Sociálne riziká v spoločnosti XXI. storočia


Lucia TóthováKatarína Šiňanská (eds.)

Proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation held on November 30, 2018, in Košice

Current social work addresses the serious development problems of society such as poverty, unemployment, chronic diseases, socially vulnerable groups and others. We must not forget that enough attention must be paid to the discovery of causes and a detailed analysis of these problems. The thing is that social problems have been around for a long time, they just changed their shape, old forms of social risks were replaced by the new ones that need to be explored and analyzed in order to be able to perform measures and remove the causes of social risks of the 21st century. Proceedings of the scientific conference with international participation entitled Social Risks in the Society of the XXI. Century is therefore devoted to various perspectives related to social risks of modern society in the variety of contributions, indicating the broad-spectrum not only of the proceedings, but also the social work itself.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Lucia Tóthová - Katarína Šiňanská
Document type:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
slovenčina, poľština
Faculty of Arts
- Free for download

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How to Use Slovak in a Medical Environment...

Availability: 30 In Stock

Helena Petruňová

Učebnica je určená pre vyučovanie slovenského jazyka pre začiatočníkov (úroveň A1, A2 podľa SERR), zahraničných študentov lekárskej fakulty, odboru všeobecné lekárstvo a zubné lekárstvo. 

Učebnica AKO POUŽÍVAŤ SLOVENČINU V LEKÁRSKOM PROSTREDí  základy slovenčiny pre študentov medicíny obsahuje 13 lekcií, ktoré sú vhodné pre samoštúdium a pre prácu s učiteľom na jazykovom seminári. Tematicky zamerané lekcie ponúkajú základy slovenskej výslovnosti, slovnej zásoby, krátke dialógy a jednoduchý výklad užitočnej gramatiky. Všetky cvičenia a aktivity umožňujú študentom osvojovať si a precvičovať bohatú lekársku slovnú zásobu a vybranú gramatiku v kontexte. Obsahujú kľúčové slová, slovné spojenia, jednoduché frázy a základné otázky, ktoré sa používajú v komunikácii lekára s pacientom. Dôraz sa kladie na funkčnosť jazyka pre získavanie údajov o zdravotnom stave pacienta, o jeho živote, rodinnom prostredí, o chorobách predkov, súrodencov a pod. Na konci učebnice sú tematicky zoradené užitočné slová a slovné spojenia z prostredia nemocnice, zoznam základných slovies a kľúč k cvičeniam.   

Doktorandské Miscelaneá 3



Lukáš Šutor (ed.)

Po dvoch zväzkoch publikácie Doktorandské miscelaneá, v ktorých sa predstavili viacerí doktorandi Filozofickej fakulty UPJŠ v troch študijných odboroch (Literárna veda/Slovakistika, Filozofia a Psychológia – 1. zväzok; spolu 16 príspevkov), resp. v štyroch študijných odboroch (Psychológia, Filozofia, Literárna veda/Slovakistika, Britské a americké štúdiá – 2. zväzok – spolu 13 príspevkov) predkladáme vedeckej obci fakulty a azda aj širšie 3. zväzok, v ktorom sa rozširuje „repertoár“ študijných odborov na šesť (Psychológia, Filozofia, Sociálna práca, Politológia, Britské a americké štúdiá, Literárna veda/Slovakistika – pripomínam, že názvy študijných odborov a študijných programov uvádzam v „zjednodušenej“ podobe; porov. zb. Doktorandské miscelaneá, 1, 2012 a Doktorandské miscelaneá, 2, 2013) a zároveň, čo je sympatické poznanie, stúpa aj počet príspevkov (21 od 23 autorov; jeden príspevok so spoluautorstvom školiteľky). Ich tematický „rozptyl“ je daný aktuálnymi výskumnými úlohami v študijných odboroch humanitných a spoločenskovedných disciplín, ale ich prepája úsilie o tvorivé hľadanie najvhodnejších a pre konkrétnu tému najinšpiratívnejších tematicko-metodologických východísk, osobitne v úvodnej kapitole dizertačných prác.

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Násilie v sociálnej práci


Soňa Lovašová - Katarína ŠiňanskáMagdaléna Halachová  - Vladimír Lichner (eds.)

