Rodová rovnosť na univerzite – kontexty a...



Adriana Jesenková (ed.)

The topic of gender equality in the university and academic environment in Slovakia remains in a highly ambivalent position – often overlooked and marginalized, instrumentalized and perceived as an alien element or a formal necessity, but most frequently exposed to numerous misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

The intention of the presented publication and its authorial collective is to contribute to shaping and cultivating an environment where it is possible to discuss issues of gender relations in the academic environment objectively, develop research from a gender perspective, and primarily implement gender equality policy as one of the tools for democratizing the academic sphere and the university. The collection was created within the framework of the project VVGS-2018-749, "Creating a Gender Equality Plan at UPJŠ in Košice," and presents various contexts and perspectives from which to consider issues of gender equality at the university. Individual authors focus on the topic of gender equality from philosophical, philosophical-legal, and legal perspectives in their texts.

The final text presents the findings of qualitative research, which was part of the mentioned project, their interpretation, and conclusions from the perspective of further implementation of gender equality policy at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. We understand the publication as an invitation to discussion, critical thinking, and research, and thus to creating a university as we can be.

Adriana Jesenková

The peer-reviewed collection of scientific works is distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 – Attribution CC BY-NC license, which allows non-commercial use of the work provided that the names of the authors are mentioned.

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Skupina a práca so skupinou v pomáhajúcich...



Lucia TóthováDušan Šlosár

The presented monographic processing of the issues of groups, as a basic phenomenon of our social life, draws a lot of current knowledge from realized researches, their empirical results and practical work with the group, which offers a comprehensive view of the social group. Social group looks both as a natural part of human life and it is analyzed and studied, so that knowledge of the social group can be rewarded.

This has been transferred to artificially created groups to help individuals through group work. At the same time, the monograph also considers the method of social work with a group as one of the methods used in various helping professions.

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Uplatnenie systémovej teórie pri integrácii...



Jana BajusováDušan Šlosár

The integration of immigrants into society is currently of interest to many professionals and to the general public. Immigration is a consequence of a variety of factors, mainly due to political, social, economic or security conditions in the countries of origin. Immigration is subsequently linked to the process of integrating immigrants into the host country. The integration of immigrants into society or integration, as this process is called in the monograph, is a complex phenomenon that extends to many spheres of everyday life for the citizens of the receiving country, and at the same time is often difficult for immigrants. Many governmental and non-governmental organizations are involved in the process of social integration of immigrants, who develop different strategies and mechanisms to streamline the outcome of this process.

In relation to immigrants, the Slovak Republic is bound to provide social and legal protection and therefore it is necessary to deal with the issue of social services, which could potentially significantly contribute to their social integration into Slovak society. From the legislative point of view, however, these services are unified and do not take into account the differences of immigrants resulting from their culture, religion, social, ethical or other characteristics. That is why the monograph focuses on social integration of immigrants in Slovakia in the context of provided social services.

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Aplikovaná etika – Kontext a perspektívy III –...


Ľubov Vladyková (ed.)

In the present text, opinions on environmental literacy are integrated. The most important discoveries of the 21th century exist not in the realm of science, medicine, or technology, but rather in the dawning awareness of the earth's limits and how those limits will affect human evolution. Humanity has reached a crossroad where various ecological catastrophes meet what some call sustainable development. While a great deal of attention has been given to what governments, corporations, utilities, international agencies, and private citizens can do to help in the transition to sustainability, little thought has been given to what schools, colleges, and universities can do. As the health of our planet continues to deteriorate, it is vital to educate and raise ecoliterate citizens.

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Zákon o národnostiach a Rada vlády Slovenskej...



Jana Šutajová

From January 1, 1969, the Constitutional Act on the Status of Nationalities in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (ČSSR) and the Constitutional Act on the Federation came into effect. The Constitutional Act on the Status of Nationalities represented at least a formal significant step forward in the legal regulation of minority rights. However, this law was intended to serve as a foundation for further legal adjustments. It was declared that additional steps and negotiations for the adoption of implementing regulations would follow and that further laws would be enacted at both the federal and national levels. Nevertheless, no additional law or government regulation related to the constitutional act on the status of nationalities in the ČSSR was ever issued.

