Medical Ethics


Nikita Bobrov a kol.

History of ethics represents a search for basic principle, which would enable a distinction between moral and immoral, good and bad, right and wrong. The main problem lies in motives, methods and consequences of human conduct. The integrity of medical profession puts emphasis on life-long study and practice according to the professional competence, and last but not least on ethical principles and rules of medical ethics.
Medical ethics, as a part of bioethics, is currently taking on a huge importance in everyday clinical practice and must face many serious ethical issues regarding the whole system of health care. On general level the decision-making in medical practice is quite easy, based on the requirement to always act in the patient's best interest. However, it is often difficult to know exactly what is best for the patient, in a certain situation, for this particular patient. Also with each progress in medicine and its globalization, the more aspects of human lives are being affected. Biomedical research, and the new treatment and diagnostic methods it provides are viewed differently in each country, therefore various cultural, religious, social and legal aspects must be considered in their assessment, as well as the basic principles of medical ethics. Worldwide effort on unifying ethical regulations on certain aspects of health care led to the establishment of many legally recognized documents the doctors must be familiar with. Teaching ethics to students of medical school aims to educate the future doctors towards ethical decision-making, behaviour and professional conduct according to the basic principles of medical ethics.
This textbook provides the basic information on medical ethics for students of medical faculties and serves as a practical introduction to the most common ethical problems of health care provision for their future professional practise.


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Sledovanie vybraných faktorov životného štýlu...


Tatiana Kimáková

Vedecká monografia sa zaoberá determinantmi zdravia, zdravou výživou, jej základnými zložkami, dôsledkami nezdravej výživy a alternatívnymi trendmi vo výžive. Súčasťou práce je aj výskum zameraný na vybrané faktory životného štýlu vysokoškolákov, najmä výživu, stravovanie a pohybovú aktivitu. Vedecká monografia je vhodná pre vedeckú komunitu, študentov medicínskych, a prírodovedných odborov, verejného zdravotníctva troch stupňov vysokoškolského štúdia. Monografia je učená pre záujemcov z radov informovanej verejnosti.

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Improvement of best practices in the provision...


A.A. AhmetovaA.A. SeidakhmetovaN.D. Kalmenov a kol.

Improving the best practices in the provision of the first pre-medical care is one of the priority areas of clinical medicine in most countries of the world. Despite the success in improving the provision of medical care at the level of FPMA and emergency medical care, it is the provision of skilled care at the earliest stages of the disease or emergency conditions that determines the quality of all medical care and the future of the patient. When rendering emergency care to the sick and injured, the time factor is very important, it prevents irreversible disturbances in the body and creates a good help for the complete cure of the patient. Textbook is designed to improve awareness of the importance of pre-medical aid to non-medical students in central Asian countries.

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XXIII. slovensko - český kongres o infekčných...


Pavol JarčuškaPavol KristianIvan Schréter (eds.)

The abstract almanac was issued at the occasion of XXII. Slovak – Czech congress on infectoius diseases held in Jasná. Overall it contains 70 reports that cover current issues in infectology. Contributions are focused on patients with infections caused by multidrug resistant organisms, HIV infected patients, patients with hepatitis and infections in immunocompromised patients. Thers is a special section dedicated to new aspects in nursing care.

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Praktické cvičenia z biológie a genetiky

Availability: 10 In Stock

Eva Slabá - Helena MičkováTerézia Hudáková

Pomocné vysokoškolské učebné texty Praktické cvičenia z biológie a genetiky sú určené na praktické cvičenia z predmetov Biológia I. a Biológia II. pre študentov 1. roku štúdia v odbore všeobecné lekárstvo a Lekárska a humánna biológia I. a II., pre študentov 1. roku štúdia v odbore  zubné lekárstvo na Univerzite P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach - Lekárskej fakulte.

Vybrané kapitoly z histológie pre odbor zubného...


Iveta Domoráková a kol.

