Clinical Biochemistry


Eva ĎurovcováMária Mareková

Clinical Biochemistry - selected chapters - MEFANET >>> 

After 7 years, we finally reworked the textbook on the subject of clinical biochemistry at UPJŠ FM in Košice. We have innovated information in accordance with recommendations of professional medical societies and added new chapters. As the scope of the subject is limited, the textbook does not cover all issues of biochemical diagnostics. It focuses on disorders of water-ion and acid-base balance disorders, and basic laboratory diagnostics of diseases of selected organs.

The textbook of clinical biochemistry has the ambition to become a practical aid for senior medical students and beginning doctors in the study of laboratory medicine. It should make it easier for them to orientate themselves in routinely used clinical-biochemical examinations and could form a springboard for a more detailed studying of laboratory methods and their use in diagnostic and monitoring algorithms.
Like any medical discipline, clinical biochemistry is evolving rapidly and gradually integrating with other areas of laboratory medicine. New diagnostic methods penetrate deeper into the essence of the biochemical mechanisms of the human body, and "omic" methods are gaining ground. It is almost sure that in a few years, laboratory examination looks quite different from today. If this publication quite hypothetically reaches its next edition, many chapters will need to updated, and new chapters written following the up-to-date status.
Authors thanks to their colleagues and reviewers for their professional comments and constructive criticism of the text - prof. Jaroslav Racek, MD, DrSc. from FM UK in Pilsen.
Authors thanks very kindly too prof. MUDr. Dušan Dobrota, CSc. (JFM UK Martin) and doc. MVDr. Zuzana Kostecká, PhD. (UVMP, Košice), who read and wrote review of this textbook.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Eva Ďurovcová - Mária Mareková
Document type:
Academic textbook - scripts
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
2nd edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Medicine
- Free for download

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Ošetrovateľstvo v ambulantnej zdravotnej...



Libuša Tirpáková a kol. 

Primary care is the first level of the health system where people come with their health problems and where the health promotion and preventive care treatments and needs of the majority of the population are implemented.

The university textbook, which is organized in nine chapters, offers an overview of general outpatient health care from a nursing perspective. It characterizes the nursing process in ambulatory health care and models of nursing care. It addresses the implementation of advanced practice nursing in ambulatory health care and the role of the nurse in prevention and health promotion.

The textbook is intended for nursing students in both undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as those interested in other health professions.

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Zdravé a aktívne starnutie účastníkov...



Tatiana KimákováŠtefan TóthIvan Uher

The scientific monograph is devoted to active and healthy aging, its basic indicators, involutional changes, or the relationship between healthy aging and lifestyle. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and actively participating in health care for yourself are important elements in all stages of our lives, and therefore in healthy aging. We describe the possibilities of older people to slow down the adverse changes associated with aging through education and educational activities of various types.

The scientific monograph also includes our own research focused on overall health and selected lifestyle risk factors, especially consumption of various food groups, smoking, alcohol, physical activity and stress of participants at the University of the Third Age at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovak and foreign university students at the Medical Faculty of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The scientific monograph is appropriate for the scientific community, students of medical and natural sciences, public health for all three degrees of university study.

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Ortuť v životnom prostredí ako rizikový faktor...


Tatiana Kimáková

Táto vedecká monografia je komplexnou vedeckou prácou zameranou na prítomnosť a pôsobenie ortuti v životnom prostredí, ale aj na rizikové faktory zdravia, ktoré sú s ňou spojené. Monografia predstavuje charakteristiku ortuti v multidisciplinárnom zábere, prezentuje využitie v priemysle a v zdravotníctve, popisuje negatívne vplyvy ortuti v životnom prostredí, na zdravotný stav obyvateľstva. Zároveň prináša návrhy a odporúčania pre rizikové skupiny ľudí. Súčasťou monografie je komplexný výskum koncentrácie ortuti vo vzorkách komodít domácej i zahraničnej produkcie a vo vzorkách rastlín pomocou atómového absorpčného spektrometra AMA 254. Vedecká monografia je vhodná pre vedeckú komunitu, študentov medicínskych, veterinárnych, prírodovedných a poľnohospodárskych odborov ako aj pre študentov verejného zdravotníctva všetkých troch stupňov vysokoškolského štúdia. Monografia je učená aj pre všetkých záujemcov z radov informovanej verejnosti.

