Sociálna ekonomika a sociálne podnikanie



Lenka Pčolinská

The university textbook "Social Economics and Social Entrepreneurship" presents the issue of the social economy from a complex point of view and it is the first university textbook focused on the topic of social economy in Slovakia. Its aim is to contribute to the understanding of the concept of social economy, its development, basic conceptual apparatus, legislative anchoring and practical realities of social economics and social enterprises in Slovakia. The textbook discusses the basic legislative principles that need to be known when establishing a social enterprise.

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Manuál dobrého spravovania pre budúcich...



Ondrej MitaľDenisa RovenskáEliška Župová  a kol.

The University Textbook is the first one of two publications prepared for the newly created study subject "Competencies of Capacities in Public Institutions ", implemented within the activity "Cooperation of Public Institutions in Youth's Education" of the project "Future of Public Administration" (FoPA), which is implemented in the Good Governance and Cross-Border Cooperation program, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic. However, the consistent implementation of the concept of Good Governance requires an in-depth understanding of the aspects that are associated in practice with the application of individual principles of Good Governance. The presented university textbook "Good Governance manual for Future Experts in Public Institutions" has ambition in fulfilling the 12 principles of Good Governance.

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Príklady dobrej praxe dobrého spravovania pre...



Ondrej MitaľDenisa RovenskáEliška Župová  a kol.

The textbook follows the publication "Good governance manual for future experts of public institutions". The publication complements the previous university textbook with case studies of the various principles of Good Governance. The case studies thematically copy the chapters of the university textbook and, with their unique, original and each author's own way of processing the case study, enrich the teaching of the study subject focused on the principles of Good Governance.

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Teória a prax verejnej správy (2022)



Michal JesenkoRastislav Král (eds.)

Peer-reviewed proceedings of contributions from the 7th year of the international scientific conference for doctoral students, February 11, 2022 The work titled "Theory and Practice of Public Administration. Peer-reviewed proceedings of contributions from the 7th year of the international scientific conference for doctoral students held on February 11, 2022" is a comprehensive output of 29 contributions presented at the international scientific conference, which took place online on February 11, 2022. The conference is a traditional activity that is annually organized by the Faculty of Public Administration, P.J. Šafárik University in Košice. It is primarily intended for doctoral students and young researchers to facilitate open discussion, exchange of views, and mutual confrontation of the results of creative scientific activities. This includes not only colleagues from Slovakia but also participants from abroad. The peer-reviewed articles provide, on one hand, a multidisciplinary perspective on the theoretical definition of public administration in the context of a functioning legal state. On the other hand, they also highlight practical aspects of public administration in everyday societal life. The contributions analyze the issues from the perspective of legal, economic, sociological, and political sciences.

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Obecné zriadenie – interpretácia kompetencií



Vladimíra Žofčinová - Rastislav Král  - Viktória Kráľová

A work entitled “General Establishment - Interpretation of Competences. A peer-reviewed collection of papers from the scientific conference." is a summary output of 25 papers presented at the scientific conference, which took place online on November 9, 2021. The conference was the final activity in solving the scientific research project entitled "Competences of Municipal Self-Government and the State's Participation in Their Implementation", implemented at the Faculty of Public Administration, University P.J. Šafárik in Košice with the financial support of the Scientific Grant Agency under no. 1/0367/19. The contributions provide a multidisciplinary view of the still living topic of defining competencies in the performance of the administration of the municipal territory between the state and the municipality, as the basic unit of territorial self-government in Slovakia. The articles analyze the issue from the perspective of not only administrative or constitutional law, but it is also possible to find among them those that describe problems and propose solutions at the political and economic level.

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Social Justice and Old Age Pension Savings...



Richard Geffert - Denisa Rovenská

Social justice as a key value of social policy is an integral part of the social security system of every democratic and legal state of Western Civilization.The scientific monograph focuses on social justice in the old-age pension system in the Slovak Republic within diapason 2004 - 2022. The attention is dominantly focused on II., the so-calledcapitalization pension pillar.The aims of the scientific monograph correspond to the selected aims formulated as part of the project VEGA 1/0290/20 Social justice and old-age pension savings in the Slovak Republic.The main aim of the monograph is to identify the perception of social justice in the capitalization pillar of old-age pension savings through the value orientations of savers who are deciding to invest in funds II.pillar, as models created by relevant political representations in the Slovak Republic.