During the normalization period, issues concerning further legislation related to national minorities were not addressed. However, in the brief period following the adoption of the constitutional act in 1968 until the end of 1969, some institutions attempted to prepare and promote such legal norms. One of these institutions was the Government Council of the Slovak Socialist Republic (SSR) for Nationalities (hereafter referred to as the Council or the Government Council for Nationalities). The monograph provides an insight into the development of additional legal norms arising from the constitutional act on the status of nationalities in the Slovak Socialist Republic, prepared by the Government Council of SSR for Nationalities. This council was one of the institutions established in Slovakia after the formation of the Czechoslovak federation and dealt with nationality issues.

In addressing further legal norms stemming from the constitutional act on nationalities in ČSSR, it was necessary to consider prior developments. Therefore, the first part of the monograph examines the status of minorities in Czechoslovakia before adopting the constitutional act, activities of nationalities preceding its adoption, and its enactment itself. Subsequent sections focus on institutional changes in SSR following federalization, the establishment of the Government Council of SSR for Nationalities, and specific actions taken by this Council and its expert bodies in drafting proposals for laws concerning nationalities in the Slovak Socialist Republic.

The motivation for writing this monograph stemmed from the fact that this topic has so far received attention only in a few studies in Slovakia, which primarily focused on the Hungarian minority during either the Prague Spring or normalization periods.

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Bibliography of the amphibian and reptile...



Marcel UhrinDavid JandzikAndrej ČerňanskýMichal RindošBlanka LehotskáStanislav DankoJán KautmanPeter MikulíčekPeter UrbanDaniel Jablonski

Bibliographies provide basic scientific information, illustrate quality and intensity of research in a particular topic, area, or time, and thus help build a cultural-historical perspective of society’s appreciation of knowledge and education. Here we provide a bibliography of herpetological research in the region of Slovakia between the years 1791 and 2017. We collected 2,183 references authored by 1,453 different authors and covering all species of amphibians (18) and reptiles (13) occurring in Slovakia and, in addition, amphibian and reptile taxa occurring in 94 other countries.

Most of the contributions were published in popular magazines and non-indexed journals, while only about 12% of all references represent scientific articles from journals indexed in relevant scientific databases. The extensiveness of study on amphibians and reptiles has varied among different periods within the selected time frame. However, an obvious intensification in the field of herpetology can be observed, especially during the second half of the 20th century. While there have only been few professionals specialized in herpetology, an important role in promoting the research and conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Slovakia has been played by non-governmental organizations and hobbyists. The most frequent type of herpetological data in the referenced literature comes from faunistic research, followed by conservation and general information on herpetofauna, with the majority of published articles in indexed journals coming from the fields of palaeontology, phylogeography, and population genetics.

The presented bibliography is the first step towards building a solid base for future systematic herpetological research in the country and Central Europe.

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Sociálne riziká v spoločnosti XXI. storočia



Lucia TóthováKatarína Šiňanská (eds.)

Proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation held on November 30, 2018, in Košice

Current social work addresses the serious development problems of society such as poverty, unemployment, chronic diseases, socially vulnerable groups and others. We must not forget that enough attention must be paid to the discovery of causes and a detailed analysis of these problems. The thing is that social problems have been around for a long time, they just changed their shape, old forms of social risks were replaced by the new ones that need to be explored and analyzed in order to be able to perform measures and remove the causes of social risks of the 21st century. Proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation entitled Social Risks in the Society of the XXI. Century is therefore devoted to various perspectives related to social risks of modern society in the variety of contributions, indicating the broad-spectrum not only of the proceedings, but also the social work itself.

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Študentská vedecká konferencia PF UPJŠ 2019



Katarína Cechlárová (ed.)

This year, the Student Scientific Conference was held on April 24, 2019, across 17 sections in disciplines such as biology and ecology, chemistry, physics, geography, mathematics, informatics, and their didactics. Bachelor’s and master’s students presented a total of 124 contributions. The most successful participants advanced to national or traditional Czech-Slovak student scientific showcases in fields like physics, chemistry, mathematics, informatics, and mathematics didactics.

