Študentská vedecká konferencia PF UPJŠ 2018



Katarína Cechlárová (ed.)

In 2018, the Student Scientific Conference was held on April 18, 2018, in 16 sections covering biology and ecology, chemistry, physics, geography, mathematics, computer science, and their subject didactics. There were 110 registered contributions from bachelor's and master's students. Additionally, eight high school students participated outside of the competition; these students already visit our alma mater at a young age, work in our laboratories, and prepare for further studies under the guidance of our enthusiastic teachers. The day also included a programming competition and the IHRA competition in three categories, where students from PF UPJŠ competed alongside pupils from elementary and secondary schools.

The abstracts of the Student Scientific Conference contributions convincingly demonstrate that PF UPJŠ students study their field not only theoretically but also actively engage in solving partial scientific problems that are part of the research goals at PF UPJŠ institutes. This collection provides an overview of scientific activity at the faculty, which we believe will be interesting for the broader public as well.

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Aktuálne požiadavky rozvoja profesie sestry



Jana RakováMária Sováriová Soósová (eds.)

The profession of nursing and the development of the field of nursing care are influenced by international, societal, political, social, and cultural conditions. The result of the long-term evolution of nursing is today's network of universities and higher education institutions that prepare qualified nurses capable of providing high-quality nursing care. Healthcare professionals are trained to meet the new demands imposed by contemporary society and the labor market. Nurses are at the center of most healthcare teams, playing a key role in promoting and protecting health as well as providing nursing care across primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.

The presented scientific anthology includes contributions of both professional and scientific nature from domestic and international authors (from the Czech Republic, Poland, and Lithuania), addressing current requirements for the development of the nursing profession. The central theme focuses on legislative changes concerning the nursing profession in Slovakia as well as in an international context. The connection between theory and practice encompasses topics related to community care, specifics of patient care, and the safety of both patients and healthcare workers.

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Miesto a význam regionálnych súdnych orgánov v...



Ján Klučka et al.

The aim of the current monograph is to provide comprehensive view of the status of regional judicial organs in current conditions of regionalism. Based on selected issues examined in individual chapters research team presents the comprehensive study focused on clarification of the status and significance of regional judicial organs in terms of new regionalism.

Research of the role of regional courts in the system of peaceful settlement of disputes demonstrates the significant role of the regional courts within the promotion of the rule of law, regional integration and also significant role of regional courts to ensure legal certainty within the system of compliance with decisions of regional courts. The result of examination of possibilities of individuals to access to regional judicial organs is comparative evaluation of regional possibilities of individual to defend his/her rights within regional courts of various regions. Particular part of this area is the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial as basic rights within the proceedings of regional judicial organs. Within the examination of preliminary rulings of international regional courts of different regions the role of regional judicial organs in the process of effective implementation of the principle of the rule of law was the subject of examination.

For the proper functioning of the regional judicial organs as well as independence of judges and legal certainty in International law, the ethical rules of international judicial organs and tribunals, which are the subject of the last chapter, are significant.

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Kognitívne, metakognitívne kompetencie a...



Margita MesárošováJozef BavoľárMiriam Slavkovská 

The current situation in the world education system, which declares the need to educate students for knowledge society, for improving the graduate employability is behind the motivation of authors to address competencies and key competencies for the knowledge society.

The authors present theoretical and empirical investigations based on the application of scientific methods of competency assessment and the use of contemporary scientific paradigms. The starting point is the concept of competencies in the context of current approaches of scientific psychology, which resonates in the official documents of the European Union and has been elaborated and enriched by the authors. The monograph focuses on a selected set of competencies, namely: competence to act as a self-regulated person, self-development, decision-making competencies, social and metacognitive competencies in the context of motivation. Knowledge about nature, the structure of competencies are presented, as well as their relations with personal and environmental variables.

The effort of the authors is also aimed at making available knowledge about the possibilities of assessing these competencies using current methods. Authors communicate the results of the creation and verification of competency assessment methods. The implementation of the research results presented in the monograph is perspective in the education and counseling of the target group of university students.

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Zlomové osmičky



Tomáš DvorskýLucia LaczkóMária Petriková  (eds.)

The collection of articles from the VII. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, held on 17 May 2019 in Košice.

The aim of this publication, entitled The Turning Eights, is to point out the importance of the years ending with number eight, which have significantly affected historical development and appear to be justified in the current political context.

