Manuál dobrého spravovania pre budúcich expertov verejných inštitúcií


Ondrej MitaľDenisa RovenskáEliška Župová  a kol.

The University Textbook is the first one of two publications prepared for the newly created study subject "Competencies of Capacities in Public Institutions ", implemented within the activity "Cooperation of Public Institutions in Youth's Education" of the project "Future of Public Administration" (FoPA), which is implemented in the Good Governance and Cross-Border Cooperation program, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic. However, the consistent implementation of the concept of Good Governance requires an in-depth understanding of the aspects that are associated in practice with the application of individual principles of Good Governance. The presented university textbook "Good Governance manual for Future Experts in Public Institutions" has ambition in fulfilling the 12 principles of Good Governance.

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Data sheet

E-kniha (pdf)
Ondrej Mitaľ - Denisa Rovenská - Eliška Župová
Veronika Džatková - Michal Jesenko - Martina Kantorová - Rastislav Král - Katarína Miňová - Lucia Rožová - Jana Volochová - Eva Výrostová
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Fakulta UPJŠ:
Fakulta verejnej správy
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Teórie správy, riadenia a byrokracie
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Teórie správy, riadenia a byrokracie

€11.57 €5.79 -50%
Availability: 43 In Stock

Bohuslava Mihalčová a kol.

Učebnica definuje rozdiely medzi správou a riadením, charakterizuje pojem byrokracia a pohľady na ňu. Ďalej podrobne rozoberá jednotlivé teórie týkajúce sa správy a riadenia, charakterizuje medzinárodný pohľad uplatňujúci sa aj vo verejnej správe a popisuje teórie financovania verejnej správy.


Alla scoperta di conce digitali e verdi per...



Josef Bernhart - Peter Decarli - Davide Maffei (eds.)

Publikácia je koncipovaná ako interdisciplinárna vedomostná báza zahŕňajúca východiská, spoločné témy a výzvy relevantné pre komunálnu politiku, digitalizáciu na úrovni obcí a miest a témy zelenej transformácie. Hlavnými cieľovými skupinami tejto publikácie sú učitelia a vedeckí pracovníci, študenti vysokých škôl verejnej správy, politických vied a príbuzných odborov a odborníci už pôsobiaci v orgánoch samosprávy obcí alebo miest. Odborníci z rôznych univerzít a výskumných inštitúcií v unikátnom medzinárodnom konzorciu obohacujú vďaka publikácii vedeckú diskusiu, ako aj diskusiu o najnaliehavejších a najrelevantnejších témach týkajúcich sa digitálnej a zelenej transformácie s dôrazom na komunálnu úroveň spravovania.

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Digitale und grüne Gemeinden und Städte verstehen



Franziska Cecon - Belinda Hanner - Dominik Prüller (eds.)

Publikácia je koncipovaná ako interdisciplinárna vedomostná báza zahŕňajúca východiská, spoločné témy a výzvy relevantné pre komunálnu politiku, digitalizáciu na úrovni obcí a miest a témy zelenej transformácie. Hlavnými cieľovými skupinami tejto publikácie sú učitelia a vedeckí pracovníci, študenti vysokých škôl verejnej správy, politických vied a príbuzných odborov a odborníci už pôsobiaci v orgánoch samosprávy obcí alebo miest. Odborníci z rôznych univerzít a výskumných inštitúcií v unikátnom medzinárodnom konzorciu obohacujú vďaka publikácii vedeckú diskusiu, ako aj diskusiu o najnaliehavejších a najrelevantnejších témach týkajúcich sa digitálnej a zelenej transformácie s dôrazom na komunálnu úroveň spravovania.

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Public Administration and Society 1/2023



Michal Jesenko (science editor)  Eva Mihalíková • Darina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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Vybrané kapitoly z verejných financií II.



Darina Koreňová

This university textbook is primarily intended for students of the Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. It can also be a relevant source of information for students of other faculties or departments with a focus on public administration, public finance, and public sector economics.The textbook can be not only a teaching material for higher education, but also as a useful tool for the professional public. Employees of state administration and local self-government, non-profit and private sector entities can use the knowledge from it in everyday practice.

The textbook is divided into seven chapters. The aim of the textbook is to clarify in a comprehensible way basic concepts such as fiscal federalism, fiscal decentralization, local government budget, its revenues, and expenditures.The textbook explains to the reader the financing of important areas of the economy, such as education, health, and transport.

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Teória a prax verejnej správy


Milan DoušaTatiana GmitrováOskar TóthMatúš Vyrostko (eds.)