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Sociálna spravodlivosť a starobné dôchodkové...



Richard Geffert - Denisa Rovenská

Social justice as a key value of social policy is an integral part of the social security system of every democratic and legal state of Western Civilization.The scientific monograph focuses on social justice in the old-age pension system in the Slovak Republic within diapason 2004 - 2022. The attention is dominantly focused on II., the so-calledcapitalization pension pillar.The aims of the scientific monograph correspond to the selected aims formulated as part of the project VEGA 1/0290/20 Social justice and old-age pension savings in the Slovak Republic.The main aim of the monograph is to identify the perception of social justice in the capitalization pillar of old-age pension savings through the value orientations of savers who are deciding to invest in funds II.pillar, as models created by relevant political representations in the Slovak Republic.

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Verejná správa a spoločnosť



Michal Jesenko - Martina Kantorová - Veronika Džatková - Jana Volochová (eds.)

A peer-reviewed proceeding of contributions from the 9th international scientific conference “Public Administration and Society” which was held on September 30th, 2022 at the Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The content of the proceeding consists of the latest scientific knowledge of domestic and foreign authors conceived in thematic areas of law, sociology, economics and political science. The focus of the conference was to present the results of scientific research activities in the field of modern theory and practice of public administration, as well as the opportunities to share practical experiences, to create space for establishing and deepening cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and research institutes, public administration institutions and bodies and to exchange the experiences and knowledge by public servants.

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Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Anna Čepelová - Darina Koreňová (eds.)

The peer-reviewed non-conference proceedings entitled: "Quality of life of citizens - challenges, determinants and solutions" is one of the outputs of the VEGA project no. 1/0055/22 "The importance of smart technologies in the process of mitigating the economic and socio-psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of population.", which is being addressed at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, Department of Economics and Public Administration Management. The papers published in this proceedings support the research part of the investigators of the scientific project with their content. At the same time, they create a professional and scientific diapasone for further investigation and creation of scientific hypotheses.

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Political Systems of the BRICS States



Patrik Furik Michaela RužičkováDávid GajdoščíkPeter DubócziBarbora LinhartováLucia Grieger

The textbook entitled Political Systems of the BRICS States is published as an output of the KEGA 014UPJŠ-4/2020 Innovative Model of Education Leading to Active Citizenship as a Prevention of the Rise of Political Extremism among Students. The aim of the given publication is to present the basic principles of the political systems of the BRICS bloc states and to provide the reader with the nature and character of the bloc's functioning.

The textbook consists of an introduction and five further chapters. All sections are written in Slovak. The individual chapters focus primarily on characterizing the historical development of the BRICS states, the evolution of their constitutionalism, public administration, and on defining the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of power

The individual chapters describe the political systems of the states: Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China, and South Africa. The introductory chapter of the textbook contains the characteristics of the development and formation of the bloc, as well as information on the cooperation among the BRICS members.

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Aktuálne otázky obecnej samosprávy v Slovenskej...



Michal Jesenko - Jana Volochová - Andrea KošíkováPatrik Fajak

The methodological manual is thematically focused on the identification and analysis of key problems of self-government of "small" municipalities in selected areas. We specified the basic areas: financing of municipal competences, waste management and its financing, management of municipal waste. Subsequently, attention is paid to the creation of appropriate strategic solutions to the identified problems through a methodological manual, while maintaining the basic principles of public administration. The result of our identification and subsequent analysis of selected problems is to offer possible solutions and point out the justification of the need to solve selected problems of self-government, which can be used in practice and offer possible solutions to correct the negative situation.

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Vybrané kapitoly z verejných financií II.



Darina Koreňová

This university textbook is primarily intended for students of the Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. It can also be a relevant source of information for students of other faculties or departments with a focus on public administration, public finance, and public sector economics.The textbook can be not only a teaching material for higher education, but also as a useful tool for the professional public. Employees of state administration and local self-government, non-profit and private sector entities can use the knowledge from it in everyday practice.

The textbook is divided into seven chapters. The aim of the textbook is to clarify in a comprehensible way basic concepts such as fiscal federalism, fiscal decentralization, local government budget, its revenues, and expenditures.The textbook explains to the reader the financing of important areas of the economy, such as education, health, and transport.

