotónnosť, ohraničenosť, konvergencia) a výpočet rôznych typov limít. Všetky zadané úlohy sú vyriešené na konci každej kapitoly s podrobným komentárom.


Počítačová fyzika II



Milan Žukovič

This textbook is intended for master's degree students and is a follow-up to the Computational Physics I course studied at the bachelor's level. The content of the textbook Computational Physics II focuses on stochastic methods of solving physical problems, mainly on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of many-particle systems. The focus on this computationally intensive approach is motivated by the gradual increase in the computing capacities of ordinary computers as well as the introduction of high-performance computing clusters. This has led to significant progress in the development of new simulation techniques, thanks to which MC simulations have found application in various areas of research and application practice. Considering the main research focus of the department, this text is particularly devoted to the presentation of basic and more advanced MC simulation techniques applied to a simple Ising spin model in order to investigate its magnetic, thermodynamic and critical properties. The next part is devoted to MC simulations of random processes. It focuses on the simplest but also the most basic random walk process and demonstrates its applications in financial analysis and the solution of a quantum system described by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The last part is dedicated to the basics of molecular dynamics, applied to simulating the classical movement of atoms in a given force field. By mastering the problems addressed in this course, students will obtain a potential tool for working out of their diploma theses, or a methodology useful for their further scientific and research practice in the field of investigating of complex systems. The lectured topic is subsequently exercised in the form of preparing projects implemented in the freely distributable software Octave, which is easy on the user's programming skills and which students have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with in the previous study.

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Cell Biophysics II



Katarína Štrofeková

Cell Biophysics II is the one semester comprehensive course textbook for PhD students. It encompasses basic principles and mechanisms underlying cell physiology and biophysics with aims:

• General knowledge of the principles of cellular function, including membrane, cytoplasmic and nuclear roles in normal and abnormal conditions.
• In-depth understanding of the mechanisms underlying the cell functions at the molecular and subcellular level.
• Awareness of cell pathologies that lead to specific disease symptoms and phenotypes.
• The ability to apply learned principles to solve new problems (analysis & synthesis).

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Jozef Bednarčík

Crystallography deals with discerning the arrangement and bonding of atoms in crystalline solids. Almost immediately after their discovery, X-rays began to be used to study the internal structure of substances. The first chapter of this textbook deals with the basic concepts of crystallography. At the beginning, crystalline solids are characterized. In the next section, the basic types of bonds and their characteristics are briefly presented. The main subject of this chapter is the interpretation of basic concepts such as symmetry operations, translational periodicity, grid, elementary cell. Spatial lattices and crystal systems are presented. At the end of this chapter, attention is paid to the description of individual types of defects in crystal structures. In the second chapter, the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom is presented. Individual quantum numbers and their meaning are given. Next, energy levels and allowed transitions within an atom with multiple electrons are described. The second chapter concludes with the characterization of the basic absorption and emission processes. The third chapter is devoted to the production of X-ray radiation and its properties. Sources of X-ray radiation and a description of their operation are presented. Interaction of X-ray radiation with matter, absorption and detection of X-ray radiation are the subject of the last part of this chapter.

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Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical...


Jozef StrečkaHana ČenčarikováAndrej Gendiar (eds.)

June 7th - 8th, 2019, Košsice, Slovakia

The proceeding involves programme and abstracts of Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical Challenges and Future Perspectives, which will be held on June 7th – June 8th, 2019, in Košice, Slovakia. The workshop is organized by Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Institute of Experimental Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice under the financial support of Slovak Research and Development Agency. The main conference topics are devoted to state-of-the-art problems of Quantum Theory of Magnetism inncluding molecular magnetism, highly frustrated magnetism, magnetic phase transitions, quantum spin liquids, strongly correlated systems, exotic quantum states, flat-band systems and quantum entanglement.

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Študentská vedecká konferencia PF UPJŠ 2016



Vladimír Zeleňák (ed.)

Zborník abstraktov Študentskej vedeckej konferencie PF UPJŠ

Charakteristickou črtou vzdelávania na kvalitných vysokých školách, ku ktorým Prírodovedecká fakulta UPJŠ v Košiciach patrí, je úzke prepojenie vzdelávania a vedeckého výskumu. Poznatky a vedomosti z odboru štúdia získavajú študenti nielen teoretickým štúdiom jednotlivých disciplín, ale aj aktívnym zapojením sa do riešenia čiastkových vedeckých úloh v rámci výskumných tímov či už pri vypracovávaní záverečných prác alebo formou nástroja Študentských pomocných vedeckých síl (ŠPVS), ktorých činnosť sa na fakulte revitalizovala v roku 2015.

Študentská vedecká konferencia (ŠVK) je jedným z tradičných podujatí fakulty, ktoré je organizované počas Prírodovedeckých dní ako súčasť Sciencefestu. Svojou povahou prirodzene zapadá do spomínaného súkolia prepojenia vzdelávania a vedy a dlhodobo sa teší veľkej popularite a záujmu študentov. V roku 2016 na ŠVK vystúpilo 125 študentov Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach, v rámci 16 sekcií. Prehľad o zameraní a cieľoch študentských prác podáva tento zborník. Veríme, že bude inšpiráciou pre ďalších potenciálnych záujemcov o vystúpenie na ŠVK, ale bude zaujímavý aj pre širšiu verejnosť, ktorej môže podať doplnkový pohľad na činnosť fakulty.

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The 5th International Conference on...


Veronika NiščákováIvana Šišoláková (eds.)

Abstracts of the 5th Intemational Conference Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications (NF A) 2021 is the contributions summary of the conference participants. The conference will feature four invited lectures and ten registered lectures. This conference is a tool for creating a dialogue between experts in the field of nanomaterials, their use and overall application in various fields. Papers in the proceedings are thematically divided into 6 areas. All contributions are highly professional and interesting and can contribute to further creative scientific work.

