Biológia a genetika - pracovný zošit na praktické cvičenia pre bakalárske študijné programy

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 Terézia Hudáková - Jozef Židzik 

Pomocné učebné texty Biológia a genetika – pracovný zošit pre bakalárske študijné programy na praktické cvičenia z lekárskej biológie a genetiky sú určené predovšetkým pre študentov 1. ročníka bakalárskych odborov na UPJŠ LF v Košiciach (ošetrovateľstvo, fyzioterapia a verejné zdravotníctvo). Sú zamerané tak, aby vybranými praktickými úlohami a modelovými príkladmi vhodne dopĺňali, prehlbovali a ilustrovali látku, ktorú si študent vypočuje na prednáškach, alebo prečíta v učebnici. Dve základné oblasti pokryté v textoch sú cytológia a genetika.





Data sheet

Method of publication:
Printed publication
Terézia Hudáková - Jozef Židzik
Document type:
Academic textbook - scripts
Number of pages:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Medicine

16 other products in the same category:

Medical Biophysics: Practical Exercises

Availability: 20 In Stock

Michal Legiňa kol.

Progress in biology and medicine has always been significantly related to advances in physics. Not only has physics supplied instruments and methods of measurement that have led to many discoveries in physiology and medicine, but methods of physical research have changed many of the older approaches to the biologic sciences. Such circumstances have even led to development of a new scientific field: biophysics, which uses to a great extent physical instrumentation procedures applied to an experimental system. Because any instrument is an additional factor in any experimental system, it may affect the data. To interpret physical data on biological material correctly then, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of instrument response.

A practical course enables a student to acquire some skills, experience and methodological knowledge for performance of experiments and evaluation of measured data. Due to the fast development of instrumentation technology, it is not possible to teach every operation and procedure upon instruments we may use in a future. Besides the basic physical principles, the aim of a practical course is to point out some general rules and skills for instrument operation and for the interpretation of the measured values derived from such operation.

There are two kinds of lessons in practical courses. The first one focuses on laboratory measurements of some important physical quantities and the evaluation of the measured data. These measured quantities are components of the subject “medical biophysics” or of the phenomena studied. Experience provided in managing various scales and tables, as well as in the construction of tables and graphs is substantial. Lessons also enable students to repeat and to strengthen their knowledge of secondary school physics, which is useful for understanding of many phenomena studied in medical biophysics. The second kind of lesson provides experience with some of the diagnostic and therapeutic medical instruments, which can be seen in practical medicine.

The understanding of basic physical principles of corresponding instruments is both recommended and demanded. Theoretical preparation is not only an appropriate condition for the practical managing of the whole lesson, but also helps to avoid injury. This textbook, therefore, intends to help students in preparing for both the practical lessons and the final exam.


Patológia 1.časť Praktické cvičenia pre...

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Alžbeta Blichárová a kolektív 

„Patológia 1. časť (zimný semester) - Praktické cvičenia pre študentov všeobecného lekárstva“ je prvou časťou vysokoškolskej učebnice predstavujúcou prvú polovicu výučby (zimný semester). V tejto časti je popísaných 70 diagnóz, kde každej je venovaná jedna strana. V popise je uvedené poradové číslo zhodujúce sa s číslom preparátu a názov danej diagnózy. Študent sa pri každom preparáte oboznámi so základnými informáciami o danej chorobe, jej makroskopickým a mikroskopickým obrazom. Navyše je vytvorené miesto, v ktorom si študent môže zaznačiť (nakresliť) charakteristický mikroskopický obraz danej choroby. Preparáty v tejto učebnici sú zamerané na všeobecnú patológiu – regresívne a progresívne zmeny, pigmentáciu, hojenie, zápaly a nádory.

Tým, že učebnica umožňuje preparáty zakresľovať, vytvára študentom priestor pre trvalejšie zapamätanie si danej problematiky. Je vynikajúcim zdrojom pre prípravu študentov na kolokvium a ústnu skúšku.

Štúdie zdravotného a nutričného stavu populácie...



Kvetoslava Rimárová

Táto príručka vychádza ako pomocné metodické skriptá pre študentov bakalárskych a magisterských odborov lekárskych fakúlt - hlavne bakalárskeho a magisterského odboru „Verejné zdravotníctvo“. Študenti všeobecného lekárstva a stomatológie môžu tiež tieto učebné texty používať ako vzdelávaciu pomôcku pri štúdiu predmetu “Hygiena“, ktorý sa vyučuje buď samostatne, alebo v rámci širšie koncipovaných predmetov napr. „Verejné zdravotníctvo“.

