Novinky v diabetológii a lipidológii



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Miriam Kozárová
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Lekárska fakulta
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Autonómny nervový systém v klinickej praxi



Ladislav Kočan-Dušan Rybár-Róbert Rapčan

The autonomic nervous system is a vital component of the peripheral nervous system, responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating internal processes within the body. Unlike the voluntary control exerted by the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system operates involuntarily, innervating smooth organs, vessels, skin glands, and even exerting some influence over skeletal muscles in connection with vegetative functions such as breathing, digestion, and the urinary and gonadal systems. Its impact extends crucially to the cardiac muscles of the heart and plays a significant role in endocrine and metabolic functions, thermoregulation, as well as emotional and behavioral responses, including adaptive reactions to stressors. The aim of this publication is to provide a comprehensive and objective exploration of the anatomical and physiological intricacies of the autonomic nervous system, offering insights into its clinical applications. Within these pages, we meticulously delineate various interventional therapeutic procedures tailored to specific diagnoses related to the autonomic nervous system, aligning each intervention with the anatomical framework of the autonomic system. The efficacy of these procedures is evaluated based on the level of evidence, as per the current recommendations of Evidence-Based Medicine. This publication is primarily crafted for fifth and sixth-year medical students and medical professionals specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain medicine. It serves as a valuable resource for gaining a deeper understanding of autonomic nervous system function and its clinical implications, facilitating informed decision-making in clinical practice.

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Student scientific international conference...



Martina Šemeláková (ed.)

Proceedings contain abstracts from participants of the scientific conference with international participation under the name: Student scientific international conference GenICa”, supported by the project "Bilateral relations and common knowledge between Slovakia and Iceland research at Universities on the topic "Genomic instability and cancer "GenICa", funded under the EEA and Norwegian 2014-2021 Financial Mechanism Programme (FBR02, bilateral initiatives under the Fund for Bilateral Relations at national level co-financed by EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021) which took place on 19 - 21 June 2024 in the premises of Hotel Sorea Trigan, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia.

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Healthy and active aging of participants at the...


Tatiana KimákováŠtefan TóthIvan Uher

The scientific monograph is devoted to active and healthy aging, its basic indicators, involutional changes, or the relationship between healthy aging and lifestyle. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and actively participating in health care for yourself are important elements in all stages of our lives, and therefore in healthy aging. We describe the possibilities of older people to slow down the adverse changes associated with aging through education and educational activities of various types. The scientific monograph also includes our own research focused on overall health and selected lifestyle risk factors, especially consumption of various food groups, smoking, alcohol, physical activity and stress of participants at the University of the Third Age at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovak and foreign university students at the Medical Faculty of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The scientific monograph is appropriate for the scientific community, students of medical and natural sciences, public health for all three degrees of university study.

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Neuroanatómia pre psychológov

Availability: 18 In Stock

Květuše Lovásová a kol. 

Despite the wide range of high quality textbooks offered on the Slovak market there is no publication with colorful pictures and schemes that can serve as an principal tool for practical and theoretical teaching of neuroanatomy for future psychologists in non-medical academic programmes of Arts and Science Faculties. Following new trends in methods of teaching, it is necessary to pay more attention to quality, depth, and effectiveness of education.

Such kind of illustrated textbook with the interesting graphic design should connect this important morphological subject and clinical medicine to understand the nervous system in the clinical context. This publication was created by using of original, new detailed pictures, and graphic schemes and was supplemented with a short clinical notes. It will be very helpfull to understand the details of neuroanatomical structures and brain regions.

We hope that originality and details of this book will find its application in studies of neuroanatomy for psychologists. 

Chémia súbor otázok na prijímacie skúšky

Availability: 98 In Stock

Mária Mareková - Marek StupákPeter UrbanJana  Mašlanková -

Beáta Hupková - Miroslava Rabajdová

Publikácia je určená záujemcom o štúdium na UPJŠ v Košiciach, Lekárskej fakulte v odbore všeobecné lekárstvo a zubné lekárstvo. Obsahuje 1500 modelových otázok z chémie, ktoré sú spracované v súlade so vzdelávacím programom na gymnáziách a ktoré tvoria podklady písomných testov na prijímacích skúškach. Otázky na prijímacích skúškach však nemusia presne kopírovať otázky v tejto publikácii. Odpovede na otázky sú riešené formou ponúkaných variantných odpovedí obsahujúcich správne aj nesprávne možností, pričom správne odpovede sú uvedené v kľúči na konci publikácie. Táto publikácia vám poskytne možnosť overiť si hĺbku a rozsah vašich vedomostí z chémie, ktoré ste nadobudli počas stredoškolského štúdia a zároveň vám uľahčí prípravu na úspešné absolvovanie prijímacej skúšky. Autori problematiku rozdelili do kapitol, čo vám umožní rýchlo sa zorientovať a zistiť, ktorej oblasti sa musíte v štúdiu viac venovať. Cieľom predkladanej publikácie je umožniť každému uchádzačovi, ktorý má o štúdium na lekárskej fakulte vážny záujem, dobre sa pripraviť na prijímacie konanie a v prípade prijatia, mať dobrý základ na štúdium daného odboru.

