Teória a prax verejnej správy (2022)


Michal JesenkoRastislav Král (eds.)

Peer-reviewed proceedings of contributions from the 7th year of the international scientific conference for doctoral students, February 11, 2022 The work titled "Theory and Practice of Public Administration. Peer-reviewed proceedings of contributions from the 7th year of the international scientific conference for doctoral students held on February 11, 2022" is a comprehensive output of 29 contributions presented at the international scientific conference, which took place online on February 11, 2022. The conference is a traditional activity that is annually organized by the Faculty of Public Administration, P.J. Šafárik University in Košice. It is primarily intended for doctoral students and young researchers to facilitate open discussion, exchange of views, and mutual confrontation of the results of creative scientific activities.

This includes not only colleagues from Slovakia but also participants from abroad. The peer-reviewed articles provide, on one hand, a multidisciplinary perspective on the theoretical definition of public administration in the context of a functioning legal state. On the other hand, they also highlight practical aspects of public administration in everyday societal life. The contributions analyze the issues from the perspective of legal, economic, sociological, and political sciences.

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Data sheet

Method of publication:
E-book (pdf)
Michal Jesenko - Rastislav Král
Document type:
Number of pages:
Available from:
Year of publication:
1st edition
Publication language:
Faculty of Public Administration
- Free for download

16 other products in the same category:

Jarná škola doktorandov 2022



Peter Fedoročko (eds.)

From June 14 to June 17, 2022, the 8th annual Spring School for Doctoral Students at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice will take place in Liptovský Ján. The scientific program of the spring school will comprise 3 plenary lectures by leading scientific experts and 1 workshop. Doctoral students will present their research papers in two sections: 22 doctoral students of Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts, and 26 doctoral students of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science. The scientific programme of the spring school will also include a panel discussion with the management of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

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Human Resources Management



Gabriela Kravčáková

Publication of Human Resources Management is draw up as a university textbook designed especially for students of field of Public Administration. The intention of the authors was to develop the problem areas of personal management comprehensively. Texts were made on the basis of current theoretical knowledge in the field of human resources, research results, as well as monitoring of practice. The text provides theoretical knowledge so that the reader could learn basic terminology, the organization and the role of human resources management, personal functions and understand that the theoretical and application-level knew used the method personal management. University Textbooks are 9 separate chapters focusing on individual personal actions (personal planning, design and redesign of job, acquisition candidates to occupy the job and work for the organization, selection of candidates, employee evaluation, employee mobility, compensation of employees) and contribution of human resource management to the success of the organization. Each chapter contains a task-oriented organization of public administration, the situation applied in practice and questions for repeats. University Textbooks may serve not only as a teaching material for higher education, but also as a useful tool for the professional public.

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Teória ústavy a ústavné systémy demokratických...

Availability: 1 In Stock

Ladislav Orosz

Vysokoškolská učebnica pripravená pre štúdium verejnoprávnych disciplín na Fakulte verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach, ktorá je využiteľná ako študijná literatúra aj pre študentov právnických fakúlt a politológie. V prvej časti učebnice je predmetom výkladu a analýzy teória ústavy. Autor kladie v tejto časti osobitný zreteľ  na dynamicky sa rozvíjajúce časti ústavnej teórie, ku ktorým patrí najmä problematika materiálneho jadra ústavy a súdna kontrola ústavnosti. Druhá časť učebnice má komparatívny charakter. Autor v nej analyzuje genézu a rozbor súčasného stavu ústavných modelov tradičných demokracií (USA,  Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska, Francúzska a SRN), ako štátov zoskupenia V4 (Poľská republika, Maďarsko, Česká republika, Slovenská republika).

Manažment ľudských zdrojov



Gabriela KravčákováDominika Bernátová

The textbook addresses the issue of Human resource management and is intended for students and professionals. The purpose of the textbook is to present current knowledge about human resource management, a description of personnel processes and characteristics of personnel work methods so that the student can apply them in practice.

Text also focuses on personnel practice in state government institutions. The textbook contains ten chapters. The introductory part deals with the theoretical background and the contribution of human resource management to the organisation's success. Subsequently, individual personnel processes are processed. Attention is also paid to the use of modern technologies and artificial intelligence in personnel processes.

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Aktuálne otázky obecnej samosprávy v Slovenskej...



Michal Jesenko - Jana Volochová - Andrea KošíkováPatrik Fajak

The methodological manual is thematically focused on the identification and analysis of key problems of self-government of "small" municipalities in selected areas. We specified the basic areas: financing of municipal competences, waste management and its financing, management of municipal waste. Subsequently, attention is paid to the creation of appropriate strategic solutions to the identified problems through a methodological manual, while maintaining the basic principles of public administration. The result of our identification and subsequent analysis of selected problems is to offer possible solutions and point out the justification of the need to solve selected problems of self-government, which can be used in practice and offer possible solutions to correct the negative situation.

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Social Justice and Old Age Pension Savings...