The almanac consists of 11 articles, which are primarily in the Slovak language. The individual contributions deal with aspects of national and foreign policies that are united in theme called The Turning Eightswith the individual interest of each author.

The topics of the almanac are the municipal elections, the position of municipalities at the public administration system, development in self-governing regions and the non-governmental organizations. The presented publication also contains articles that deal with topics in specific countries, such as China, Israel and Russia.

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Možnosti sociálnej práce v školskom prostredí v...



Veronika VasiľováSoňa Lovašová

The formation of social work as a scientific discipline is not a completed process because of with changes in society also change social problems that need to be identified and analyzed with the intention to develop methodological solutions aimed at preventing and interventing these social problems.For this reason, the field of social work as such is constantly expanding, as its dynamic nature makes it possible to respond to emerging social problems and react to the needs of society.

Social work in the school environment is a functioning science field abroad.In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, this area of social work is still missing.Therefore, the monograph deals with the possibilities of social work in the school environment in Slovakia. 

The monograph is primarily intended for the professionals working in the field of social work and in the third sector with children and youth.

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Prejavy radikalizmu a extrémizmu v sociálnych...



Lucia TóthováDušan Šlosár

The publication "Manifestations of Radicalism and Extremism in Social Relations" is an input analysis of the individual areas that the authors want to focus on in their research activities in the study of radicalism and extremism. The context of the study is in the possibility of social work in influencing radical and extremist tendencies in those areas that we can designate as working fields of social work.

The authors of the individual papers focus on the theoretical definition of extremism and radicalism, types and forms of extremism, factors affecting the formation of the radical and extremist thoughts, focusing on specific target groups (especially youth) and the role of social work in the issue of radicalism and extremism, and they also represent the results of research in the field.

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Ochrana (duševného) zdravia zamestnanca v...



Marcel DolobáčMonika Seilerová

The Industrial Revolution cannot be avoided or hidden from, but it is equally wrong to see it only in gray tones. Let us be optimistic. The Information Age can also mean a reduction in working hours, perhaps more time for family and interpersonal relationships, or an overall increase in individual economic luxury. The Information Age will take away many job opportunities but will put many others on the table, though mostly for the educated. Science and research will become even more important for overall economic development than they are today. Let us be prepared.

The ambition of this monograph is not, and cannot be, to provide an exhaustive answer to the above-outlined debates. Its goal is to stimulate broader scientific discussion, particularly on the issue of mental health protection in correlation with the advent of the Information Age. The subject of study is the protection of the individual—the employee—who must adapt to a new technological environment and its associated demands.

The monograph represents a comprehensive output by authors who, over the past two years, have published on similar topics within the APVV-16-0002 grant "Mental Health in the Workplace and Assessment of Employee Health Capability." The authors believe that thanks to this APVV grant, they will continue to build on this topic in the coming years. Most importantly, they hope that its content will engage you, the readers.

Marcel Dolobáč

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Edukácia, roč. 3, č. 1/2019



Renáta Orosová (executive editor)

Website >>>

The scientific-professional journal Edukácia focuses on issues of education and upbringing in primary, secondary, and higher education. It emphasizes the current state and perspectives of educational practice, current aspects of pre-graduate teacher training, social pedagogy, special education, as well as pedagogical and psychological aspects of education in basic educational institutions from the perspective of the broader pedagogical community. It is intended for researchers, young university teachers, doctoral students, as well as professional and pedagogical staff, with the aim of presenting trends in education and stimulating discussion on current issues in the presented areas of upbringing and education.

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Výchova a vzdelávanie 2018: Pedagóg 21....



Renáta OrosováLucia DiheneščíkováKatarína PetríkováLívia Nemcová

Proceedings of Abstracts from the International Scientific Conference: Education and Training 2018: The 21st Century Educator and Their Perspectives in Educational Practice

The international scientific conference focuses on issues related to education and training in primary, secondary, and higher education institutions from the perspective of educators.

It emphasizes the current state and future perspectives of 21st-century educators in educational practice, addressing pedagogical and sociological aspects of education within foundational educational institutions. Additionally, it explores contemporary aspects of pre-service teacher preparation.

The conference is aimed at researchers, young university lecturers, doctoral students, as well as professional and educational practitioners. Its goal is to present the educator—whether a teacher, social pedagogue, or special educator—in a modern perspective, highlighting their essential collaboration in the context of education. Furthermore, it seeks to stimulate discussions on pressing issues within the fields of education and training in light of the current situation in the education sector.