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Teória a prax verejnej správy



Michal Jesenko - Jana VolochováMartina KantorováMiroslav Fečko

Collection of contributions from 8th annual conference of the international doctoral conference "Theory and Practice of Public Administration", which took place on February 17, 2023 online through Microsoft Teams under the auspices of the Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. The conference was attended by 32 doctoral students from the Slovak Republic, Ukraine, and African countries. The conference allowed the participants to present the results of their scientific research activities in the field of public administration. The conference participants were divided into 4 sections according to the topic of their contribution. In the political science section, the participants presented contributions thematically focused, for example, on the solution of green issues in the Slovak Republic or the influence of the political culture of the inhabitants of the Slovak-Ukrainian border on local and regional political processes. The social section provided a space for presenting contributions and discussing, for example, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on marginalized groups in the Slovak Republic. In the economic section, participants presented contributions from, for example, the field of waste management or the impact of employing foreigners on the economy of the Slovak Republic. The legal sections dealt with, for example, the topic of current changes in public procurement, the activities of VÚC councils or the protection of personal data of minors in the online space.

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Učtovníctvo rozpočtových organizácií



Eva Mihaliková

Predložená publikácia ponúka prierez problematikou účtovníctva a svojim obsahom je orientovaná na vedenie účtovníctva v rozpočtových organizáciách zriadených obcou a vyšším územným celkom. V úvode poukazuje na základné princípy vedenia účtovníctva a potrebu harmonizácie. Následne sa zameriava na špecifiká financovania v samosprávnych rozpočtových organizáciách a ich účtovné vyjadrenie. Ďalšie časti sú venované jednotlivým účtovým triedam, kde sa vymedzujú základné pojmy a vysvetľujú zápisy vybraných účtovných prípadov. Poslednú časť tvorí účtovná uzávierka, ktorá vymedzuje činnosti spojené s uzatváraním účtovného obdobia a poukazuje na proces zostavenia účtovnej závierky. Rozpočtové organizácie patria k subjektom verejnej správy, ktoré zostavujú iba individuálnu účtovnú závierku, ktorá ale vstupuje do konsolidovanej účtovnej závierky ich zriaďovateľa. Odvíjajúc sa od toho sú záverečné podkapitoly venované aj stručnému vysvetleniu podstaty konsolidácie, potreby auditu a spôsobu zverejňovania údajov z účtovných závierok.  

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Verejná správa a spoločnosť 2/2023 (časopis)



Michal Jesenko(výkonný redaktor)

Eva Mihalíková, Darina Koreňová(ed.)

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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Jarná škola doktorandov 2022



Peter Fedoročko (eds.)

From June 14 to June 17, 2022, the 8th annual Spring School for Doctoral Students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will take place in Liptovský Ján. The scientific program of the spring school will comprise 3 plenary lectures by leading scientific experts and 1 workshop. Doctoral students will present their research papers in two sections: 22 doctoral students of Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts, and 26 doctoral students of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science. The scientific programme of the spring school will also include a panel discussion with the management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Základy štátovedy

Availability: 50 In Stock

Ladislav Orosz

Vysokoškolská učebnica pripravená na pôde Fakulty verejnej správy UPJŠ je primárne určená ako študijná literatúra pre výučbu viacerých študijných predmetov na tejto fakulte, ale aj iných fakultách UPJŠ. Jej obsah zodpovedá porovnateľným  učebnicovým dielam vydaným ostatnom desaťročí v Slovenskej republike. Úvodné kapitoly (I Štát a II Forma štátu) sú venované vymedzeniu a obsahovej analýze základných štátovedných pojmov (štát, suverenita štátu, štátny mechanizmus, štátny orgán, forma štátu, forma vlády, forma štátneho zriadenia, štátny režim). V III kapitole označenej nadpisom Demokratický štát autor podrobne analyzuje podstatu   demokratického    štátu,   základné   formy   výkonu   moci  v demokratickom   štáte a samostatnú podkapitolu venuje volebnému právu. V podobe exkurzu autor približuje aj nedemokratické formy štátu. V nadväzujúcej IV kapitole označenej nadpisom Právny štát autor, zvýrazňujúc organickú väzbu medzi demokratickým a právnym štátom, venuje pozornosť historickému vývoju idey právneho štátu, analýze princípov právneho štátu a základom teórie konštitucionalizmu. Učebnica vyúsťuje do záverečnej kapitoly označenej nadpisom Právne postavenie jednotlivca v demokratickom právnom štáte(ľudské práva a ich ochrana).