E-learning textbook and colour atlas is available for students on: Textbook contains 11 chapters focused to head and neck region, with detail study of Oral and Nasal cavities, detailed Microscopic structure and Development of Teeth and Skull. Cardiovascular and Lymphatic system, Nervous and Endocrine systems. Colour atlas contains 300 micrographs using basic and specific histologic staining methods.

Textbook and Atlas were supported by project: KEGA 019UPJŠ-4/2016.

Mefanet (pdf)

Selected Chapters from Angiology


Mária Rašiová

Cardiovascular diseases are among the main causes of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Academic textbook: Selected Chapters from Angiology is devoted to the most common vascular diseases that the angiologist encounters on a daily basis.

Dilated artery diseases (abdominal aortic aneurysm), as well as stenotizing diseases of peripheral arteries, are described. Diseases such as deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and chronic venous insufficiency are discussed in the venous vascular system section. I also deal with the most common lymphatic vascular system disease ˗ lymphoedema.

In the individual chapters the risk factors of the diseases, symptoms and signs, diagnostics, treatment modalities (pharmacological therapy, endovascular therapy, angiosurgical therapy) and possible complications of the therapy are briefly analyzed.

My priority was to present the information in a logical, interesting and comprehensible form for students and for common clinical practice.


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Dietológia a liečebná výživa II.


Jana Raková a kol.

Predložený vysokoškolský učebný text je zameraný na témy súvisiace s výživou a nutričnými odporúčaniami pre pacientov s vybranými ochoreniami. Zámerom je priblížiť diétologické  odporúčania pre pacientov s kardiovaskulárnymi ochoreniami, obezitou a metabolickým syndrómom, ochoreniami čriev a hepatobiliárneho systému a s ochoreniami kostí a kĺbov. Dôležitú súčasť tvorí oblasť výživy vo vzťahu k nádorovým ochoreniam. Prínosná pre súčasnosť je aj kapitola zameraná na potravinovú alergiu a potravinovú intoleranciu. Publikácia poukazuje na špecifické a cielené nutričné intervencie ako súčasť liečebného režimu, ktoré je nevyhnutné poznať a dodržiavať v osobnom živote pacienta.

PhDr. Jana Raková, PhD.
(za autorský kolektív)

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Vybrané kapitoly z hepatológie a gastroenterológie


Sylvia Dražilová • Laura Gombošová • Martin Janičko • Ľubomír Skladaný • Eduard Veseliny