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Metodologické inšpirácie v literárnovednom...



Ivica Hajdučeková et al.  

The four-year grant project VEGA No. 1/0736/15, titled Methodological Approaches to the (Re)Interpretation of Works of Slovak and World Literature (led by Prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc.), conducted at the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies, and Communication at the Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice between 2015 and 2018, yielded several outputs during its duration. In addition to individual scientific studies published in journals both domestically and internationally, the project resulted in: A proceedings volume from the international scientific conference Text in Contexts: Text in Interdisciplinary Interpretations (2018). A scientific monograph titled Spirituality in the (Re)Interpretation of Slovak Literary Works (2016). The collaboration culminated in two key complementary publications forming an interconnected whole:

Methodological Inspirations in Literary Research I (a collection of selected lectures and abstracts).

Methodological Inspirations in Literary Research II (a monograph).

An electronic collection of abstracts and video recordings from ongoing lecture colloquia—featuring notable figures from Slovak and Czech academia—and the scientific monograph were conceptually aligned, as evidenced by their shared titles differentiated numerically. This approach adhered to the project's aim of continuing a tradition of precision in literary research while emphasizing methodological pluralism. It also sought to promote contemporary, generationally diverse research within the academic environment of Eastern Slovakia, historically linked to Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical...



Jozef StrečkaHana ČenčarikováAndrej Gendiar (eds.)

The proceeding involves programme and abstracts of Workshop on Quantum Magnetism: Theoretical Challenges and Future Perspectives, which was held on June 7th – June 8th, 2019, in Košice, Slovakia.

The workshop is organized by Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice and Institute of Experimental Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice under the financial support of Slovak Research and Development Agency.

The main conference topics are devoted to state-of-the-art problems of Quantum Theory of Magnetism inncluding molecular magnetism, highly frustrated magnetism, magnetic phase transitions, quantum spin liquids, strongly correlated systems, exotic quantum states, flat-band systems and quantum entanglement.

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The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of...



Terézia HišemováDarina Kmecová (eds.)

Reviewed proceedings of scientific papers of Conference of Slovak and Czech law romanists, which take place at May, 10.-11.5.2018, at Faculty of Law, UPJŠ in Košice.

The submitted reviewed proceeding of scientific papers on „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of roman - law basics and problems of application practice.”  is prepared within the solution of the grant project VEGA on: „The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of historical - law basics and problems of application practice.”, no. p. 1/0198/17.

The authors of papers are important personalities of Roman law working in the Slovak and Czech Republic, as well as PhD students and young scientists from Slovak and foreign universities who are active in the academic environment as well as in legal practice. The main goal of the editors is to help improve the current legal situation, which is assessed as unsatisfactory, and through a historical excursion of the development of the loan institute and then the forced execution of the decision, to create de lege ferenda proposals considering all areas of research.

The Proceedings trace the interrelationships between the substantive law institute in terms of the Roman law of contractus unilaterales - mutuum in its various types, often realized by the attachment of high interest rates, which bordered on the insurrection and the procedural law of individual lawsuits enforced in the legislative, formular and cognitive process. If there was no possibility to impose certain behaviour on the obligated person (the debtor, the sentenced person), then the declared general obligation to enforce the legal norms was only a legal term. It has always been the case that every internally well-organized state, whether antique or present, has to use power tools - often with the use of gross violence - but within the limits of the law, to promote what it has declared valid law. It must protect creditors on the one hand, but it must also prevent self-help and the use of illegal, unjustified and disproportionate violence.

The loan contract as a real contract has often become an integral part and relatively the most frequent reason leading to the compulsory enforcement, especially when contracting parties often agree on the connection of interest - sometimes within the legal limit, sometimes exceeding the legal framework - and in this way the potential future creditor (the plaintiff) significantly increased the insolvency risk of the debtor (the defendant, the sentenced) and of the subsequent execution. The pronounced and deepening social stratification of the Roman population and the secondary depreciation effort, the cancellation of the debts of the poor part of the population logically culminated in social unrest and revolt against the enforcement of the enforcement law.

