Ošetrovateľstvo vo vnútornom lekárstve I. Ošetrovateľská starostlivosť pri vybraných ochoreniach dýchacieho systému.


Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Mária Sováriová Soósová • Renáta Suchanová • Libuša Tirpáková
Document type:
Number of pages:
Available from:
december 2018
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Medicine
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

27.KOŠICKÝ MORFOLOGICKÝ DEŇ: Miesto morfológie...



Adriana Boleková - Natália Hvizdošová (eds.)

Košický morfologický deň je každoročné májové stretnutie morfológov, ktorého sa zúčastňujú najmä košické morfologické pracoviská. Pri tejto príležitosti sa pravidelne vydáva zborník vedeckých prác. Tohoročný zborník je vydaný pri príležitosti 27. košického morfologického dňa. V zborníku autori prezentujú výsledky svojej vedecko-výskumnej a pedagogickej činnosti, ktoré majú charakter teoretických prehľadových štúdií a výskumných prác.

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Získané demyelinizačné ochorenia centrálneho...



Marianna Vitková

Current classification of demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system according to van der Knaap and Valko from 2005 includes 97 congenital and acquired diseases that cause demyelination of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. Most of these disorders lacks any definitive diagnostic test, so the accurate diagnosis depends on upon clinical symptoms, course of the disease, neurological findings, and the results of neuroimaging and laboratory examinations.

The aim of this textbook is to provide an accurate overview of acquired demyelinating diseases of the CNS, their etiopathogenesis, clinical picture and diagnostic options.

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Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis. Selected...



Pavol Pobeha - Ivana Paraničová - Pavol Joppa

The publication "Respiratory Medicine and Tuberculosis—Selected Chapters" is an anticipated study material intended for medical students at medical faculties and can also serve as supplementary literature in the framework of postgraduate education for specialist doctors. By compiling chapters and content, it builds upon the Slovak version of the publication "Selected Chapters from Pneumology and Phthisiology" (edited by Pavol Joppa), but the new publication expands pneumology with additional nosological units and issues in the context of current evidence-based medicine.

This book adds topics such as Sleep Breathing Disorders and Respiratory Failure to standard pneumology topics like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, pneumonia, interstitial diseases, and tuberculosis. These topics are often mentioned only marginally in pneumological publications and within internal diseases. A significant contribution is the comprehensively processed chapter on Cor pulmonale chronicum, which connects several clinical fields including pneumology, internal medicine, and cardiology. We believe that the prepared publication will find favor among readers and will be beneficial in educating students and practitioners.

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Vybrané kapitoly z infektológie



Ivana Hockicková-Ondrej Zahornacký

The textbook „Selected chapters in Infectology“ is a comprehensive study material about selected infectious diseases for students of medicine as well as other healthcare professions. It is primarily intended for students of general and dental medicine. It is the first textbook of its kind, aiming to provide students with comprehensive information about different types of infectious diseases, including their causes, typical symptoms, diagnostics, treatment and prevention. It is divided into a total of 18 chapters. The textbook is written in accordance with the latest knowledge about infectious diseases and serves as the foundation for success in the Infectology subject.

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Biológia súbor otázok na prijímacie skúšky

Availability: 90 In Stock

H.Mičková - V.Habalová  - J.Židzik  - E.Slabá

Publikácia je určená záujemcom o štúdium na UPJŠ v Košiciach, Lekárskej fakulte v odbore všeobecné lekárstvo a zubné lekárstvo. Obsahuje 1500 modelových otázok z biológie, ktoré sú spracované v súlade so vzdelávacím programom na gymnáziách a ktoré tvoria podklady písomných testov na prijímacích skúškach. Otázky na prijímacích skúškach však nemusia presne kopírovať otázky v tejto publikácii. Odpovede na otázky sú riešené formou ponúkaných variantných odpovedí obsahujúcich správne aj nesprávne možností, pričom správne odpovede sú uvedené v kľúči na konci publikácie. Táto publikácia vám poskytne možnosť overiť si hĺbku a rozsah vašich vedomostí z biológie, ktoré ste nadobudli počas stredoškolského štúdia a zároveň vám uľahčí prípravu na úspešné absolvovanie prijímacej skúšky. Autori problematiku rozdelili do kapitol, čo vám umožní rýchlo sa zorientovať a zistiť, ktorej oblasti sa musíte v štúdiu viac venovať. Cieľom predkladanej publikácie je umožniť každému uchádzačovi, ktorý má o štúdium na lekárskej fakulte vážny záujem, dobre sa pripraviť na prijímacie konanie a v prípade prijatia, mať dobrý základ na štúdium daného odboru.