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Chirurgická liečba cerebrovaskulárnej...



Peter Berek

With the development of endovascular surgery, there is a gradual advancement in ACI stenting. The minimally invasive approach has made this methodology suitable for patients with serious concomitant cardiac or pulmonary diseases. Another advantage compared to surgical treatment was better access to the ICA in patients after radiotherapy, after previous neck surgeries, as well as in patients with stenoses close to the skull base.

The comparison of CEA vs CAS is an interesting and debatable topic in many studies. However, despite the massive global development of endovascular treatment, carotid endarterectomy remains the gold standard for treating ICA stenosis in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. In this monograph, we would like to accentuate and systematize the issue of surgical stroke prevention from the perspective of a vascular surgeon.

Download the e-book for free  (pdf)

Vybrané kapitoly z hepatológie a gastroenterológie



Sylvia DražilováLaura GombošováMartin JaničkoĽubomír SkladanýEduard Veseliny

University textbooks are focused on undergraduate medical students and young doctors engaged in specialized training in gastroenterology, hepatology, and internal medicine.

The authors aimed to somewhat replace the lack of a concise and straightforward textbook on gastroenterology and hepatology for medical students, while also providing specific, directly applicable information for young doctors in inpatient departments caring for these patients.


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Ochorenia periimplantačných tkanív a ich liečba



Ján Kučera - Eva Kovaľová - Juraj Strecha

Peri-implantation diseases such as peri-implantitis and mucositis have a wide range of prevalence. Several etiological factors and the interaction of risk factors influence their onset and development. Careful investigation determines the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Treatment, depending on the condition, is either non-surgical or surgical. Systematic postoperative care, a recall system, and patient instruction and cooperation are essential, which create the preconditions for successful implant treatment.

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Vybrané kapitoly z detskej kardiológie

Availability: 245 In Stock

 Ingrid Schusterová 

To offer our medical students of 5th and 6th classes as well as to professional public (pediatrics, pediatric cardiologists) integrated information from pediatric cardiology, which is based on scientific knowledge of experts and practical requirements including our experiences. The publication will extend given the discipline of cardiovascular risk factors of cardiovascular heart disease and acquired heart diseases, which are more actual at the present time in the children as we as bring the new didactic methods in pediatric cardiology teaching.


Chirurgická propedeutika

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Jozef Radoňak a kol.

Skriptá chirurgická propedeutika predstavujú učebné texty prinášajúce pohl'ad do histórie chirurgie cez všeobecne platné princípy chirurgie, moderné diagnostické a terapeutické metó­dy. Patričná pozornost' sa venuje základom chirurgickej onkológie, úrazovej chirurgie, anesteziológie a resuscitácie ako aj liečbe krvácania, infekcie, šoku či transplantáciám. Súčas­ťou textu sú aj kapitoly z vojnovej chirurgie.

Neurochirurgia pre študentov medicíny

Availability: 50 In Stock

Miroslav Gajdoš - Vladimír Kaťuch

  „Neurochirurgia pre študentov medicíny“ je určená pre študentov lekárskych fakúlt. Základné informácie o neurochirurgii získajú aj študenti príbuzných odborov /zubné lekárstvo/, ale aj absolventi lekárskych fakúlt v začiatkoch svojej klinickej praxe.

Učebný text je rozdelený do desiatich kapitol. Tie sa ďalej delia na podkapitoly.

Prvá kapitola je zameraná na dejiny chirurgie, následne na dejiny neurochirurgie. V tejto kapitole autor pripomína, že operované lebky patria k najstarším dôkazom operačnej činnosti našich predkov. 

Druhá a tretia kapitola  je venovaná diagnostike a základným operačným výkonom.

Pre pochopenie patologicko-fyziologických dejov je potrebné pozorne preštudovať štvrtú kapitolu, v ktorej autor popisuje základné patologické mechanizmy, ktoré pôsobia na povrchu ale aj v hĺbke mozgových tkanív.

Piata kapitola je venovaná závažnej problematike  -  vrodeným chybám mozgu, miechy a ich podporných štruktúr.