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Novinky v diabetológii a lipidológii



Miriam Kozárová

The publication "News in Diabetology and Lipidology" focuses on extremely relevant topics in diabetology and lipidology, reflecting the state of these issues in light of the recommendations from professional societies from 2019. In diabetology, it primarily addresses the intensification of antidiabetic treatment using modern drug classes—specifically, incretin enhancers and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors (gliflozins). Few medical fields have experienced such a development of new pharmacological options as diabetology has in the last two decades. While pharmacotherapy for type 2 diabetes (DM2) was limited to the use of biguanides, sulfonylurea derivatives, and insulin throughout the second half of the last century, recent years have introduced entirely new groups of oral antidiabetics with cardio- and nephroprotective effects. In lipidology, it pertains to the new recommendations from the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) with new treatment goals for serum lipids and lipoproteins, including the use of biological therapies.

This textbook is primarily intended for medical students in doctoral studies and doctoral candidates, as well as for physicians preparing for specialization exams in internal medicine, endocrinology, diabetology, metabolic disorders and nutrition, as well as cardiology and angiology. I believe that readers will find information in this publication that will aid them in their studies and translate into their daily clinical practice.


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Jarná škola doktorandov 2022



Peter Fedoročko (eds.)

From June 14 to June 17, 2022, the 8th annual Spring School for Doctoral Students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will take place in Liptovský Ján. The scientific program of the spring school will comprise 3 plenary lectures by leading scientific experts and 1 workshop. Doctoral students will present their research papers in two sections: 22 doctoral students of Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts, and 26 doctoral students of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science. The scientific programme of the spring school will also include a panel discussion with the management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Textbook of Practical Physiology Part I

Availability: 25 In Stock

Mária Pallayová - Soňa GrešováPavol ŠvorcIvana Bačová

Adekvátne vedomosti z lekárskej fyziológie sú dôležité pre správne porozumenie funkcií jednotlivých orgánových systémov, ako aj pre diagnostiku a správnu liečbu ochorení. Vysokoškolský učebný text Praktické cvičenia z fyziológie je navrhnutý tak, aby dopĺňal prednášky a semináre z Lekárskej fyziológie. Každá kapitola je rozdelená do niekoľkých častí (Úvod, Princíp, Materiál, Postup, Protokol), aby študentom uľahčila porozumenie jednotlivých tém a bola nápomocná pri vypracovávaní laboratórnych protokolov. Jednotlivé kapitoly zahŕňajú ochranu a bezpečnosť pri práci, úvod do fyziológie, hematológiu, kardiovaskulárny systém, respiračný systém a vylučovací systém. Od študentov sa očakáva, že počas praktických cvičení získajú praktické skúsenosti pri riešení jednotlivých úloh zameraných na oblasť lekárskej fyziológie a budú rozvíjať aj dôležité analytické a komunikačné zručnosti, ktoré im pomôžu analyzovať a prezentovať vedecké dáta.


Násilie v ľudskej spoločnosti a agresia človeka

Availability: 20 In Stock

Jozef Kafka 

Otázky človeka, jeho bytia, násilie znepokojujú ľudí od najdávnejších čias ľudskej spoločnosti a sú nemalými problémami aj v prítomnosti. V tejto pôvodnej práci, ktorej predchádzali viaceré štúdie autora (najpodrobnejšie Kafka, 2002), sa zameriavam na opísanie násilia vo všetkých základných formách, čo je jednou z jej osobitostí. Podávam operačný výmer násilia:

Násilie je vedomá ľudská činnosť využívajúca ako prostriedok násilného činu fyzickú alebo psychickú silu na ovplyvnenie druhého človeka (pri pôsobení na seba ide o zvláštny prípad násilia), ktorý potom koná pod vplyvom tohto pôsobenia nedobrovoľne, z donútenia.

