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This methodological manual will help the actors of entrepreneurial education to implement the training program Do Something!, which was created as part of the dissertation thesis "Career adaptability of university students and its development" by Zuzana Kožárová, PhD. Training program develops students' entrepreneurial competence.
Data sheet
Zuzana Vargová • Miroslav Almáši (eds.)
Zborník abstraktov z 3. konferencie Pokroky v anorganickej chémii (Levoča 17. - 21. júna 2018)
Ondrej Mitaľ - Eliška Župová a kol.
The University Textbook is the first one of two publications prepared for the newly created study subject "Competencies of Capacities in Public Institutions ", implemented within the activity "Cooperation of Public Institutions in Youth's Education" of the project "Future of Public Administration" (FoPA), which is implemented in the Good Governance and Cross-Border Cooperation program, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic. However, the consistent implementation of the concept of Good Governance requires an in-depth understanding of the aspects that are associated in practice with the application of individual principles of Good Governance. The presented university textbook "Good Governance manual for Future Experts in Public Institutions" has ambition in fulfilling the 12 principles of Good Governance.
Skriptá Lectiones grammaticae Latinae I sú primárne určené pre študentov 1. ročníka špecializácie Latinský jazyk a literatúra na FF UPJŠ v Košiciach. Vznikli z praktickej potreby ľahko dostupnou formou (elektronicky) sprístupniť študentom preberané gramatické učivo v takej postupnosti, v akej nasleduje v jednotlivých lekciách používanej cvičebnice latinského jazyka. Z toho dôvodu obsahujú i gramatické javy presahujúce oblasť latinskej morfológie, ktorá tvorí hlavnú náplň gramatického kurzu v 1. roku štúdia. V prípade potreby sú však využiteľné aj pre iné študijné odbory, ktoré majú ako súčasť študijného programu latinský jazyk.
Monografia je zameraná na problematiku sociálnej (interpersonálnej) kompetentnosti u starostov obcí na Slovensku. Vysoká miera zvládania interpersonálnych kompetentností starostom obce je dôležitá k dosiahnutiu sociálneho správania. Výskumom bola zisťovaná miera zvládania vybraných interpersonálnych kompetentností u starostov obcí na Slovensku. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 787 starostov zo všetkých oslovených 2753 starostov obcí na Slovensku. Na získanie empirických dát bol použitý Dotazník interpersonálnej kompetentnosti starostov obcí (DIKSO). Zistená bola vysoká miera zvládania interpersonálnych kompetentností u starostov obcí.
Miriama Filčáková (ed.)
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Conference of Young Historians, organized by the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, on October 19-20, 2021.
Currently, these histories are often presented as an extension of the history of science. The history of knowledge not only expands the boundaries of the history of science but also explores the boundaries between different forms of knowledge and ignorance. Just as studies of historical memory have expanded and complemented their interest in researching forgetting, the history of knowledge includes studies of ignorance. They focus on the change that has occurred over the past decades: from the sacralization of science and respect for professional knowledge to the rejection of science and constant questioning of professional knowledge, to which the history of knowledge must also respond. Findings as a product form the basis of human interactions and have their own past. What was the significance of knowledge and cognition in different historical periods? How did state power influence the development of knowledge and cognition? What can be considered knowledge in a particular historical era or culture? Finally, is there any human activity that cannot be considered knowledge?
Currently, in the field of the history of knowledge, a significant surge in research, publishing, and the emergence of new institutions can be observed. The eleventh doctoral conference—Meeting of Young Historians XI, organized by the Department of History at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in cooperation with the Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences—will contribute to expanding the perspective on the past of knowledge and cognition. The conference, intended for Slovak and foreign doctoral students, aims to provide a space for presenting the latest results of scientific research, professional discussion, establishing contacts, developing cooperation, and exchanging experiences among the broader historical community. The starting point for the conference is a peer-reviewed proceedings volume consisting of publication outputs from active participants.
Jozef Strečka- Katarína Karl’ová (eds.)
Zborník obsahuje program a abstrakty workshopu s názvom: 1st Workshop on Perspective Electron Spin Systems for Future Quantum Technologies, ktorý sa bude konať 28.-29. júna 2022 v Košiciach. Workshop je organizovaný Prírodovedeckou fakultou Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach a Ústavom experimentálnej fyziky Slovenskej akadémie vied v Košiciach s finančnou podporou Agentúry na podporu výskumu a vývoja. Ústrednými témami konferencie budú súčasné problémy kvantovej fyziky - kvantovej teórie magnetizmu spinových a elektrónových štruktúr, exotických kvantových spinových stavov, kvantového previazania, kvantových fázových prechodov, topologického kvantového počítania a kvantového spracovania informácie. Účastníci workshopu budú prezentovať originálne pôvodné výsledky svojho výskumu, ktoré môžu zásadným spôsobom ovplyvniť vývoj budúcich kvantových technológií.