Plastic surgery

Availability: 100 In Stock

Martina Vidová Ugurbas

Plastická chirurgia je vysokošpecializovaný medicínsky odbor.

 Náplňou plastickej chirurgie je korekcia rôznych defektov,vrodených i získaných.Medzi vrodené chyby patria deformity tváre,rázštepy pery a podnebia,deformity ušnice,vrodené vývojové chyby končatín.Najčastejšie získané defekty sú po poraneniach,po chirurgických výkonoch,po fyzikálnych poškodeniach kože a štruktúr krytých kožou.

Súčasťou plastickej  chirurgie je estetická chirurgia, onkochirurgia a mikrochirurgia,  ktorá si zaslúži osobitnú pozornosť. Novými trendami v estetickej chirurgii je rekonštrukcia pomocou tukového tkaniva,kmeňových buniek,používanie rôznych umelých materiálov a implantátov.

Predložené učebné texty v jednotlivých kapitolách popisujú základné princípy plastickej chirurgie,používanie lalokových plastík a iné možnosti krytia defektov. V deviatich kapitolách sú jednotlivo popísané chirurgické možnosti rekonštrukcie tváre,trupu a  končatín.  Učebné texty venujú pozornosť malígnym  a benígnym kožným tumorom a ich liečbe.Posledná kapitola sa zaoberá najčastejšími estetickými operáciami.

Scientific communication and management of...



Lucia Bosáková - Zuzana DankulincováDaniela Fiľakovská

Publication called Scientific communication and management of research projects serves as background and teaching material. Its aim is to help university students and researchers develop competencies important for scientific work, such as scientific integrity, critical work with literary sources, management of research projects and scientific communication. Publication is divided into four parts. The first part is focused on the preparation of a research project, where it is important to know the basic ethical principles applied in the research project, but also to be able to critically assess literary sources and process them. In the second part, it provides information on the preparation of research projects and their management, including their financing, from preparation and planning, through initialization to implementation, management, logistics, monitoring, evaluation and termination. The third part pays attention to the preparation, processing and presentation of scientific results in the form of a scientific article, presentation, poster or press release, thus covering not only a professional but also a lay audience. The final fourth part provides information about communication with a scientific journal, whether it is the process of sending, revising an article up to its publication, or the process of assessing scientific work by scientific journal editors in the process of screening and peer review.

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A small phrases book for nursing care

Availability: 5 In Stock

Gabriela Štefková - Mária Zamboriová

We would like to introduce the study material „A small phrases book for Nursing Care“, which was developed to help foreign medical students, who study at Slovak medical faculties, to communicate, in Slovak with patients and medical staff.

The book is English based and is therefore suitable for both classroom use and for self-study. It provides a key for vocabulary, useful phrases, since it is likely that patients will use them.

Vocabulary is organized according to specific nursing area from a few basic nursing condition and its aim is to intensify the learning process.

We hope that this textbook will help you to overcome some difficulties in Slovak communication and make your training in hospitals easier and more efficient. The authors take no personal responsibility for any effects resulting from the act of the following procedure.


Ošetrovateľstvo vo vnútornom lekárstve II....



Mária Sováriová Soósová, Renáta Suchanová, Libuša Tirpáková

Predkladaná vysokoškolská učebnica prináša poznatky z oblasti ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti u pacientov s ochoreniami srdcovo-cievneho systému. Je určená pre poslucháčov odboru ošetrovateľstvo v rámci pregraduálneho a postgraduálneho vzdelávania, sestrám pracujúcim v tejto oblasti, ako aj ďalším odborníkom z nelekárskych vedných disciplín, ktorí sa zaoberajú starostlivosťou o pacientov s kardio-vaskulárnymi chorobami.

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Komunikácia v zdravotníckej praxi



Renáta SuchanováLucia Dimunová

The following textbook deals with issues related to communication in medical practice which significantly affects the survival and behaviour of a patient. Communication skills and the attitude of healthcare professionals exercised towards a patient have significant impact on patient’s ability to handle treatment and his or hers co-operation during the process.

This publication is intended to serve as a guide applicable towards deeper knowledge, better comprehension and overall understanding of the mental state of an ill person, his or her needs, stances, behaviour patterns, but also his or her management of the illness. Attention is also paid to the active building of a relationship between the healthcare professional and the patient, with emphasis on respect, truthfulness, and mutual understanding in communication. Particularly accentuated are issues related to specific effective communication skills, methods, and techniques serviceable during interactions with a patient; application of empathy and proactive approach are highlighted.

