Teória verejnej politiky


Stanislav Konečný

The goal of this monograph is to interpret the context of the emergence of public policy theory and the basic parameters of its subject matter—public interest, actors, and tools—as well as its methodological equipment.

The publication is also a response to the current state of development of public policy and its theory in our context, compared to its development worldwide. Today, when there is not only a very developed theory but also practice of public policy abroad, making it accessible to our readers in its full scope in the form of domestic production is almost impossible, also due to the quantitative parameters of our domestic authorial potential.

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Fakulta verejnej správy
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16 other products in the same category:

Aktuálne otázky obecnej samosprávy v Slovenskej...



Michal Jesenko - Jana Volochová - Andrea KošíkováPatrik Fajak

The methodological manual is thematically focused on the identification and analysis of key problems of self-government of "small" municipalities in selected areas. We specified the basic areas: financing of municipal competences, waste management and its financing, management of municipal waste. Subsequently, attention is paid to the creation of appropriate strategic solutions to the identified problems through a methodological manual, while maintaining the basic principles of public administration. The result of our identification and subsequent analysis of selected problems is to offer possible solutions and point out the justification of the need to solve selected problems of self-government, which can be used in practice and offer possible solutions to correct the negative situation.

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Pracovnoprávne vzťahy vo verejnej správe

Availability: 14 In Stock

 Vladimíra Žofčinová 

Predkladané vysokoškolské učebné texty tvoria základný učebný text, ktorý nemá ambíciu podať komplexný obraz pracovného práva. Z uvedeného dôvodu, pri tvorbe týchto učebných textov sa môže zdať, že niektoré kapitoly sú príliš stručné a iné neobvykle rozsiahle, vzhľadom na zameranie výučby predmetu Pracovnoprávne vzťahy vo verejnej správe v študijnom odbore Verejná politika a verejná správa. Zámerom autorky textu je uľahčiť pochopenie základných atribútov pracovného práva prostredníctvom identifikácie ťažiskových právnych inštitútov a právne významných väzieb medzi nimi s ohľadom na verejnoprávne zameranie.


Príklady dobrej praxe dobrého spravovania pre...



Ondrej MitaľDenisa RovenskáEliška Župová  a kol.

The textbook follows the publication "Good governance manual for future experts of public institutions". The publication complements the previous university textbook with case studies of the various principles of Good Governance. The case studies thematically copy the chapters of the university textbook and, with their unique, original and each author's own way of processing the case study, enrich the teaching of the study subject focused on the principles of Good Governance.

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Územná samospráva a tvorba práva



Michal Jesenko - Martina Kantorová(eds.)

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie, ktorá sa uskutočnila dňa 27.11.2015 v priestoroch Fakulty verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach, Popradská 66, 041 32 Košice

Územná samospráva tvorí neoddeliteľnú súčasť moderného demokratického a právneho štátu. Je vyjadrením snahy o realizáciu úloh na zabezpečenie potrieb územného spoločenstva občanov na tej úrovni, ktorá je im najbližšia. Jedným z dôležitejších nástrojov, ktorými disponujú územné samosprávne celky pri výkone zverených úloh, je právomoc vydávať vo veciach územnej samosprávy a na zabezpečenie úloh vyplývajúcich pre územnú samosprávu zo zákona všeobecne záväzné nariadenia. Tvorba práva na úrovni miest a obcí, resp. vyšších územných celkov je tak integrálnou súčasťou výkonu územnej samosprávy a v konečnom dôsledku vyjadruje jej špecifický charakter ako podstatnej súčasti verejnej správy.
Cieľom vedeckej konferencie organizovanej Katedrou verejnoprávnych disciplín, Fakulty verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach dňa 27. novembra 2015 bola snaha prezentovať dosiahnuté výsledky vedeckovýskumnej činnosti z oblasti tvorby práva na úrovni miest a obcí, resp. vyšších územných celkov. V rácmci konferencie bol poskytnutý široký priestor pre diskusiu o aktuálnych otázkach komunálnej normotvorby za účasti zástupcov odbornej verejnosti, ako aj prestaviteľov miestnej štátnej správy a územnej samosprávy.
Vedecká konferencia a recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z nej boli realizované ako súčasť riešenia grantového projektu VEGA č. 1/0683/13 pod názvom „Normotvorba obcí vo veciach územnej samosprávy.
Predkladaný zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie je vyjadrením dlhodobého úsilia Katedry verejnoprávnych disciplín, Fakulty verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach o riešenie aktuálnych otázok realizácie verejnej správy s osobitným zameraním na problematiku územnej samosprávy.