Nie menej závažnou problematikou pre neurochirurgov sú nádory CNS,  periférnych nervov, lebky a chrbtice. Tie sú popísané v šiestej kapitole.                 

V siedmej kapitole sú popísané cievne ochorenia CNS: autor popisuje aneuryzmy mozgových ciev, ich diagnostiku a liečbu, ďalej cievne malformácie mozgu, artériovenózne malformácie mozgu a v neposlednom rade spinálne artériovenózne malformácie.

8. kapitola je čo do obsahu najrozsiahlejšia. Prináša informácie o poranení pacientov pri úraze. O ich závažnosti, diagnostike a možnej liečbe – konzervatívnej a chirurgickej.

9. kapitola je venovaná nie menej závažnej problematike, a to degeneratívnym ochoreniam chrbtice.

V 10. kapitole sa autor venuje najnovším metódam liečby chronickej bolesti a epileptochirurgii.

Surgery for medical students

Availability: 99 In Stock

Mária Frankovičová - Jana Kaťuchová

Dear readers and students,

The book “Surgery for Medical Students“ is a textbook intended to be used by those studying at medical faculties and in other healthcare fields. In this textbook, the authors, encompassing all surgical specialties, have tried to provide the reader with a holistic context of the study material intended to be used in preparation for the state exam from surgery. I thank all the co-authors for their willingness and cooperation. To the students I hope you have a pleasant time reading and studying the book.


Prof. MUDr. Mária Frankovičová, PhD

Scientific communication and management of...



Lucia Bosáková - Zuzana DankulincováDaniela Fiľakovská

Publication called Scientific communication and management of research projects serves as background and teaching material. Its aim is to help university students and researchers develop competencies important for scientific work, such as scientific integrity, critical work with literary sources, management of research projects and scientific communication. Publication is divided into four parts. The first part is focused on the preparation of a research project, where it is important to know the basic ethical principles applied in the research project, but also to be able to critically assess literary sources and process them. In the second part, it provides information on the preparation of research projects and their management, including their financing, from preparation and planning, through initialization to implementation, management, logistics, monitoring, evaluation and termination. The third part pays attention to the preparation, processing and presentation of scientific results in the form of a scientific article, presentation, poster or press release, thus covering not only a professional but also a lay audience. The final fourth part provides information about communication with a scientific journal, whether it is the process of sending, revising an article up to its publication, or the process of assessing scientific work by scientific journal editors in the process of screening and peer review.

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Vybrané kapitoly z histológie pre odbor zubného...


Iveta Domoráková a kol.

E-learning textbook and colour atlas is available for students on: Textbook contains 11 chapters focused to head and neck region, with detail study of Oral and Nasal cavities, detailed Microscopic structure and Development of Teeth and Skull. Cardiovascular and Lymphatic system, Nervous and Endocrine systems. Colour atlas contains 300 micrographs using basic and specific histologic staining methods.

Textbook and Atlas were supported by project: KEGA 019UPJŠ-4/2016.

Mefanet (pdf)

Psychológia zdravia



Zuzana Dankulincová, Daniela Husárová, Andrea Madarasová Gecková, Jaroslava Kopčáková

Annotation: The publication entitled Health Psychology serves as background and teaching material. The text is structured to bring theoretical knowledge about the topic, current research findings in the field, and practical tips. It provides comprehensive information on key areas of the field of health psychology and is designed for students to acquire and deepen their knowledge that could be implemented in their everyday practice.

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Nové poznatky v SMAD dependentnej dráhe...



Jana Mašlanková

Monografia podrobne analyzujúca nové poznatky v SMAD dependentnej dráhe transformujúceho rastového faktora-b je určená poslucháčom lekárskych fakúlt, lekárom v špecializačnej príprave, chirurgom, gastroenterológom, onkológom, úzkej skupine, ktorú zaujímajú najnovšie poznatky v SMAD dependentnej dráhe transformujúceho rastového faktora u pacientov s kolorektálnym karcinómom.

V tejto monografii sa autorka postupne venuje molekulárnym cestám kolorektálnej karcinogenézy, vplyvu jednotlivých genomických aberácií na vznik kolorektálneho karcinómu a hlavne úlohe TGF-b v supresii a taktiež v progresii nádoru. V samostatných kapitolách popisuje úlohy SMAD v procese karcinogenézy a v neposlednom rade sa hlbšie venuje liečbe a hlavne anti TGF-b terapii.

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