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Novinky v diabetológii a lipidológii



Miriam Kozárová

The publication "News in Diabetology and Lipidology" focuses on extremely relevant topics in diabetology and lipidology, reflecting the state of these issues in light of the recommendations from professional societies from 2019. In diabetology, it primarily addresses the intensification of antidiabetic treatment using modern drug classes—specifically, incretin enhancers and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors (gliflozins). Few medical fields have experienced such a development of new pharmacological options as diabetology has in the last two decades. While pharmacotherapy for type 2 diabetes (DM2) was limited to the use of biguanides, sulfonylurea derivatives, and insulin throughout the second half of the last century, recent years have introduced entirely new groups of oral antidiabetics with cardio- and nephroprotective effects. In lipidology, it pertains to the new recommendations from the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) with new treatment goals for serum lipids and lipoproteins, including the use of biological therapies.

This textbook is primarily intended for medical students in doctoral studies and doctoral candidates, as well as for physicians preparing for specialization exams in internal medicine, endocrinology, diabetology, metabolic disorders and nutrition, as well as cardiology and angiology. I believe that readers will find information in this publication that will aid them in their studies and translate into their daily clinical practice.


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Availability: 49 In Stock

Vincent Nagy

Predkladaná monografia sa komplexne venuje problematike urolitiázy. Má 19 kapitol, ktoré zahrňujú celú šírku problematiky urolitiázy a to epidemiológiu, etiológiu, typy konkrementov, osobitné situácie pri urolitiáze, diagnostiku urolitiázy, zobrazovacie vyšetrovacie metódy pri urolitiáze, konzervatívnu liečbu urolitiázy, chirurgické a endoskopické metódy liečby urolitiázy, metafylaxiu konkrementov a konkrementy v močovom mechúri. V monografii sa zdôrazňuje význam individuálneho rozhodovania o optimálnom spôsobe liečby. Do úvahy sa berie veľkosť konkrementov, ich počet, lokalizácia, anatomické predpoklady a röntgenologické charakteristiky. Pri plánovaní aktívnej liečby sa zdôrazňuje význam resp. potreba zobrazovacími metódami vyšetriť aj anatómiu vývodných močových ciest. Nezastupiteľné miesto, najmä v prípadoch viacpočetnej a opakujúcej sa urolitiázy a geneticky podmienenej urolitiázy, má kompletné metabolické vyšetrenie. Dokumentuje všetky moderné spôsoby diagnostiky a liečby urolitázy. Metodicky opisuje liečbu urolitiázy – akútny management pri renálnej kolike, pri urosepse pri konkrementom zablokovanej obličke a v tehotenstve. Prevažná väčšina pacientov s urolitiázou je liečená farmakologicky a semininvazívnymi technikami. Vychádza sa z vlastných skúseností, komentuje využitie extrakorporálnej litotripsie, endoskopických metód, stentov. Monografia venuje pozornosť aj auxiliárnym metódam, ktoré sa používajú v liečbe urolitiázy, liečbe sprievodnej infekcie, poranení obličiek a močových ciest, poranení okolitých orgánov, rôznych spôsobov derivácie moču, krvácania. V závere sú spomenuté kalcifikácie pri obličkových tumoroch.


Vybrané kapitoly z hepatológie a gastroenterológie



Sylvia DražilováLaura GombošováMartin JaničkoĽubomír SkladanýEduard Veseliny

University textbooks are focused on undergraduate medical students and young doctors engaged in specialized training in gastroenterology, hepatology, and internal medicine.

The authors aimed to somewhat replace the lack of a concise and straightforward textbook on gastroenterology and hepatology for medical students, while also providing specific, directly applicable information for young doctors in inpatient departments caring for these patients.


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Clinical Biochemistry

Availability: 48 In Stock

 Eva Ďurovcová - Mária Mareková 

The presented textbook is intended for students of general medicine and should support their knowledge about indication and interpretation of basic biochemical tests. Clinical biochemistry continues to be one of the most rapidly advancing areas of laboratory medicine, which in line with using of modern technology more and more emphasizes the evidence-based medicine in order to improve diagnosis and monitoring of patients. Selected topics have an ambition to outline and explain the most common issues of biochemical diagnosis of in internal medicine. Individual chapters are devoted to disorders of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, kidney and liver disease, diabetes mellitus, and biomarkers used in the diagnosis of cardiac necrosis and heart failure. Given the limited range, the textbook merely summarizes the basic knowledge that students have obtained during the study of other subjects, such as medical biochemistry, pathophysiology and internal medicine, and emphasis is given to laboratory diagnosis in accordance with the newer guidelines of professional societies. We hope that the textbook will be helpful in the study of clinical subjects and encourage students' interest in laboratory medicine.


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