The proceedings capture not only the rich scientific discussion of Slovak and Czech legal Romanists, but also the opinions, experience and knowledge of experts on contemporary law dealing with this type of issues. As a result, it provides a unique interdisciplinary view of the subject and raises many stimulus points for future research. This work proves that the problems encountered by the various representatives of the Roman jurisprudence and their legal and theoretical bases and solutions are undoubtedly useful and serve as a guideline also for solving legal issues in the field of modern enforcement proceedings.

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Improvement of best practices in the provision...



A.A. AhmetovaA.A. SeidakhmetovaN.D. Kalmenov et al.

Improving the best practices in the provision of the first pre-medical care is one of the priority areas of clinical medicine in most countries of the world. Despite the success in improving the provision of medical care at the level of FPMA and emergency medical care, it is the provision of skilled care at the earliest stages of the disease or emergency conditions that determines the quality of all medical care and the future of the patient.

When rendering emergency care to the sick and injured, the time factor is very important, it prevents irreversible disturbances in the body and creates a good help for the complete cure of the patient. Textbook is designed to improve awareness of the importance of pre-medical aid to non-medical students in central Asian countries.

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Základy metodológie pedagogicko-psychologického...



Mária BačíkováAnna Janovská

The textbook "Foundations of Methodology in Pedagogical-Psychological Research" is primarily intended for students of teaching academic subjects, but it will enrich anyone who needs to familiarize themselves with research methodology focusing on psychological and pedagogical sciences. In the textbook, students become acquainted with the basic principles of conducting research, the process of research implementation, and the basic methods of quantitative or qualitative approaches. The examples used in the textbook are mostly focused on research conducted in a school environment.

By mastering the basic knowledge presented in the textbook, the reader will be able to conduct simple research in school conditions. At the same time, understanding the principles of research methodology helps with the critical evaluation of information from various sources. In preparing the textbook, we utilized our long-term experience with teaching the subject of research methodology, as well as with implementing many research projects. We believe that the simple language of the textbook and the abundance of practical examples will help students understand the basics of such complex issues as research methodology.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the students of the Faculty of Arts and Natural Sciences at P. J. Šafárik University in Košice who attended the course "Foundations of Methodology in Pedagogical-Psychological Research" in the previous academic year for their inspiration, constructive comments on previous versions of the text, and ideas (or mistakes) that we drew upon in the textbook. We also thank other students who allowed us to use examples from their final theses in the textbook. The conclusion of the work is open because, as it turns out, we do not have a common denominator for both concepts that could decide on the correctness of one or the other concept. It is precisely in this that the Socratic question remains a serious philosophical problem today.

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Sokratovská otázka ako filozofický problém



Štefan Jusko

The goal of the monograph is to highlight the significant problem of interpreting the Socratic question, as its approach represents a method of interpreting the history of philosophy, specifically in our case, the interpretation of Socrates and Plato. The Socratic question can be grasped in diametrically different ways, as shown by Patočka and Nietzsche, among others. The former aligns with Socrates and innovatively updates his question for the present. The latter is ambivalent towards Socrates but ultimately labels him a decadent.

In the first part of the monograph, Patočka's characterization of human existence is presented, which he formulates as unified and morally firm. Patočka interprets the Socratic question as care for the soul, for its well-being, without deriving the concept of good from something positively defined but from the whole world, which can only be defined negatively due to its constant openness. This sphere of negativity is for Patočka something immensely positive because transcendence lifts humans from relative goods to the overall meaning, making them morally capable in the true sense. The good, i.e., the requirement for a surge, for a turn of humans from the world of things to the whole world, is for him a program that Socrates first formulated through his knowing ignorance.

The second part of the work is dedicated to Nietzsche's concept based on the non-unified nature of human existence, which is not derived from the whole world or overall meaning but from situational meaning. Nietzsche strives to prove that in every situation, human existence is exposed to two opposing perspectives, between which it is impossible to decide which is correct. He concludes that both perspectives are equally valid and mutually conditioned, meaning that the opposite of good, what threatens meaning, is a beneficial condition for situational meaning. He labels this level as immoral, as a sphere where human existence creates meaning outside the thinking of good and evil in opposition.

The conclusion of the work is open because, as it turns out, we do not have a common denominator that could decide on the correctness of one or the other concept. Precisely in this lies the fact that the Socratic question remains a serious philosophical problem even today.

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Právny jazyk v aplikačnej praxi



Marcel Dolobáč - Ľuboš Dobrovič (eds.)

Reviewed Proceedings of Contributions from a Scientific Conference

This reviewed collection of contributions from the scientific e-conference Legal Language in Application Practice, held from December 3 to 21, 2018, presents various academic contributions.