Richard Geffert - Denisa Rovenská

Social justice as a key value of social policy is an integral part of the social security system of every democratic and legal state of Western Civilization.The scientific monograph focuses on social justice in the old-age pension system in the Slovak Republic within diapason 2004 - 2022. The attention is dominantly focused on II., the so-calledcapitalization pension pillar.The aims of the scientific monograph correspond to the selected aims formulated as part of the project VEGA 1/0290/20 Social justice and old-age pension savings in the Slovak Republic.The main aim of the monograph is to identify the perception of social justice in the capitalization pillar of old-age pension savings through the value orientations of savers who are deciding to invest in funds II.pillar, as models created by relevant political representations in the Slovak Republic.

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Theory of Public Administration


Stanislav Konečný

This university textbook is the most extensive publication on the theory of public administration in Slovakia to date. In the introductory chapters, after clarifying the basic relations with other sciences, it gives an overview of what all the authors from Plato to today have dealt with, examining the subject from philosophical, theological, legal, economic, organizational, managerial, psychological, sociological and political science perspectives, and on the basis of which it is possible to formulate a demand for public administration to become legitimate, costeffective, flexible, comprehensible, open, participatory and democratic, and for its theory to be truly interdisciplinary. In the chapter on the actors of public administration, attention is paid not only to the state administration at all levels, but also to local, special interest and special interest selfgovernments, other public corporations and institutions and other actors of public administration, but also, in a framework, to providers of public services. The final chapter is devoted to public administration transformations and reforms. All the chapters are based on a rich factual literature, both domestic and foreign. The publication is supplemented by a list of references, containing more than 500 titles by domestic but mainly foreign authors. In this way, the textbook can be a welcome source of information and suggestions for the wider professional public.

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Sociálne kompetentnosti starostov obcí na...


Eliška Župová

Monografia je zameraná na problematiku sociálnej (interpersonálnej) kompetentnosti u starostov obcí na Slovensku. Vysoká miera zvládania interpersonálnych kompetentností starostom obce je dôležitá k dosiahnutiu sociálneho správania. Výskumom bola zisťovaná miera zvládania vybraných interpersonálnych kompetentností u starostov obcí na Slovensku. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 787 starostov zo všetkých oslovených 2753 starostov obcí na Slovensku. Na získanie empirických dát bol použitý Dotazník interpersonálnej kompetentnosti starostov obcí (DIKSO). Zistená bola vysoká miera zvládania interpersonálnych kompetentností u starostov obcí.

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Anna Čepelová  - Tomáš Alman (eds.)

A peer-reviewed collection of contributions from the 6th year of the international scientific conference for doctoral students, which took place on March 19, 2021 (online via MS Teams).

Doctoral studies, as the highest level of higher education, prepare students interested in further education to acquire new knowledge and creatively apply it in their future scientific work. Students of doctoral studies actively participate in obtaining new, original scientific results and thus contribute to the development of scientific knowledge in their field.

Doctoral studies play a crucial role in educating top experts. From this perspective, we consider it essential to emphasize creativity and originality in research work, the development of critical thinking, the ability to discuss specific professional problems in broader contexts, and the ability to present achieved results. The Faculty of Public Administration at P.J. Šafárik University in Košice also created space for such professional discussions and presentations of achieved results by organizing the 6th annual scientific conference "Theory and Practice of Public Administration," which took place on March 19, 2021. Public administration is an integral part of every democratic state, influencing each of our lives; therefore, discussing its current issues and familiarizing ourselves with new solutions is necessary. The scientific conference was attended by 33 participants from the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and Slovakia. The contributions presented focused on current public administration issues from legal, economic, social, and political perspectives.

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Verejná správa v súčasnom demokratickom a...


Igor Palúš • Ondrej Mitaľ • Vladimíra Žofčinová

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie organizovanej pri príležitosti 20. výročia vzniku Fakulty verejnej správy Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach konanej dňa 15. novembra 2018 v Košiciach.

Dňa 15. novembra 2018 sa v priestoroch Fakulty verejnej správy Univerzity P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach konala medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „Verejná správa v súčasnom demokratickom a právnom štáte“. Vedeckým podujatím, ktorého sa zúčastnilo viac ako 60 odborníkov z domácich i zahraničných vysokých škôl a fakúlt, ale aj predstaviteľov rôznych inštitúcií z prostredia verejnej správy, si Fakulta verejnej správy pripomenula 20. výročie svojho vzniku. Prvá časť konferencie prebiehala v rámci plenárneho zasadnutia, druhá pokračovala rokovaním v štyroch sekciách, ktorých názvy sa zhodujú s prioritnou vedeckou orientáciou jednotlivých katedier fakulty. Na plenárnom zasadnutí, ako aj v odborných sekciách odznelo veľa obsahovo kvalitných a podnetných vystúpení, ktoré nesporne prispejú k ďalšiemu rozvíjaniu teórie verejnej správy – všeobecne, a k rozvíjaniu čiastkových vedeckých tém riešených katedrami fakulty – zvlášť. Vedeckú konferenciu sprevádzal pracovný charakter, kultivované vedecké a odborné prostredie, v jeho rámci nespočetné diskusie účastníkov viažuce sa k aktuálnym otázkam a problémom verejnej správy, ale aj formulovaniu návrhov na ďalšiu možnú spoluprácu v oblasti vedy a vzdelania. Fakulta vydáva z vedeckej konferencie recenzovaný vedecký zborník, ktorý bude mať dve časti, vzhľadom na veľký počet aktívnych účastníkov. V prvej časti sú zahrnuté tri vystúpenia z plenárneho zasadnutia korešpondujúce s obsahom príspevkov, ktoré odzneli v rámci rokovania sekcií garantovaných Katedrou verejnej politiky a teórie verejnej správy a Katedrou verejnoprávnych disciplín. V druhej časti sú dve vystúpenia z plenárneho zasadnutia, ktoré obsahovo súvisia s rokovaním sekcií garantovaných Katedrou sociálnych vied a Katedrou ekonomiky a riadenia verejnej správy. Poďakovanie patrí všetkým aktívnym účastníkom vedeckej konferencie, ale aj tým, ktorí sa na jej príprave a priebehu organizačne podieľali.