Mandatory disclosure of information at the...



Viktória Adamov Kráľová - Peter Molitoris -Viktória FerkováFrederika Fogašová

According to the legislation, the municipality is considered as an entity that is obliged to provide information to the public by making information available upon request or by actively publishing information. The methodological manual entitled "Mandatory disclosure of information at the municipal level" defines the procedure, identified problem areas and recommendations/examples of good practice in the process of making information available upon request. The presented manual also draws attention to legal regulations and information with which municipalities come into contact most often and which, according to their wording, are required to be published.

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Ondrej Mitaľ - Eliška Župová a kol.

The textbook follows the publication "Good governance manual for future experts of public institutions". The publication complements the previous university textbook with case studies of the various principles of Good Governance. The case studies thematically copy the chapters of the university textbook and, with their unique, original and each author's own way of processing the case study, enrich the teaching of the study subject focused on the principles of Good Governance.

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Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Eva Mihaliková (ed.)

The non-conference collection of scientific works "Quality of Life of Citizens - Challenges, Determinants and Solutions III" presents the current state and possible trends in the field of improving the quality of life of citizens in the post-covid period. The published outputs focus on various aspects of life that affect the quality of life of citizens. The authors, in their articles, explore approaches to measuring the quality of life of citizens, analyze selected indicators of the quality of life, examine the determinants affecting the quality of life, highlight the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on selected aspects of the quality of life, and they explore the implementation of the Initiative to Support Youth Employment and the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

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Public Administration and Society 1/2024



Michal Jesenko (editor) - Eva MihalíkováDarina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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Understanding Digital and Green Municipalities...



Silvia Ručinská - Josef Bernhart - Franziska Cecon - George Cornel Dumitrescu (eds.)

The publication is designed as an interdisciplinary knowledge base encompassing foundations, common themes, and challenges relevant to local governance, digitalization at the municipal level, and green transformation topics. The primary target groups for this publication are teachers and researchers, university students in public administration, political science, and related fields, as well as professionals already working in local government bodies. Experts from various universities and research institutions contribute to enriching scientific discussions through this publication, addressing urgent and relevant issues concerning digital and green transformation with a focus on municipal governance.

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Digitale und grüne Gemeinden und Städte verstehen



Franziska Cecon - Belinda Hanner - Dominik Prüller (eds.)

Publikácia je koncipovaná ako interdisciplinárna vedomostná báza zahŕňajúca východiská, spoločné témy a výzvy relevantné pre komunálnu politiku, digitalizáciu na úrovni obcí a miest a témy zelenej transformácie. Hlavnými cieľovými skupinami tejto publikácie sú učitelia a vedeckí pracovníci, študenti vysokých škôl verejnej správy, politických vied a príbuzných odborov a odborníci už pôsobiaci v orgánoch samosprávy obcí alebo miest. Odborníci z rôznych univerzít a výskumných inštitúcií v unikátnom medzinárodnom konzorciu obohacujú vďaka publikácii vedeckú diskusiu, ako aj diskusiu o najnaliehavejších a najrelevantnejších témach týkajúcich sa digitálnej a zelenej transformácie s dôrazom na komunálnu úroveň spravovania.

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Alla scoperta di conce digitali e verdi per...



Josef Bernhart - Peter Decarli - Davide Maffei (eds.)

Publikácia je koncipovaná ako interdisciplinárna vedomostná báza zahŕňajúca východiská, spoločné témy a výzvy relevantné pre komunálnu politiku, digitalizáciu na úrovni obcí a miest a témy zelenej transformácie. Hlavnými cieľovými skupinami tejto publikácie sú učitelia a vedeckí pracovníci, študenti vysokých škôl verejnej správy, politických vied a príbuzných odborov a odborníci už pôsobiaci v orgánoch samosprávy obcí alebo miest. Odborníci z rôznych univerzít a výskumných inštitúcií v unikátnom medzinárodnom konzorciu obohacujú vďaka publikácii vedeckú diskusiu, ako aj diskusiu o najnaliehavejších a najrelevantnejších témach týkajúcich sa digitálnej a zelenej transformácie s dôrazom na komunálnu úroveň spravovania.

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O perspectivă asupra municipalităților și...