1. Refluxová choroba pažeráka a jej komplikácie (E.Veseliny). 17

2. Poruchy motility pažeráka (E.Veselíny)34

3. Tumory pažeráka (E.Veselíny). 45

4. Dyspepsia horného typu (E.Veselíny)53

5. Peptická vredová choroba gastroduodéna (E.Veselíny). 63

6. Nádory žalúdka (E.Veselíny)74

7. Malabsorpcia (L. Gombošová)83

8. Celiakia (L. Gombošová). 87

9. Zlyhanie tenkého čreva (L. Gombošová)92

10. Nádory tenkého čreva (L. Gombošová). 96

11. Nádory hrubého čreva a kolorektálny karcinóm (L. Gombošová). 98

12. Neuroendokrinné tumory tráviaceho traktu (L. Gombošová). 106

13. Chronické črevné zápaly- IBD inflammatory bowel diseases (L. Gombošová). 111

14. Anatómia a fyziológia pankreasu (Ľ. Skladaný). 127

15. Akútna pankreatitída (Ľ. Skladaný). 128

16. Chronická pankreatitída (Ľ. Skladaný). 146

17. Klinická výživa – Nutricionistika (Ľ. Skladaný). 160

18. Úvod do ochorení pečene (M. Janičko). 178

19. Akútne poškodenie a zlyhanie pečene (M. Janičko). 180

20. Pokročilé chronické ochorenie pečene (ACLD)/cirhóza (M. Janičko). 193

21. Vírusové hepatitídy (S.Dražilová). 221

22. Nealkoholová tuková choroba pečene (S.Dražilová). 249

23. Primárne cholestatické choroby pečene (S.Dražilová). 266

24. Alkoholová choroba pečene (M. Janičko). 279


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Základy onkogynekológie


Ján Varga

The cancer is the second most common reason of the death in human population. lt is responsible for approximately 10 million of death every year. Oncogynecology represents · one of the most pr ogressive part of gynecology. The interest is focused on vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, fallopian tube carcinoma, ovarian cancer as well as breast cancer. Due to the range of the issue there are own workplaces ta king care just for the patients with oncogyneco logical diseases. The knowledge from oncogynecology are inevitably needed to pass the state exam as well as specialization from Gynecology and obstetrics. The presented publication is focused to mentioned oncogynecological diseases. The anatomy and histology of the vulva, vagína, cervix, uterus, fallop ian tube and ovary are described in detail. Every described carcinoma contains part about etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostic, classification and therapy. The paper contains information suitable for students of medical faculties as well as young doctors before specialization.

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HOW TO STUDY AND NOT FORGET - Principles of...


Adriana Boleková et al.

The book is primarily intended for first-year university students, but it is suitable for anyone who needs to learn. Students can find here the basic principles of learning, principles of how to preserve knowledge, how to concentrate without wasting time, how not to stress before a test or exam and many other practical tips. By acquiring simple knowledge, students will be able to learn effectively with the principles of brain-compatible learning in a way that they will acquire as much information as possible in the shortest period of time with maximum retention; that is minimal forgetting.

The book can serve not only as a theoretical background, but also as a practical tool for mastering university education.

The goal was to create a balanced material that would be an interesting source not only for first-year university students, but also for students of higher years and for everyone with a need of lifelong learning.

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Poruchy srdcového rytmu


Silvia Mišíková

This learning text deals with heart rhythm disorders. The book is intended for medical students. There are in a simple way characterized bradycardic and tachycardic heart rhythm disorders. The script explains mechanism of arrhythmias, symptoms, diagnostics, and differential diagnostics and treatment. The greatest emphasis is focused on detection of the arrhythmias based on the surface ECG. All arrhythmias are explained by clinical ECG. In conclusion, there is ECG quiz which consists of 27 clinical ECG records.

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Clinical Biochemistry


Eva Ďurovcová, Mária Mareková

Clinical Biochemistry - selected chapters - MEFANET >>> 

After 7 years, we finally reworked the textbook on the subject of clinical biochemistry at UPJŠ FM in Košice. We have innovated information in accordance with recommendations of professional medical societies and added new chapters. As the scope of the subject is limited, the textbook does not cover all issues of biochemical diagnostics. It focuses on disorders of water-ion and acid-base balance disorders, and basic laboratory diagnostics of diseases of selected organs.

The textbook of clinical biochemistry has the ambition to become a practical aid for senior medical students and beginning doctors in the study of laboratory medicine. It should make it easier for them to orientate themselves in routinely used clinical-biochemical examinations and could form a springboard for a more detailed studying of laboratory methods and their use in diagnostic and monitoring algorithms.
Like any medical discipline, clinical biochemistry is evolving rapidly and gradually integrating with other areas of laboratory medicine. New diagnostic methods penetrate deeper into the essence of the biochemical mechanisms of the human body, and "omic" methods are gaining ground. It is almost sure that in a few years, laboratory examination looks quite different from today. If this publication quite hypothetically reaches its next edition, many chapters will need to updated, and new chapters written following the up-to-date status.
Authors thanks to their colleagues and reviewers for their professional comments and constructive criticism of the text - prof. Jaroslav Racek, MD, DrSc. from FM UK in Pilsen.
Authors thanks very kindly too prof. MUDr. Dušan Dobrota, CSc. (JFM UK Martin) and doc. MVDr. Zuzana Kostecká, PhD. (UVMP, Košice), who read and wrote review of this textbook.

