Clinical Biochemistry

Eva Ďurovcová, Mária Mareková

Clinical Biochemistry - selected chapters - MEFANET >>> 

After 7 years, we finally reworked the textbook on the subject of clinical biochemistry at UPJŠ FM in Košice. We have innovated information in accordance with recommendations of professional medical societies and added new chapters. As the scope of the subject is limited, the textbook does not cover all issues of biochemical diagnostics. It focuses on disorders of water-ion and acid-base balance disorders, and basic laboratory diagnostics of diseases of selected organs.

The textbook of clinical biochemistry has the ambition to become a practical aid for senior medical students and beginning doctors in the study of laboratory medicine. It should make it easier for them to orientate themselves in routinely used clinical-biochemical examinations and could form a springboard for a more detailed studying of laboratory methods and their use in diagnostic and monitoring algorithms.
Like any medical discipline, clinical biochemistry is evolving rapidly and gradually integrating with other areas of laboratory medicine. New diagnostic methods penetrate deeper into the essence of the biochemical mechanisms of the human body, and "omic" methods are gaining ground. It is almost sure that in a few years, laboratory examination looks quite different from today. If this publication quite hypothetically reaches its next edition, many chapters will need to updated, and new chapters written following the up-to-date status.
Authors thanks to their colleagues and reviewers for their professional comments and constructive criticism of the text - prof. Jaroslav Racek, MD, DrSc. from FM UK in Pilsen.
Authors thanks very kindly too prof. MUDr. Dušan Dobrota, CSc. (JFM UK Martin) and doc. MVDr. Zuzana Kostecká, PhD. (UVMP, Košice), who read and wrote review of this textbook.

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Eva Ďurovcová, Mária Mareková
Typ dokumentu:
vysokoškolský učebný text (skriptá)
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Rok vydania:
2. vydanie
Jazyk publikácie:
Fakulta UPJŠ:
Lekárska fakulta
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16 other products in the same category:

Návody na praktické cvičenia z epidemiológie I.

Availability: 10 In Stock

Ingrid Babinská - Monika Halánová

Epidemiológia je samostatný vedný odbor, ktorý sa zaoberá štúdiom procesu vzniku a šírenia ochorení, navrhuje opatrenia na ochranu a zlepšenie zdravia a kontroluje ich účinnosť. Jej hlavným cieľom je prispievať k znižovaniu chorobnosti a úmrtnosti, k ochrane a upevňovaniu zdravia, ako aj k predĺženiu života a zlepšeniu jeho kvality u jednotlivcov a v populácii.

Aj napriek tomu, že dominantné postavenie v celkovej morbidite a mortalite vo vyspelých krajinách majú v súčasnosti chronické neinfekčné ochorenia, epidémie infekčných ochorení sa vyskytujú stále. Dnešná doba so sebou prináša nové hrozby, ktorým musí epidemiológia, ale aj iné vedné odbory (napr. verejné zdravotníctvo, infektológia, cestovná medicína a pod.) čeliť. Ide najmä o infekcie vyvolané novými alebo novo sa objavujúcimi patogénmi, zmeny životného prostredia a životného štýlu, klimatické zmeny, rastúca rezistencia na antibiotiká, odmietanie očkovania, chudoba a pod.

Prvý diel predkladaných učebných textov prináša informácie týkajúce sa epidemiologického vyšetrovania v ohnisku nákazy, prehľad o klasifikácii infekčných chorôb z pohľadu epidemiológa a podrobnejšie sa venuje problematike črevných nákaz. Samostatná kapitola je venovaná modelovým situáciám, ktoré prispejú k pochopeniu danej problematiky a zvládnutiu obdobných situácií priamo v praxi.    

Učebné texty sú prioritne určené študentom bakalárskeho a magisterského štúdia odboru Verejné zdravotníctvo, ale určite si v ňom množstvo informácii nájdu aj študenti Všeobecného lekárstva a študenti ďalších bakalárskych a magisterských odborov Lekárskej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach.

Lekárska biochémia - semináre

Availability: 20 In Stock

Mária Mareková a kol. 

Medical biochemistry is integral parts of basic theoretic knowledge of contemporary graduate at medical faculties. This textbook intends to help the undergraduate students of study branches General Medicine and Dental Medicine for the course of “Medical Biochemistry”. It is structured into 10 chapters concerning several topics: enzymology, cells membrane, metabolism, biochemistry of blood and organs, as well as some parts of clinical biochemistry.