Nazdávam sa, že násilie charakterizuje určitá situácia, v ktorej sa stretávajú najmenej dvaja ľudia: aktér násilia a obeť násilia, alebo sa stretajú dvaja aktéri a jeden z nich sa zvyčajne stane obeťou. To je však osobitný prípad, ktorým sa teraz nebudem zaoberať. Ak je násilie zamerané proti vlastnej osobe, je aktér násilia súčasne aj obeťou. Aktér, ktorého osobnosť a motívy bývajú rôzne, začína násilný čin využívajúc pritom viaceré prostriedky a pôsobí nimi na druhého človeka, ktorého núti vykonávať svoju vôľu, čím sa tento stáva obeťou. Celý akt má určité následky. Napadnutý sa môže brániť tak, že násilie zvládne alebo to môže skončiť tragicky, keď násiliu podľahne. Táto relatívne jednoduchá reakcia sa stáva zložitejšou pri skupinovej forme násilia a celkom neprehľadnou pri hromadnom násilí.

Opisujem tieto základné formy násilia:

  • - násilie proti vlastnej osobe vrátane samovraždy,
  • - násilie individuálne, spôsobené jedným aktérom násilia,
  • - násilie skupinové, charakterizované malými skupinami,
  • - násilie hromadné alebo kolektívne medzi veľkými skupinami, vrátane vojen a revolúcií,
  • - násilie proti neživej a živej prírode.

Práca končí krátkou analýzou liečby násilného správania a dôsledkov násilia s možnosťami jej prevencie. Opieram sa aj o vlastné skúsenosti s prejavmi násilia v psychiatrických zariadeniach. Nazdávam sa, že je to práca veľmi aktuálna, informatívna, ale aj pôvodná, lebo podáva v koncentrovanej podobe celý rozsiahly fenomén násilia s jeho základnými charakteristikami. Podobnú prácu v našej literatúre nemáme.


Komunikácia v zdravotníckej praxi



Renáta SuchanováLucia Dimunová

The following textbook deals with issues related to communication in medical practice which significantly affects the survival and behaviour of a patient. Communication skills and the attitude of healthcare professionals exercised towards a patient have significant impact on patient’s ability to handle treatment and his or hers co-operation during the process.

This publication is intended to serve as a guide applicable towards deeper knowledge, better comprehension and overall understanding of the mental state of an ill person, his or her needs, stances, behaviour patterns, but also his or her management of the illness. Attention is also paid to the active building of a relationship between the healthcare professional and the patient, with emphasis on respect, truthfulness, and mutual understanding in communication. Particularly accentuated are issues related to specific effective communication skills, methods, and techniques serviceable during interactions with a patient; application of empathy and proactive approach are highlighted.

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CYTOCHROME P-450: genetic and population aspects


I. R. MavlyanovA. K. AshirmetovZ. I. MavlyanovG. J. Jarilkasinova

Need of carrying out a pharmacological genotyping for providing the individualized pharmacotherapy is shown in the monograph based on the analysis of own and literary data of the central link of drug pharmacokinetics– systems of cytochrome P-450, taking into account its genetic polymorphysm.
The monograph is intended for the clinical pharmacologists, geneticists and experts dealing with this problem.

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Autonómny nervový systém v klinickej praxi



Ladislav Kočan-Dušan Rybár-Róbert Rapčan

The autonomic nervous system is a vital component of the peripheral nervous system, responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating internal processes within the body. Unlike the voluntary control exerted by the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system operates involuntarily, innervating smooth organs, vessels, skin glands, and even exerting some influence over skeletal muscles in connection with vegetative functions such as breathing, digestion, and the urinary and gonadal systems. Its impact extends crucially to the cardiac muscles of the heart and plays a significant role in endocrine and metabolic functions, thermoregulation, as well as emotional and behavioral responses, including adaptive reactions to stressors. The aim of this publication is to provide a comprehensive and objective exploration of the anatomical and physiological intricacies of the autonomic nervous system, offering insights into its clinical applications. Within these pages, we meticulously delineate various interventional therapeutic procedures tailored to specific diagnoses related to the autonomic nervous system, aligning each intervention with the anatomical framework of the autonomic system. The efficacy of these procedures is evaluated based on the level of evidence, as per the current recommendations of Evidence-Based Medicine. This publication is primarily crafted for fifth and sixth-year medical students and medical professionals specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain medicine. It serves as a valuable resource for gaining a deeper understanding of autonomic nervous system function and its clinical implications, facilitating informed decision-making in clinical practice.

