Igor Palúš - Ondrej Mitaľ - Vladimíra Žofčinová
Peer-Reviewed Proceedings of Contributions from the International Scientific Conference Organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Public Administration at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, held on November 15, 2018, in Košice.
On November 15, 2018, an international scientific conference titled "Public Administration in the Contemporary Democratic and Legal State" was held at the Faculty of Public Administration of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.
This scientific event, attended by more than 60 experts from domestic and foreign universities and faculties, as well as representatives of various institutions from the public administration environment, marked the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Public Administration. The first part of the conference took place within a plenary session, while the second part continued with discussions in four sections, whose names align with the priority scientific orientation of the faculty's departments. At the plenary session, as well as in the professional sections, many content-rich and inspiring presentations were delivered, which undoubtedly contribute to further developing the theory of public administration in general and to developing specific scientific topics addressed by the faculty's departments in particular.
The scientific conference was characterized by a working atmosphere, a cultivated scientific and professional environment, with numerous discussions among participants related to current issues and problems in public administration, as well as formulating proposals for further cooperation in the fields of science and education. The Faculty is publishing a peer-reviewed scientific proceedings from the conference, which will consist of two parts due to the large number of active participants. The first part includes three presentations from the plenary session corresponding to the content of contributions delivered during the section discussions guaranteed by the Department of Public Policy and Theory of Public Administration and the Department of Public Law Disciplines. The second part includes two presentations from the plenary session that are content-wise related to the discussions in sections guaranteed by the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Economics and Public Administration Management.
We extend our gratitude to all active participants of the scientific conference, as well as to those who contributed organizationally to its preparation and course.
prof. JUDr. Igor Palúš, CSc.
Chairman of the Organizing Comittee
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