The theoretical knowledge of this subject, which student obtains in the lectures, is verified in laboratory practices and is expanded in seminaries. Our selection of topics makes the text especially appropriate for medical students and managing of problems gives the students satisfactory ground for effective study of medical biochemistry and other related study subjects (e.g. clinical biochemistry, physiology, pathophysiology) in the sense of comprehension of relative continuity and interdependence of biochemical process or their function respectively.

Since the textbook brings only the skeleton survey on the biochemical problematic concerning medicine, students should broaden presented facts by additional study from lectures and/or from other sources. We expect this study literature to serve as a basic study material for mentioned medical study branches for preparation to written part of exam from “Medical Biochemistry”.


Selected Chapters from Angiology


Mária Rašiová

Cardiovascular diseases are among the main causes of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Academic textbook: Selected Chapters from Angiology is devoted to the most common vascular diseases that the angiologist encounters on a daily basis.

Dilated artery diseases (abdominal aortic aneurysm), as well as stenotizing diseases of peripheral arteries, are described. Diseases such as deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and chronic venous insufficiency are discussed in the venous vascular system section. I also deal with the most common lymphatic vascular system disease ˗ lymphoedema.

In the individual chapters the risk factors of the diseases, symptoms and signs, diagnostics, treatment modalities (pharmacological therapy, endovascular therapy, angiosurgical therapy) and possible complications of the therapy are briefly analyzed.

My priority was to present the information in a logical, interesting and comprehensible form for students and for common clinical practice.


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Elementary organic molecules in biochemistry

Availability: 45 In Stock

Vladimíra Tomečková

Nature, as well as the human body, contains an abundant quantity of organic molecules. This textbook describes selected oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds of their reactions, which are important in the human body or are found in pharmaceutical active substances, poisons, foodstuffs and heat-treated food. The last part of the textbook describes the isomerism of organic compounds, which enables dynamic changes in the structure of molecules that have different properties. Nature is filled with different plants and animals and is the first laboratory to produce bioactive organic natural compounds. These compounds are compatible with human cells and are applicable as therapeutic medicine. There is an effort to reproduce natural molecules in chemical laboratories, but they cannot be as perfect as the natural ones. Synthetic molecules can serve as a model for multiple studies, but there still does not exist a magic panacea pill or a perfect copy of nature, for the treatment of various diseases. Knowledge about the regenerative and toxic effect of medicinal substances in dependence on their structure (type and number of substituents) is very important for the understanding of their role in modulation of health and disease in dependence on their concentration. Compounds can be used daily only in recommended doses (higher doses can be toxic), but still will not replace a healthy diet. People need a varied diet to be healthy, in which are all necessary nutrients, what Hippocrates demonstrated long ago “Let food be the medicine, and let medicine be the food.” This book is written for students who select bioorganic chemistry subject during the study of general medicine or dentistry as well as for motivated students who would like to practice their knowledge and wish to improve in this subject and for students who would like to learn simplified basic organic reactions with their future application in biochemistry. Learn the simple models mainly through creative simple instruction by using different colours, by repetition, practice by drawing of formulas by hand (at least three times) and memorization of common names of compounds and their reactions which have application in biochemistry. Thus, establishing simple educational methods how to distinguish organic molecules according to the colours of a functional group can promote universal learning for all students who thought that chemistry is a difficult subject, but hopefully they change their opinion after study of this book.

Keywords: organic molecules, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds, chemical reactions, isomerism of organic compounds

Medical Biochemistry - Seminars

Availability: 50 In Stock

Mária Mareková  et al.

Predmet Lekárska biochémia plní v medicínskom štúdiu nezastupiteľnú úlohu, naučiť študentov vnímať prirodzené, fyziologické, ako aj chorobné procesy v organizme ako deje odohrávajúce sa na molekulovej úrovni. Na rozlíšenie patologických pochodov od normálnych je potrebné zvládnuť a pochopiť zmysel obrovského množstva biochemických reakcií prebiehajúcich v bunke (bunkový metabolizmus). Osvojenie si týchto faktov je hlavným cieľom predmetu Lekárska biochémia, ktorého zvládnutie je dobrým základom pre štúdium patobiochémie, fyziológie a klinickej biochémie, ako aj mnohých ďalších odborných predmetov medicínskeho štúdia. Pre lepšie zvládnutie a pochopenie biochemických procesov sme pre študentov pripravili vysokoškolskú učebnicu „Lekárska biochémia – Semináre“, ktorá poskytuje študentom okrem teoretických úvodov aj prehľadné schémy procesov a mnoho otázok, vypracovanie ktorých by malo študentom uľahčiť prípravu na skúšku.