Legal language, as expressed in legal norms, is specific and should ideally be unambiguous, concise, and resistant to multiple interpretations. Is this an ideal world that does not exist but is worth striving for? Interpretative challenges and ambiguities in legal language and terminology (especially in the Labour Code) led the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law at UPJŠ in Košice to undertake the VEGA grant project No. 1/0526/17 titled Linguistic and Sanction Mechanisms in the Creation and Operation of Labour Law Norms.

As part of this grant project, the department organized an e-conference open not only to labor law specialists but also to experts from other legal fields. Unsurprisingly, interpretative issues extend beyond labor law. The contributions in this collection are thus somewhat interdisciplinary, though with a focus on labor law. We hope this collection serves as an introduction to broader research and deeper study of legal language by experts beyond legal theory. Additionally, we trust these contributions will inspire you, the readers.


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Aproximačné a pravdepodobnostné algoritmy



Ondrej KrídloGabriel Semanišin

For computer scientists, the constant challenge is to seek efficient algorithms and various technical and implementation possibilities to improve the computational complexity of currently known algorithms. Partial solutions are offered by approaches such as grid-based methods and parallelization of computation. Quantum computers represent a significant but still unfulfilled promise. From a theoretical perspective, probabilistic and approximation approaches provide very effective solutions, and these are the methods we aim to explore in detail.

These electronic university textbooks serve as supplementary materials for the course Approximation and Probabilistic Algorithms. They were developed from the authors' materials and contributions by Prof. RNDr. Viliam Geffert, DrSc., whom the authors thank for providing the manuscript. Acknowledgments also extend to RNDr. Ján Katrenič, PhD., who prepared the first set of exercises for the course, and Žaneta Semanišinová, who reviewed large portions of the text and contributed suggestions for its improvement.

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Sprievodca svetom vedeckého publikovania



Jitka DobbersteinováSimona HudecováZuzana Stožická

Educational Text for the Course Publishing Advisor

Effective communication is crucial for the advancement of science and society. Publishing the results of scientific work in a way that makes them credible, visible amidst the information flood, and accessible to everyone who might need them is easy for some, but harder than the research itself for others.

Especially early-career scientists have trouble navigating the complex, peculiar, and sometimes illogical landscape of scientific publishing, shaped by the diversity of scientific disciplines, historical decisions, technological developments, financial pressures, compromises, and the unimaginable amount of voluntary work that authors, reviewers, and many editors contribute to the system without expecting compensation. Those who were not fortunate enough to have a well-informed mentor can accept the helping hand of a librarian-publishing advisor.

A guide through the world of scientific publishing will lead the reader from the dawn of the first scientific journals to the latest open publishing platforms. It follows the path of a scientific article from conception and writing, through finding the right journal and the challenges of peer review, to publication, evaluation of science, management of electronic information resources, and the vision of the future of libraries in the digital age.

Cover author: Ing. Pavol Martinický

Publisher: Vydavateľstvo otvorenej vedy, Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR, Bratislava

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Školská psychológia 2018 - História a perspektívy



Pavol KačmárMargita MesárošováLadislav Lovaš (eds.)

This publication introduces a selected body of papers presented at scientific conference School psychology: History and perspectives that took place on October 17 and 18 in Košice.

The conference commemorated two important jubilees. The first was the birth anniversary of prof. Ján Hvozdík (100 years), the second jubilee was related to the opening of the study of psychology at the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik (50 years).

The contributions have undergone peer review.

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Intervenčný program starostlivosti o seba pre...



Margita MesárošováMiroslava KöverováSoňa Lovašová

Intervention Program for Supporting Self-Care in Helping Professions: "How Do I Take Care of Myself?" The intervention program "How Do I Take Care of Myself?" was developed as part of the research project APVV14-0921, "Self-Care as a Factor in Coping with the Negative Consequences of Engaging in Helping Professions." Its uniqueness lies in being created based on specific research outputs from the program's authors and project.

In the first chapter, the authors offer insights into the preparation of the intervention program, justifying its theoretical foundations, methods, and specifics of the program participants. They also provide an overview of research on the effectiveness of various intervention programs aimed at reducing the negative consequences of helping and enhancing self-care and other positive effects of engaging in helping professions. Subsequent chapters focus on a detailed analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention program "How Do I Take Care of Myself?" and its comparison with the effectiveness of other programs, which were differently focused, targeted at different populations of helping professionals, and had different theoretical and practical orientations and foundations. Most of these studies demonstrated positive changes only in isolated cases, due to various methodological shortcomings often related to practical application.