In addition to faculty students, 10 high school students participated outside the competition. They were invited based on their achievements in subject-specific Olympiads or because they were already engaged with the faculty under the guidance of dedicated teachers in laboratory work as part of their preparation for future studies. The day also featured a programming competition with 23 participants, an IHRA contest involving 16 teams of high school students and 15 teams from elementary schools, and a new Puzzle section where 72 high school students from the region competed.

The abstracts from the Student Scientific Conference demonstrate that our faculty's students not only absorb theoretical knowledge delivered in lectures but also actively engage in solving partial scientific problems that align with research objectives at the institutes of PF UPJŠ. This collection serves as both a record of scientific activity at the faculty and a dignified presentation for the broader public.

Prof. RNDr. Katarína Cechlárová, DrSc.

Vice-Dean for Education

Doc. RNDr. Gabriel Semanišin, PhD.

Dean of the Faculty

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Cez osamelosť k abstinencii: alebo prečo sú...



Ján KahanEva Žiaková

The monograph focuses on the issue of loneliness among substance-addicted people in the context of abstinence prospects and re/lapse prevention. In the monograph these phenomena, several theories were integrated and applied in the context of the ecosystem meta-framework of social work and practical contexts. The ecosystem meta-theory serves as a meta-construct with the ability to encompass the complexity of social phenomena as well as that of human beings within the structure of their living and social environment, formal and informal networks, and close intimate relationships.

In this monograph are presented research sample consisted of 235 respondents – hospitalised addicts undergoing urgent treatment, abstaining A-club members as well as members of psychotherapy and self-help groups. The research showed that abstainers were statistically less lonely than the hospitalised respondents. Quantitative data of research are complemented by qualitative data collected in four case studies; two of them focused on two long-term abstainers from alcohol and drugs, while the other two case studies dealt with two respondents in post-hoc treatment undergoing the resocialization process. The research also showed that respondents who broke abstinence felt lonelier than their successfully abstaining counterparts.

The results were supported also by the fact that a statistically significant inversely proportional relationship was identified between the duration of abstinence and loneliness rate. Gender differences were found between the hospitalised addicts in all loneliness dimensions. Naturally, the combined research was limited in certain aspects, mainly in terms of the size and proportional distribution of the research sample and its subgroups, test battery extent, and general nature of the population studied. Triangulation among quantitative and qualitative with the theoretical starting points confirmed the existence of a relationship among loneliness, addiction, and prospect of abstinence.

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Cvičenia na správne držanie tela detí



Želmíra JuraškováAndrea JungerJán Junger

Knowledge of the way of life of our ancestors confirms that in the formation and development of the body, during the whole phylogeny, has physical activity a dominant position. Researches have shown that even in childhood, movement is not only a tool of prevention, but often also a method of dealing with the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. From different areas of social life are recorded, as a consequence of this this sedentary life, the vertebrogenic disorders related to hyperkinesia, hyperlordosis and scoliosis which are accompanied by pain and often mean the exclusion of a child from school physical education.

The monograph is a summary of the findings of muscle disbalance and a need to help children and teenagers to have influence to the quality on the correct body holding by preventive exercises that have been verified in practice. It serves as a teaching material to fulfill physical and sports education goals, which emphasize, among other things, the formation and consolidation of habits of proper body holding and compensatory and relaxation exercises.

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Psychológia rodičovskej kontroly v dospievaní



Mária Bačíková

The primary aim of the presented monograph is to introduce Slovak readers to the current state of knowledge in the field of parental control psychology and its consequences for various aspects of adolescent development. Additionally, it seeks to present research findings obtained from a representative sample of Slovak adolescents in early adolescence. The topic of parental control has been marginally addressed in the Slovak context, primarily as part of studies on parenting styles, but a detailed analysis of its forms and consequences within the Slovak environment is lacking.