Ortuť v životnom prostredí ako rizikový faktor...


Tatiana Kimáková

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A small phrases book for nursing care

Availability: 5 In Stock

Gabriela Štefková - Mária Zamboriová

We would like to introduce the study material „A small phrases book for Nursing Care“, which was developed to help foreign medical students, who study at Slovak medical faculties, to communicate, in Slovak with patients and medical staff.

The book is English based and is therefore suitable for both classroom use and for self-study. It provides a key for vocabulary, useful phrases, since it is likely that patients will use them.

Vocabulary is organized according to specific nursing area from a few basic nursing condition and its aim is to intensify the learning process.

We hope that this textbook will help you to overcome some difficulties in Slovak communication and make your training in hospitals easier and more efficient. The authors take no personal responsibility for any effects resulting from the act of the following procedure.


Poruchy srdcového rytmu


Silvia Mišíková

This learning text deals with heart rhythm disorders. The book is intended for medical students. There are in a simple way characterized bradycardic and tachycardic heart rhythm disorders. The script explains mechanism of arrhythmias, symptoms, diagnostics, and differential diagnostics and treatment. The greatest emphasis is focused on detection of the arrhythmias based on the surface ECG. All arrhythmias are explained by clinical ECG. In conclusion, there is ECG quiz which consists of 27 clinical ECG records.

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Improvement of best practices in the provision...


A.A. AhmetovaA.A. SeidakhmetovaN.D. Kalmenov a kol.

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27.KOŠICKÝ MORFOLOGICKÝ DEŇ: Miesto morfológie...



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Basic Principles of Cardiac Surgery

Availability: 29 In Stock

František Sabola kol.

Although we are not really sure if “Love is coming from the Heart” and nor we know where “the Residence of Soul” is, we are still overwhelmed by its unprecedented effort to keep us alive. Our lives are nowadays fulfilled with enormous chances to satisfy our needs and wishes. Hand in hand is changing our way of life, the intake of calories is growing and the amount of physical activity decreasing. We live longer and maybe happier but our hearts
and vessels are like mirrors showing us how we live. Diseases of the Heart and vessels have become the number one cause of death in highly developed countries including our homeland.
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases has become and an important social and health care system issue. The knowledge requirement of basic principles of cardiology and heart surgery is increasing. Without an understanding of basic principles a good clinical practice is hardly possible.
Together with my Colleagues of Heart surgery department of VÚSCH and LF UPJŠ we prepared this short overview of basic knowledge about surgery of the human heart. We hope that reading it will be more an adventure than a painful journey. If you find some answers to your unanswered questions our effort was not a waste of time.


Vybrané kapitoly z detskej kardiológie

Availability: 245 In Stock

 Ingrid Schusterová 

To offer our medical students of 5th and 6th classes as well as to professional public (pediatrics, pediatric cardiologists) integrated information from pediatric cardiology, which is based on scientific knowledge of experts and practical requirements including our experiences. The publication will extend given the discipline of cardiovascular risk factors of cardiovascular heart disease and acquired heart diseases, which are more actual at the present time in the children as we as bring the new didactic methods in pediatric cardiology teaching.


Všeobecná patofyziológia

Availability: 20 In Stock

Roman Beňačka  a kolektív

Obsahovo i formou nová učebnica všeobecnej patofyziológie v slovenskom jazyku pre štúdium predmetu Patologická fyziológia pre odbor Všeobecné lekrástvo na lekárskych fakultách na Slovensku resp. v zahraniční. Nadväzuje na pedagogické skúsenosti s výučbou klasickej a molekulárnej patofyziológie a tradíciu vysokoškolských učebníc vydávaných Ústavom patofyziológie Lekárskej fakulty v Košiciach (prvá slovenská učebnica i učebnica Všeobecnej patofyziológie). Učebnica popisuje všetky základné témy z nozológie, etiológie a patogenzéy, ktoré sú tradične  predmetom výučby patofyziológie na lekárskych fakultách v európskom priestore. Prináša najnovšie poznatky štýlom i obsahovo v priamej konfrontácii s obdobnou cudzojazyčnou literatúrou a tp v čitateľsky rovnako atraktívnej prezentačnej forme s početnými obrázkami a tabuľkami.

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