What differentiates the intervention program presented in this monograph is the participation of helping professionals actively practicing in the social field, unlike most intervention programs compiled and validated for students of these professions. The student population, being more accessible to researchers, allows for better methodology, including a larger number of participants, as well as experimental manipulation and group balancing. In the case of participants in the validation of the program "How Do I Take Care of Myself?", it involved practitioners who are engaged in the daily work process and completed training during their work breaks, which placed high demands on balancing their work and personal tasks. We believe that the effects we discovered during the validation of the effectiveness of the presented intervention program were not always clearly mathematically graspable but were evident from individual feedback.

We present the text of this monograph to the professional public with the aim of highlighting the benefits, limitations of the intervention program, as well as inspiring researchers and practitioners to further work in this area.


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XXIII. slovensko - český kongres o infekčných...



Pavol JarčuškaPavol KristianIvan Schréter (eds.)

The abstract almanac was issued at the occasion of XXII. Slovak – Czech congress on infectoius diseases held in Jasná.

Overall it contains 70 reports that cover current issues in infectology. Contributions are focused on patients with infections caused by multidrug resistant organisms, HIV infected patients, patients with hepatitis and infections in immunocompromised patients.

Thers is a special section dedicated to new aspects in nursing care.

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Homosexualita a homofóbia v kontexte sociálnej...



Ján ŠimkoDušan Šlosár

The monograph is dealing with the issue of homosexuality and homophobia in the context of social work and it is divided into five chapters, which are devoted to individual fields of the tackled issue. The first chapter is describing the phenomenon of homosexuality in the society; the focus is put on human sexuality and sexual orientation. The following chapter is clarifying the formation of homosexual identity in connection to coming out and it describes its frequently utilized models. The third chapter is devoted to the concepts of heteronormativity and heterosexism in the social context.

Furthermore, the chapter is dealing with the formation of attitudes towards this issue from the point of view of religion and masculinity. Another chapter is describing homophobia as the result of heteronormativity, stereotypes and prejudice.

In the last chapter, the authors are introducing selected social work theories dealing with the homosexual minority, the approaches to LGBT+ community and suggestions towards elimination of homophobia within the social work environment.

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The Magic of Sounds



Marián GladišLucia Jasinská (eds.)

This peer-reviewed collection of papers is a publication output of the scientific colloquium named The Magic of Sounds, which was organized by the Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies and Communication at the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, and by the Košice Branch of the Slovak Linguistic Society at the Ľudovít Štúr Linguistic Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of birth of Associate Professor PhDr. Jozef Liška, PhD., the founder of the Slovak logopaedics.

Participants focused their papers on the analysis of the linguistic and speech therapy work of J. Liška, his contribution to Slovak dialectology and orthoepy, presented him as an Anglicist, and they also dealt with the audio aspect of children's speech, exact methods of disturbances and low voice quality measuring, or machine speech processing.

An interpretative paper of the documentary They Will Speak Well, a socially important piece of film work, which was made in 1958 under the supervision of J. Liška, is also included in the proceedings.

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UVP – MediPark – cesta k inováciám vo výskume,...



Pavol JarčuškaDaniel PellaJán Rosocha (eds.)

Proceedings of lectures from thematic conferences organized by UVP MediPark

UVP Medipark – the path to innovation in research, diagnostics, and treatment – was the title of the conference held on Tuesday, May 29, 2018, at the premises of the Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The patronage of the event was taken over by the rector of UPJŠ, Prof. RNDr. Pavol Sovák, CSc. The conference program was divided into two main areas – Innovative scientific technologies, clinical research, and the path to the development of new drugs, and UVP Medipark – main research areas.

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Verejná správa v súčasnom demokratickom a...



Igor PalúšOndrej MitaľVladimíra Žofčinová

Peer-reviewed proceedings from an international scientific conference organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Public Administration at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, held on November 15, 2018, in Košice

On November 15, 2018, an international scientific conference titled "Public Administration in a Current Democratic and Legal State" was held at the Faculty of Public Administration of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

This scientific event, attended by more than 60 experts from domestic and foreign universities and faculties, as well as representatives of various institutions from the public administration environment, marked the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Public Administration. The first part of the conference took place in a plenary session, and the second part continued with discussions in four sections, whose names align with the priority scientific orientation of the faculty's departments. At the plenary session, as well as in the professional sections, many content-rich and thought-provoking presentations were delivered, which undoubtedly contribute to further developing the theory of public administration in general and to developing partial scientific themes addressed by the faculty's departments in particular.