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Výzva a riziká spoločnosti v 21. storočí


Gabriel Eštok • Gabriela Szabariová • Matúš Béreš (eds.)

Presented publication is an outcome from the scientific conference for students and young scientists that took place on 12th and 13th May 2016 at the Department of Political science, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The main aim of the presented is to bring up outcomes of research of young scientists and students from Slovakia, as well as from abroad. Many of the presented papers have become integral part of qualification theses of their authors.

This conference proceedings contains 22 papers in Slovak, Czech and English language thematically creating four different parts. Papers regarding international relations or issues exceeding a level of state power are dealing with issues of globalization, counterculture, international terrorism, extremism and a role of the EU in the Arctic. Papers dealing with the situation in the Slovak republic and abroad cover reform of security in Slovakia and in Romania, issue of dealing with totalitarian history of the states of the Visegrad group as well as development of funding of education system in Slovakia since 1919. In case of authors focusing on the socio-political situation in Slovakia we can find papers analyzing role of a reeve in city of Košice, first great political conflict during a rule of Vladimír Mečiar in Slovakia, role of Roma population in political environment in Slovakia, but also those concerning local activist or action groups and examining attitude of nursing care students towards euthanasia. The conference proceedings contents also four papers regarding theoretical or philosophical issues. Their authors focused on topic of social state, social equality, democratic theories and transformation of human nature in “post-human” era.

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Komunikácia v organizácii



Helena Harausová

Komunikácia je významnou a neoddeliteľnou súčasťou ľudského bytia. Dôležitú rolu zohráva aj v jednotlivých organizáciách výrobného a nevýrobného charakteru. Bez komunikácie by nebolo možné tieto organizácie riadiť a dosahovať stanovené ciele. Cieľom skrípt bolo spracovať problematiku komunikácie a aplikovať ju na organizácie verejnej správy. Skriptá začínajú rozpracovaním problematiky informácií, ktoré sú nevyhnutnou súčasťou každého komunikačného procesu. Obsah ďalších kapitol je zameraný na ciele a úlohy komunikácie v organizácii, na jednotlivé druhy komunikácie, na bariéry, ktoré sa môžu v komunikácii vyskytovať. Sú tu naznačené stratégie na zlepšenie komunikačnej účinnosti v organizácii a opísané špecifické komunikačné stratégie, ktoré sa v jednotlivých organizáciách pravidelne vyskytujú. Dôraz je kladený aj na komunikačné zručnosti manažérov, bez ktorých by nedokázali organizáciu efektívne riadiť a viesť svojich podriadených k dosahovaniu cieľov organizácie. Na efektívnosť komunikácie vplýva aj atmosféra, v ktorej komunikácia prebieha a získavanie potrebných informácií pomocou rôznych manažérskych informačných systémov, preto posledná časť skrípt je venovaná tejto problematike. Skriptá obsahujú 13 kapitol. Každá kapitola začína uvedením do problematiky a končí celkových zhrnutím obsahu kapitoly. Za každou kapitolou sa nachádzajú praktické cvičenia, ktoré môžu pomôcť študentom upevniť si obsah učiva a lepšie pochopiť jeho podstatu.

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Organizational Behavior



Gabriela Kravčáková a kol.