The monograph is divided into nine chapters, with the first seven being theoretical in nature: Chapter 1 focuses on specific aspects of the parent-adolescent relationship and describes changes that occur during adolescence. Chapter 2 introduces the construct of parental control, situating it within several social-personality theories and general parenting styles. Chapter 3 examines two fundamental forms of control: behavioral and psychological, as well as their interplay. Chapter 4 defines the concept of structure as one form of parental control. Chapter 5 summarizes current knowledge about gender differences in the application of parental control. Chapter 6 presents factors related to the application of control, including child-related, parent-related, and contextual factors. Chapter 7, concluding the theoretical section, discusses discrepancies in perceptions of control between adolescents and their parents.

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Vybrané kapitoly z histológie pre odbor zubného...



Iveta Domoráková et al.

The e-learning textbook is available at: The textbook contains 11 chapters focusing on the microscopic anatomy of the head and neck region, with an emphasis on the oral and nasal cavities, skull bones and their development, and the detailed microscopic structure of teeth and their development. One chapter is dedicated to dentition from the perspective of the clinical significance of understanding tooth structure and development. The textbook includes chapters on the microscopic anatomy of organs that are functionally important for the head region, such as the vascular, lymphatic, endocrine, and nervous systems. The textbook is linked to an atlas, has a total of 490 pages, and features 300 original microphotographs using common histological stains, histochemical, immunohistochemical, and impregnation methods.

The textbook was created with the support of the KEGA project 019UPJŠ-4/2016.

Download it from the Mefanet portal (pdf)

Laboratórny potkan a jeho využitie v...



Terézia KiskováStanislav MatéffyFrantiška Horváthová

The laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus) is one of the most commonly used experimental animals. It serves as a model organism for analyzing numerous biological processes and pathological mechanisms, such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders (e.g., lipid metabolism, diabetes mellitus), neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions (e.g., stroke, epilepsy, or Alzheimer's disease), neurobehavioral research, autoimmune diseases (e.g., arthritis), cancer, and renal diseases. It offers many unique advantages for modeling human diseases, testing drugs and natural substances, and studying responses to environmental factors. The size of the laboratory rat, compared to the mouse, creates ideal conditions for physiological manipulations. Additionally, rats are used in clinical toxicology to test chemical substances (Hedrich, 2000).

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Vybrané kapitoly z Manažérskej etiky



Marián Bednár

University textbook Selected Chapters from Managerial Ethics presents selected topics from the current issue of Managerial Ethics.

The historical context of Managerial Ethics and its formation on the background of business ethics, up to the form of independent inter and trans discipline, is presented at the introduction. Being one of the subdisciplines of applied ethics, it is inherently normative and interdisciplinary. It represents an overlapping institutional aspect - management ethics and individual aspect - manager ethics. The issue of social responsibility in economics and business, or the moral profile of a manager as a key player of this applied ethics is mentioned.

Institutionalization and implementation of ethics in corporate culture and the tools that are used in this so complex and interdisciplinary process are also a necessary step. Established ethical management systems, which complement the modularity of institutionalization, are also important. The main question is, of course, ethics in decision-making and management of people, as it is where ethical dilemmas and tensions are born. Also, the issue of ethics in leadership, as another qualitative and developmental stage in Managerial Ethics, is the contribution.

The attached moral dilemmas are meant to reflect, self-test moral intelligence and to be resolved.

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Kompetencie obecnej samosprávy a podiel štátu...



Martin VernarskýRastislav KrálOndrej MitaľJana Volochová (eds.)

The competences of local self-government units, together with the state's participation in their execution, represent a combination of factors that substantially determine image of contemporary local self-government subsystem in Slovak Republic.

Mentioned combination is not only a model that sets the way for the optimal adjustment of the local self-government functioning, but also represents authentic testimony of the state's attitude to the real importance of local self-government units as decentralized entity of public power.

Conference proceedings have a cross-sectional character. In this sense, the papers are not limited by the views of a single discipline. However, the key contribution of included papers might be a comprehensive view, how to improve actual tensions in local self-government theory and practice, which from the conceptional point of view deals with issues of local self-government units. Moreover, it fulfils the ambition of multidisciplinary scientific analysis focused on the position and competences of the local self-government in the context of an economic, political and legal perspective.

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Nová ekológia morálno-filozofickej reflexie...