Ústrednou témou konferencie je násilie v sociálnej práci. Násilie sa v sociálnej práci vyskytuje v rôznych formách. Či už ako práca s klientmi – obeťami rôznych typov násilia, alebo ako práca s agresívnym klientom, keď obeťou je sám sociálny pracovník. Násilie v spoločnosti prudko narastá a sociálna práca je vedou, ktorá sa spoločnosti nutne musí prispôsobovať; je to jej podstata. Preto zvládanie agresívnych situácií v akejkoľvek podobe je pre sociálneho pracovníka dôležitou súčasťou osobnostnej výbavy. Žiaľ, aj ochrana sociálneho pracovníka pred násilím sa postupne stane nutnosťou a nás možno v budúcnosti neminie nácvik sebaobrany a znižovania agresivity ako súčasť prípravy na povolanie, či celoživotného vzdelávania. Zámerom tohoto zborníka je priblížiť odbornej aj laickej verejnosti problematiku násilia v sociálnej práci z rôznych uhlov pohľadu. Veríme, že sa tomuto vážnemu problému bude venovať čoraz viac pozornosti a že jednotlivé príspevky pomôžu čitateľovi pochopiť rozsah problému násilia v sociálnej práci.

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English for Chemists



Božena Velebná

The following material has been created during the two years of teaching English for Chemists at the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University and is therefore designed to meet the needs of this course. The main motivation was the lack of appropriate materials, especially as the groups generally comprise students with a very diverse level of English. This diversity therefore became the main criterion determining both the form and the content of this text.

In the ten units that provide material for a one semester course, the emphasis is put on teaching the students vocabulary and terminology, which is introduced via authentic texts, depending on the topic of each unit. Students are encouraged to learn the meaning of new words in context. Grammar is included too, with the aim of demonstrating and explaining grammatical rules by means of examples taken directly from the texts. For the more advanced students, grammatical exercises in this material can serve for revision while the beginners might need more supplementary materials.

I hope that this material, the preparation of which has been a challenging as well as enjoyable experience will be useful for future teachers and the students of this course.

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Možné svety z pohľadu logickej sémantiky a...



Eugen Andreanský

Predložená monografia si kladie za cieľ kriticky zmapovať chápanie pojmu možných svetov. Prvá kapitola opisuje formovanie sémantiky možných svetov, spolu s naznačením niektorých problémov, ktoré so sebou prináša a ktoré prenikavým spôsobom odhaľoval predovšetkým W. V. O. Quine. V ďalších dvoch kapitolách sa práca zameriava na modernejšie názory na povahu možných svetov, pričom hlavná pozornosť je venovaná dichotómii medzi posibilistickým a aktualistickým prístupom k otázke modalít, popri ktorom je nevyhnutné posúdiť aj iné rozlíšenia (esencializmus - antiesencializmus, realizmus - redukcionizmus (príp. ersatzimus či fikcionalizmus), naturalizmus - nenaturalizmus a pod.). Zvýšená pozornosť je v práci špeciálne venovaná posibilizmu D. Lewisa a aktualistickým koncepciám S. Kripkeho, A. Plantingu, R. M. Adamsa, N. Reschera, D. Armstronga a J. Hintikku. Neštandardný prístup k problematike možných svetov je zachytený vo štvrtej kapitole. Tá je predovšetkým venovaná významnej koncepcii Jaaka Hintikku, ktorá pracuje s pojmom epistemických možných svetov a dokumentuje príklon k modifikácii a relativizácii modálneho diskurzu. Záver poskytuje zhodnotenie diskusie, ktorá sa dotýka hlavných problémov spätých s úvahami o možných svetoch. V predkladanej monografii sú objasnené niektoré reprezentatívne koncepcie možných svetov, resp. možných indivíduí a je v nej naznačený celkový postup od posudzovania možných svetov ako ideálnych logických konštruktov cez ich relativizáciu prostredníctvom oddelených oblastí indivíduí pre jednotlivé svety a ďalej prostredníctvom vzťahu dosiahnuteľnosti až k finančným, nemožným a neštandardným možným svetom.

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Aktuálne otázky teórie a praxe politiky a...


Linda Babušík AdamčíkováGabriel KoscelanskýMária Petriková (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov zo VI. ročníka Medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov organizovanej 11. a 12. mája 2017 Katedrou politológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach, Katedrou politických vied a verejnej správy Užhorodskej národnej Univerzity, Research Institute of Central Europe a OZ Res publica

Presented publication is an outcome from the international scientific conference for students and young scientists that took place on 11th and 12th May 2017 at the Department of Political science, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The main aim of the presented is to bring up outcomes of research of young scientists and students from Slovakia, as well as from abroad.

