Lekárska fakulta
There are 166 products.
FORENSIC MEDICINE - Textbook for Medical Students
Dorota Sopková - Silvia Farkašová Iannaccone
Forensic medicine is a medical discipline that is concerned with the determination of the cause of death in cases of violent and non-violent deaths, as well as the assessment of the effects of violence on the human body, including in cases of living persons. The presented textbook provides a consolidated and comprehensive review of the basic tasks and theoretical knowledge of the field of forensic medicine. Its goal is to provide a theoretical basis for the study of the compulsory subject Forensic Medicine and Medical Law in the study programs General Medicine and Dental Medicine, which has been absent until now. The authors emphasize the need to know the basics of forensic medicine in every medical field and a multidisciplinary approach to solving medico-legal questions.
A small phrases book for nursing care
Gabriela Štefková - Mária Zamboriová
We would like to introduce the study material „A small phrases book for Nursing Care“, which was developed to help foreign medical students, who study at Slovak medical faculties, to communicate, in Slovak with patients and medical staff.
The book is English based and is therefore suitable for both classroom use and for self-study. It provides a key for vocabulary, useful phrases, since it is likely that patients will use them.
Vocabulary is organized according to specific nursing area from a few basic nursing condition and its aim is to intensify the learning process.
We hope that this textbook will help you to overcome some difficulties in Slovak communication and make your training in hospitals easier and more efficient. The authors take no personal responsibility for any effects resulting from the act of the following procedure.
Topografická pitva hornej a dolnej končatiny
Jozef Mihalik - Silvia Rybárová
Vysokoškolské učebné texty sú určené pre študentov 1. ročníka odboru Všeobecné lekárstvo, pričom pozostávajú zo všeobecnej a špeciálnej časti. Vo všeobecnej časti sa študenti oboznámia so základnými pitevnými nástrojmi a pracovným postupom používanými pri pitve ľudského tela. V špeciálnej časti je horná končatina opísaná podľa jednotlivých krajín. V tejto časti učebných textov sú podrobne opísané hranice jednotlivých oblastí, kožné rezy, ako aj podkožné a hĺbkové štruktúry ktoré sa tu nachádzajú.
Ultrasonografická anatómia 2
Ingrid Hodorová - Květuše Lovásová
Publikácia je pokračovaním už vydanej vysokoškolskej učebnice "Ultrasonografická anatómia 1" a dopĺňa ďalšiu medzeru na medicínskom literárnom trhu, týkajúcu sa ultrasonografického pohľadu na periférne nervy a cievy končatín a krku.
Ultrasound Anatomy 2
Ingrid Hodorová - Květuše Lovásová
The publication is a continuation of the already published university textbook"Ultrasound Anatomy 1" and fills the gap in the medical literary market concerning the ultrasound view of peripheral nerves and vessels of the limbs, and neck as well.