Ľubov Vladyková

Reflection of technics  is about as old as philosophy. In the presented monograph the author reflects technology and technology as a medium of everyday life.

Every technical change is reflected in countless levels of our lives: environmental, economic, political, cultural and personal. The moral-philosophical reflection of technics and  technology aims to understand the complex relationships and effects of technology on the environment, society, culture and our existence. Knowledge (whose scientific knowledge is a special type) is part of the social and technical domains. If we perceive social and technical domains as separate, we deny their functioning as an integral part of our existence.

Speaking of 'new ecology of technology and technology'  the term ecology symbolizes the new existing disorder and 'cross-border' in the field of technology and technology reflection as a result of their revolutionary and far-reaching changes, and social change is unpredictable - all the more because technics and technology is the medium of everyday life and determines the future of the human species.

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Book of abstracts - New trends in chemistry,...



Zuzana Orságová Králová (ed.)

The scientific book of abstracts is a summary of the contributions of teachers, scientists and other conference participants, which contain the original results of their scientific and research activities. Their work will be the subject of the next domestic conference "New trends in chemistry, research and education 2019". The conference is a space for dialogue between scientific academics on the one hand and professional staff and students on the other.

The contributions published in this volume can be divided according to content into the field of analytical, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry, biochemistry and didactics of chemistry. All contributions are interesting and can be used in further creative scientific and research work, in the process of education and in practical work.

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Prípady z medzinárodného práva verejného



Ľudmila ElbertĽubica Gregová Širicová (eds.)

In addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge, it is necessary to study and analyze the decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies in order to fully understand the subject of the Public International Law or disciplines closely related to it.

Since the Slovak literature in the field of Public International Law does not contain any electronic textbook of selected decisions of international judicial and arbitration bodies, the authors of the submitted publication aim to eliminate this gap by elaborating the “Public International Law Casebook”, which will primarily be intended for undergraduate students of the law faculties in the Slovak republic and the Czech republic.

The proposed publication seeks to make the study of international law more attractive through a publication that will make students familiar with the decisions translated into the Slovak language in a popular electronic form.

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Doktorandské miscelaneá 5



Lukáš Šutor (ed.)

The fifth volume of Doctoral Miscellanea was created as a conference proceedings, returning to the original idea of the entire project: to establish a publication space for contributions from emerging scientists.

The first two issues of Doctoral Miscellanea consisted of outputs from departmental seminars, which involved internal discussions. Compared to direct publication, it proved more beneficial for doctoral students to verify their initial research results in multiple stages and present them in diverse ways (reaching more listeners and readers). The length of the texts in the first two issues was adapted to the duration of the presentations, but this practice was slightly disrupted by the omission of seminars in previous issues. In the current issue, the scope of the studies is somewhat more uniform.

An added value of the fifth volume was the meeting of all contributors at a joint conference, the Autumn School for Doctoral Students of the Faculty of Arts at UPJŠ in Košice, which took place on October 17, 2018, and October 18, 2018, in Danišovce.

We believe that this unique experience—often the first for many—of actively presenting at a scientific event could contribute to a better final version of the submitted contributions. At the same time, it allowed doctoral students to broaden their horizons within the humanities and social sciences, at least within the scope of the currently addressed dissertation research.

Lukáš Šutor

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Praktikum z molekulového modelingu



Ladislav Janovec

An enormous progress in computer technology, closely linked with advances in computational chemistry, has enabled the user to exploit the principles of quantum chemistry to elucidate the chemical phenomena.

Computational chemistry is the branch of science that requires, except an academic knowledge, software skills to fully exploit a potential of theoretical methods. The aim of this textbook is to help the user take the legendary first step in the field of computational chemistry to opening a new horizon of knowledge.

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Zborník publikovaných výstupov z riešenia úlohy...



Stanislav Konečný (ed.)

Public Administration as a Provider of Public Welfare State Services – Utilizing Foreign Experience for Reforms in the Slovak Republic

The vast majority of these publication outputs are relatively easily accessible to domestic readers, whether in print or electronic form. However, since several key published outputs are less accessible to Slovak readers for various reasons, we decided to reprint at least some of them in their Slovak-language versions in this collection. As all the texts reprinted here underwent proper peer review during their original publication, it was no longer necessary to review their Slovak-language versions again. For each published study, we therefore provide bibliographic details of its original publication, including the names of reviewers, scientific editors, and others.


