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Tomáš Dvorský • Lucia Laczkó • Katarína Lörincová (eds.)
The collection of articles from the VIII. International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists, organized by the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in cooperation with the Res Publica Civic Association the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, held on 16 May 2019 in Košice.
The aim of this publication, entitled Slovakia-Europe-World, is to point out a complex of diverse topics that are actual in the world, in Europe and in the Slovak republic.
The publication consists of 15 articles, which are primarily written in Slovak. The individual contributions deal with selected topics and aspects of national and foreign policy.
The topics of the articles are human rights, freedom of expression, the rise of religiously motivated nationalism, the issue of unemployment, parliamentary elections and election research. The publication also contains contributions focused on topics in the field of environmental policy, cultural policy or migration policy.
Data sheet
- Formát:
- E-kniha (pdf)
- Zostavovatelia:
- Tomáš Dvorský • Lucia Laczkó • Katarína Lörincová
- Typ dokumentu:
- zborník príspevkov
- Počet strán:
- 240
- Dostupné od:
- 18.11.2019
- Rok vydania:
- 2019
- Vydanie:
- 1. vydanie
- Jazyk publikácie:
- slovenčina
- Fakulta UPJŠ:
- Filozofická fakulta
- Poznámka:
- Zborník vychádza ako súčasť riešenia projektu VEGA 1/0129/18 Otvorená spoločnosť - politický projekt moderného sveta alebo produktívna metafora v intelektuálnej tradícii hľadania lepšieho človeka a sveta?
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Zuzana Kolaříková • Helena Petruňová • Renáta Timková
The publication contributes to an active acquisition and development of language skills in the area of academic English. Individual lessons include tasks in which the user will find a lot of useful vocabulary in the form of collocations, phrases and sentences which can be applied in practice. The tasks are focused on the area of English pronunciation, grammar, word formation, vocabulary, improving communicative competence in written and verbal communication, improvement of professional skills of presentation, academic writing, etc. The publication provides space for complementing and creating own database of vocabulary (topic pages).
Edukácia, roč. 4, č. 2/2021
The scientific and professional journal Edukácia focuses on issues related to education and upbringing in the areas of primary, secondary, and higher education. It emphasizes the current state and perspectives of educational practice, current aspects of pre-graduate teacher training, social pedagogy, special pedagogy, as well as pedagogical and psychological aspects of upbringing in basic educational institutions from the perspective of the broader pedagogical public. It is intended for scientific workers, young university teachers, doctoral students, as well as professional and pedagogical staff, with the aim of presenting trends in education and stimulating discussion on current issues in the presented areas of education and upbringing.
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Súčasná perspektíva sociálnej inklúzie ľudí s...
Tatiana Žiaková • Dušan Šlosár
The last decade marks not only the average life expectancy increase in healthy population, but also life expectancy increase in group of people with intellectual disorders/disabilities. Due to their diagnosis that defines and classifies them into specific categories, people with intellectual disability are finding themselves in a constant confrontation with obstacles negatively affecting the saturation of their existential needs. It creates mostly educational, social, cultural, psycho-social and economical disadvantage in the context of their lives. Consequently, their active potential is weakened, making it unable for them to influence public affairs in society from a position of an adult or elderly citizen. Building up on this condition, the focus of this monograph is on understanding and explanation of prevailing concept of social inclusion and related concepts of social exclusion. These concepts influence the way we tend to define and think about the character of society, as such.
Simultaneously, we are examining that the quality of coexistence between dominant population and people with intellectual disabilities is dependent on the development of attitudes and opinions of major population towards this specific minority. These attitudes reflect the extent of social tolerance and at the same time serve as a quantification of moral values and equity in the society, whether it concerns any type of small everyday help or professional and institutionalised long-term support.
This monograph focuses on presenting professional care for people with mental disability in form of social services as a dominant type of support in our local environment. We show that the quality of social services inevitably depends on degree of professional competences social workers possess. The significance of professional competences social workers are capable of using is reflected in the degree of the competence and adequacy of their performance. The primary aim, in relation to which professional competences should be accustomed, is to enhance meaningfulness and dignity in life of mentally disabled receivers of the social services.