Simona Moagăr-Poladian - Andreea Emanuela Drăgoi - George Cornel Dumitrescu (eds.)

Publikácia je koncipovaná ako interdisciplinárna vedomostná báza zahŕňajúca východiská, spoločné témy a výzvy relevantné pre komunálnu politiku, digitalizáciu na úrovni obcí a miest a témy zelenej transformácie. Hlavnými cieľovými skupinami tejto publikácie sú učitelia a vedeckí pracovníci, študenti vysokých škôl verejnej správy, politických vied a príbuzných odborov a odborníci už pôsobiaci v orgánoch samosprávy obcí alebo miest. Odborníci z rôznych univerzít a výskumných inštitúcií v unikátnom medzinárodnom konzorciu obohacujú vďaka publikácii vedeckú diskusiu, ako aj diskusiu o najnaliehavejších a najrelevantnejších témach týkajúcich sa digitálnej a zelenej transformácie s dôrazom na komunálnu úroveň spravovania.

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Digitálne a zelené obce a mestá v skratke



Silvia Ručinská - Miroslav Fečko - Ondrej Mitaľ (eds.)

Publikácia je koncipovaná ako interdisciplinárna vedomostná báza zahŕňajúca východiská, spoločné témy a výzvy relevantné pre komunálnu politiku, digitalizáciu na úrovni obcí a miest a témy zelenej transformácie. Hlavnými cieľovými skupinami tejto publikácie sú učitelia a vedeckí pracovníci, študenti vysokých škôl verejnej správy, politických vied a príbuzných odborov a odborníci už pôsobiaci v orgánoch samosprávy obcí alebo miest. Odborníci z rôznych univerzít a výskumných inštitúcií v unikátnom medzinárodnom konzorciu obohacujú vďaka publikácii vedeckú diskusiu, ako aj diskusiu o najnaliehavejších a najrelevantnejších témach týkajúcich sa digitálnej a zelenej transformácie s dôrazom na komunálnu úroveň spravovania.

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Theory of Public Administration


Stanislav Konečný

This university textbook is the most extensive publication on the theory of public administration in Slovakia to date. In the introductory chapters, after clarifying the basic relations with other sciences, it gives an overview of what all the authors from Plato to today have dealt with, examining the subject from philosophical, theological, legal, economic, organizational, managerial, psychological, sociological and political science perspectives, and on the basis of which it is possible to formulate a demand for public administration to become legitimate, costeffective, flexible, comprehensible, open, participatory and democratic, and for its theory to be truly interdisciplinary. In the chapter on the actors of public administration, attention is paid not only to the state administration at all levels, but also to local, special interest and special interest selfgovernments, other public corporations and institutions and other actors of public administration, but also, in a framework, to providers of public services. The final chapter is devoted to public administration transformations and reforms. All the chapters are based on a rich factual literature, both domestic and foreign. The publication is supplemented by a list of references, containing more than 500 titles by domestic but mainly foreign authors. In this way, the textbook can be a welcome source of information and suggestions for the wider professional public.

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Dejiny verejnej správy



Stanislav Konečný – Ivan Halász

Vysokoškolská učebnica Dejiny verejnej správy je svojou koncepciou i rozsahom doposiaľ najvýznamnejším a unikátnym textom tohto zamerania, publikovaným na Slovensku. Je zameraná na vývoj spravovania od antiky takmer až po súčasnosť. Venuje sa takým jednotlivým etapám, ako bola správa patrimoniálna, stavovská, absolutistická, napoleonská, konštitučná, totalitná a sovietska až po demokratickú, pričom si všíma nielen organizáciu správy a spravovania na centrálnej úrovni, ale aj na regionálnej a miestnej. Vývoj verejnej správy vníma v súvislostiach vývoja právnych, ekonomických, sociálnych i politických systémov. Aj keď takmer každá kapitola vyúsťuje do charakteristík vývoja verejnej správy v danej etape na území Slovenska, vždy je rámcovaná všeobecnými charakteristikami európskeho vývoja ako aj vývoja v niektorých ďalších relevantných krajinách. Publikácia má dobre usporiadanú a prehľadnú štruktúru, je písaná prístupným štýlom a jazykom, takže môže nájsť svojich čitateľov okrem vysokoškolských študentov aj v radoch širokej odbornej ale aj laickej verejnosti.

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