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Ochrana zamestnanca perspektívou priemyselnej...



Milena Barinková (ed.)

Proceedings from the IV Annual Student Symposium on Labor Law held on April 5–6, 2019, in Danišovce

The term "Industrial Revolution 4.0" is currently widely used, yet remains mysterious and its content unfamiliar to many. While we do not claim omniscience, through the educational process at the Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and the scientific research of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law, we have delved into examining the accompanying features and anticipated phenomena of this modern industrial revolution.

It can be stated with great certainty that this revolution already affects—and will continue to affect—production processes, including radical changes in their structure, the emergence of groundbreaking technological and communication tools, and, undoubtedly, labor relations. The rise of new forms and methods of work based on automation and digitalization, applied within new models of labor relations, is beginning to threaten jobs in certain sectors of the economy. There is an increasing demand for specialized qualifications and skills, particularly in information technology, with an emphasis on process digitalization, data processing, and the creation of communication networks connecting objects and people. This intelligent industry inevitably disqualifies many existing jobs from their current structures, leading to job losses for numerous employees. Analysts openly predict that by 2030, robots will replace up to 20 million industrial jobs worldwide.

The vision of which occupations or working conditions will be impacted is becoming increasingly concrete. Radical changes will require radical solutions as well as previously unknown movements and new elements or measures in the labor market.

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Základy filozofickej antropológie I.



Kristína Bosáková

The textbook for the course of Philosophical Anthropology should help the students of philosophy in major subject as much as of philosophy as minor in combination with other study programs in social sciences and STEM disciplines, to develop their own ideas and opinions about the question of human being in the philosophy. Its aim is to make a short introduction into the field of philosophical anthropology and to educate the students in the most important topics of the discipline.

Every chapter consist of the theoretical part and of the practical analysis of the text, which is followed by three questions at the end of each chapter. Students, who will later become the philosophy teachers, shall learn how to discuss and teach several topics from the philosophical anthropology in their future classes. Therefore, the textbook is suitable as much for the pedagogical as for the non-pedagogical study programs.

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Slovensko - Európa - Svet



Tomáš DvorskýLucia LaczkóKatarína Lörincová (eds.)

The collection of articles from the VIII. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, held on 16 May 2019 in Košice.

The aim of this publication, entitled Slovakia-Europe-World, is to point out a complex of diverse topics that are actual in the world, in Europe and in the Slovak republic.

The publication consists of 15 articles, which are primarily written in Slovak. The individual contributions deal with selected topics and aspects of national and foreign policy.

The topics of the articles are human rights, freedom of expression, the rise of religiously motivated nationalism, the issue of unemployment, parliamentary elections and election research. The publication also contains contributions focused on topics in the field of environmental policy, cultural policy or migration policy.

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Medzinárodné a európske právo v kinematografii



Lucia Bakošová (ed.)

Proceedings from the XII Student Symposium on International and European Law held on March 29, 2019, in Košice

The primary goal of films or TV series is typically not to educate their audience. However, contemporary cinematography includes a significant number of works that present issues related to international and European law to both professional and general audiences.

For this reason, the Institute of International and European Law at the Faculty of Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice organized the XII Student Symposium on International and European Law titled "International and European Law in Cinematography," under the auspices of Professor JUDr. Ján Klučka, CSc.

The main objective of the symposium was to popularize international and European law among students through films or series. The films analyzed during the symposium could be divided into two categories: those dramatizing real events and those creating fictional scenarios incorporating aspects of international or European law. Most contributions focused on films depicting real events, such as the genocide in Rwanda in the 1990s, the Nuremberg Trials, the occupation of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, or the legal dispute between the heir of the painting Woman in Gold and Austria. On the other hand, works like the series MASH* were also discussed; while not based on real events, it uses its narrative to portray the lives of medical personnel in a military field hospital during the Korean War.