Competences of social workers are a dynamic phenomenon that modifies along the development of society and also with the frequently altering needs of people with intellectual disability as receivers of the social service. For this reason we designed the presented research to reflect our goal to reappraise the scope of professional competences and define the required professional functions of social workers working with people with intellectual disability. This monograph is dedicated not only to professionals working with this group of people but also aims at answering basic questions to practical issues that families with a intellectualy disabled member are coming into contact with.
Betriebswirtschaft für Übersetzer. Lehr- und...
Blanka Jenčíková, Ulrika Strömplová
Text book Betriebswirtschaft für Übersetzer. Lehr- und Übungsbuch is primarily intended for students of translation and interpreting who speak German at least at level B1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. The aim is to convey basic knowledge about business and entrepreneurship, to build a basic terminology database, to consolidate selected grammatical phenomena, and to develop translation procedures and strategies. The thematic areas were selected with regard to common translation and interpretation practice.
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„Pán doktor, rozumiete po slovensky?“
Ingrid Madárová • Veronika Pálová • Lucia Tóthová
Audio attachments - format RAR
The audio-exercise workbook “Pán doktor, rozumiete po slovensky?”is a follow-up to the textbook “Pán doktor, hovoríte po slovensky?” (Madárová et al.)and is intended for international students of Slovak as a foreign language in the medical environment.
This workbook provides the students with an opportunity to practise and enhance mostly their listening skills and pronunciation through various short dialogues between doctors and patients in the Slovak language. Dialogues contain the vocabulary used in the textbook Pán doktor, hovoríte po slovensky?. Students are encouraged to build their confidence in speaking Slovak by practising these dialogues in the new workbook.
The audio-exercise workbook is comprised of 16 units. Each unit offers short dialogues and recordings
A number of dialogues enable its wide use for self-studying while the most frequent phrases related primarily to body parts, signs and symptoms of illnesses, diseases or various medical conditions are practised in different contexts in a variety of exercises.
Original illustrations enable students to understand dialogues more easily and the correct answers of the exercises and the scripts of the recordings can be found in the Answer key at the end of the workbook.
Mentor a mentee v profesijnej praktickej...
Renáta Orosová - Michal Novocký - Katarína Petríková
An integral part of the process of becoming a teacher is the mentoring of student teachers by mentor teachers, serving as guidance and support for future teachers. Developing mentoring skills and fostering reflective mentoring practices are means of enhancing the practical training of student teachers, their professional development, and improving the quality of their future educational practice. The foundation of the mentoring relationship between the mentor teacher as a mentor and the student teacher as a mentee is not to evaluate the student, but to analyse their learning and teaching and contemplate ways to enhance these processes. The university textbook represents a creative textual tool focused on innovations in strategies for supporting the development of mentoring abilities in mentors and mentees during professional practical training. This university textbook, intended for student teachers in the role of mentees and mentor teachers in the role of mentors, systematizes the theoretical foundations of mentoring, provides guidance and directives for mentoring in professional practical training. Furthermore, it offers the university teacher, in the role of supervising the student's teaching practice, an overview of techniques and methods pertaining to the mentoring relationship between mentor and mentee. It is applicable as a university textbook for student teachers, students pursuing supplementary pedagogical studies or advanced studies, as well as for mentor teachers in primary and secondary schools, and university educators involved in professional practical training. Its English version provides opportunities for utilization during study stays of student teachers abroad and for foreign students in Slovakia.
Kultúrne dejiny talianskej renesancie: Pojmy,...
When studying the Renaissance, researchers utilize various critical and core terms and concepts which it is necessary to characterize. However, many such points, notably the following, are problematic: The relationship between the Renaissance and the antiquity; The connection with the Middle Ages; The transformation to Mannerism and Baroque; Realism and Secularism in Renaissance art; The individualism of the Renaissance artist; The reasons for the creation of Renaissance art in Italy, its determinants and stimulators; Distinguishing between the analysis of the genesis of the Renaissance and the analysis of the creation of the period’s art generally; Regional differences in Italy and their impact on the art; Chronological limits of the Renaissance and its milestones; The terms “Medieval Ages” and “Early Modern Period”; The impact, and its extent, of the artistic influences of the Byzantine, Gothic and Romanesque arts on the Renaissance. The term “Renaissance” itself, its content and existence, are also the subject of the discussion with students, alongside learning how such terms and definitions came about and continue to evolve, how they attain their content, how this content morphs in the historical discourse, what academical pluralism and freedom of thinking look like in the discourse led by historians, what the differences are between scientists and schools of thought on the same subject and how it is possible that they are so numerous. The students will come to recognize the leading scholars in the field, and follow their arguments and methodological approaches. They shall be invited to closely trace and scrutinize the logic which those historians use in building their argumentation. It shall be seen that the freedom to create terms, concepts and new definitions cannot stand on an ignorance of the (historical) facts, as becomes clear with expanding knowledge of those historical facts, the variability of their interpretation growing in tandem. This approach, actually used across the whole range of seminars and lectures, shall drive discussion on the topics covered, students being invited to formulate their own theses and antitheses.