prof. JUDr. Igor Palúš, CSc.
predseda organizačného výboru

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Public Administration and Society 1/2023



Michal Jesenko (science editor)  Eva Mihalíková • Darina Koreňová

Public Administration and Society is a scientific journal publishing scientific academic articles, contributions to discussion and reviews having the content orientation on the theory and practice of Public Administration. The mission of the Journal is to publish significant results of the scientific scholarly researches regarding the area of public administration and related disciplines which are connected with the study profile and scientific bias of our Faculty. The Scientific Journal is issued in electronic version.

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Byrokracia verzus vedomostná organizácia v...



Denisa RovenskáEliška Župová (eds.)

Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Held on November 14, 2019

The presented publication contains contributions oriented towards the environment of public administration organizations, which were presented by the authors in the form of lectures. The contributions focused on the issue of bureaucratic rules applied in various organizational and political processes and on the issue of knowledge organization from different perspectives. The information discussed during the scientific conference contributed to emphasizing the need to address this issue primarily from an interdisciplinary framework. It is precisely the integration of diverse knowledge and experiences from many scientific disciplines that ensures the comprehensiveness of understanding the researched topic in both its breadth and depth.

We would like to express sincere gratitude to the entire scientific committee and all reviewers for their time and willingness to participate in the creation and improvement of this publication.

We are honored to offer readers a collection whose content is interesting and informationally rich, and we also hope that it will inspire further research and create an environment for future stimulating discussions.

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Teória a prax verejnej správy



Veronika Šafárová (ed.)

Recenzovaný zborník príspevkov z 2. ročníka vedeckej konferencie doktorandov, 15. február 2017

Obsah zborníka tvoria príspevky účastníkov 2. ročníka vedeckej konferencie doktorandov, ktorá sa konala na pôde Fakulty verejnej správy UPJŠ v Košiciach. Celkovo zahŕňa 21 príspevkov, ktoré sú podľa ich obsahového zamerania rozdelené do politologickej, právnej a sociálno-ekonomickej sekcie. Účastníci konferencie predstavili príspevky zamerané na teoretické a praktické aspekty verejnej správy. Zahrnuli do nich mnoho dôležitých postrehov, názorov, skúseností a poznatkov. Všetky publikované príspevky zároveň poskytujú priestor pre hlbšiu kvalifikovanú diskusiu.

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Hodnota duševnej práce pre organizáciu a...



Taťjana Búgelová - Gabriela Kravčáková (eds.)

Nekonferenčný zborník vedeckých prác nazvaný Hodnota duševnej práce pre organizáciu a spoločnosť je výstupom výskumného grantu VEGA č. 1/0865/08 s názvom Determinanty, kritériá a hodnotenie duševnej práce. Zborník prezentuje výsledky výskumu, teoretických poznatkov a skúseností z praxe zameraných na problematiku hodnoty práce a hodnoty ľudského kapitálu. Vedecké práce sú tematicky zamerané na hodnotu práce a rozvoj ľudského kapitálu, na rolu a úlohu aktérov participujúcich na tvorbe ľudského kapitálu a jeho hodnote, na procesy determinujúce hodnotu ľudského kapitálu, na jednotlivca v procese práce, na spoločenské a organizačné normy a pravidlá determinujúce hodnotu práce a tiež na možnosti merania a oceňovania hodnoty práce a ľudského kapitálu.

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Sociologické aspekty verejnej správy



Eliška Župová

University textbooks are dedicated to the theoretical issues of sociological aspects for the needs of students in the study program of public administration and the study program of European public administration.

The publication's first chapter focuses on the attention of sociology from the perspective of its subject and its relationship to other scientific disciplines. The second part consists of chapters two to five and is dedicated to the history of sociology and the most significant figures in sociology from its inception to the present, as well as the developmental directions of classical and contemporary sociology. The third area addresses systematic sociology.

From a range of sociological topics, paradigms, and problems, this part of the publication is structured to provide students with fundamental knowledge from selected sociological aspects for their studies.

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