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Rozvoj profesionálnych kompetentností



Denisa Rovenská

The textbook focuses on development of professional competencies and analyzes fields such as communication, leadership, goal setting, decision making, time management, teamwork, conflict and conflict strategies and stress management.

Particular chapters offer a summary of information needed to build a theoretical framework of the competencies along with various tasks or activities that should motivate to transform gained knowledge to practical level.

The professional competencies need to be developed and maintain in practical level, because this is the only way how to spread potential of knowledge and become truly competent in professional and private life, as well.

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Vybrané kapitoly z angiológie



Mária Rašiová

Cardiovascular diseases are among the main causes of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Academic textbook: Selected Chapters from Angiology is devoted to the most common vascular diseases that the angiologist encounters on a daily basis.

Dilated artery diseases (abdominal aortic aneurysm), as well as stenotizing diseases of peripheral arteries, are described. Diseases such as deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and chronic venous insufficiency are discussed in the venous vascular system section. I also deal with the most common lymphatic vascular system disease ˗ lymphoedema.

In the individual chapters the risk factors of the diseases, symptoms and signs, diagnostics, treatment modalities (pharmacological therapy, endovascular therapy, angiosurgical therapy) and possible complications of the therapy are briefly analyzed.

My priority was to present the information in a logical, interesting and comprehensible form for students and for common clinical practice.


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Základné laboratórne cvičenia z anorganickej...



Zuzana VargováMiroslav Almáši - Juraj KuchárJana Dinajová 

The script „Základné laboratórne praktikum z anorganickej chémie“ builds on previous editions of the script, with some thematic units updated and supplemented with new knowledge, principles, and detailed work procedures.

This script is intended as a teaching aid for first-year students of the chemistry and interdisciplinary study programs at the Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The introductory part of the volume acquaints students with safety regulations that they should follow during work in a chemical laboratory. Subsequently, in five chapters, basic laboratory techniques are described in detail, which students will use in the further part of the practices for preparing inorganic compounds. These chapters are enriched with illustrative images created using the freely distributable ACDFreeLabs 10 program or taken from literature listed at the end of the script. Some images were created by the authors, and others were taken from the catalog of Fisher Slovakia, s.r.o., which provided written permission for their use. The chapters describing the preparation of inorganic compounds are organized according to their composition, from simple elements or molecules, through binary compounds, acids, and salts, to complex compounds.

Within this subject, students should apply their theoretical knowledge gained during lectures on General Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry and thereby acquire basic practical experience and skills that they will use in further studies.

The last two chapters were developed based on cooperation with Duslo a.s., Production Plant Strážske, which participates in the innovation of practical teaching through direct involvement of experts from practice as part of the KEGA project No. 008UPJŠ-4/2018.


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Edukácia, roč. 3, č. 2/2019



Renáta Orosová (executive editor)

Stránka časopisu >>>

The scientific and professional journal Edukácia focuses on issues of education and upbringing in primary, secondary, and higher education. It emphasizes the current state and future perspectives of educational practice, the latest aspects of pre-service teacher training, social pedagogy, special pedagogy, as well as pedagogical and psychological aspects of upbringing in basic educational institutions from the perspective of the broader pedagogical community. It is intended for researchers, young university lecturers, doctoral students, as well as professional and pedagogical staff, with the aim of presenting trends in education and sparking discussions on current issues in the areas of education and upbringing covered.

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Základy metodológie pedagogicko-psychologického...



Mária BačíkováAnna JanovskáOľga Orosová

The textbook is primarily intended for students of teaching academic subjects, but it will enrich anyone who needs to familiarize themselves with research methodology focusing on psychological and educational sciences. In the textbook, students become acquainted with the basic principles of conducting research, the process of research implementation, and the basic methods of quantitative or qualitative approaches.

The examples used in the textbook are mostly focused on research conducted in a school environment. By acquiring the basic knowledge presented in the textbook, the reader will be able to conduct simple research in school conditions. At the same time, understanding the principles of research methodology helps with the critical evaluation of information from various sources.

The second, expanded edition has been extended by three chapters, focusing on conducting research directly during the teaching process in the form of teacher action research, on the possibilities of evaluating preventive programs, and the final chapter deals with the possibilities of publishing research.

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