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New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education...


Zuzana Orságová Králová (ed.)

The scientific book of abstracts is a summary of the contributions of teachers, scientists and other conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. Their work will be the subject of the next domestic conference „New Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education at Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice 2020“. The conference is a space for dialogue between scientific academics on the one hand and professional staff and students on the other.

The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry. All contributions are interesting and can be used in further creative scientific and research work, in the process of education and in practical work.

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Úvod do termodynamiky



Michal Jaščur - Michal Hnatič

V tomto učebnom texte sú spracované základy fenomenologickej termodynamiky v rozsahu, ktorý je prednášaný v štandardných kurzoch teoretickej fyziky na bakalárskom stupni študijného programu Fyzika. Mierne zredukovaný rozsah sa prednáša tiež na všetkých medziodborových študijných programoch v kombinácii s fyzikou. Časová dotácia pre jednotlivé kurzy bola v posledných rokoch mierne zredukovaná, čomu zodpovedá náš výber a rozsah jednotlivých tém. Našou primárnou snahou bolo dostatočne fundovane vysvetliť kľúčové pojmy a zákony termodynamiky, ktoré sú nutné pre zvládnutie ďalších teoretických fyzikálnych kurzov na magisterskom stupni štúdia (napr. Štatistická fyzika, Fyzika kondenzovaných látok, Kvantová teória tuhých látok, Kvantová teória magnetizmu atp.). Kniha tiež prestavuje nutné minimum vedomostí, ktoré sú nevyhnutné pre štúdium ďalších aplikácií termodynamiky v biofyzike, biológii, chémii, prípadne v inžinierskych odboroch. Porozumenie jednotlivých častí, ale aj textu ako celku vyžaduje ovládanie základných pojmov termodynamiky na úrovni kurzu Všeobecnej fyziky a znalosti v rozsahu štandardného univerzitného kurzu matematiky. Jednotlivé témy sú spracované s maximálnym dôrazom na koncepčnosť a matematickú rigoróznosť. Tak ako v iných teoretických disciplínach, aj v termodynamike vyžaduje pochopenie kľúčových pojmov a zákonov paralelné riešenie praktických úloh k jednotlivým témam, čo sa prirodzene deje na numerických cvičeniach, ktoré sú súčasťou kurzu. Pre čitateľov, ktorí nie sú univerzitnými študentami odporúčame ako cvičebnicu knihu R. Kubo: Thermodynamics, North Holland Publishing Company (1968). Tak ako každá kniha, aj tento text nie je dokonalý a určite sa v ňom nájdu nedostatky rôzneho charakteru. Budeme preto vďační každému čitateľovi za konštruktívne obsahové i formálne pripomienky. Na záver chceme poďakovať Janke Jaščurovej za jazykové korekcie a Ing. Mgr. Viliamovi Štubňovi za technickú podporu pri spracovaní obázkov v tomto učebnom texte a tiež za korekcie textu.

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Praktické cvičenia z fyzikálnej chémie


Andrea Morovská TuroňováRenáta OriňakováFrantišek Kaľavský 

The university textbooks "Practical Exercises in Physical Chemistry" are intended as teaching literature for students of the 2nd year of the Chemistry study program and the 3rd year of the interdisciplinary study program at the Faculty of Science of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The three chapters summarize the basic knowledge of thermodynamics, electrochemistry and kinetics, the next chapter deals with the measurement of some other physico-chemical quantities. The tasks developed on the basis of cooperation with the Criminalistics and Expertise Institute of the Police in Košice, which also participates in the innovation of practical teaching, are also very attractive and interesting for students. Thematic units are updated and supplemented by new knowledge, principles as well as detailed working procedures using new instrumentation.

The aim of laboratory exercises in physical chemistry is to illustrate and confirm the physicochemical laws and correlations that apply to the quantitative description of chemical phenomena. Students will learn to use instruments and equipment that occur in physico-chemical laboratories, they will learn the principles of accurate and correct quantitative measurement of physical quantities, important from a chemical point of view. They can also develop professional and scientific communication skills, and we want to support their creative approach to making measurement protocols.

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Stresová fyziológia rastlín - Návody na cvičenia



Jozef Kováčik

Tieto „Návody na cvičenia“ prezentujú stručný prehľad bežne používaných metodík i progresívne metodiky napr. s použitím kvapalinovej chromatografie a fluorescenčného mikroskopu. Jednotlivé úlohy sa selektovali na základe výskumného zamerania Katedry botaniky PF UPJŠ v Košiciach z hľadiska „stresovej fyziológie“. Niektoré úlohy je tiež možné využiť v rámci predmetu „Ekológia rastlín“. Ako modelová rastlina pre jednotlivé úlohy sa typicky používa rumanček kamilkový z dôvodu dlhoročnej histórie jeho výskumu na Katedre botaniky PF UPJŠ a jeho nenáročnosti na kultiváciu v laboratórnych podmienkach. Jednotlivé kapitoly prezentujú aj stručný význam sledovaných parametrov, princíp stanovenia a metabolizmus (vznik alebo odbúravanie) s cieľom naznačiť ich vzájomný kontext, keďže stanovenie individuálneho parametra nemôže poskytnúť všeobecnejšiu výpoveď o celkových príčinách a dopadoch pozorovanej zmeny (ale naopak, môže poskytnúť predpoklad pre preverenie hypotézy na úrovni iných parametrov...). Pre hlbšie štúdium jednotlivých problematík existuje dostatok kvalitných zahraničných monografií a prehľadových (tzv. „review“) článkov. 

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