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z 5. ročníka vedeckej konferencie doktorandov 6. február 2020

Dynamicky se vyvíjecící současná společnost vytváří v občanech očekávání a požadavky, aby verejná správa byla efektivní, spolehlivá, otevřená, profesionální a rychlá. Nové teorie poznatků v souvislosti s neustálými změnami však musí obsahovat i praktické uplatnění a promítnutí těchto charakteristik v systému veřejné správy v praxi. Právě z toho důvodu je důležité věnovat pozornost novým přístupům z teoretického i praktického pohledu k uplatňování moderní veřejné správy v podmínkách krajin V4. Vzhledem ke skutečnosti, že veřejná správa je interdisciplinární vědní disciplína, která využívá poznatky z široké škály vědních odborů a na základě toho umožňuje komplexně přistupovat k řešení problémů moderní veřejné správy, je recenzovaný sborník příspěvků z vědecké konference doktorandů rozdělen do třech sekcí: sociálno-ekonomické, politologické, právní. Sekce erudovaně reagují na současné problémy veřejné správy z teoretického i praktického hlediska.

PhDr. Milan Douša
Předseda organizačního výboru

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Development of professional competencies


Denisa Rovenská

The textbook focuses on development of professional competencies and analyzes fields such as communication, leadership, goal setting, decision making, time management, teamwork, conflict and conflict strategies and stress management. Particular chapters offer a summary of information needed to build a theoretical framework of the competencies along with various tasks or activities that should motivate to transform gained knowledge to practical level. The professional competencies need to be developed and maintain in practical level, because this is the only way how to spread potential of knowledge and become truly competent in professional and private life, as well.

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Kvalita života občanov - výzvy, determinanty a...



Eva Mihaliková (ed.)

The non-conference collection of scientific works "Quality of Life of Citizens - Challenges, Determinants and Solutions III" presents the current state and possible trends in the field of improving the quality of life of citizens in the post-covid period. The published outputs focus on various aspects of life that affect the quality of life of citizens. The authors, in their articles, explore approaches to measuring the quality of life of citizens, analyze selected indicators of the quality of life, examine the determinants affecting the quality of life, highlight the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on selected aspects of the quality of life, and they explore the implementation of the Initiative to Support Youth Employment and the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

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Vybrané kapitoly z marketingu služieb a teritoriálneho marketingu
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Vybrané kapitoly z marketingu služieb a...

€22.08 €11.04 -50%
Availability: 27 In Stock

Peter ČisárikZuzana Hrabovská 

Marketing bol donedávna spájaný s koncepciou ziskovosti a konkurencieschopnosti. V posledných rokoch sa však uplatňuje aj v organizáciách, ktoré nedosahujú zisk, ako napr. kultúrne a vzdelávacie inštitúcie, politické strany, dobrovoľné alebo charitatívne organizácie, ale aj pri propagovaní ľudí a ich názorov, udalostí a miest. Dôvodom je predovšetkým tlak na efektívnejšie využívanie verejných zdrojov, ako aj narastajúca konkurencia. Koncepcia marketingu územia ovplyvňuje tak názory na miesto pobytu, priemyselné a obchodné zóny, územie, cestovný ruch a územný imidž. Predložený vysokoškolský učebný text, slúži ako študijný materiál ponúkajúci základy marketingu aplikovaného pre oblasť služieb a pre oblasť teritória: je určený predovšetkým pre študentov voliteľných predmetov na Fakulte verejnej správy.


Public Administration as a Provider of Public...


Utilising Foreign Experience for Reforms in the Slovak Republic

Stanislav Konečný

The topic of our research task of the same name VEGA 1/0757/17 was based on the question – and was likewise defined in its approved project – how public administration as one of the providers of public services can act as efficiently as possible in favour of making these services available from the aspect (place of permanent residence) of the citizen. This can be done with a certain optimality in the structure of public administration, primarily at the local, but also at the supra-local, e.g. regional, level. If, for example, the settlement structure is too disintegrated, or conversely the regional structure is too aggregated (or even too fragmented), various alternative solutions must be sought that are rational and optimal for satisfying citizens and that will not waste public resources. In this, it is also questionable how the system of state administration authorities and local government authorities is reflected in this structure (in the case of known differences in their operation in both these regimes, or in a regime of delegated performance of state administration), including the conditions of funding these services as public services.