This conference proceedings contains 19 papers in Slovak, Czech and English language. Papers are dealing with current issues of theory and practice of politics and international relations. We can find paper analyzing globalization, international terrorism, topic of EU or development of European states. The conference proceedings contents also papers regarding the far-right parties, role of women in  politics and integration migrants in Slovak republic.

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Pandémia & demokracia. Budúcnosť demokracie v...



Barbora Linhartová - Peter Dubóczi - Dávid Gajdoščík (eds.)

Zborník príspevkov z X. ročníka Medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie študentov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov organizovanou 1. októbra 2021 Katedrou politológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, v spolupráci s Inštitútom politických vied a verejnej správy Fakulty politológie a žurnalistiky Univerzity Marie Curie-Sklodowskej v Lubline, Ústavom sociálnych štúdií Fakulty regionálneho rozvoja a medzinárodných štúdií Mendelovej univerzity v Brne, Katedrou politológie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity v Miškovci a OZ Res Publica.


Prehodnotené dejiny. Historická pamäť – jej...


Lukáš Katriňák (ed.)


Zborník príspevkov zo 7. vedeckej konferencie mladých historikov, ktorú zorganizovali Katedra histórie Filozofickej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach,

European Network Remembrance and Solidarity,

Centrum spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV,

Historický ústav SAV

a Slovenská historická spoločnosť pri SAV,

dňa 25. októbra 2017 v Košiciach

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Pomáhajúce profesie a starostlivosť o seba z...


Miroslava Köverová • Margita Mesárošová (eds.)

The publication „Helping professions and self-care from the perspective of psychology and social work“ includes research studies focused on self-care, and the positive and negative effects of helping among specific groups of helping professionals – psychologists and social workers. A number of Slovak as well as foreign authors contributed to the book of proceedings. The contributions are theoretical studies, research studies and case studies. The theoretical and research studies are focused on important issues of professional helping: self-care, compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, burnout, perceived stress, secondary traumatic stress, mindfulness, empathy, job satisfaction and turnover among psychologists and social workers. Research interest in the phenomena is especially important in the context of the mental health of helping professionals and in reducing the negative consequences of helping. 

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Ivica Hajdučeková

The second (supplemented and expanded) edition of the bilingual textbook Rodový aspekt v slovenskej literatúre na prelome 19. a 20. storočia (Interpretačné etudy) / Gender Perspectives in the Slovak Literature of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries (Interpretation Studies) offers to a wider range of recipients – students of Teaching of Academic Subjects and teachers in practice – a didactic transformation of current research issues (supported by e-literacy using online approaches and QR codes), which was developed in cooperation with the School of Applied Arts in Košice (since 2019/20 the so-called School of Art Industry) ) in the academic year 2018/2019.

Professional cooperation within the KEGA project No. 008UPJŠ-4/2017 – Science Without Barriers (Interdisciplinary Inspirations of Contemporary Literary Scholarship and Linguistics in Educational Practice at University) with teacher of Slovak Language and Literature, PaedDr. Jana Valicová, and Mgr. Renáta Novotná Markovičová of ŠUP took place in project teaching. It yielded results in two interdisciplinary outcomes:

1. Creation of the Literary Lounge in the Student Café Minerva in the premises of the UPJŠ Faculty of Arts;

2. Illustrations of the 2nd edition of the textbook Gender Aspect in the Slovak Literature at the Turn of the 19th and the 20th Centuries (2019).

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Homosexualita a homofóbia v kontexte sociálnej...



Ján ŠimkoDušan Šlosár

The monograph is dealing with the issue of homosexuality and homophobia in the context of social work and it is divided into five chapters, which are devoted to individual fields of the tackled issue. The first chapter is describing the phenomenon of homosexuality in the society; the focus is put on human sexuality and sexual orientation. The following chapter is clarifying the formation of homosexual identity in connection to coming out and it describes its frequently utilized models. The third chapter is devoted to the concepts of heteronormativity and heterosexism in the social context.

Furthermore, the chapter is dealing with the formation of attitudes towards this issue from the point of view of religion and masculinity. Another chapter is describing homophobia as the result of heteronormativity, stereotypes and prejudice.

In the last chapter, the authors are introducing selected social work theories dealing with the homosexual minority, the approaches to LGBT+ community and suggestions towards elimination of homophobia within the social work environment.