The scientific conference was characterized by a working atmosphere, a cultivated scientific and professional environment, with numerous discussions among participants related to current issues and problems in public administration, as well as formulating proposals for further cooperation in the field of science and education. The Faculty will publish a peer-reviewed scientific proceedings from the conference, which will have two parts due to the large number of active participants. The first part includes three presentations from the plenary session corresponding to the content of contributions that were presented during the discussions in sections guaranteed by the Department of Public Policy and Theory of Public Administration and the Department of Public Law Disciplines. The second part includes two presentations from the plenary session that are content-wise related to the discussions in sections guaranteed by the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Economics and Public Administration Management.

Thanks are due to all active participants in the scientific conference, as well as those who were involved in its preparation and organization.

prof. JUDr. Igor Palúš, CSc.
 Chairman of the Organizing Committee

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ORTOEPIA zvukového prejavu na segmentálnej úrovni



Iveta Bónová

The textbook is addressed to up-and-coming media staffers and teachers of Slovak language, a target group which will be a prospective model for common users in their language behaviour. It poses an educational project that points out to the correlation of standard language and language (primarily orthoepical) norm.

The publication is structured in the way that after the explanation of the given orthoepical problem on the segmenal level (in correspondence with the valid orthoepical norm anchored in Rules of Slovak Orthoepy by Á. Kráľ, 2005, 2009), there follow exercises with an aim to know and practically apply presented norms as standardised acoustic forms. However, considering the natural (not artificial) language and the real (not absolutely ideal) norm, under the exercises we give sociolinguistically oriented topics and tasks for discussion (sometimes also with references to specialist sources) with an aim to draw the listeners’ attention to the current state of live, phonically realised language, or to possible solutions that functionally correspond to the interests and needs of lanugage community and are not in contradiction with internal language rules at the same time.

An explanation of particular orthopeic phenomena on the segmental level is closed not only with exercices and topics for discussion but also with a short test in which students can individually verify their special competences in connection to speech practise.

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Verejná správa v súčasnom demokratickom a...



Igor PalúšOndrej MitaľVladimíra Žofčinová

Peer-Reviewed Proceedings of Contributions from the International Scientific Conference Organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Public Administration at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, held on November 15, 2018, in Košice.

On November 15, 2018, an international scientific conference titled "Public Administration in the Contemporary Democratic and Legal State" was held at the Faculty of Public Administration of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

This scientific event, attended by more than 60 experts from domestic and foreign universities and faculties, as well as representatives of various institutions from the public administration environment, marked the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Public Administration. The first part of the conference took place within a plenary session, while the second part continued with discussions in four sections, whose names align with the priority scientific orientation of the faculty's departments. At the plenary session, as well as in the professional sections, many content-rich and inspiring presentations were delivered, which undoubtedly contribute to further developing the theory of public administration in general and to developing specific scientific topics addressed by the faculty's departments in particular.

The scientific conference was characterized by a working atmosphere, a cultivated scientific and professional environment, with numerous discussions among participants related to current issues and problems in public administration, as well as formulating proposals for further cooperation in the fields of science and education. The Faculty is publishing a peer-reviewed scientific proceedings from the conference, which will consist of two parts due to the large number of active participants. The first part includes three presentations from the plenary session corresponding to the content of contributions delivered during the section discussions guaranteed by the Department of Public Policy and Theory of Public Administration and the Department of Public Law Disciplines. The second part includes two presentations from the plenary session that are content-wise related to the discussions in sections guaranteed by the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Economics and Public Administration Management.

We extend our gratitude to all active participants of the scientific conference, as well as to those who contributed organizationally to its preparation and course.

prof. JUDr. Igor Palúš, CSc.
Chairman of the Organizing Comittee

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Negative consequences of performing helping...



Jana NezkusilováMargita Mesárošová (eds.)

Proceedings of Extended Abstracts from Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference

Conference proceedings comprise extended abstracts from contributions that were presented during the conference Negative consequences of performing helping professions II – Psychological, social and health aspects of performing helping professions, which was held on 12th of June 2019 in Košice.