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Komunikácia v zdravotníckej praxi


Renáta SuchanováLucia Dimunová

The following textbook deals with issues related to communication in medical practice which significantly affects the survival and behaviour of a patient. Communication skills and the attitude of healthcare professionals exercised towards a patient have significant impact on patient’s ability to handle treatment and his or hers co-operation during the process. This publication is intended to serve as a guide applicable towards deeper knowledge, better comprehension and overall understanding of the mental state of an ill person, his or her needs, stances, behaviour patterns, but also his or her management of the illness. Attention is also paid to the active building of a relationship between the healthcare professional and the patient, with emphasis on respect, truthfulness, and mutual understanding in communication. Particularly accentuated are issues related to specific effective communication skills, methods, and techniques serviceable during interactions with a patient; application of empathy and proactive approach are highlighted.

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Cesta labyrintom: Dospievajúci s emocionálnymi...


Zuzana Dankulincová a kol.

The scientific monograph is the output of the Care4Youth project, which aimed to map the current system of care for adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) in Slovakia. It captures what the care system is and what its possible shortcomings are from the perspective of all those affected (adolescents with problems, their parents, care providers and other institutions involved). It also looks at the trajectory of adolescents with EBP in the care system, i.e. when and how adolescents with problems enter and leave the care system, or pass from one type of care to another and what impact different trajectories have on them. Last but not least, the aim of the monograph was to provide expert information on what are the risk and protective factors that will affect their success in the care system or, conversely, that threaten them. All this in order to support the proposal for improvements in the care system that would benefit all stakeholders.

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Viscerálna patológia cievneho pôvodu


Peter Berek

University scripts “Visceral pathology of vascular origin“analyze one of the most challenging vascular regions, the aorta and the visceral aortic branches, from the surgical perspective. The diagnostic and the treatment aneurysms of the abdominal aorta are dedicated to the first chapter. Early diagnostic and operative treatment is crucial in the treatment of ruptured aneurysms of the abdominal aorta. Shortening of the interval between the patient’s arrival with ruptured aneurysm of the abdominal aorta into the hospital and the beginning of the operation decreased the perioperative mortality. This shortening, together with the use of the cell savers, led to the dropping of perioperative mortality from 50% to 20%. The diagnostics and surgical treatment of the acute and chronic occlusion of the aorta and iliac arteries are analyzed in the second chapter. In this chapter, the focus is given to the aortobifemoral bypass as “the gold standard“ of the surgical therapy of aortoiliac atherosclerosis. The management of acute mesenteric ischemia is the content of the third chapter. Acute mesenteric ischemia is a severe condition with high mortality. The problem of acute mesenterial ischemia is a delayed diagnostic that is the reason for poor therapeutical outcomes of the disease. The possible imagine studies and operations used in treating acute mesenteric ischemia are brought in this chapter. Chronic mesenteric ischemia leads to cachexia. The diagnosis of chronic mesenterial ischemia is one of the most demanding, and surgical therapy used in the treatment of chronic mesenterial ischemia also belongs to the most challenging operations. Left-sided colon ischemia belongs to the severe complications of the aortoiliac reconstructions. Left-sided colon ischemia has a high mortality. In the prevention of the left-sided colon, ischemia is preserving at least one internal iliac artery. The complex diagnostics treatment of intraabdominal compressive syndromes as Dunbar syndróme, „Nutcracker“ syndróme a Wilkie syndróme, analyzed in the last chapter.

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Healthy and active aging of participants at the...


Tatiana KimákováŠtefan TóthIvan Uher

The scientific monograph is devoted to active and healthy aging, its basic indicators, involutional changes, or the relationship between healthy aging and lifestyle. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and actively participating in health care for yourself are important elements in all stages of our lives, and therefore in healthy aging. We describe the possibilities of older people to slow down the adverse changes associated with aging through education and educational activities of various types. The scientific monograph also includes our own research focused on overall health and selected lifestyle risk factors, especially consumption of various food groups, smoking, alcohol, physical activity and stress of participants at the University of the Third Age at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovak and foreign university students at the Medical Faculty of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The scientific monograph is appropriate for the scientific community, students of medical and natural sciences, public health for all three degrees of university study.

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