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Psychológia rodičovskej kontroly v dospievaní



Mária Bačíková

The primary aim of the presented monograph is to introduce Slovak readers to the current state of knowledge in the field of parental control psychology and its consequences for various aspects of adolescent development. Additionally, it seeks to present research findings obtained from a representative sample of Slovak adolescents in early adolescence. The topic of parental control has been marginally addressed in the Slovak context, primarily as part of studies on parenting styles, but a detailed analysis of its forms and consequences within the Slovak environment is lacking.

The monograph is divided into nine chapters, with the first seven being theoretical in nature: Chapter 1 focuses on specific aspects of the parent-adolescent relationship and describes changes that occur during adolescence. Chapter 2 introduces the construct of parental control, situating it within several social-personality theories and general parenting styles. Chapter 3 examines two fundamental forms of control: behavioral and psychological, as well as their interplay. Chapter 4 defines the concept of structure as one form of parental control. Chapter 5 summarizes current knowledge about gender differences in the application of parental control. Chapter 6 presents factors related to the application of control, including child-related, parent-related, and contextual factors. Chapter 7, concluding the theoretical section, discusses discrepancies in perceptions of control between adolescents and their parents.

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Hovorové lexémy v publicistických textoch



Lucia Jasinská

The submitted monograph, "Colloquial Lexemes in Journalistic Texts," presents an original perspective on the analysis and description of lexical and grammatical expressive means in the examined communication field.

The main research problem is the colloquialization of expressive means as a marked feature in publicly published journalistic texts. The starting point of the research itself was the search for lexical units with the stylistic qualifier of colloquiality in the "Short Dictionary of the Slovak Language." Their presence and frequency, as well as any potential shifts in meaning, were verified in publicly accessible media communications.

Since this is research into "living language," the source material consists of journalistic texts in the Slovak National Corpus database.

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Rodina ako priestor sociálnej práce



Magdaléna Hovanová

The university textbook offers a view of the family in social contexts. It deals with the basic characteristics of the family, the life cycle of the family from the choice of partner, through the arrival of children in the family to the end of the family. During its duration, the family performs various functions. A functional family is ideal for a harmonious relationship between partners and a suitable environment for raising children.

However, a number of factors enter the life of the family, which directly or indirectly affect the performance of these functions and can cause various disorders. It is here that the task of social work is to offer help to families to cope with their big and small problems. A specific feature of social work is the focus on the whole and a comprehensive assessment of the family, where it is necessary to take into account both the client's point of view and the aspect of the environment in which he lives and which constantly affects him. Therefore, the university textbook offers procedures for social work with the family, from the assessment of the life situation, through the plan of work with the family to social intervention.

The university textbook is intended for students of social work, who have the opportunity to practice complex issues within the assessment of the case through the enclosed case studies.

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Lingua Latina – cvičebnica pre filológov



Jana BalegováAnabela Katreničová

The university textbook Lingua Latina – a workbook for philologists is a parallel study material to the textbook Lingua Latina – cursus communis. It is designed for practicing grammatical material at home. The content of the exercises corresponds to the focus of individual lessons in the mentioned textbook, both in terms of the covered grammatical phenomena and vocabulary. For this reason, only vocabulary that was not part of the lessons covered in the textbook is included in the exercises.

A Latin-Slovak dictionary at the end of the workbook contains the entire vocabulary from both the workbook and the textbook. A Slovak-Latin dictionary includes the vocabulary from exercises that require translation into Latin. The vocabulary of this workbook is oriented towards the needs of students specializing in philology and, with regard to the selection of source materials, also includes non-classical lexicon or non-classical meanings of classical words (this lexicon is marked with an asterisk). The workbook includes a key that allows students to directly verify the correctness of their work.

The textbook Lingua Latina – a workbook for philologists is available electronically in PDF format. As part of the educational program, online tests available on the KKF FF UPJŠ website ( also serve to practice the covered material.

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Comparative Phonetics and Phonology of the...



Renáta Gregová

The book is primary designed for the first-year students of the study programme “English Language for European Institutions and Economy” and its subject “Comparative Phonetics and Phonology”. Following the structure of this subject, the textbook is divided into eleven chapters whose content provides the reader with the essential theoretical information about the given issue from the sound subsystems of the English and the Slovak languages. The structure of each chapter is as follows: (1) theoretical explanation of the topic, (2) Suggestions for further reading recommending additional sources that develop the topic, (3) exercises whose aim is to evaluate students’ theoretical knowledge of the theme presented in the particular chapter, as well as its practical application in the process of communication. Considering the content of the book, it can be also used a study material for the students of all philological study programmes whose content encompasses the sound system of the English and/or the Slovak language.

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