The second revised and extended edition of University textbook Organizational Behavior is the work of an international team of authors. University teachers of two Slovak universities and two Czech universities are the authors of this book. Problem areas of organizational behavior and its processing comprehensively was the intention of the authors. University textbook is complemented by 10 chapters, other chapters are significantly revised. University textbook is thematically divided into five parts. The first part treats the issue of organizational behavior as a discipline. Organizational behavior is theoretically defined, there is indicated the subject matter of the discipline, relationship with other sciences, historical and scientific foundations of organizational behavior. There are also presented knowledge about formal organizations and bureaucracy. Final of the first part is dedicated to social science research and social audit in organizations. The second part is called Individual aspects of organizational behavior and there are included themes as personality, work and its role in human life, job satisfaction, work motivation and loyalty of employees. This part is complemented by the issue of personality, competency and power of manager and career issues. Interpersonal interaction and group processes in an organization is the name of the third part of the book. It includes the chapters as working group, team and team roles, leadership and its impact on human personality, communication, performance management, friendships and loneliness in the organization. This section was complemented by the issue of interculturar communication in the international organizational context, conflicts in the workplace and workplace misbehavior. Fourth, complemented part is called Resources and means of ensuring employees and there are included themes such as external and internal mobility of workers, personal marketing, and unemployed as a potential source of workforce and talent management. The fifth part is called The organization as a culture and organizational dynamics. Authors included topics such as organizational culture, social responsibility of organizations and added the themes ethics on workplace, change management and radical change – reengineering. University textbook presents current theoretical knowledge and also the results of relevant research. Contents of chapters are complemented by practical examples of organizations. There are included questions for reflection and tasks at the end of each chapter. Tasks that help students and professional public apply the theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. This University textbook comes with support KEGA no. 013-UPJŠ 4/2013 titled Organizational Behavior - University textbook for the compulsory subject of the new study program.

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Verejná správa a spoločnosť 2/2023 (časopis)



Michal Jesenko(výkonný redaktor)

Eva Mihalíková, Darina Koreňová(ed.)

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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Manažment ľudských zdrojov


Gabriela KravčákováDominika Bernátová

The textbook addresses the issue of Human resource management and is intended for students and professionals. The purpose of the textbook is to present current knowledge about human resource management, a description of personnel processes and characteristics of personnel work methods so that the student can apply them in practice. Text also focuses on personnel practice in state government institutions. The textbook contains ten chapters. The introductory part deals with the theoretical background and the contribution of human resource management to the organisation's success. Subsequently, individual personnel processes are processed. Attention is also paid to the use of modern technologies and artificial intelligence in personnel processes.

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Mandatory disclosure of information at the...



Viktória Adamov Kráľová - Peter Molitoris -Viktória FerkováFrederika Fogašová

According to the legislation, the municipality is considered as an entity that is obliged to provide information to the public by making information available upon request or by actively publishing information. The methodological manual entitled "Mandatory disclosure of information at the municipal level" defines the procedure, identified problem areas and recommendations/examples of good practice in the process of making information available upon request. The presented manual also draws attention to legal regulations and information with which municipalities come into contact most often and which, according to their wording, are required to be published.

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Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Eva Mihaliková (ed.)

The non-conference collection of scientific works "Quality of Life of Citizens - Challenges, Determinants and Solutions III" presents the current state and possible trends in the field of improving the quality of life of citizens in the post-covid period. The published outputs focus on various aspects of life that affect the quality of life of citizens. The authors, in their articles, explore approaches to measuring the quality of life of citizens, analyze selected indicators of the quality of life, examine the determinants affecting the quality of life, highlight the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on selected aspects of the quality of life, and they explore the implementation of the Initiative to Support Youth Employment and the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

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Human Resources Management



Gabriela Kravčáková

Publication of Human Resources Management is draw up as a university textbook designed especially for students of field of Public Administration. The intention of the authors was to develop the problem areas of personal management comprehensively. Texts were made on the basis of current theoretical knowledge in the field of human resources, research results, as well as monitoring of practice. The text provides theoretical knowledge so that the reader could learn basic terminology, the organization and the role of human resources management, personal functions and understand that the theoretical and application-level knew used the method personal management. University Textbooks are 9 separate chapters focusing on individual personal actions (personal planning, design and redesign of job, acquisition candidates to occupy the job and work for the organization, selection of candidates, employee evaluation, employee mobility, compensation of employees) and contribution of human resource management to the success of the organization. Each chapter contains a task-oriented organization of public administration, the situation applied in practice and questions for repeats. University Textbooks may serve not only as a teaching material for higher education, but also as a useful tool for the professional public.

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Public Administration and Society 1/2023



Michal Jesenko (science editor)  Eva Mihalíková • Darina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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