Ingrid Hodorová - Květuše Lovásová
Publikácia je pokračovaním už vydanej vysokoškolskej učebnice "Ultrasonografická anatómia 1" a dopĺňa ďalšiu medzeru na medicínskom literárnom trhu, týkajúcu sa ultrasonografického pohľadu na periférne nervy a cievy končatín a krku.
Učebné texty „Vybrané kapitoly z gerontológie a geriatrie" sú určené pre štúdium študentov medicíny na Lekárskej fakulty UPJŠ v odbore Všeobecné lekárstvo v rámci výučby klinických špecializačných blokov v odbore Interná medicína - Geriatria .
Vo svojom úvode sa učebné texty venujú demografii z pohľadu starnutia populácie, vysvetľujú základné pojmy ako gerontológia, jej rozdelenie a následne sa zaoberajú aj úlohou a poslaním klinického odboru geriatria. Následne zrozumiteľne opisujú a vysvetľujú základné piliere geriatrickej medicíny, ktorými sú komplexné geriatrické vyšetrenie, základné geriatrické syndrómy, kam patrí krehkosť, malnutrícia, sarkopénia, kognitívne poruchy, a polyfarmácia . V závere sa venujú ageizmu, ktorý je tiež dôležitým javom v dnešnej klinickej medicíne.
MUDr. Peter Olexa, PhD.
Katarína Hromuľáková (ed.)
Proceedings of the Scientific Conference. Košice, October 16-17, 2019
The proceedings titled "Ako sa píšu dejiny? Metódy – prístupy – pramene" present the contributions from the conference "Meeting of Young Historians IX," annually organized by the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ.
In the individual contributions, which span from the Middle Ages to the most recent history, the authors propose various theoretical and methodological research approaches to history, which currently represent fundamental prerequisites for historical research.
The ambition of the authors, as the next generation of historians, is not only to open up current questions of theoretical reflection in historiography but also to offer concrete examples supported by their own research.
Mgr. Katarína Hromuľáková
Eva Berníková - Dominika Pisarčíková - Diana Repiščáková (eds.)
Collection of contributions from the international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers was created as part of the international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers entitled "Law without borders" held on April 27, 2023 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice in connection with the solution of a scientific project entitled "Extraterritorial effects of foreign administrative decisions in the conditions of the European Union" supported by the Grant of the Scientific Grant Agency under no. 01/187/2022.
The aim of the mentioned project is the scientific examination of the extraterritorial impact of administrative decisions in the conditiions of the European Union, in order to determine and subsequently assess the necessity, as well as the extent of harmonization of the legal regulation of the member states of the European Union, based on the growing need to increase the level of free movement of administrative decisions within the European Union.
As part of the research project, an international scientific conference of PhD. students and young researchers was held entitled "Law without borders". PhD. students and young researchers were not only from Slovak republic but also from foreign universities. The main goal of the conference was to emphasize the increasing globalization of law, as a result of which it is no longer possible to perceive national law in isolation, but in correlation with the legal systems of other states, or with the right of transnational, or international organizations, as well as obligations arising for individual states from concluded international agreements. Individual sections and blocks of the conference also corresponded to this goal, within which not only knowledge from positive-legal disciplines, but also knowledge of a theoretical-legal and historical-legal nature was heard.
With the development of endovascular surgery, there is a gradual advancement in ACI stenting. The minimally invasive approach has made this methodology suitable for patients with serious concomitant cardiac or pulmonary diseases. Another advantage compared to surgical treatment was better access to the ICA in patients after radiotherapy, after previous neck surgeries, as well as in patients with stenoses close to the skull base.
The comparison of CEA vs CAS is an interesting and debatable topic in many studies. However, despite the massive global development of endovascular treatment, carotid endarterectomy remains the gold standard for treating ICA stenosis in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. In this monograph, we would like to accentuate and systematize the issue of surgical stroke prevention from the perspective of a vascular surgeon.
Martin Bačkor • Miriam Bačkorová
The presented text is devoted to the history of biology, medicine and pharmacy studies, as scientific disciplines, from ancient time, Middle age, and modern era. In the text are chronologically arranged the most important representatives of the history of the study of biological scientific disciplines, the basic characteristics of significant historical discoveries and the reassessment of their significance from the point of view of contemporary science of the 21st century.
The textbook for the course of Philosophical Anthropology should help the students of philosophy in major subject as much as of philosophy as minor in combination with other study programs in social sciences and STEM disciplines, to develop their own ideas and opinions about the question of human being in the philosophy. Its aim is to make a short introduction into the field of philosophical anthropology and to educate the students in the most important topics of the discipline. Every chapter consist of the theoretical part and of the practical analysis of the text, which is followed by three questions at the end of each chapter. Students, who will later become the philosophy teachers, shall learn how to discuss and teach several topics from the philosophical anthropology in their future classes. Therefore, the textbook is suitable as much for the pedagogical as for the non-pedagogical study programs.
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