The conference was organized as one of the outputs of the research project APVV 14-0921 Self-care as a factor of coping with the negative consequences of the practicizing the helping professions. Abstracts present either original research by the authors or summaries of the authors' findings in their long-term research activities focused on helping professions. One of the ambitions of the conference was to create a space for dialogue between academics and professionals working in helping professions. The interdisciplinary character of the conference has brought new ideas and perception of this issue, which has also been reflected in the rich response during the discussions. Professionals from field of psychology, social work, occupational medicine and behavioral medicine participated actively or passively in the conference.

Thus, the enriching aspect of the resulting proceedings is the interconnection of applied and theoretical studies related to wide range of helping professions.

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Teória a prax verejnej správy



Jana VolochováLucia Rožová (eds.)

A peer-reviewed collection of contributions from the 4th year of the doctoral students' scientific conference, which took place on February 13, 2019, at the Faculty of Public Administration of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Popradská 66, 040 11 Košice.

The content of the proceedings of the conference consist of contributions presented on scientific conference Theory and Practice of the Public Administration: The Scientific Conference for PhD. Students held by the Faculty of Public Administration University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Kosice on 13th of February 2019. The conference proceedings consist of 28 contributions, which are according to its content divided in to the politological, legal and social-economic section.

Participants aimed their contribution on the current professional topics, which are important for the current theory and practice of public administration. Authors in their conference papers also included a number of important observations, opinions, experiences and knowledge. All published contributions provides space for the deeper qualified discussion.


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Sociálna práca so skupinou



Lucia Tóthová

Social work with a group, along with social work with individuals, social work with the community and social work with society, is one of the basic methods used in the field of social work, but also in other helping professions. The work of a social worker requires knowledge of these methods but also of the techniques through which these methods are implemented and fulfilled. Understanding and acquiring individual methods for the needs of social practice requires the theoretical mastery of those institutes that are the basis of the method and the interrelationships between these institutes. Therefore, the author proceeded to elaborate a university textbook in which she focuses on one of the basic methods of social work, namely social work with a group.

The university textbook is designed for university students who are focused on social work studies, but also psychology, ethics and other disciplines using the method of working with a group, as it aims to present some facts about social groups and behaviour in them.

The author offers an insight into social work with the group from its historical foundations to today's latest knowledge of this method in accordance with the latest research of work with the group.

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Liekové formy a aplikačné cesty podávania...



Martina ČižmárikováPeter Takáč 

It is known that pharmacology is a rapidly evolving medical field, with information about drug forms and their routes of administration constantly changing. In addition to the emergence of new drug forms, new trends are also observed in the routes of administration suitable for delivering drugs. Despite being significant factors influencing the efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy – an indispensable component of comprehensive patient care – to our knowledge, there has been a lack of comprehensive and detailed textual material focused on this issue on the market. This fact is related to the broader scope of the professional text we are presenting, as rare drug forms or less commonly used routes of administration are only marginally mentioned or not mentioned at all in available pharmacology textbooks.

Our main goal was therefore to provide sufficient information about existing drug forms, their routes of administration, as well as their methods of delivery, which should serve to enhance the quality of pharmacotherapy in the context of so-called "tailored treatment," whose main effort is to individualize treatment for a specific patient. Although the work focuses on drug application methods, a detailed description of the technical implementation of algorithms and other related procedures is the subject of interest for other fields (nursing, surgical propaedeutics, etc.). Overall, it is a supplementary educational text provided in electronic form, which is extremely popular in today's modern informatized era. Thanks to this, the work can be used at any time at home or in a school environment, comprehensively or progressively, partially. We have also tried to enhance its quality by appropriate content organization, inclusion of practical experiences, as well as the inclusion of colorful images or photographs, overview tables, and appendices.

The textbook is supplemented by test quizzes serving to verify acquired selected knowledge, which are published on the website of the Department of Pharmacology at the Medical Faculty of UPJŠ in Košice (under "Teaching" → "Taught subjects"), and which will be continuously supplemented and updated (http://www.lf.upjs.sk/farmakologia/TEST%201.htm; http://www.lf.upjs.sk/farmakologia/TEST%202.htm).

Although the work is primarily intended for medical students, or students of pharmacy and other healthcare fields, we firmly believe that enriching information will be found in it by beginning graduates of these fields, as well as their teachers.

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