V priestoroch jazyka a literatúry
Ivica Hajdučeková (ed.)
Recenzovaný zborník z interného seminára KSSFaK FF UPJŠ konaného pri príležitosti životného jubilea prof. PhDr. Jána Sabola, DrSc., 26. marca 2009 je prvým spoločným počinom jazykovednej, literárnovednej a mediálnej orientácie novovzniknutej katedry. Po slávnostnom príhovore dekana FF UPJŠ prof. PhDr. J. Gbúra, CSc., je uvedená prednáška jubilujúceho prof. PhDr. Jána Sabola, DrSc. Vzťah segmentov a suprasegmentov v zvukovej rovine. Ďalej sú do dvoch častí Jazyk a Literatúra rozdelené príspevky jednotlivých členov katedry, ale aj prvých doktorandov. Tematický záber roztvára najprv problematiku jednotlivých rovín jazyka (zvukovú stránku jazyka, experimentálnu fonetiku, dialektológiu, morfológiu aj lexikológiu), potom literárnovedných disciplín (verzológie, genológie, metodológie, textovej semiotiky) aj mediológie.
Homosexualita a homofóbia v kontexte sociálnej...
The monograph is dealing with the issue of homosexuality and homophobia in the context of social work and it is divided into five chapters, which are devoted to individual fields of the tackled issue. The first chapter is describing the phenomenon of homosexuality in the society; the focus is put on human sexuality and sexual orientation. The following chapter is clarifying the formation of homosexual identity in connection to coming out and it describes its frequently utilized models. The third chapter is devoted to the concepts of heteronormativity and heterosexism in the social context. Furthermore, the chapter is dealing with the formation of attitudes towards this issue from the point of view of religion and masculinity. Another chapter is describing homophobia as the result of heteronormativity, stereotypes and prejudice. In the last chapter, the authors are introducing selected social work theories dealing with the homosexual minority, the approaches to LGBT+ community and suggestions towards elimination of homophobia within the social work environment.
Psychológia práce a organizácie 2023
On June 8 and 9, 2023, the 22nd edition of the Psychology of Work and Organization conference took place at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice. The conference program was divided into six blocks and one poster section and supplemented by three invited lectures. This collection contains selected contributions from this conference, with contributions in English first, then in Slovak. The variety of contributions reflects the variety of topics in the field of work and organizational psychology, with the most represented topics being the quality of life and work load, aspects of the work of a school psychologist, factors affecting the achievement of work goals in emerging adulthood, and the presentation of new measures with possible application in the work environment.
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Extrémizmus a radikalizácia v sociálnych...
Vladimír Lichner • Dušan Šlosár a kol.
It is very difficult to refer to any act of extremism or action having extremist characteristics, or to exclude it unambiguously. The boundary between extremism and accepted, conformal behavior is very broad and vaguely worded. Each company tends to set certain criteria to determine what can be considered as unwanted, violent, radical or extreme, or what signs of such a manifestation do not have. Therefore, when comparing the individual countries of the European Union in this area, we come across a different definition of what is or is not considered to be radical or extremist. In essence, the level of tolerance to some of the manifestations and the setting of indicators for the evaluation of the proceedings as extremist.
The presented monograph aims to present the basic social contexts of extremism and radicalization in the form of their philosophical and theoretical backgrounds, influencing the factors, the basic directions. In the author's work, the authors focus on the target group of adolescents, which they consider to be one of the most endangered groups in society in terms of development of the radicalization process. At the conclusion of the monograph is also offered the criminal level of these phenomena, which is not unavoidable in terms of complex analysis.