Selected Chapters from Angiology


Mária Rašiová

Cardiovascular diseases are among the main causes of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Academic textbook: Selected Chapters from Angiology is devoted to the most common vascular diseases that the angiologist encounters on a daily basis.

Dilated artery diseases (abdominal aortic aneurysm), as well as stenotizing diseases of peripheral arteries, are described. Diseases such as deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and chronic venous insufficiency are discussed in the venous vascular system section. I also deal with the most common lymphatic vascular system disease ˗ lymphoedema.

In the individual chapters the risk factors of the diseases, symptoms and signs, diagnostics, treatment modalities (pharmacological therapy, endovascular therapy, angiosurgical therapy) and possible complications of the therapy are briefly analyzed.

My priority was to present the information in a logical, interesting and comprehensible form for students and for common clinical practice.


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Kompetencie pre klinickú prax v oblasti...



Ivana Skoumalová - Zuzana Dankulincová

The publication entitled Competencies for clinical practice in the field of communication with the patient serves as the background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field and practical tips for training skills in practice. It provides clear information on individual parts of the training and is designed to acquire knowledge that is the basis for practical skills in medical communication, especially in communication with patients. It is intended for general and dental students to deepen their knowledge and acquire missing skills in medical communication, which are evidence-based and research-validated skills that have a demonstrable positive impact on patient communication.

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Základy lekárskej,klinickej a laboratórnej...

Availability: 10 In Stock

Mária Mareková a kol.

Predkladaná vysokoškolská učebnica predstavuje základy biochémie a je určená predovšetkým pre bakalárske  študijné programy (napr. ošetrovateľstvo, fyzioterapia, verejné zdravotníctvo). Vysokoškolská učebnica predstavuje zjednodušenú alternatívu lekárskej biochémie a je svojím obsahom aj rozsahom vhodná pre študentov nelekárskych študijných odborov. Okrem priblíženia základných metabolických dejov prebiehajúcich v organizme človeka, ponúka aj stručný prehľad klinicko-biochemických parametrov štandardne vyšetrovaných pri podozrení na ich poruchy. Snaží sa poskytnúť študentom, predovšetkým zdravotníckych študijných programov, základy lekárskej a klinickej biochémie a oboznámiť ich s najčastejšie používanými metódami v biochemickom laboratóriu v primeranom rozsahu. Chce prispieť k prehĺbeniu vedomostí o metabolizme zdravého, ale i chorého človeka, resp. o klinicko-biochemických diagnostických postupoch a laboratórnych vyšetreniach a vzbudiť záujem o ďalšie vzdelávanie. Budeme radi, ak poslúži nielen ako príprava na skúšku, ale bude inšpiráciou napr. pre realizáciu diplomových prác zameraných na vedecko-výskumnú oblasť klinickej biochémie či laboratórnej medicíny. 


Multidisciplinárny pohľad na pacienta s...

Availability: 20 In Stock

Martina Zavacká a kolektív

Kniha „DIABETICKÁ NOHA Z POHĽADU CIEVNEHO CHIRURGA“ obsahuje 14 kapitol. Pojednáva o syndróme diabetickej nohy z multidisciplinárneho pohľadu viacerých odborníkov: angiochirurga, diabetológa, chirurga, podiatra, röntgenológa, neurológa a algeziológa. Úvodné kapitoly majú charakter propedeutiky, čo má taktiež význam aj pre pregraduálnu výchovu. Nasledujúce kapitoly sa zaoberajú vznikom syndrómu, výskytom, jeho diagnostikou, terapeutickými postupmi, pridruženými postihnutiami neurologického charakteru, starostlivosťou podiatra a algeziológa pri pretrvávaní bolestí. Ďalšie časti sú vyhradené chirurgickej a endovaskulárnej liečbe tepien cestou cievneho chirurga a intervenčných angiológov. Nezabúdajúc na problematiku amputácií a správnu rehabilitáciu pacientov s diabetom.  V knihe nájdu poučenie cievni chirurgovia, angiológovia, všeobecní chirurgovia, diabetológovia, neurológia, röntgenológovia, podiatri  a všeobecní lekári.

Kniha je zdrojom najnovších teoretických i praktických informácií pre postgraduálnu výchovu vyššie spomenutých odborníkov.


Roma Health Organizations Database



Kvetoslava Rimárová

This document is a part of the EU-funded project MEHO - Migrant and Ethnic Health Observatory and Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
This monograph includes a database of organizations dealing with Roma health and community issues and is part of the Interim Report 2007. The published monographs try to enclose all kinds of information about Roma health including organizations on national, international, governmental and non-governmental levels in Europe as well as international organizations such as WHO and UNDP.
The views expressed in this monograph are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the EU MEHO Project or Slovak grant VEGA 1/4501/09.
Kvetoslava Rimárová

Získané demyelinizačné ochorenia centrálneho...



Marianna Vitková

Current classification of demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system according to van der Knaap and Valko from 2005 includes 97 congenital and acquired diseases that cause demyelination of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. Most of these disorders lacks any definitive diagnostic test, so the accurate diagnosis depends on upon clinical symptoms, course of the disease, neurological findings, and the results of neuroimaging and laboratory examinations.

The aim of this textbook is to provide an accurate overview of acquired demyelinating diseases of the CNS, their etiopathogenesis, clinical picture and diagnostic options.

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