This level of the issue relates not just to competences in the field of social assistance, as sometimes emphasised in Slovakia, but relates to all competences that the state delegates to local government. The delegation of competences means not just the amendment of a law, but also creating conditions for its efficient application for which it is necessary that municipalities or regions perform delegated competences for a certain territory (e.g. for an appropriate number of inhabitants) (Bodnárová - Džambazovič 2011, pp. 20-21), or as M. Jílek (2008, p. 39) writes “an optimal number of citizens of a territorial self-government authority for a given quantity of goods provided will be determined by the maximum positive difference between total utility from consumption per person and total costs for providing the goods per person”. The requirement that municipalities and regions have available a public services infrastructure (Dušek 2016) must thus be confronted with certain capacity possibilities and efficiently and appropriately assessed by the need for various public services in relation to the territorial unit for which the infrastructure is to provide these services.

In terms of economic decentralisation, or fiscal federalism, this concerns the wellknown Oates decentralisation theorem, according to which any public service should be provided by a unit governing the smallest possible geographical area in which the costs and utility of the provided service can be internalised (Oates 1999), whereby the author very clearly highlighted the efficiency limits of decentralisation. This was something that was largely disregarded in Slovakia and surrounding countries at the start of the 1990s, with political arguments dominating (to bring the exercise of public power closer to the citizen).

It would thus be possible by means of economic modelling to determine normatively the most suitable size of units for each kind of public service, assuming that for various public services we would arrive at different sizes of these units for different public services – in the end some optimising compromise would still have to be found in order for there to be a meaningful, but in particular, realistic and applicable structure of these units in practice. We chose a different, non-normative approach, an empirical and analytical approach, characteristic (together with a comparison method) for public policy theory. It is based in general on the fact that we compared actually existing units operating as public service providers in various countries, and in this comparison we attempted to identify the limits of their efficient functionality. The benefit of this approach, in contrast to the previous normative approach, is that the solution offered is tangibly available in existing practice and is not simply a theoretical (calculated) concept.

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Ústavné právo Európskej únie

Availability: 2 In Stock

Tomáš Alman

Vysokoškolské učebné texty sú adresne koncipované pre študentov Fakulty verejnej správy Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach v rámci výučby vybraných predmetov čomu zodpovedajú a sú prispôsobené ich obsahové zameranie, štruktúra a metodika výučby. Ambíciou vysokoškolských učebných textov v tomto smere nie je poskytnúť detailný  a vyčerpávajúci výklad problematiky ústavného práva Európskej únie v celej svojej komplexnosti, ale prednostne oboznámiť študentov o právnych aspektoch európskeho integračného procesu, existencii a pôsobení Európskej únie vo vybraných oblastiach. Študenti získajú základný obraz o právnom systéme Európskej únie, spôsobe jeho tvorby ako aj o hlavných inštitúciách a orgánoch Európskej únie, prostredníctvom ktorých Európska únia vykonáva svoje právomoci.

Teória a prax verejnej správy (2022)



Michal JesenkoRastislav Král (eds.)

Peer-reviewed proceedings of contributions from the 7th year of the international scientific conference for doctoral students, February 11, 2022 The work titled "Theory and Practice of Public Administration. Peer-reviewed proceedings of contributions from the 7th year of the international scientific conference for doctoral students held on February 11, 2022" is a comprehensive output of 29 contributions presented at the international scientific conference, which took place online on February 11, 2022. The conference is a traditional activity that is annually organized by the Faculty of Public Administration, P.J. Šafárik University in Košice. It is primarily intended for doctoral students and young researchers to facilitate open discussion, exchange of views, and mutual confrontation of the results of creative scientific activities. This includes not only colleagues from Slovakia but also participants from abroad. The peer-reviewed articles provide, on one hand, a multidisciplinary perspective on the theoretical definition of public administration in the context of a functioning legal state. On the other hand, they also highlight practical aspects of public administration in everyday societal life. The contributions analyze the issues from the perspective of legal, economic, sociological, and political sciences.

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Sociálnoprávna ochrana detí a rodiny v...


Magdaléna HovanováDušan Šlosár

The monograph deals with the issue of social protection of the family, where the basis is a view of the family as a natural part of human and social life. The starting point is provided by the institutes that create and structure it, influence its value orientation, the development of social relations within the family, but also relations to the social environment. In broader contexts, the monographic treatment of social protection provides the results of transdisciplinary knowledge. It deals with the work of helping professionals with functional and non-functional families and families with special needs. It offers problem solving through tailored methods, techniques, procedures and measures used by various helping professions in the field of social protection and social guardianship.

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