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Elementary organic molecules in biochemistry

Availability: 45 In Stock

Vladimíra Tomečková

Nature, as well as the human body, contains an abundant quantity of organic molecules. This textbook describes selected oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds of their reactions, which are important in the human body or are found in pharmaceutical active substances, poisons, foodstuffs and heat-treated food. The last part of the textbook describes the isomerism of organic compounds, which enables dynamic changes in the structure of molecules that have different properties. Nature is filled with different plants and animals and is the first laboratory to produce bioactive organic natural compounds. These compounds are compatible with human cells and are applicable as therapeutic medicine. There is an effort to reproduce natural molecules in chemical laboratories, but they cannot be as perfect as the natural ones. Synthetic molecules can serve as a model for multiple studies, but there still does not exist a magic panacea pill or a perfect copy of nature, for the treatment of various diseases. Knowledge about the regenerative and toxic effect of medicinal substances in dependence on their structure (type and number of substituents) is very important for the understanding of their role in modulation of health and disease in dependence on their concentration. Compounds can be used daily only in recommended doses (higher doses can be toxic), but still will not replace a healthy diet. People need a varied diet to be healthy, in which are all necessary nutrients, what Hippocrates demonstrated long ago “Let food be the medicine, and let medicine be the food.” This book is written for students who select bioorganic chemistry subject during the study of general medicine or dentistry as well as for motivated students who would like to practice their knowledge and wish to improve in this subject and for students who would like to learn simplified basic organic reactions with their future application in biochemistry. Learn the simple models mainly through creative simple instruction by using different colours, by repetition, practice by drawing of formulas by hand (at least three times) and memorization of common names of compounds and their reactions which have application in biochemistry. Thus, establishing simple educational methods how to distinguish organic molecules according to the colours of a functional group can promote universal learning for all students who thought that chemistry is a difficult subject, but hopefully they change their opinion after study of this book.

Keywords: organic molecules, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen derivatives of hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds, chemical reactions, isomerism of organic compounds

Praktické cvičenia z fyziológie - časť 1

Availability: 82 In Stock

 Soňa Grešováa kol.

The object of the practical textbook is both theory and practice. The student is familiar with the investigative methods used in patients at different clinics as well as research institutes. Investigative methods are a source of knowledge about the state of the internal environment of an individual, the functionality of the various systems of the body, based on which it is possible to establish a conclusion on whether the individual is healthy or not. 


Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials

Availability: 189 In Stock

 John B. WestAndrej Andrašovský

West’s Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials is the gold standard text for learning respiratory physiology quickly and easily. This highly readable, must-have text serves as an introduction to students and a review for licensing and other exams. The Tenth Edition features the addition of Dr. Andrew M. Luks as co-author along with new clinical vignettes, additional multiple-choice review questions, and updated information on key topics in respiratory physiology, such as blood flow and metabolism, gas transport by the blood, and the physiology of high altitude.

  • New! Clinical vignettes with questions emphasize how the physiology described can be applied to clinical situations and reinforce reasoning and critical thinking.
  • More than 100 multiple-choice questions with full explanations provide self-testing of key concepts for comprehension and exam preparation.
  • Clinical boxes and Key Concepts summaries provide bullet-point reviews.
  • Appendices of important equations and answers to all questions are easily referenced.
  • Online resources include animations that expand on and clarify challenging topics, an interactivequestion bank, and lectures by Dr. West.

Vybrané kapitoly z detskej kardiológie

Availability: 245 In Stock

 Ingrid Schusterová 

To offer our medical students of 5th and 6th classes as well as to professional public (pediatrics, pediatric cardiologists) integrated information from pediatric cardiology, which is based on scientific knowledge of experts and practical requirements including our experiences. The publication will extend given the discipline of cardiovascular risk factors of cardiovascular heart disease and acquired heart diseases, which are more actual at the present time in the children as we as bring the new didactic methods in pediatric cardiology teaching.


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